Chapter 1638

“First of all, let’s introduce the existence of [Beast] to Rin children who don’t have basic knowledge yet.”

I used illusion to create a projection screen, and also made myself a pair of glasses and a pointer by the way. Merlin tapped it lightly, and the image of Sumi Ling palm Eros Tenma Bodhisattva and Uranus Temple Sakura slowly appeared on the screen.

“The beast is also known as the beast of original sin. It is a general term for the seven disasters rejected by human history and the seven disasters that endanger mankind. They were born in human civilization and have become stronger and stronger with the development of mankind. However, it will destroy all human history, society, and civilization from within.”

“It can be said that the beasts are the cancer cells of the human group and the silt of human history. They are called human evils because they are evils destroyed by humans, evils destroyed by humans, not humans. evil.”

“If the final decisive battle magic: the summoning of heroic spirits is called the safety protection device of human beings. Then the’human evil’ is the self-destructive mechanism of human beings.”

“Although from the result point of view, all beasts will destroy mankind. But the starting point of this action is not hostility, but out of love for mankind.”

“‘Human evil’ is essentially’human love’.”

“Believe this, you have already felt it deeply in the little girl Sakura. After all, there is no beast that is closer to my explanation than she represents the’Eros’ Theory.'”

“The beast loves mankind deeply, wants to protect mankind, guards humanity, and wants a better future, so it destroys the current peace.”

Merlin said with a smile: “Does it sound contradictory? Because of love for humans, in order to protect humans, so we must destroy humans. But in fact, there is no conflict between the two.”

“Everything has two sides, a good side and a bad side.”

“Just like the’nuclear’ developed by mankind, it can become the ultimate weapon of destruction, and it can also solve the energy crisis. The key is the difference in opinions and the different starting points.”

“The salvation of mankind in our mouth is the result of our rationality and human nature. However, the relief method derived from’human evil’ is not derived from human rationality, but human animality.”

“That’s why we call it a beast.”

“So the real meaning of’human evil’ is not’evil that destroys mankind’, but’evil that man destroys’. Humans must defeat him and surmount him. Otherwise, mankind will usher in relief guided by animality.”

“From the perspective of my non-human dream demon, whether it is the ending of humanity, the humanity-guided ending, or the beast-guided relief, it is only a human choice. It is just that I am partial to the former, so I will help. .”

“About the knowledge of the beast, let’s first introduce it here, and then, let’s enter the real theme. How the existence named Uranus Temple Sakura became Beast III who holds the principle of [Eros].”

“First of all, I don’t know if you still remember the magical attributes of Little Sakura.”

“Little Sakura’s…magic attributes?”

“How could I forget it?” After a moment of silence, Rin said calmly: “Little Sakura’s magic attribute is an imaginary number.”


With a light snap of his fingers, Merlin smiled and said: “This attribute is extremely rare and extremely rare among magicians. If there is no professional knowledge, it is difficult for this attribute to bear fruit.”

“But, because of the slave contract between Jr. Sakura and Xie Ming in the Fourth Holy Grail War, she got the ‘chance’ to gain knowledge of imaginary numbers.”

“Because of the contract with…my?” Xie Ming was taken aback for a moment: “Why?”

“Have you forgotten? Xie Ming.”

Mei Lin smiled and said: “Part of the memory of the slave will flow into the master’s mind through the contract, and show it to the master in the form of a dream.””…… Such a coincidence?”

“It’s just such a coincidence.” Merlin continued: “One of the application directions of imaginary number magic is time and space. Little Sakura opened a magic circuit because of the contract with Xie Ming, and through the memory of the contract, he obtained Xie Ming’s partial space recognition. Knowledge.”

“Therefore, she has a connection with someone in the sea of ​​imaginary numbers.”

“The Sea of ​​Imaginary Numbers…Isn’t it…”


“What a coincidence?”

“Isn’t there an old saying among human beings that it is impossible to make a book without coincidence.”

“What dumb riddle are you two playing?” Rin frowned and said, “Can you communicate in sentences that we can understand?”

“Hahaha, sorry sorry.”

Merlin smiled and said, “Simply put, little Sakura and Tiamat have made contact.”


“Tiamat.” Merlin explained: “The creation god in Mesopotamian mythology, the mother of all things in the world. Beast II who holds the principle of [return], Tiamat.”


