Chapter 1643

The man was a fool who pursued ‘universal justice’.

He understands this goal, this ideal is too stupid to be stupid. But he still couldn’t give up. Whether it is a false ideal or a given ideal. But without this ideal, is he still him?

The woman with a compassionate face, who has compassion for the world like the Virgin and Bodhisattva, helped him prove this.

At the first glance when he saw her, the man understood that it was not a Virgin at all, but a demon that tempted people to fall in the world. And he is the one who exterminates demons.

The devil wants to feel the danger, the devil wants to run away. So the believers who had been completely bewitched under Mo Rang’s hands, procrastinated for her.

A man’s abilities are limited, and he has no way to achieve the best of both worlds. If you don’t hurt these believers who are completely desolate and happy, then the devil will run away. It will further confuse ordinary people and cause greater harm.

But hurting these ordinary people will break his principles, his ideal: to act for ordinary people and save everyone in front of everyone’s righteous partner.

How to do?

In that short moment, the man asked himself this question countless times.

The people who are blocking themselves in front of them don’t have any evil, and they don’t have any evil ideas at all. They were just bewitched.

Want to kill?

Do you want to give up?

Want to kill? Do you want to give up? Want to kill? Do you want to give up? Want to kill? Do you want to give up? Want to kill? Do you want to give up? Want to kill? Want to kill? Want to kill? Want to kill? Want to kill? Want to kill? Want to kill?

When he noticed it, the man’s hands were already covered with blood. The pitch-black Short Sword and the pure white Short Sword opened the necks of ordinary people and pierced the hearts of ordinary people.

A warrior who has experienced many battles and possesses inhuman strength does not really need to waste any strength when he is really slaughtered.

The blood is like a curse, like the sense of sin in a man’s heart, covering the man’s body. The man who used the sword to cast a steel and iron body, but because of the blood of ordinary people, the sword body was rusted.

In the building, apart from the woman in front of him, there is no more alive.

The man suddenly discovered why he would kill this woman at the expense of distorting his ideals.

Because she is a monster.

If left alone, the world will be destroyed because of her, and mankind will be destroyed because of her. She has transformed from a human being.

But the two knives in his hands are rusty, and there is no way to kill monsters with rusty knives.

Having said that, why should I use the sword persistently?

In order to respect the heroes who used these weapons before?

What are you talking about now?

You only need to allow the magic to pass smoothly, and you only need to have enough destructive power.

The black and white double knives turned into a pistol with blades.

“In this world… there is actually a boring man like you…”

“Go to hell, monster.”

The trigger was pulled and killed the monster that was still embryonic. Men, also from partners of justice, have become murderous machines that have fallen into hell.

The conflict between the guilt of killing innocent people and the pursuit of justice and ideals in the heart continues to wear down the man’s heart. He was finally executed, a man who became a hero, and became Wuming.

The more battles, the more severe the damage to the spirit base. The gold pattern that appeared on his body was not just the scar left by his battle. What’s more, he used innocent blood to engrave on himself, a curse on himself.The ideal has disappeared, the body gradually collapses, and even the memory fades away. But there is only one thing that men will never forget.

Own, once that naive…and extremely dazzling ideal.


The bullet hit Moluo Bodhisattva’s chest, and then countless sword blades penetrated into the body from the inside out. Not only that, but even this universe has penetrated countless swords at this moment.

This is Wuming Alter’s infinite sword system, condensing one’s own mental image and one’s own inherent enchantment into a small bullet, causing the enemy to start to shatter from within.

Xie Ming was unable to make a second cut in a short time, Galahad guarded him with all his strength, and Meilin suppressed the pure land with all his strength. Therefore, he is the only one who can be the last straw.

Perhaps this is the cause.

What a spiteful, karma.

There is no way to stop the collapse of the body, and what follows is the collapse of the Pure Land of Eros.

Because this piece of pure land is his true body. He created the universe with his own ontology, and inhaled all human beings into this universe. Use yourself to replace the original universe.

