Chapter 1642 Let the flowers bloom throughout the universe

Watching Xie Ming quietly for a long time, Mo Luo Bodhisattva laughed.

“Xie Ming, you finally revealed your purpose. To deny me this way, you just want to fight for such an opportunity, right?”


Xie Ming also smiled and said, “But, I want to correct it a little. This is not to be finally exposed, but I didn’t think about covering it in the first place.”

“And you have to accept this duel.”

“Yes, I can’t refuse this duel.”

On this point, Maura Bodhisattva agrees.

Even if she drags everyone present into the dream of eros and falls, as long as Xie Ming does not sink, then it is meaningless. Because Xie Ming is the biggest weakness in her state of mind, and it is also the reason why she can eat the killing courtyard and pray for shortages.

After being truly awakened as a beast, the Deshengyuan Kiara is a happy demon bodhisattva who is in charge of the principle of happiness. She once swallowed Mo Luo into her belly, allowing Mo Luo to live the happy life she dreamed of.

However, Mo Luo defeated the Demon Bodhisattva from the inside, and finally swallowed it and merged. What she relied on was the obsession with Xie Ming in her heart.

If I live happily here, it is only myself after all. Outside, Xie Ming will still embark on a journey and will continue to face life and death challenges. This is an unacceptable thing for her as the incarnation of other people’s love.

So she walked out and took advantage of the opportunity to give the Demon Bodhisattva a fatal blow. Thus, Yu Mura became Mura Bodhisattva.

Divine, Buddha-nature, and Demon-nature, the three are in one, the real BeastⅢ.

This obsession, surviving from human nature, is his most critical hand when dealing with the demon bodhisattva. But He is also Beast. The existence of human nature represents the incompleteness of the animal nature, and represents the incompleteness.

So if He wants to be complete, he must resolve this obsession. Must, let Xie Ming sink, degenerate.

As long as Xie Ming enters the universe within the avatar and separates Xie Ming from Avalon, he will not be able to escape even if he is separated by the flames of killing the gods. When he was exhausted, it was when he fell.

As for the duel?

What’s a joke, how could he fight his lover?

He just wants to never be separated from his lover.

With this thought, showing a smile full of love, Maura Bodhisattva gently held Master in his hand. When it unfolded again, Xie Ming had disappeared.


Those who negotiate terms with the beast and talk about a fair confrontation between the two sides definitely have a few tons of salt water in their heads, and their brains are all melted away. Whether the two sides have any similarities in their values, world outlook, or moral values, how can they talk?

The basis of the conversation is to seek common ground while reserving differences, but the two sides have nothing in common, so naturally there is no way to establish a conversation.

Xie Ming understood from the beginning that it is impossible for Moluo Bodhisattva to play a duel game with him. However, he was obediently absorbed into the body by Moluo Bodhisattva, and did not make any resistance.

Because he understood very well what was in the body of Moluo Bodhisattva.

If it is said that the love that is enough to burn the entire universe, it is all the love of BeastⅢL in this life. Then the things that exist in the body of Moluo Bodhisattva come from BeastⅢR, all the desires of this world.

Xie Ming really doesn’t know much about Moluo Bodhisattva, as well as the previous Kama, Moluo, BeastⅢL. But he is quite clear about the Demon Bodhisattva.

That is the ultimate narcissist, who sees himself as the only human being, and unconditionally provides desire for all unfamiliar beasts (other humans), satisfies their desires, and immerses everyone in the happiness that is only satisfied by themselves. .

Therefore, there is really no exaggeration to call Seishinin Kiara a planet-level bus. All the desires in this world are the only treasure of the Demon Bodhisattva, the treasure to the planet.

But from beginning to end, Maura Bodhisattva did not use all the desires of this world. He himself said that for different people, there must be different ways of loving.

The demon bodhisattva is equal to all beings and provides the same happiness to all living beings. Use your own body as a medium, in a sexual way.

This is the biggest difference between L and R. L recognizes the diversity of human beings and the variability of human beings, so He has a variety of ways to satisfy. R, on the other hand, treats them equally and dedicate themselves to satisfy the desires of different people.If R swallows L, then the situation will naturally be different. But now, it was L who swallowed R. Then, this star-targeting treasure obtained by Devouring R can only be used by Moluo Bodhisattva on one person.