“In the distant gods, Tiamat created the world, created the gods, established the earth’s ecosystem and stable environment. It can be said that she is the mother of everything that exists.”

“But such a mother has been betrayed by the children.”

“The ecology has been stable and the environment has been perfected. In this case, she who can design and give birth to life at will becomes a useless thing. Even her existence is a hazard and hindrance to all life on the earth at that time.”

“Therefore, the gods raised the banner of rebellion against their mother. In the end, they defeated Tiamat and sealed him in the sea of ​​imaginary numbers without any life.”

“This is the main reason why little Sakura will become Beast III.”

“Tiamat is the mother of all things. She regards giving birth, nurturing, and giving love as the meaning of her existence. In the loneliness of thousands of Ten Thousand Years, her hatred, hatred, and sorrow for the existing life on earth continue to accumulate , Waiting for the opportunity to return to this world.”

“But at this moment, little Sakura appeared in front of her.”

“Little Sakura did not reject her. She accepted Tiamat’s love and gave her love to Tiamat. Therefore, Little Sakura became the first Tiamat in the true sense after a long time. Human child.”

“It is the instinct of being a mother to satisfy children’s wishes and cultivate children to grow. Therefore, under the cultivation of Tiamat, young Sakura not only gained knowledge on imaginary magic, but also through these, and Tiama Together we captured another thing.”

“In Indian mythology, it was burned to death by Shiva, and thus obtained the’infinite’, Kama nucleus.”

“Whether it was the mother and daughter who captured it, or the Kama’s Divine Core took the initiative to come to the door, I am afraid that only the root knows this. However, there is no need for the little Sakura and the Kama Divine Core to match extremely well. Doubtful.”

“It’s just whether to integrate into the god core, little Sakura did not immediately decide. Because she does not know what changes will happen after integration.”

“Until, that opportunity comes.”

Having said that, Mei Lin looked at Xie Ming again.

“…Again, my reason?”

Xie Ming twitched the corner of his mouth and asked cautiously.

“Be confident and leave the question mark away.”


“But in all fairness, you really can’t blame you for these things. If you really want to be blamed, you can only say that fate is tricking people.” Merlin sighed, “Rin, in the month of living together in the Kingdom of Shadows, you should see Go through Xie Ming’s training method.”


“In order not to scare the people around, Xie Ming actually got up early and hid in the kendo hall to hone his mental power with that terrible training method. However, he let little Sakura see it.”

“This made the little Sakura determined to integrate into the god core.”

“The integration of the nucleus of the gods has been extremely smooth. Among them, the consciousness of Kama had resisted, but it was completely suppressed by the little Sakura. From this point of view, the little Sakura has already created an unprecedented history. With his own power, the gods’ Consciousness is suppressed.”

“The desire to help Xie Ming, the desire to become stronger, the admiration for Xie Ming, the idea of ​​wanting Xie Ming to have a good rest, combines the power of love of Gamo, and the attraction between the’beasts’ The beast of [Eros], the embryo of Beast III was born.”

“But at that time, she was not dangerous. It was just the embryo of the beast, and the beastness had not been fully awakened. But, but…”

“It’s me again, right.”

Xie Ming sighed deeply, he felt that he came to Xingyue this time, and it seemed that he was coming to bear the pot.

“No, it’s not just you, but also Miss Lin.”


Frozen for a moment, and pointed his finger at himself: “Me?”

“Of course.”

Merlin said of course: “After all, think about it, Xie Ming went to the Kingdom of Shadows to do errands and to train. In order not to disturb him, not to cause trouble for him, the little Sakura who wanted to go together the most gave up their own. idea.”

“But Ms. Rin, you, someone who has not known each other for a week, has followed up. You will feel unbalanced and jealous, right?”

“If it’s normal, it’s fine, but it didn’t take long for the little Sakura to get into the Eros’ core at the time. The negative feelings like jealousy produced directly resonated with the negative emotions of Kama in the core.”

“Because of this small opportunity, the divine core of Kama has been reversed, from Kama, the god of love, into a demon and demon.”

“Animal, awakened.”

“Originally out of the idea of ​​love, care, and support for Xie Ming, it was distorted by the beast and devil. The final form is the [fallen] love that makes everything fall, and the infinity of Kama allows little Sakura to be able to Separate infinite love, infinite clone.”

