Chapter 1640 BB

The pitch black breath that emerged from the horn merged into the channel that communicated with the Heroic Seat. At this moment, Moluo Bodhisattva, who was waiting outside Avalon, slightly raised his head.

Because in the universe, there is a wave of fluctuations that even He can’t control.

It can burn all worries, and even ignite the fire of erotic desire in the entire universe, but there is no way to affect this fluctuation. Therefore, He could only watch the foreign body in this body and enter another foreign body.

“Merlin… No, it should be Xie Ming.” Moluo Bodhisattva smiled and raised his face: “Does the existence of the outer universe create loopholes in the pure land? It’s really a good idea.”

“As expected, my love.”

“Adding hardship to love can make love more precious and cherished.”

“But the ending will not change.”

This is not to say that the little Sakura, who has become Mara Bodhisattva, has seen too clearly and is too slack. Rather, on the contrary, no one values ​​Xie Ming more than the little Sakura and believes Xie Ming.

Otherwise, he would not hurry to perfect himself during Xie Ming’s departure. After Xie Ming returned to the side of the world, he would not immediately begin to quietly affect Xie Ming’s spiritual world.

It’s just that little Sakura now, there really is no way.

As the strongest defensive tool in the world, Avalon’s protection is invincible.

Although the original Avalon could only protect one person, under the use of Merlin, the crown candidate, a single protective treasure was enough to become a hidden treasure for the group. The combination of illusion and scabbard created an isolated space that even the beast could not find.

He has done everything, so little Sakura can only quietly wait for the other person to come out now. Then, use your own ability to let all people fall into love and merge into one.

On the other side, in Avalon, watching the figure summoned by Xie Ming in front of him, everyone fell into silence.

“Little…Little Sakura?”

“Little Sakura? Who is that? Please don’t call someone the wrong name, okay, do you know this is a rude thing? Besides, who are you?”

The cheerleader girl wearing a white sun hat and exuding a breath of summer and youth turned to Byakugan and said, then turned her eyes to Xie Ming, showing a little devilish smile.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? The piggy?”

“…My name is Xie Ming.”

Without the slightest change in expression due to the girl’s speech like a little demon school girl, Xie Ming said calmly: “I need your help.”

“Huh? Huh huh huh? Go straight to the topic~ I don’t hate such a man? And, the gentleman’s behavior of reporting your name first is also a bonus. Let you upgrade from the master to the senior Right~”

The purple-haired girl embraced her chest with her arms, making the proud pair more obvious. This caused Rin and Karen on the side to change their expressions a bit. But the few men present, even the lightest Merlin, did not respond.

Wuming Alter looked at the girl as if looking at the machine, Galahad remained cold, Merlin kept smiling, and Xie Ming kept calm.

“Cut, it’s a bunch of boring people.”

Seeing that her little tricks had only caused changes in the two girls, the purple-haired girl dropped her head in the blow. But the next moment, he extended his hand to Xie Ming generously.

“Alright, alright, this is the end of the reward dialogue. MoonCancer, BB, are here in response to the call of the predecessors☆~”


This job agency made Xie Ming squint his eyes slightly. Cancer of the Moon, as it literally means, is the cancer of the Moon.

The moon in the moon-shaped world is not the same as the moon in the normal world, but merely a natural orbiting satellite of the earth. Inside, there are weapons of alien aggression capable of obliterating civilization.

Inside, there is also a photon crystallization computer that is beyond the age of the earth and the observer of alien civilization: Mooncell.The plot of the parallel world FateExtra is unfolded in the SerialPhantasm (SE.RA.PH for short, the world composed of spirits) inside Mooncell. And BB, is one of the advanced AI.

But in fact, there is nothing wrong with calling BB the little Sakura. Because her appearance is exactly the same as the little Sakura, and her origin is also a clone of part of the little Sakura’s personality.

BB’s job agency, Cancer of the Moon was born from this. Because this high-level AI eroded the entire Mooncell like a cancer, and held it completely in the hands of the Master.

