Chapter 1645: Only You Can Do It

Only when people have complete freedom of will to act, can people take full responsibility for their actions.

This is what a great man once said, fully explaining the relationship between will and responsibility. Xie Ming’s requirements for himself and teaching to others are all inspired by this sentence.

Real freedom does not mean that there are no restrictions and you can do whatever you want. But when you have the ability to do those things unscrupulously, you can tell yourself clearly that you can’t do those things.

If you want to go your own way, do what you can’t do. Then you will bear all the consequences and responsibilities of doing these things.

Little Sakura merged with God’s core because of her own choice. Because of his emotions, he turned into a beast. These are all decisions she made with her own will. Therefore, she also paid the price.

It’s just that the price that Sakura should have paid was minimized by Xie Ming.

Now, little Sakura once again made a choice of her own will. She wanted to help Xie Ming and embark on a path of mystery thoroughly.

Then the price she has to pay is sweat and blood.

When Xie Ming asked her to choose, she probably didn’t think so much. She would only feel that she was finally able to help Xie Ming, and she was finally able to stand beside Xie Ming instead of sitting in the audience.

But her choice affected everyone in that family.

Amber and Jade have said before that their wish is to let everyone have a home where they can come back at any time.

However, Sakura’s shadow country and his party made it difficult for her to return to the outside world. She must keep moving forward and exercise constantly to achieve her idea of ​​‘helping Xie Ming’.

But were the amber and jade still there at that time?

It was ten years after Xie Ming left. Are they going to stay in that family for 20, 30, or even a lifetime?

So Amber and Jade abandoned that house and came to the Kingdom of Shadows.

“Without a family, can that family be called home?”

Fujino has always been the parent of the Uranus Temple family. She has never had the idea of ​​”Take care of little Sakura and the others is troublesome”, it is better to say that it is the opposite.

It is precisely because of the existence of Sakura and others that Fujino can become the Fujino that she is satisfied with.

She didn’t feel that she was alone in this world, even if she was abnormal. Because there are a group of family members who know her but still love her and accept her.

It’s not the kind of people who are family members by blood, but keep hiding from her, ignoring her, and fearing her.

For Fujino, this is a great comfort and a great salvation.

She wants to make horror scripts, which is her interest. But if you compare this interest with your family, it’s not worth talking about. What’s more, after entering the mystery world, you can’t create horror scripts.

Rather than talking about some things seen in the mysterious world, perhaps it can give her more inspiration.

As for Karen, she didn’t have much thoughts. The reason why I insist on training with Yanfeng Qili every day is that one is because there is nothing to do, and the other is to protect myself.

Only after hearing some of Xie Ming’s journey, she also thought about whether to travel.

Wander around, look around, maybe you can find something different.

Judging from the results, she has now come to the farthest and least likely place in the world. Would she be satisfied if she thought so?

No matter how many people think, this can’t change the little Sakura’s life trajectory because of her own choice. People who are selfish and have no conscience will say that this is their own choice, what does it have to do with me.

But obviously, little Sakura is not such a person.

When people are truly aware of their actions, the consequences of their actions, and the responsibilities they shoulder, most people will grow up. A small number of people…become waste.This is the growth of human beings, the growth of human nature.

In fact, while taking care of the tired Fujino, Kohaku and others, Sakura could feel that his control over the power of the beast was increasing.

It just so happened to confirm Xie Ming’s words.

Only love can defeat the beast of [Eros].


“Since you came, the Kingdom of Shadows has become too much lively.”

“Isn’t that good?” Hearing Skaha’s sigh, Xie Ming smiled: “Master, although you have become a transcendant, you are also a human being. You have always become stronger by fighting. .”

“But getting stronger is not just a way of fighting. It can also make people stronger by being settled in a peaceful and joyful daily life.”

“Ha ha ha, according to what you said, my thousands of years of time have not been precipitated.”

“I didn’t say that.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “I just said that this is a way to become stronger. After all, I am not just an example.”

“Among my disciples, if you speak of sophistry, perhaps you are really unbeatable. Of course, in the matter of cruelty, the same is true.” Skaha smiled and shook his head: “Unexpectedly, you actually took that The exercise method is now taught to Sakura.”

“She already understands the word responsibility, so there is nothing wrong with teaching her.”

Xie Ming turned his gaze to the young Sakura who was training under the tower: “The exercise method of a thousand souls is not complicated. The mental power of the young Sakura has already reached the standard. However, the willpower is not enough.”

“Although I don’t want her to embark on this path, since she has chosen, I will fully support her. I also believe that she will not let me down.”

“Because of trust?”

“Because of trust.” Xie Ming smiled, “also because she showed us this possibility, didn’t she?”


Skaha stopped talking, but looked at Little Sakura as quietly as Xie Ming.

As I said before, Skaha has a precise vision to see through the qualities of others. In her opinion, if the little Sakura completely turned in the direction of ‘evil’, the future would be unimaginable.

After all, this kind of paranoid girl has an affinity for evil that is beyond imagination.

It’s not just Sakura, Fujino, Kohaku, and Karen, who have an affinity for “evil” beyond ordinary people. If, without this man’s intervention, they would all fall into the darkness.

But the more darkness and evil the Ultimate, the easier it is to see the light called good.

What is most suitable for them is to stand after breaking, rather than the conventional training like this. This kind of training method is unceremoniously saying that it is burying the talents of the girls.

This can be seen from the young Sakura. After falling to evil, it will directly become a cosmic human disaster.

Little Sakura is already standing after breaking in a certain sense, and now she is slowly combing through the powerful power she suddenly gained. But what about the others?

“Their goal is not to have strong power to help me.”

