Chapter 1639 The Weaknesses of Mo Luo Bodhisattva

Xie Ming is everyone’s biggest trump card right now, and neither Rin nor Karen has any doubts at this point. After all, among the people present (including those who are not human), who can compete with the little Sakura who has turned into a Molu Bodhisattva, that is only Xie Ming.

However, Xie Ming knew that what Merlin was talking about was not a question of strength.

The universe is in her body, and everything is her incarnation. This is stronger than Ortinus in its heyday, and it also has bugs. Did not find a means of targeting, it would only be self-investing in the net.

As for the methods against the current Mora Bodhisattva, the Mora Bodhisattva himself has already said it.

It’s him Xie Ming himself.

Think carefully about what little Sakura said before.

[In this world, no one loves you more than me. To me, you are more important than anyone else. 】

Combining with Merlin’s previous explanation of BeastⅢ, and looking at this sentence again, you will discover how much information it contains.

BeastⅢ is a combination of ultimate love for others and ultimate self-love. His love is enough to fill the entire universe, but the entire universe is just Himself.

So in the final analysis, Beast III’s love is just loving Himself.

Because everything has become Him, then the things He loves are naturally only Himself.

However, he said Xie Ming is more important than anything?

You know, anything you say from the mouth of Beast III only represents the Maura Bodhisattva itself. So, can you think so?

In the heart of Moluo Bodhisattva, the love for Xie Ming surpassed his love for himself.

This is not the case for the complete Beast III, because all beings are equal to him, and they all have the same huge love for all beings. The love of others and self-love are in equal proportions and blend with each other.

But now Xie Ming has not become the incarnation of Mo Luo Bodhisattva, that is to say, Xie Ming is not within the scope of Mo Luo Bodhisattva’s self-love. Little Sakura’s love for Xie Ming belongs to the range of other people’s love.

Therefore, Xie Ming, this small variable, has become the only flaw in the fusion of the self-love of Moluo Bodhisattva and the love of others. It is the biggest weakness of Beast Ⅲ animal nature.

And this weakness is not caused by other reasons, but by the human nature of the young Sakura.

Little Sakura is a person who can easily go astray. The original reason why she turned into a beast was to help Xie Ming so that Xie Ming no longer worked so hard.

A caring heart for others and love for others are just proofs of human nature.

But this love surpassed the limit of human beings under these various factors, and turned into animal nature. However, this is the only thing that stems from the original intention of human nature, which cannot be distorted by animal nature. Because this is not in conflict with animality.

After all, humanity and animality are actually the same thing, emotion. It’s just that one is within the limit and one is outside the limit.

The symbol of human nature is actually the temperance of various behaviors and feelings of oneself.

And without this restraint, beyond this limit, humans become beasts.

If Mara Bodhisattva’s love for all humans is infinitely positioned, and the love of Little Sakura for Xie Ming is positioned as 1, and his love for other humans is positioned as 0 (Humber and others are not included in the calculation category).

Little Sakura’s transformation from a human to a Maura Bodhisattva means that his love for the human group has increased from zero to infinity. Xie Ming added 1 to the infinite.

No matter how great BeastⅢ’s love for humans (self) is, because of the human nature of the young Sakura, the love for Xie Ming will always be more insignificant than the love for other people1.

This trivial 1 makes the beast that should have been complete become incomplete. The god (devil) was pulled down from the altar.

And Ma Luo Bodhisattva cannot eliminate this 1 by himself. Therefore, what he did was to erase the remaining humanity and subtract the extra 1 in a way that Xie Ming and himself became one.

And Merlin’s idea should be to take advantage of Moluo Bodhisattva’s greatest weakness to destroy the beast.

How to use it has become a matter to be discussed next.To put it simply, the cards in their hands are not enough, they need to increase their strength. Then, all they need to do is one thing.

“Heroic Spirit Summoned.”

Merlin smiled and said: “As I said before, the relationship between the beast and the heroic spirit is the human self-destruction device and the human self-defense device. In order to deal with the self-destruction device, we naturally have to use the self-defense device.”

