Chapter 1641 Bestiality Humanity

Fufu, Guy Siparug, primate killer… These are the different names that small animals get when they follow different people. However, it has only one true identity.

The fourth beast, the monster of the Master [comparison].

As the existence of the same personality as the Molu Bodhisattva, there is no problem at all for Guy Siparuge to stop the Molu Bodhisattva. Even in terms of direct combat effectiveness, it is not inferior to any beast.

No matter how strong you are, Guy Siparug will always be stronger than you. This is “comparison”.

As a beast of comparison, its essence is to instigate struggles between people. Even if it does not have such an idea, its instinct will still eat up the feelings that people generate between competitions.

Regret, jealousy of failure, joy of victory, arrogance…

The more these feelings are eaten, the deeper the beastization of Fufu will be. In the end, it will become a complete Beast IV.

But as long as it does not enter human society, it is simply a cute little animal. Therefore, Merlin will always take it by her side and live together in the sea within the stars. Because of the influence of the Knights of the Round Table, it did not have the idea of ​​actively entering the human society.

If you change to another owner, I’m afraid Fufu will develop in another direction.

Taking Fufu who jumped from Meilin’s shoulder, Xie Ming gently stroked the soft hair of this cute little animal: “The beast of [comparison] feeds on the feelings of human competition.”

“According to your original idea, you want to rely on its power, right?”


Merlin smiled helplessly: “Mara Bodhisattva…that is an almost complete beast. Normally, when he appears, his restraining power should have allowed the crown to appear.”

“But until now, I haven’t seen any clues related to the crown.”

This actually shows that the restraining force does not feel the need to send a crown to deal with the Maura Bodhisattva, they already have enough hands.

If you think about it, it is true.

Connected to the BB controlling Mooncell, Galahad, the strongest shield of will among the followers, Avalon, the invincible single defense tool, he is such a candidate for the crown, and his strength will never be inferior to the crown. Xie Ming.

Even Wuming Alter, who has no background and can’t find any trace, can resist the spiritual pollution of Moluo Bodhisattva. And according to him, his own treasure is a single treasure that penetrates the enemy’s body with power, and kills the enemy by exploding and spreading in the body.

If this power is twisted into a rope, it will definitely be able to fight against the Molu Bodhisattva back and forth. If you add Guy Siparug…

It seems that there is really nothing to do with the title.

But the premise of all this is that everyone is united. Now, this is clearly not the case.

BB just wants to watch the excitement, so she is willing to make a little effort for this. Galahad and Wuming Alter were fine, and Merlin was fine.

But… the most critical person in this battle, it seems that he doesn’t want to defeat the Molu Bodhisattva.

“Xie Ming, what is your attitude towards Moluo Bodhisattva?”

“It’s just a dead brained sister who went astray.”


Merlin couldn’t help sighing. He watched the Fourth Holy Grail War from beginning to end. He knew very well that as long as the man in front of him identified his opponent as an enemy, he would never hesitate to move the knife.

But now, even if the other party has controlled so many people he cares about, he has never drawn his sword to the Demon Luo Bodhisattva. This is enough to explain many things.

“Merlin, must the beast be destroyed?”

Gently twitching Fufu’s chin with his fingers, causing it to make a comfortable guttural sound, Xie Ming asked softly: “The beast that needs to be eliminated should be a beast that is malicious to humans and wants to destroy humans.”

“If Mara Bodhisattva has swallowed Otinus, CC and others, then he is a simple Mara Bodhisattva, not a little Sakura.””But everyone is still alive now. This shows that little Sakura still has basic humanity. Since there is humanity, then she has the possibility of controlling the power of the beast.”

“My sister has taken a detour. As a family member, what we need to do is not to send her to the police station or shoot her, but to teach her a good meal and drag her back to the right path.”

“This is the family, isn’t it?”

“…You want to say, are you willing to gamble everything to fight for the little Sakura a chance to control the power of the beast?”


“Do you think you are qualified to make this choice on behalf of all human beings?”