It seems that he heard Skaha’s heart, Xie Ming said softly: “Training is to achieve your goals. The goal of the little Sakura is not their goal.”

“We can’t look at things with consequentialism.”


In this kingdom of the dead, where sunlight will never shine, it is difficult for people to feel the passage of time.

It’s like staying at home, drawing the curtains and playing games. I’m afraid you won’t suddenly react until your stomach protests: Ah, I have been playing for so long.

For little Sakura, this is even more true. Someone else has other things, but she only has two things, training and rest.

At first, she still felt a little uncomfortable. But now, he is completely used to it.

Until this day, Xie Ming suddenly told her that tomorrow is the final assessment, and she woke up instantly.

Ah? This…. Is this the final assessment?

Indeed, she felt that she was able to exert a stronger force. But…but other than that, she didn’t feel any other growth.

But in this training, Xie Ming is in charge. So she could only end this set of training and walked to the house where Fujino lived in a daze.

“Sakura, welcome back.”

Seeing little Sakura coming back, the happiness on Amber’s face could not be restrained: “This time has been hard, I will make you some good food now!”

“Sister Humber… what about the others?”

“Emerald, she is cleaning Master Scarha’s bedroom now, Sister Fujino and Karen are still training. The others are going to the Inland Sea of ​​Stars together, um…”

Looking at the clock on the wall, Amber smiled and said, “Everyone will be back before dinner.”


Seeing the red pen on the calendar, Sakura reacted. It turned out that he had been in the Kingdom of Shadows for almost half a year.

Actually…so fast…

“I’m going to give you a hot bath, so let’s take a good bath and wake up.”

Looking at the little Sakura who was not in his body, Kohaku patted little Sakura’s head lightly: “Even if you don’t have human metabolism anymore, taking a bath is also a pleasure.”



It was not until she felt the soothing sensation of hot water pouring on her body that little Sakura finally got out of the state of being in a dream. On the other hand, Kohaku was shampooing little Sakura’s hair while speaking in an enviable tone.

“Whether it’s Master Sakura or you, Sakura, your hair is really jealous. The touch in your hand is almost the same as water.”

“Sister Humber, you…”

“Looking at your sleepwalking state, how can I rest assured to let you take a bath alone. Moreover, our sisters haven’t washed together for a long time, haven’t they?”


The scratch felt by the scalp made little Sakura squinted comfortably. Seeing little Sakura’s expression in the mirror, Kohaku couldn’t help but smile.


“Yeah.” Little Sakura said softly, “Wait, I’ll also help Sister Ako to wash your hair.”

“Okay. But, Sakura, you really have grown up. Looking at it this way, even I am a little tempted.”

With that, Kohaku patted Sakura’s side chest lightly. Suddenly, a wave rolled.

“Ah! Amber sister!”

“Hahaha, I’m sorry.” Having said that, the envy in Amber’s tone has not diminished at all: “This, it can only be said that it differs from person to person. The same gene, Rin does not have it.””Sister Amber!”

“Okay, okay, don’t say it, don’t say it.”

Turning on the switch and flushing out the foam from Little Sakura’s hair, Kohaku sat in a position where Little Sakura let go: “Okay, I’m going to my sister to enjoy the service of Little Sakura.”


With a slight groan, little Sakura began to wash Amber’s hair carefully.

“Sister Humber, do you really want to stay with me in the Kingdom of Shadows?”

“What’s the matter? Suddenly asked about it?”

“Yes, I feel like I’m a bit too cunning.” Little Sakura whispered, “I know, whether it is Sister Fujino, Sister Amber, or Karen, you all like Brother Xie Ming very much.”

“However, I am the only one who ignores it. Even, I also implicated you in it.”

“Ah… this thing.”

Amber scratched his face and smiled shyly: “Indeed, we all want to help Brother Xie Ming if we can, and want to be the first in his heart. It’s just that we all gave up.”

“Because, I noticed that we are people in different worlds. I noticed my limits, and shrank because of the too far gap.”

“From this point, we really envy you, Sakura.”

“Only you have never given up, and have been working hard, chasing the impossible back. Looking at you who worked so hard, our hearts were filled with courage at some point.”

“You know? Because of the courage you brought, Sister Fujino went back to Guanbuzi City to meet her real parents. When you went to school, Jade and I faced the Tono clan again. He lost his Wujing bloodline. Karen went to see his father and let out a sigh of relief.”

“These are all the influences and changes you brought to us. Now, we are just repaying our favor.”

Putting his hand gently on the back of little Sakura’s hand, Kohaku said softly.

“For us, you are a hardworking and lovely sister, our family, and our second benefactor. Brother Xie Ming is regretting that he didn’t discover your abnormality earlier… We, why not? Woolen cloth?”

“Obviously we are together every day, but we haven’t found your problem. Think about it carefully, since we were young, we have never communicated like this.”

“Sometimes, the closest person is the most alienated person…”

“Sister Humber…”

“So, we will all support you.” Pulling little Sakura’s arm, letting her embrace her, Kohaku smiled: “I know, you still have a bit of trouble in your heart. But, that’s fine.”

“Because of you, that’s our hardworking sister.”

“Sakura, you have to remember the mistakes you made. Bear on your own mistakes, as well as our trust and expectations of you, and move towards your goals.”

“Because this is something that only you can do.”

“You have to join us all and help Brother Xie Ming, okay?”

With that, Kohaku held out her little finger.


Hooking Kohaku’s pinky finger, Little Sakura seemed to be speaking to Kohaku, as if to other people, and as if speaking to herself.

“I will do it.”

Run with everyone on the invisible road and catch up with the distant back.

Then, move forward side by side with him.

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