Chapter 1647

Human nature has many flaws, but it also has many shining points. The most shining one is called Courage.

When people face anything, the first one to fight is also courage.

Courage is the beginning for mankind to face the world.

After seeing little Sakura leaning on herself and plucking up the courage to take that first step, Xie Ming actually didn’t need to worry about the rest of the matter. Whether it is a trial of a hundred times or the beast that may appear next, Sakura and the others will definitely be able to solve it.

After the four servants summoned after discussion, they all chose to stay on the outside. Altria and Fujino have established a contract, Galahad and Wuming Alter have not changed, and BB has become a servant of the little Sakura.

After all, Sakura was the only one who could suppress this little devil among the people present. BB was originally an AI created with the data of the little Sakura, and the power of the beast can also break the wrist with the power of the evil god of the master of BB.

If BB really wants to do things, Altria’s holy spear to stabilize the world and holy sword to expel planetary enemies can also be of great use.

It’s not that Xie Ming doesn’t trust BB, in fact it’s the opposite. Xie Ming did this precisely because he believed in BB. This guy, the ability to do things is too strong. Coupled with the power of Nyarlatotepu, the favorite of the evil gods, no one knows what moths she will make on a whim.

After the little Sakura completed the hundred trials, Xie Ming brought everyone back to Fuyuki City. The reason why I went to the Kingdom of Shadows was to use Skaha’s power to let little Sakura hone his will through training.

And now, she was able to run a thousand souls, so naturally there was no need to stay in the Kingdom of Shadows.

So after asking everyone what they thought, everyone went back to the house that Xie Ming had exchanged from the Fujicun group.

When I saw the Uranus Temple House again, the expressions of Fujino and others were obviously relaxed.

This is their real home.

Although Xie Ming said that Sakura would drop out of school to follow this path, 80% of them came to scare her. In fact, the last thing Sakura handled was not withdrawing from school, but an application for a long vacation.

So when young Sakura learned that she had come back, she had to complete her studies within a week for the final exam, even she cast a bitter look at Xie Ming.

In this regard, Xie Ming could only pretend to be invisible.

The matter is basically over, the goal has been achieved, and it is time for Xie Ming to return.

Just before returning, in return, he still needs to thank Skaha for helping them.

There has never been only one way of repaying Skaha.


This time, it was really letting go and fighting. Skaha can take advantage of the location of the Kingdom of Shadows, and can use the original Rune. And Xie Ming can also use all his skills and status.

The Red Dragon Emperor VS the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows.

Only a few people know the outcome of this battle. No one loses, because this is not a battle of winning or losing. Both sides just want to fight and have fun.

As a result of all the fun, a few hectares of desert appeared on the outskirts of Shadow Country.

Both sides played very happily, but it was a bit bloody.

Anyway, after fighting with Skaha, Xie Ming directly chose to return to the main god space. Of course, as a rule, before returning, Xie Ming was still drawn to the small black room to talk.

“Have fun?””Only fright.”

Hearing the root questioning, Xie Ming couldn’t help but vomit: “What is Moluo Bodhisattva? I’m scared to death, okay.”

“Ha ha ha ha, let’s say okay first, I didn’t do any tricks from it.”

Roots covered his mouth and chuckled: “The so-called destiny is made up of this coincidence. But how to reverse this destiny to the shape of one’s own hopes depends entirely on human beings.”

“In fact, you have learned a lot from this incident, and you also rely on your own efforts to turn the matter into a good situation, haven’t you?”

“The result theory is not desirable.” Xie Ming sighed: “Forget it, you should have something to tell me.”


Kneeling gracefully on the ground, the roots motioned Xie Ming to sit in front of him. Waiting for Xie Ming to be seated, he slowly said, “You don’t intend to continue to return to the previous world, right.”

“Before I passed the advanced trial, I didn’t have this plan anymore.”

Xie Ming smiled: “Appropriately giving myself a little pressure can increase my success rate even more, right?”

“Well, the more pressure you are, the more you can break through yourself. The best choice for you is to establish a life channel with the World Tree, and immediately start preparing for advanced trials.”

“Long-term knots naturally need to be untied earlier, but for things like children’s love, it’s better to go after the most important thing is solved. But fortunately, your luck is really bad. Thanks to your luck. , You did not spend too much energy on emotional issues.”


Xie Ming didn’t know what to say, whether the root style was boasting or belittling himself. What is called ‘fortunately, your luck is really bad’.

“Just tell the truth.” Roots laughed: “Originally, it was forbidden to tell the agent in advance about the fourth-level advancement. However, because you are the agent of my investment bet, it is not enough to give you a few words of reminder. Minute.”

“Besides, you have a little guesswork yourself, don’t you?”

“more or less.”

Xie Ming rested his chin and tapped his fingers on his knees: “I have also seen a lot of people who have undergone sublimation of life. Generally speaking, the sublimation of life is related to the energy system, right.”


Roots turned out various creatures at random, and said softly: “The sublimation of life is mainly through the unification and integration of the energy in the body. Compatible fusion, and those that cannot be merged become impurities to be eliminated.”

“After the merging of energies, it brings about the improvement of the biological essence. There are too many relevant examples, I won’t talk to you one by one. Let’s talk about your situation.”

“Regarding the integration of energy systems, you are very dominant. The waves of killing intent, the fire of killing gods, and the red dragon emperor cage hand that should be mutually exclusive are forcibly integrated under the effect of the catalog.”