The action of teasing Fufu stopped, Xie Ming grinned: “I am, but I dominate the world and bear the violence of the world -kun.”


With the breeze and the fragrance of flowers, Avalon turned into a scabbard again and was held by Merlin. The black and purple huge shield and the huge hideous double spears were held in the hands of the master respectively.

Compared with the other two, BB in the beach cheerleader uniform looks like a tourist.

At the next moment when the crowd appeared, the Maura Bodhisattva with huge horns and halo appeared in front of them. The scarlet vertical pupils swept one by one, staying on BB’s body for a while, and finally fixed on Xie Ming’s body.

“Peekaboo, it’s over?”

The gentle and loving tone is like the mother in the family blaming the child who returned late because of playfulness, and it is like the wife whispering helplessly blaming the drunk husband.

In this kind of petting voice, even Galahad’s gaze was a little dazed. But immediately, it was relieved. The gaze looking at the Moluo Bodhisattva became extremely solemn.

All followers know the concept of beasts, but very few followers have actually faced beasts.

But just with this contact, Galahad has already understood why every beast must appear in the crown.

The complete beast is really terrible.

The power of the beast named [Eros], combined with the skill of the beast against desire (NegaDesire), can make people fall into hell willingly, unable to extricate herself from her mere existence.

“BB, trouble you.”

“Yes, yes, the seniors really will call the younger ones.”

With a burst of white light, the cheerleading uniform on her body turned into a white high-forked swimsuit and a black outer and a red coat. Like the wings of a bat, the hem stretches toward both sides. The evil spirits aura from the outer universe has no concealment at this moment.

Xie Ming was still thinking about which incarnation of Nyarlatotepu is fused with BB. It turned out to be his acquaintance.

The incarnation of the night that can be summoned by the ‘shining special trioctahedron’, a giant bat with three scarlet pupils: the night hunter.

“Come on, come on joy~ My shadow covers the world, this will be the last vacation~”


The world turned into darkness at this moment, and even the light of blue stars in the sky could not illuminate that area. The world, like a spoonful of pudding, appeared with a huge black hole.

The black liquid flowing out of it enveloped everyone, isolating everyone from the pure land of Molu Bodhisattva.

The place where everyone is now is an imaginary space completely dominated by BB.

“Huh~ Senior~~ I’m tired~~”

“Thanks for your hard work, then you can rest well.”


Loosing the arm holding Xie Ming’s arm, BB glanced at Mo Luo Bodhisattva playfully, and then made a mischievous face. And Mo Luo Bodhisattva, this is in response to a gentle smile.

No matter what BB does, he will have the same affection for her. It’s just that the way of expressing love will be different.

“Xie Ming, is this your response?”

The cyan flame appeared beside Mo Luo Bodhisattva out of thin air like a ghost fire. One, two…. In a few blinks, the space formed by the BB has been surrounded by countless cyan flames.

And from these cyan flames, countless Mo Luo Bodhisattvas walked out. The breath is the same, the power is the same, and the power is the same.

Some include motherhood, some have a mischievous smile like BB, and some are indifferent with a touch of care. Here, you can find out all the personality types you can think of.

“Next, I beg everyone to follow the plan.”

Finally, Xie Ming took the initiative to walk out of the imaginary space and enter the pure land of Moluo Bodhisattva.

“Little Sakura, you said you want me to rest, you want me to end this long journey, and you want me to be by your side forever, right?”

“Well, yes.”

Moluo Bodhisattva said softly: “Finally, do you want to understand?”

“I am not talking to Maura Bodhisattva, I am talking to little Sakura, my sister.”

“…You say something that I don’t understand, Xie Ming.” Mo Luo Bodhisattva said with a smile: “Didn’t I tell you a long time ago? I am everything in this world.”

“I am your witch CC.”

“Also Otinus, your understander.”

“It’s your daughter Yui.”

“It’s your comrade-in-arm Yustiza.”

“Even more, your love, Sakura.”

Five cyan flames came out of five figures. Surrounded Xie Ming, stretched out his arms, and grabbed Xie Ming’s shoulders, arms, and hands. Sakura, even more intimately, put his head on Xie Ming’s chest.