“In order to accurately approach and spoil the desires (worries) of everyone living in the universe, and make people degenerate. Infinity allows her to separate countless clones, allowing her to change her form at will.”

“In just one week, the universe was filled with little Sakura’s infinite love.”

“However, after doing this, she noticed one more thing. She is not complete yet. The principle of [Eros], she is only the Master [Fallen]. The power of the beast, and the other half People.”

“She hasn’t gotten the principle of [happy].””At the time, she couldn’t be called BeastⅢ, it was only half of BeastⅢ, BeastⅢL. She is incomplete, and she has no way to hide from the sky, and there is no way to affect those who are traveling with you.”

“There is no way to affect you.”

“If you want to be complete, then you need to find and swallow the other half, BeastⅢR.”

“Therefore, she found an excuse and went to Shizuoka Prefecture, where another embryo was located, under the pretext of traveling with her.”

“Shizuoka Prefecture…”

When he contacted Otinus at that time, Otinus did mention it. But, is that the location of the embryo of another beast?

“Ms. Karen should be more clear about this matter. After all, Miss Karen is also a member of the Templar Church. Naturally, I know the Buddhist genre of “Mantra Tantra Tachikawa-ryu” in Japan.”

“Mantra Tantra Tachikawa Stream…that cult.”

Karen’s eyes showed disgust: “That is one of the eight sects of Japan, a side branch of Tantric Buddhism. To put it simply, it is Happiness Bodhisattva Happiness Buddha.”

“Yes, this sect based on happiness as the Dharma base is in Shizuoka Prefecture. And Tachikawa-ryu’s subordinates also have a branch genre called Yongtianliu.”

Merlin shrugged: “And the embryo of BeastⅢR is the daughter of the lord of Tachikawa. Its name is…”

“Killing for the wasteland in the killing house.”

“Different from Sakura’s “nurture,” Kiara in Killing House is a natural “beast embryo.” As long as you see her, you will either be bewitched by her or be physically disgusted.”

“Unfortunately, the former accounts for 99% of all mankind.”

“Little Sakura went to Shizuoka City, and what she did was very simple. She used her clone to bring Seishiin Kiara to the society and let her awaken her beastly nature as BeastⅢR.”

“Then, because BeastⅢR didn’t understand the peculiarities of BeastⅢL, and waiting for the moment when BeastⅢR swallowed her clone, she borrowed Tiamat’s power, coupled with her own power, to beat him to death in one fell swoop. Swallow.”

“Simple math problem, how can 0.5 beast beat 1.5 beast?”

“Swallow, digest, understand [happiness]. Since then, Beast III, who truly controls [Eros], Xumi Ling holds Eros Tenma Bodhisattva, and thus was born.”

“Mara’s love has no lower limit to make people degenerate. It is the ultimate love of others. The Killing Yuan Qiwang only regards himself as a human being. All other human beings are immature beasts, and the ultimate self-love. .”

“The fusion of the two, what is born is that everything is the incarnation of the self. To love others is to love the Maura Bodhisattva.”

“The birth of the complete Beast III has once again changed the structure of the universe that was filled with the love of others.”

“Everything is the incarnation of Mora Bodhisattva, all things are in the palm, body, and pure land of Mora Bodhisattva. All things and the universe are only part of her.”

“Nowadays, all human beings have been immersed in fallen love, and their souls enjoy joyful love. Because the universe has become a Maura Bodhisattva, there is no need for Maura Bodhisattva to incorporate human souls into the body.”

“So, Xie Ming, your analysis just now was wrong. Once you are sucked into the universe within the clone, you will also be immersed in fallen love. Even if you have the power of killing gods that separates yourself from the world, you won’t There will be exceptions.”

“Your isolation is just to isolate yourself from the world you live in. But each clone of Moluo Bodhisattva is a small world.”

“After entering the small world, even if you turn on the power of killing the gods, you will only enter from one small circle to another great circle. But whether it is a small circle or a large circle, it is in the palm of Maura Bodhisattva.”

Merlin scratched his head helplessly: “Fortunately, Moluo Bodhisattva really takes you too seriously, so I found a chance to bring you and Rin out.”

“Otherwise, we will lose our biggest hole card against Moluo Bodhisattva.”

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