“Originally, the spiritual veins of the earth needed to summon the heroic spirits to provide the magic power to communicate with the heroic seat. But now the outside is the pure land of Moluo Bodhisattva, so it is impossible for us to find the spiritual veins outside so leisurely, and then summon the servants. ”

“But fortunately, we have something that can be replaced.”

With that, Mei Lin raised an eyebrow to Xie Ming.

“…You look really awkward.” Xie Ming twitched the corner of his eyes and took out the Great Holy Grail from the portable space: “But it is true that there is such a thing, and it is indeed more than a spiritual vein. It’s much easier to use.”

After all, the Servants summoned directly by the Holy Grail have their magic power provided directly by the Holy Grail. All that is needed is the master who signs the contract with the follower.

Merlin, the dream demon, must have been directly excluded, so the only ones who could summon the followers were Xie Ming, Rin, and Karen.

Although Xie Ming had already summoned Altria, the book of Servants was part of the contract with Altria, so he could also summon another Servant.

The temporary contract between Oro Ryo and Kiyohime and Elizabeth merely established a channel provided by magic. Xie Ming has no enchantment, so it is not a real master-slave contract in the strict sense, but an equal contract similar to the book of slaves.

So far, only Fujimaru Tatsuka is the only one who can summon multiple followers at the same time and establish a master-slave contract.

“Heroic Spirits Summon…”

Looking at the great holy grail in front of her, Rin couldn’t help but sighed: “Sure enough, the fate between the Tosaka family and the holy grail will not be cut off so easily…”

Karen looked at the great holy grail in front of her silently, without speaking.

“Then, let me do it first.”

Rin took the lead and reached out and touched the Great Holy Grail. The magic in his body began to resonate with the magic in the Great Holy Grail. The chanting of the heroic spirits, she had already memorized it by heart.

“Manying, Manying, Manying, Manying, Manying… You are the seven days of three great words, from the wheel of restraint, the guardian of Libra!”


The Great Holy Grail bloomed with dazzling light, and the air current rolled up the petals, blowing the hair and skirt of the girl. A figure appeared in front of Rin who stepped back a few steps with the combination of Lingzi.

The silver-white head and pale golden eyes without any anger, the black skin with the battle uniform that looked like a devil, made people feel that he was not a servant who guarded humans, but a sinner from hell.

The weapon in his hand is not a cold weapon, but a somewhat exaggerated bladed pistol.

Black body with white stripes, black body with red stripes, two guns comparable to giant cannons were held firmly by the calloused hands. His eyes calmly looked at the girl who summoned him in front of him, seeming to be analyzing something.

With the appearance of the man, the back of Rin’s hand also appeared with a pattern of Lingshu very similar to the original Tosaka Tosaka.

“You are the master who summoned me, it’s really bad enough.” The man said lightly, “Forget it, it’s not a faulty thing.”

“Archer, Wuming Alter, came in response to the call.”

“Master, you can use me well.”

“……real or fake.”

Looking at the man who only wrote the four words’I am a bad person’ on his face, Rin’s expression was slightly broken: “I remember, the Heroic Summoning will summon a servant with a higher affinity without a catalyst. .”

“In other words, I am more compatible with him?”

“Do not.”

Wuming Alter said faintly: “I’m afraid it’s just because the inhibitions think I am more suitable for the current situation.”

“Master, you don’t care what my opinion is, but please use me well and let me complete the task.”


He sighed deeply and stretched out his hand: “No matter what, you are the servant I summoned. So it is my responsibility to use you well. From now on, get along well with you.”



Some doubts appeared in the golden eyes, as if he was slightly familiar with this feeling. Even… I don’t know how many years I have forgotten… I miss the feeling of crying.

“What’s wrong?”

“No, it just created some useless emotions.”

The gun in his hand disappeared, and Wuming Alter gently shook Lin’s outstretched hand: “You are an employer. As long as you pay, I will be a useful item in your hand.”

“It’s a follower, not a prop.”

Rin corrected seriously.


Wuming Alter did not reply to this correction, but stood quietly to the side.

“The stabbing head has been summoned…”

“As expected of you.”

Karen glanced at Ling: “The problem of losing the chain at a critical time seems to have become your terminal illness.”