Their movements were very gentle, but Xie Ming, who was caught, was completely unable to move at this moment. If you want to break free, it seems that you can only cut off their arms.

But from the beginning, Xie Ming didn’t want to struggle.

“You are wrong, Mo Luo Bodhisattva.”

“I’m wrong?”


Xie Ming didn’t look at the girls around him, but looked up at the Maura Bodhisattva with huge horns and a crown of beast’s light not far away: “Whether it is animal or human, after all, it is just a part of human beings. .”

“It is a part of the human being named Uranus Temple Sakura.”

“Mara Bodhisattva, whether you admit it or not, you are not a little Sakura, and you can’t become a little Sakura. You just suppressed the animal nature of little Sakura’s human nature.”

“Ha…Ha ha ha ha ha…”

The silver bell-like laughter kept coming out, and Moluo Bodhisattva covered his mouth. For the first time, the smile full of love that seemed to never change.

That is, with a little sarcasm.

Change to anyone else, she will not be shaken at all, she will maintain that love, and use the hand of cyan flame to sink them forever.

But it was Xie Ming who said this and denied her.Before being truly integrated with Xie Ming, Moluo Bodhisattva was still a defective Bodhisattva. He should love everyone in the world equally, but he loves one of them even more than he loves himself.

Now, this person, who is more important to her than anything else, denied him and denied him.

For Maura Bodhisattva, nothing irritated him or made him unwilling more than this incident.

“Xie Ming, what do you mean? I’m just a part of Little Sakura?”


“The part of Tosaka Sakura who was abandoned by his parents?”


“The one who was thrown into the wormhole, only afraid of crying, part of Matsumoto Sakura?”


“That can’t do anything, you can only fight hard alone, part of Uranus Temple Sakura?”


Four successive affirmative answers made Maura Bodhisattva’s expression more and more gloomy. The beast’s crown of light was shining, and the huge pressure even caused cracks to appear on the edge of the imaginary space created by BB.

Pure Land, because of Mo Luo Bodhisattva’s emotional fluctuations, began to prepare to close the dug out space directly, crushing all the creatures inside.

This was her way of expressing love when she was upset, and she didn’t think anything was wrong.

“Then…you look at me now.”

All of a sudden, the world changed. The night sky turned into a starry sky, all the buildings disappeared, and the concrete road that should have been stepped on turned into a huge white and soft palm.

Xie Ming slowly raised his head, his gaze crossed the peak, and he looked towards the giant whose pupils were all the size of the moon and one eyelash was enough to penetrate the earth. The earth, in his hands, is like a ping-pong ball in human hands.

This is not an illusion, Merlin dared to pat his chest to make sure. The giant god in front of him is the body of Maura Bodhisattva.

“In China’s parlance…it should be called…the world of Faxiangdi?”

Even the planets can come easily. This is a cosmic-level human disaster, Beast III.

“Xie Ming.”

Moluo Bodhisattva lowered his eyes and looked at Xie Ming who was like an ant in his palm: “So, do you think I’m just a part of Little Sakura?”


Even so, Xie Ming’s expression remained unchanged. Answered, there was no wavering.

“Whether it is Sakura Tosaka, Sakura Matsuura, Sakura Uranus Temple or you, the Sumeru Soul Palm Eros Tenma Bodhisattva is just a part of Sakura. You make up Sakura, but you are definitely not Sakura.”

“Mara Bodhisattva, what do you want to prove? What are you worried about? If you really are Mara Bodhisattva, you shouldn’t prove it to me. Bodhisattva, why bother to prove to mankind?”

“This proves to me that you are part of Little Sakura, the best proof.”

“If you don’t want to admit it, let’s have a duel.”


“I don’t take any precautions to enter the universe within your body. And you are balancing your animality and humanity. Let us have a common dream.”

“If in the dream, animality once again suppresses humanity. Then I admit that little Sakura is a part of you, and you sink.”

“Do you dare to accept this duel?”

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