The so-called Pure Land of Eros is actually based on all the desires of this world, and the body of Maura Bodhisattva as the framework, incarnate as a cosmic-level inherent enchantment constructed with fillers.

But now, the foundation is chopped up by Xie Ming, and the frame is disintegrated from the inside. If you still insist on maintaining it, then there is no need for Xie Ming and the others to take action, the pressure of the incarnation can directly crush the Molu Bodhisattva.

Therefore, the avatar is constantly returning to the ontology. The pure land was completely broken.

The real starry sky finally appeared in everyone’s eyes. The spiritual pollution all the time has finally disappeared.

“Xie Ming…”

“Little Sakura.”

Looking at the silver-haired girl sitting on the ground, Xie Ming calmly said, “You lost.”


The silver-haired girl did not reply, she was still sitting on the ground, her head down, her expression hidden by her long hair.


He sighed slightly, symbolizing that the armor of the Red Dragon Emperor had faded from his body. Xie Ming walked up to the little Sakura, gently held her hands, and lifted her from the ground.

“I’m not…..”

“Can I still admit the mistake of my sister?” Xie Ming said with a soft hand over Sakura’s bangs, “It turned out to be like this, to be honest, most of it was my fault.”

“I always think you are a kid who doesn’t need me to worry about. Besides, everyone is older. I am also worried that my incompetent brother who talks freely will make you feel a little bit self-righteous. Plus, I’m really busy. ….”

Speaking of this, Xie Ming couldn’t help but want to complain. Because of the sentence of the root cause, he has always been a little tight, so that he did not pay too much attention to the state of the girls.

But I didn’t expect that because of this reason, the little Sakura was transformed into Beast III, which led to the appearance of Maura Bodhisattva.

But this is not to blame for the root type, after all, he has countless opportunities to stop this, but he has not grasped it.


“Sorry, little Sakura. I didn’t pay much attention to you and didn’t notice your troubles in time. However, one thing will not change.”

“It’s what I have always loved you for.”

With that, Xie Ming gently kissed Sakura’s forehead.

Communication between people is extremely difficult, and it is difficult for people to understand each other.

Sometimes, you think the other person can understand what you think. But in fact, what the other person understands is very different from what you want to express.

Feelings are the same.

Even if both parties have trust in each other, if they do not express their feelings in words and actions, the other party will inevitably be agitated and worried. And this emotion will become bigger and bigger over time, and the final result is the broken trust.

“I see….”

Looking at the little Sakura, who buried his head on Xie Ming’s chest and kept crying and apologizing, Mei Lin chuckled and said, “This is the real way to defeat the beast.”

Kama is the goddess of love who was involved in the love affair between Parvati and Shiva. To die because of such boring things, it is inevitable that there will be resentment and hatred in Kama’s heart.

For Jamal, getting involved in other people’s love is so stupid that it can’t be stupid.

Because I’m tired of other people’s love, I want to replace all other people’s love with my own love. In this way, there won’t be a situation like yourself that would be wiped out because of intervening in the love of others.

Eros is the enemy of the puritan, so once the love develops in a negative direction, the god of love Kama will become a mora.

But, as the god of love, does Kama know what love is?

Love and eros are completely different things. Love is emotion, and eros is desire. Kama is the god of eros, and those who are shot by his bow and arrow will ignite the fire of eros. But, does he really understand what love is?

I am a fan of the authorities. I am afraid there is no problem with these four words to describe Kama. Because he is used to using bows and arrows to arouse lust, rather than using time and company to cultivate love.

Kama, the god of eros, does not understand love. For him, love is a means.

After being burned to death by Shiva and turned into ‘invisible’ and ‘infinite’, would Kama never think about it? Why does Parvati love Shiva so desperately. Obviously he has become a pure cultivator, cut off his seven emotions and six desires.

Love… what is it?

After transforming into Maura, why did Kama choose to save (destroy) mankind by burning the entire universe with his love?