It’s just that she is now, it seems that Xie Ming has used the medium of the call of an outside god, and a little change has taken place in BB.

Not only did the goddess core exist in her body, it seemed to have swallowed and merged into the incarnation of the external gods.

And this foreign god is still Xie Ming’s old acquaintance.


“Ah, senior knows.” BB squinted his eyes like a little fox: “But it is also true, how can a normal magician have such dangerous props. From senior, I smell a similar breath~”

“Break the rules, ignore the breath of the rules.”

“It’s just that I want me to help out just this way, but it’s not enough~ unless…”

“Senior is willing to be my little toy, Little Pig.”

“It’s impossible.”

Xie Ming replied calmly: “But, if you help me, maybe I can show you a big drama on the scale of the universe.”

“O~ I’m not sleepy when you say this.”

BB suddenly raised his spirits, looked at the Great Holy Grail behind him, and then at the people present: “If that’s the case, then it won’t be a problem for me to be merciful to help seniors.”

“Just, what if you can’t do it?”

“Then you can rebel at any time, or you can try your best to turn me into your toy.” Xie Ming stretched out his hand: “How about? Believe, you should not refuse such a challenge.”

“I hate it, senior actually wants to shake hands with such a cute junior~ Senior H~~ But…”

BB smiled and shook Xie Ming’s hand: “I didn’t pass the contract, but let me help through transactions and temptations. This is a very high point.”

“If this goes on, I will be fascinated by the predecessors.”

“So, did you agree?”

“Of course. Anyway, my responsibility is to save mankind. It’s just that you have to perform well, senior.”

“It will not let you down.”

Released his hand, Xie Ming looked at the other two people: “Well, now we can increase the combat power and complete it. Next, we will think about the way.”

“How, deal with BeastⅢ.”

Hearing this term, Wuming Alter put on a crazy smile, and Galahad’s expression was slightly solemn. And BB, covering her mouth with her hands, revealing a frightened cute school girl.

However, the excitement and smile in her pupils betrayed her true feelings.


If you want to deal with Moluo Bodhisattva, the first thing you need to do is to be able to stand in front of her.

But just this first step can wipe out 99.9% of humans and followers. But fortunately, everyone present has their own countermeasures.

Merlin is not a human being, Wuming·Alte is almost forgotten about all killing machines, Galahad is a holy knight who has no desires, and BB is a follower of the Ethical God system fused with the outer god Nyaratotip.

In some ways, a few people are indeed the best candidates to deal with Molu Bodhisattva.

As the master, the three people also have the qualifications to stand in front of the enemy.

Naturally, Xie Ming didn’t need to say any more, Karen and Rin could also use the Avalon cast by Merlin to resist pollution.

Qualifications, everyone has. The next question that needs to be solved is how to do it.

This universe is completely reduced to the pure land of Maura Bodhisattva. In this pure land, Maura Bodhisattva can really be said to be an invincible existence. You can’t kill no matter how you kill, and you can’t kill no matter how you kill.

So if you want to defeat Maura Bodhisattva, the pure land must be broken.

At this point, BB’s treasure [C.C.C] can do it.

By synchronizing himself with the photon crystal Mooncell, using the shadow as a medium to use the power of Nyarlatotepu to dig a cursed hole in the world. He devalued everyone around him as low-dimensional creatures, and he played around as a dominator.

Simply put, it is to dig a big conceptual hole in the world, and then the part she dug out becomes the world she controls. It can not only destroy the pure land of Moluo Bodhisattva, but also ensure everyone’s foothold.

With the magical support of the Great Holy Grail, it is not impossible for BB to dig out the entire pure land of Moluo Bodhisattva.

But in this way, it will inevitably become a battle between Mara Bodhisattva and BB. Others can’t help at all.

And BB himself rejected this method very clearly.

“Hey~ don’t. That’s the third beast, the third beast! It must be super tiring to compete with her for control.”

Yes, BB’s answer is super tiring, not impossible. Wuming Alter, Rin and Karen, who heard the hidden meaning of this sentence, all looked at the back of Xie Ming’s hand.