Stepping aside with his servant, Rin folded his arms around his chest: “My servant may not be the strongest, but it is definitely not possible to lose the chain!”

Karen spread his hands noncommittal, and then touched the Great Holy Grail as well.

Chanting, sounded again.

The light was shining, the air current was surging, and what came out of the brilliance was a purple-clothed boy. Long silver hair covered his left eye. Just standing there gives people an indestructible sense of peace of mind.

“This is really…”

Looking at the young man who was inexplicably similar to Matthew in front of him, Xie Ming had already guessed his identity.

“Summoned here, Shielder, Galahad, sign a contract with the lord.”

The boy looked at Karen calmly, without any fluctuations in his tone: “Master, please give instructions.”


The corner of Merlin’s mouth twitched frantically. He never expected that Karen would be able to summon Galahad. But if you think about it, there is really no surprise.

After all, Avalon stayed in Karen’s body for so many years, enough to make a connection between her and the Knights of the Round Table. Coupled with Karen’s physical reasons.

The Knights of the Round Table, Avalon for defense, and sacredness, and these three points are related, among the Knights of the Round Table, there is only Galahad.

Although most of the Knights of the Round Table are kind of sting-headed children, there are only a few that he just wants to hide after seeing.

Galahad is one of them.

“…Merlin. And…Avalon…”

Glancing lightly at Fufu and blocking his face, Fufu kicked the white-haired waste on his face without mercy, and then swept across the world of flowers, Galahad closed his eyes slightly.

“It seems that it’s a big deal.”

“Well, it’s serious.”

Karen seemed very satisfied with the summoning of Galahad: “Would you like to give us a bit of strength?”


Galahad faintly replied, and then fixed his gaze on Wuming Alter beside Lin. That gaze seemed to see through all of Wuming Alter’s past and the essence of the present.

There was a fleeting pity in his eyes.

It was not until the end that he put his gaze on Xie Ming’s body.

Looking at each other, they nodded slightly, and Galahad followed Karen to the other side. From beginning to end, he ignored Merlin’s thoughts.

This made Mei Lin breathe a sigh of relief, but also a little helpless in his eyes. But fortunately, the biggest characteristic of this person (Dreammon) is that he has no face and no skin. You can’t hide it, and you have to fight together next.

If that’s the case, then go and talk and tell him the current situation of Altria.

“Wu Ming Alter, and Galahad.”

For the former, Xie Ming only knows the general details. After Shiro Wimiya completely fell, he became the Alterization of the heroic spirit. The latter is a saint who has no desires and no desires, returning the true Holy Grail to the sky.

The two of them must play a great role in dealing with the third beast of the Master [Eros].

Now, it was his turn.

Stepping to the front of the Holy Grail, Xie Ming thought slightly.

Although, in this case, Alaya will let some followers who are targeted to the Molu Bodhisattva respond to the call. However, this pertinence is in the direction of elimination, not in the direction of salvation.

Wuming Alter, the main attacker, and Allahad, the main defense, is enough to prove this point.

But what Xie Ming has to do is not to eliminate the little Sakura, but to let the little Sakura break away from the animal nature, and even control the animal nature.

So what he needs… is a follower who is free from human principles and not bound by human principles.


After pondering for a few seconds, Xie Ming reached into the portable space and pulled out a small horn.

At the moment when this horn was pulled out, the sights of Merlin, Galahad and Wuming Alter all gathered on Xie Ming’s body.

That is the evil aura of the outer universe that doesn’t belong to this universe.

Merlin raised his eyebrows, Galahad frowned, and Wuming Alter showed a meaningful smile.

Galahad simply hated evil, but Wuming Alter felt the smell of the same kind from Xie Ming’s behavior. As for Merlin, he was thoughtful.

He must know about the existence of outer gods.

To be honest, it is a very good idea to use the outer gods of the outer universe to break the real universe that has been transformed into itself by the Maura Bodhisattva. However, is it so easy to control by external gods?

Does this man have the confidence to control the outside god and use it for himself?

But no matter what he thought in his mind, no one came out to stop Xie Ming.

Therefore, the call of the heroic spirit, the prop of the call of the outside god, began.

“Come here, guardian of Libra.”

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