Chapter 1646 Courage

The Kingdom of Shadows today can be said to be exceptionally lively.

Altria, Merlin, Fufu, BB, Wuming Alter, Galahad, they symbolize the human nature of the world.

Rin, Fujino, Amber, Jade, Karen, CC, Yui, Yustesa, Otinus, they represent the personal family.

Skaha, the transcended person outside the world, is the witness of the trial.

Xie Ming is the companion and witness of the trial.

The beast is like a chain. Once one appears in the human world, the other six will appear one after another.

[Comparison] The beast Guy Siparuge will not enter the world because of his own will, and let himself become a hazard.

[Return] The beast Tiamat was also sealed in the Sea of ​​Imaginary Numbers, and no way was found.

[Eros] The Beast Mo Luo Bodhisattva was suppressed by the human nature of the young Sakura after Xie Ming broke all the desires in this world. But how long can this suppression last?

For human safety, killing the little Sakura is the best choice. However, Xie Ming would never allow such a thing to happen.

Sacrificing the ego to achieve the great ego is the only one who can decide forever.

No one has the right to force the person involved to make a choice.

Besides, the young Sakura has made a choice to defeat the gods and the beasts as a human being. Then, Xie Ming will accompany her to take this crucial first step.

Looking at the little Sakura walking towards him, Xie Ming said calmly.

“Are you ready?”

“……Do not.”

Little Sakura shook her head: “I don’t have any preparations.”

“Really? Sorry, I asked the wrong thing.” Xie Ming laughed: “Are you enlightened?”


With her left hand tightly squeezed her right fist and placed on her chest, little Sakura said firmly, “Because, I am not alone.”

“Really? So, let’s get started.”


Kneeling solemnly on the ground, little Sakura closed her eyes.

Xie Ming told her about the cultivation method and creative concept of a thousand souls. The soul is iron, and the will is a hammer. A hundred refining into steel, a thousand refining into fine. This is the ultimate masochistic exercise.

It is a thousand times more painful than using a hammer to hammer a steel needle into the nail.

Most importantly, there is no way to stop halfway.

The phrase that everything is difficult at the beginning is perfectly suitable to describe this exercise. As long as you get through it for the first time, it will be much easier next.

But if you didn’t get through it for the first time, even if you didn’t die, you would become a piece of scrap iron.

The first difficulty that Sakura had to face did not come from this technique. But… her heart.

“She’s scared, she’s scared.”

Looking at little Sakura without any movement, Merlin shook his head helplessly: “The madness of paranoid people always comes from their inner self-confidence. It can even be said to be low self-esteem.”

“It is precisely because there is no way to do such a thing with my own reason, that is why I throw away my reason and embrace madness. But this is an escape.”

“And what Xie Ming did was to force her to face it on her own. Face her own weakness and face her low self-esteem.”

“Faced with the weaknesses of human nature in my own existence.”

“Little Sakura…”

Fujino and others couldn’t help but cast a worried look at Sakura.Yes, little Sakura is scared. Nothing is clearer than Xie Ming, who is sitting in front of her.

The seemingly thin body was trembling, and the heart was standing still.

If she was given time to prepare, she would surely be able to suppress these and prepare her heart to face the trial. But in that case, she will inevitably fail.

Because the so-called mental preparation is just to wrap up and hide one’s own weaknesses in various shells.

But under the hammer of will, that fragile shell can only be shattered by one blow. The next thing he faced was the breaking of the steel of soul.

People have weaknesses in their hearts, and Xie Ming also does the same. But Xie Ming’s strength is to accept his own weaknesses and clearly understand himself. Xie Ming has the courage to face his heart.

This is what little Sakura lacks now.

So Xie Ming deliberately didn’t notify Sakura in advance, letting her face it without any preparation. Use various methods to persecute her.

His company, the company of her family, is a booster for her to take the first step. But this first step, after all, is for the little Sakura to step out on her own.

“Little Sakura.”

Looking at the struggling little Sakura quietly, Xie Ming said silently in his heart: “What you need most now is not to endure the pain, not to strengthen the will. It is the courage to take the first step.”

“Courage is not paranoia, not madness. Rather, the pillar of mankind’s victory over the strong is the greatest hymn of mankind.”

“Can you find your own courage?”


It turns out that the world after closing my eyes is so terrible. At this moment, little Sakura felt this for the first time.

Everyone’s eyes pierced her body like a needle.

Whether it is caring, worried, calm…

At this moment, all her feelings are needles. She couldn’t calm down, and her heart was disturbed.

Irritability, making yourself unbearable irritability.

I really want to stand up now and shout at everyone: Don’t look!

I really want to… love them…

The animal nature began to slowly awaken from its deep sleep, and Moluo Bodhisattva seemed to open his eyes.

Why can beasts cause disasters at the human level? Because what the beast represents is the weakness of human nature. They can allow humans to show their human weakness on a large scale, and then allow humans to self-destruct.

Now, under Xie Ming’s persecution, little Sakura’s human weakness has been exposed. And Moluo Bodhisattva is like a shark that smells blood, and it follows.

The breath of the beast became stronger and stronger, and the servants all took out their weapons.

But this kind of hostility, on the contrary, aroused the vitality of the beast.

Mo Luo Bodhisattva is such an existence. The more hostile you are to her, the more she will show love to you.

Power began to erode little Sakura’s consciousness.

Why should we choose this path, why should we do such a thankless thing. After suffering so much, everyone suffered so many sins, but the result was only so little.

Obviously…. There is a faster and more convenient way to choose. Why take this detour?

The line of defense in his mind was defeated layer by layer, and Sakura’s mood gradually changed towards paranoia and madness.

“…It’s too hard to force.”

Skaha sighed: “So I said, you are too cruel to her.”