Xie Ming.

In the cognition of Moluo Bodhisattva, Xie Ming is the only one who is worthy of him to use this power. This symbolizes his body, his love, the treasure of his desires.

So, what is the actual situation?

It’s a millstone, it’s a turntable.

At this moment, Xie Ming is in the big Uzumaki, which is made up of desires.

If all the evil in this world is to leave him alone in the desperate darkness of loneliness. Then the whole desire in this world is the desire to make this black because of the colorful Madara, crushing his existence into powder.

In this way, Xie Ming naturally merged with Mo Luo Bodhisattva.

Even if he has tempered the spirit and soul that has gone through countless reincarnations, under the planet-scale desires, he can’t persist for too long. The barrier of the soul is being infested, corroded, and crushed by desire.

“Big grind, it really fits the definition of love and desire.”

The so-called Gentle Township, Hero Tomb. Heroes can carry the burden of saving the world, but they cannot bear the tenderness of their lover to themselves. Love and desire constantly consume the hero’s will, and eventually make the hero become a mortal, buried in the dust.

Xie Ming didn’t have any doubts about this, because he felt that he would become like that in the end. But that is by no means now.

“The only heroes who can be buried in the mound are those who have fulfilled their mission and fulfilled their responsibilities.”

Yes, he still has too many things to do.

He has not yet reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship, he has not yet avenged his siege to the Sprites, and he has not yet reported that point of revenge to the Sprites. He still has a promise that has not been fulfilled…

People cannot be satisfied, they are constantly moving forward. Even if you stop in place today, but as long as you look towards tomorrow, you still have the courage to step towards the future.

Until death, no one should be satisfied.

“Restrain yourself and surpass yourself. This is my belief and awareness.”

Therefore, Xie Ming will not indulge in anything. The evil of this world cannot crush his spine, and powerful enemies cannot interrupt his legs. The desire of this world can’t destroy his soul.

Xie Ming has always said that he is a very selfish and very ordinary human being. The bondage on his body is the bondage of his voluntary bondage and voluntary bondage. In other words, as long as he is unwilling, no one or anything can restrain him.

This is rebellion, this is his Sparta. This is the essence of the human being named Xie Ming.

“The state of the Chilong Emperor.”


The rebellious red dragon wings turned into black and red flame cloaks and dissipated, and the devil blade of killing gods had been raised high by the rebellious King Kun at some point.

“Little Sakura, you must be watching?”

The pupil of the rainbow light watched tenderly at the big crush that was dying out of him, which was his love for his sister.

The younger generation took a crooked path, and there must be reasons why the older generation did not set a good example. At this point, Xie Ming was disqualified. He didn’t teach little Sakura well, and guide little Sakura.

I think that Sakura is already big, and I should understand what is right.

But he has forgotten that even if he has experienced countless reincarnations, he still needs other people’s scolding and teaching.

“Love is not depravity, love makes progress. Love makes people understand responsibility, and love makes people learn to bear. Love is a matter of two people, love is temperate, and love is painful.”

“If you want to deny me, then obliterate me. Obliterating this trick contains all my slashes.”

“If it is indelible, then this blow will be my flogging to you. My form of love for you.”

“The earthly swordsmanship, Heng.”


The world, as if the pause button was pressed at this moment. Working hard to maintain the BB in the imaginary space, Wuming Alter, who was constantly pulling the trigger to repel the avatar of Moluo Bodhisattva, Galahad, who smashed through countless cyan hands with his shield, stopped at the same time.

With a surprised look, he looked at the universe-scale Maura Bodhisattva’s body.

Because there was a crack in the perfect body. A ray of light was revealed in the crack.

“That is….”

“That is……..”

Rin and Karen looked at the light, and they couldn’t move their eyes.

Courage, hope, temperance, self-discipline, strictness, consciousness, gentleness…

Obviously it was just a ray of light, but for some reason, they would use so many words to describe this ray of light.