Their meaning is self-evident, but Xie Ming nodded and said.

“Really? Then don’t do it.”

“Great~ I like the predecessors the most~~” As he said, BB blew a kiss to Xie Ming.

In fact, Xie Ming had no intention of doing this.

BB is very reliable, but BB is also very unreliable.

If she is really serious about supporting it, it will not be difficult for her to calculate the entire universe with her Mooncell back. However, if she doesn’t want you to force her, she will only mess with you madly.

Besides, it is still a question whether Ling Zhou is useful to her.

“But I still need you to dig a hole so that we can gain a firm foothold.”

“Well~~Since the seniors have asked me, although I am a little reluctant…”


“Hey! I haven’t agreed yet! Senior! Points will be reduced on this point! Points reduced!”

Ignoring BB’s farce, Xie Ming went on to say to Mei Lin: “The footing has been determined, then Mei Lin, what I need you to do next is to use Avalon to protect the Great Holy Grail with all his strength.”

“If you can separate your spare energy, support Rin and Karen.”

“Rin, you and Wuming are holding down the Molu Bodhisattva. Karen, you and Galahad are responsible for protecting the four of you, waiting for the opportunity to appear.”

“And I am here to create this opportunity.”

“What are you going to do?”

Galahad asked aloud: “You are indeed the biggest and only weakness of Beast III right now. However, we don’t know how to use this weakness.””No, there are methods.”

After Xie Ming was silent, he slowly raised his head. In the eyes glowing with rainbow light, flames were burning quietly.

“I am his greatest weakness, and he also understands this. So it must be, he has been prepared for countless responses. No matter how we think here, he must be no match for the incarnation of the universe.”

“Therefore, our only chance lies in the trap He set for me.”

“I will walk into the inner world of His clone, and then walk out.”

“Can you do it?”

Wuming Alter said unceremoniously: “Remember what you just said, if you don’t have that special ability and that self-abuse training method, you should have fallen into it.”

“It means that your will is no match for his temptation.”

“Instead of letting you take risks with vigorous combat power, it is better to gather all your forces and fight to the death from the start.”

“If you fight to the death, you can’t fight against Mo Luo Bodhisattva.”

Xie Ming stared into Wuming Alter’s eyes and said word by word: “Using pure power to fight against the beast is the most ignorant choice. Even with the Great Holy Grail, we cannot be an enemy of the universe. ”

“And the only hope for mankind to defeat the beast is here.”

With that, Xie Ming’s fist hit his heart, and then he looked at everyone.

“This is a gambling, a gambling of life or death. But before us, there are only two choices. One is to overwhelm all the gambles on the last hope. Or, just keep it safe and slowly Suppressed, retreated, and died chronically.”

“Which side should I choose, do I need to say more?”


No one, raise another objection.

“Then, let’s make the decision. Take a good rest, everyone, and when I fully recover, I will start this battle.”


If the follower wants to exert the strongest strength, then the understanding with the master is very important. Therefore, during the period when Xie Ming closed his eyes and recovered, Rin and Karen brought their respective servants to Avalon’s corner to communicate.

BB was enjoying Xie Ming, who was sitting cross-legged while enjoying himself in the sea of ​​flowers.

In some ways, BB is actually the easiest follower to get along with. Because as long as you do interesting things that suit her appetite, then she will support you with all her strength.

Obviously, the countermeasures Xie Ming just said were in line with her appetite.

After all, no one likes human pain and struggle more than her. And since Xie Ming voluntarily went to the hell named [Eros], she would naturally give her full support and watch Xie Ming struggling happily.

Whether it is finally sinking after struggling, or leaving with blood dripping. For BB, it was something that made her happy enough to flip a few somersaults.

It was Merlin who brought Fu Fu to Xie Ming at this time.

“What’s wrong?”

“Yeah~ I just want to say, you are really a person who likes to do thankless things.”

Stroking Fufu’s hair, Merlin sat beside Xie Ming casually: “By the way, you should know the true identity of Guy Siparuge, right?”


“So, why not do this?”

“Because this is a human challenge.”

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