Yes, no matter who it is, it will think so. What Xie Ming did is too cruel and absolutely absolutely.

Knowing that the bomb might detonate at any time, he deliberately dangled the bomb’s fuse with a lighter.

The followers have already done their second crusade against the beast.

But Xie Ming didn’t. He was still sitting in front of Little Sakura, without any defense, even the most basic mental barrier was not established.

Still, looking at little Sakura with a calm gaze.

If he said a few words to comfort little Sakura and encourage little Sakura at this time, then the beast might be suppressed.

But the followers didn’t think Xie Ming would do this. If he could do such a soft-hearted thing, he wouldn’t have to use this method to persecute little Sakura.

As I said at the beginning, Xie Ming is an escort and witness.

He will witness little Sakura’s choice from the nearest distance. No matter what difficulties little Sakura faces and what he becomes, he will accompany little Sakura’s side. Until, the little Sakura is no longer a little Sakura.

But he didn’t think that kind of thing would happen.

The weakness of human nature is not something that cannot be overcome. The method of victory was actually in the hands of little Sakura from the beginning.

“Little Sakura, are you really not aware of it?”


Feeling that there was no change from beginning to end, and there was no movement or gaze from beginning to end, little Sakura clenched her fists: “Why didn’t you respond?”

“I became like this, all to help you! All to stand by your side! I did it for you! But why did you have no response!?”


“Because he doesn’t love you.”

The fascinating voice floated from the bottom of my heart: “From the very beginning, he never loved you, he didn’t care about you. You can’t compare with those around him.”

“You’re even better than you know your sister for less than a week.”


“So, you have to fight for it. You have to let him belong to you alone! Let his eyes never leave you!”



The sound of charm suddenly became dumb.

“Let his eyes leave me?”


When did his sight leave him?

“This man doesn’t love you. He would rather take your sister Tosaka Rin to travel with you than take you. It was only because you called him to be his master.”

“If he really loves you, how could he persecute you like this? Give you such pain? Look at what he did.”

“He was so cruel to you, but because of this, you have to embrace this cruelty with love, don’t you?”



“Well, it’s not.”

Mara Bodhisattva made a mistake, and his words can seduce anyone. But alone, the temptation is not the little Sakura, his human face. The reason why he succeeded in putting little Sakura to sleep before was only because Xie Ming was not around.

But now, Xie Ming is by his side. I didn’t go anywhere, just by my side. There is no half-point reaction because of my own changes.

Under that calm gaze, there is trust in oneself.

Yes, not worry, not doubt, not hostility, not indifference, but trust.

From the beginning, he never doubted himself. It is one who doubts oneself.

Why take a detour, because a detour is the right way and can help him.

Why do you want to help him? Because I want to help him, I want to reduce the burden on his shoulders, and I want to face it with him. This is my own wishful thinking.

He also said that his greatest comfort is to see that he can live a peaceful and stable life happily.But he also said that he respected his decision. And, will help yourself.

It was me who made the choice and made the decision. But he who made the decision hesitated, feared, and frightened.

What are you afraid of?

After being afraid of failure and afraid of losing this opportunity, he could no longer keep up with him.

Why are you afraid of failure?

Because I don’t believe in myself. Don’t believe in what everyone believes in yourself, don’t believe in what people believe in yourself the most. I don’t believe it, I can pass the trial given to me by the person who believes the most.

[Brother Xie Ming, have you failed? 】

【Um. 】

[Even if Brother Xie Ming, you are already that strong? 】

[Well, because I am a human being. If you are human, you will inevitably fail and make mistakes. 】

[Because of my lack of ability, I personally killed the teacher who hindered my advancement. Because of our poor consideration, we killed our friend’s father. Because of my mistakes, I lost my friend (rival) who supported me…][My failures are too many. 】

[So, why do you continue, Brother Xie Ming? 】

[Because I failed, so I have to give up? How can you keep going? What’s going on, meeting you guys? 】

[It is precisely because I have not given up and mustered the courage to face my own failures, that I can meet you and do so many things that I am proud of. 】

This is what Xie Ming said when Amber forgot to buy vegetables and blamed himself.

Fear is not a thing to be ashamed of, no matter who it is, there is a time to be afraid. However, you will always have the most feared things.

When you think about it, the fear in front of you seems a little trivial.

What is the most scared thing for yourself?

Little Sakura felt that she was most afraid of losing Xie Ming, and that Xie Ming actually didn’t love herself.

But those are all misunderstandings.

I have never lost Xie Ming, and Xie Ming has always loved himself.

So after going back, little Sakura felt very relieved, and felt that she would have nothing to fear.

But now, she discovered what she was afraid of again. And this time, it was what I was really afraid of.

Fear of myself, betray Xie Ming’s trust.

Even if she fails, Xie Ming’s trust in her will not disappear. But…. If you sink, because you are afraid of becoming a Molu Bodhisattva again. This is the thing that most disappoints his trust.

Even if he didn’t pass the trial, didn’t he have other ways to catch up with him, didn’t he?

Is she the kind of good girl who wouldn’t leave if he didn’t leave for herself?

It’s long gone.

At some point, the breath of the beast has completely disappeared. The body no longer trembles. Those irritating and stinging sights also disappeared.

Naturally, the line of sight did not disappear, it was just that I no longer cared about it.

For myself, I only need to feel the gaze in front of me, this gaze that makes me feel at ease.

The hammer raised high in the sea of ​​spirit was finally knocked down.

This was supposed to be a silent hammer, but the sound seemed to rang in everyone’s ears.

The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth curled up slightly. Because he knew that there would be no more difficulties and thorns in the future that could stop the girl’s progress.

Because she Master lives the biggest weapon of mankind.

Under this weapon, even the beast will surrender.

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