Because, the God of love, Kama also longed for love, longing for true love.

The same is true for Little Sakura.

Obviously I have worked so hard and put in so much, but the person who cares has never paid too much attention to himself. So, are you not doing well enough? Is it possible to get his attention and love by doing better by yourself?

The thirst for love is perhaps the main reason why the young Sakura and the Kama nucleus are extremely adaptable.

Therefore, if you want to defeat Beast III, who controls the principle of [Eros], what is really needed is not how powerful force or how targeted means.

Just need to teach her to love.

Only love can defeat the beast of erotic desire.

Everyone present understood what Merlin wanted to express. Rin and Karen’s expressions are a bit complicated, Wuming Alter seems to be immersed in the memory, Galahad shows a light smile, BB pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction.

“Senior! Isn’t it a bit too arrogant to show affection in front of my righteous palace?”

With that, he rushed to Xie Ming’s back.

Then it was blocked by a shield made of cyan flames. Little Sakura poked her head out of Xie Ming’s shoulder and looked at BB coldly: “Speaking of which, who are you? What is your relationship with Xie Ming’s brother? ?”

“I’m the cutest Cthulhu school girl in seniors, BB sauce~”

“Senior? School girl? BB? The meaning is unknown. Claiming to add ‘sauce’ is really unbearable.”

“Huh!? I said, even if you are the main body of BB sauce, there are things that can and cannot be said! Do you think that BB sauce will show mercy to you because you are the main body?”

“Wait…you two, stop for me.”

Looking at the beast and the evil god who were about to fight, Xie Ming’s head started to hurt.But this kind of slapstick is the most suitable symbol of peace.


In the middle of the night, the corridor of Uranus Temple.

Xie Ming looked up at the moon, with Otinus sitting on his shoulders.



“Actually, you were aware of the problem before the little Sakura became a Maura Bodhisattva.”


“Really…” Xie Ming smiled bitterly and shook his head: “That’s it.”

“You don’t ask me why I noticed it, but don’t you stop it?”

“Because I already know the answer.”

Regardless of what the root cause wanted to convey to him, or the reason Otinus hadn’t stopped it, Xie Ming had already understood it after experiencing the First World War of the Molu Bodhisattva.

For him, the appearance of Maura Bodhisattva is necessary. This is a wake-up call to him.

The return this way seemed to be Xie Ming’s resolution of what he had been worrying about in order to prepare for the fourth-level advancement. However, every world he returned was actually the pure land of Eros of Maura Bodhisattva.

All he saw were the people he cared about and missed. But, will things like feelings disappear after a period of time after meeting each other? Isn’t there any concern?

will not.

Gentle Township, the Tomb of Heroes.

Even if Xie Ming is an extremely self-disciplined person, every time he sees these people who care about it, he will wear out the sharpness in his heart.

If he really has to deal with all the concerns before facing the advanced trial, without any pressure, can he still pass the fourth-order trial?

People become stronger just because they have concerns. The person who doesn’t pretend in his heart is just an empty shell.

“Even if it’s you, you have concerns in your heart, right?”

“Wu Ming Alter. Or, Wei Gong?”


The dark-skinned man slowly walked to Xie Ming’s side, his body was already full of gold patterns. Although the magic power in the Great Holy Grail is almost exhausted, there is no problem with supporting the followers of them staying in this world for a while longer.

“Do you have something to ask?”


Taking out the notepad from Kabuto behind him, Wuming·Alter turned it over and said, “I am the heroic spirit of Wuming. After I became like this, even what happened five minutes ago is the same to me. A distant dream.”

“So, I have a habit of writing down important things. What’s more, if this matter is not resolved, even if it is a corpse like me, I am afraid it will not be peaceful.”

“Merlin said that only with love can the beast of [Eros] be truly defeated.”

“But, that’s when you already have a bond with Uranus Temple Sakura.”

“Then…. What about the beast that is completely unfamiliar and that the other party has transformed?”

“In that case, can you still use love to bring it down?”

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