The cracks are still expanding, and more and more of the same light is coming out of Mo Luo Bodhisattva’s body. All the avatars gave up the attack unanimously, and threw on the Mo Luo Bodhisattva one after another, trying to prevent the cracks from expanding, and to block the exposure of the light.

However, as long as there is a gap, light will appear.

At this moment, there are countless cracks in the pure land universe, which symbolizes eros.

Looking at the light for a long time, Merlin answered Lin and Karen’s questions.

“That’s love.”


“Yes. That’s love, it’s true human love.”

Merlin whispered, as if a bard conveying a legend to the world: “Human love is selfish, but it is also selfless. Human love can be subdued to people’s hope, but it can make people fall into it. despair.”

“Mara Bodhisattva’s love is the animal love of mankind. Then, this light is the love of mankind.”

“You guys, taught the dream demon who doesn’t understand love, what love is.”


A voice with a smile came from the body of Mo Luo Bodhisattva. Gently pushing away the avatar that stood in front of him, Xie Ming, dressed in red armor, walked in front of Mei Lin.

“So, can you do me a favor?”

“I would like to listen to your will, Your Majesty.”

“Can you let the flowers bloom in this entire universe?”


Merlin raised his head in disbelief, then smiled. It was a smile from the heart that was different from the frivolous smile in the past.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The wand tapped the ground lightly, establishing a magical channel with the Great Holy Grail behind it. Seeing this universe full of cracks but still filled with fallen love, Merlin opened her arms.

“Here is the primordial sky with no walls, no cities, and no country. The star of the origin shining deep in the ground. Tell you from the center of the Pure Land of Love. The story of yours is full of blessings in love! Will fill the entire universe with love.”

“Witness, sing, and move forward.”

“An ideal hometown isolated forever! (GardenofAvalon!)”

The wave of flowers surged in all directions, first the imaginary space of BB, and then the cracks in the pure land. In just a few seconds, everyone’s sights have been filled with countless flowers.

BB gave up the maintenance of the imaginary space, squatted on the ground, gently picked a flower, and put it in front of his nose.

Unbelievably, she only smelled a scent of flowers.

Elegant and plain.

But the longer the smell, the more obvious the sweetness in the floral scent. It was so sweet that my heart couldn’t help but tremble.

“Senior, you really are…”

As if suddenly lost any motivation, BB simply lay in the sea of ​​flowers.

She knew that Xie Ming called herself out to save the beast, her prototype. Her original idea was to help Xie Ming after she appreciated enough of Xie Ming’s struggle.

But now it seems that I don’t need myself anymore…

“Xie Ming… do you think this is over? You… haven’t completely denied me yet!”

At the end of the sea of ​​flowers, the cyan flame has a tendency to sweep back. The flower that symbolizes human love is lit by the fire of animal love. But above the fire, flowers actually bloomed again.

“Please don’t underestimate me, Maura Bodhisattva.”

Merlin coughed out a mouthful of blood, but the happy smile on his face couldn’t go down: “I am, the magician of flowers.”


Countless cyan flames swarmed over, seeming to tear Merlin to pieces. But before that, He must first defeat the infallible shield of will.



Karen directly used all the spells without hesitation: “Give me, block him.”


The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his gray eyes looked at the desperate amount of flame through his bangs, and his body stood still.

“I stand in the midst of disaster.”

“That is our hometown that can heal all scars and all resentments. Reveal it! An ideal city that is already far away! (LordCamelot)”

As long as the heart does not succumb, then Carmelo’s walls will never collapse. This is the wall of will, the ultimate defense symbolizing the will of man.

The flames kept hitting the city wall, and Galahad’s body also kept getting burns.

He is the city wall that guards everyone, but the city wall cannot protect the city wall itself.


“I know! Archer!”


“Command you with three magic spells and use treasures to smash this fallen into hell!”

“Oh, I’m a heroic spirit without name.”

Wuming Alter laughed: “It’s really embarrassing.”


Forget it, this thing has no chance with me.

The golden stripes were like cracks and began to cover the man’s body. The magic power of his whole body was poured into the giant pistol he held in his hand.

He doesn’t need to aim, because the pure land in front of him is already full of weaknesses.


“SoasIpray, UnlimitedLostWorks! (Unlimited Sword System)”

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