“And as the number of times increases, the energies of these three systems have an affinity. In addition, you have not changed your basic energy nature, and there is energy conversion. You basically don’t have to worry about energy rejection. ”

“As for what to give priority to, and what path to use for life sublimation, I believe you will know this in your heart.”

“The main thing I want to tell you now is about the path you chose.”

The gorgeous rainbow pupil stared at Xie Ming earnestly, and said calmly from the root: “If you want to sublimate life through the catalog of the tree of life, you have to collect the ten missing mass points on it.”

“It’s nothing more than a general small world catalogue, but the catalogue behind you is the general outline for the creation of these thousands of planes. Ten quality points are the detailed data of the design content of the thousands of planes. But only with persistence. Only with the existence of the general outline can the power of ten quality points be truly exerted.”

“However, the mass point is data. Even if there is no general outline, as long as there is something similar, it can still exert a certain degree of power. You should understand what I want to express.”

“……I see.”

To describe it with a more vivid metaphor, the ten quality points are large-scale PC games. If you use the best equipment to play this game, then it is natural that the special effects and image quality are all full, and you can enjoy the ultimate level of gaming experience.

But if you set all the settings to the lowest, you can also experience PPT-style games on your old computer.

The real master plan of the creation design is the catalog of the Kabbalah tree of life that he carries behind his back. However, thousands of planes also have other catalogs of the Kabbalah tree of life. Filling the quality points into these ‘inferior’ general outlines can also exert the effect of the quality points.

For example, things like reshaping a plane.


The root cause continued: “Ten mass points are a set of data. Therefore, they will appear in the same world. However, no plane can withstand the powerful data of these ten mass points at the same time.”

“Even if it’s me, it won’t work.”

“The only carrier of the ten mass points is the catalog behind you. Only the catalog behind you can suppress the data of the mass points and give full play to the power of the mass points.”

“…My Tier 4 advanced trial world is the world where ten particles are located.”

Xie Ming frowned: “Shi, what will happen to the plane that can’t bear the mass point data?”

“Excessive forced evolution and then destruction.”


Destroy, for this Xie Ming is not surprised. But what is the excessive forced evolution?

“Very simple question.” Roots said softly: “You should be quite familiar with my world, then you should also know what is the end of most human beings in the world you call Xingyue.”

“…The earth of steel, the coral of the moon.”


The root type said softly: “Because the mind and soul have not kept up with their own evolution, the race is destroyed by evolution. This is just a kind of forced evolution.”

“The data distributed by the mass point focuses on creation and evolution. Looking at the thousands of planes, no race can surpass humans in this respect (not limited to the earth). Therefore, the most affected by the mass point, the same Humans too.”

“This has led to a very interesting phenomenon. If humans in a plane are extinct, then that plane has also entered the countdown to destruction.”

“If the planes destroyed by the Sprites account for 70% of all the destroyed planes. Then the planes destroyed by the mass point account for the remaining 27%.”

“The reason why I told you so much is to tell you, don’t underestimate the plane where the mass point is.”

The root type said earnestly: “Perhaps, you will enter a world where everyone is a god. Even the weakest person needs you to turn on the forbidden hand to defeat.”

“Or maybe, you will enter a plane that has evolved to extremes due to the impact of the particles. And in that plane, you will become the prey of all people. In order to prevent your own plane from being destroyed, in order to make yourself a Master. They will take away your catalog at any cost.”

“So, Ming, you should already know how bumpy the road you are about to embark on is.”

“I see…..”

If everyone has the power of the demon god like Ortinus, it is really hell.

“You are not the only way to choose.”


“Whether it’s your God-killing fire or the Red Dragon Emperor from the top dragon clan and evolved by the catalog, you can reach that peak state. And that road will be relatively smooth for you, relatively It’s easier.””However, it is impossible to defeat the King of Sprites.”


“So I would not choose that way.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “That is just a simple escape for me.”

“You know, I just taught little Sakura how to use courage. And in the next moment, will I lose my courage?”

“That would be too foolish.”

Slightly standing up on the ground, Xie Ming stretched out his hand to pull the root cause from the ground: “Shi, do you think, why do humans always defeat the strong as the weak?”

“Because, wisdom and courage.”

“Well, yes, but one is missing.”

Xie Ming smiled and said: “For me, it is three words. Courage, wisdom, and blood.”

“When it’s time to do it, it’s time to do it. Don’t do it when it’s time to do it. When the danger really comes, there will be no chance to do it again.”

“If I fall on the road, it just means that I am only a human being at this level. With only this level, nothing can be done. So, since I have this opportunity, I will seize it tightly.”

“Even if you lose everything, you just have to start from scratch.”

“…Then, I won’t say more.”

Roots smiled and said softly: “I wish you a smooth journey.”

“hope so.”

Xie Ming shrugged and replied with a smile.


From the task space back to the main god space, the substitutes have a total of seven days of rest. If you go back to the mission world in the past, it will consume one day of rest.

After Xie Ming returned from Xuezhan City, he returned to four worlds one after another.

Magic Forbidden Book Catalog, Rewrite, Sword Art Online (Dungeon and Warrior), Xingyue.

In other words, he has three days left.

Although he still owed a promise that was not completed, but after thinking about it, he decided to wait until he advanced to Tier 4 before returning to complete it.

Through Acedes’s substitute number, Ophelia’s antidote was sent to Anonymous. Xie Ming entered a completely daily state.

Yes, the daily state.

Even if he tightens himself again, what awaits him is still unknown. Moreover, he said it was a rest, but in the end he never rested much in the four worlds. But it is also a problem if the rest is too long.

Three days is enough for him to adjust himself.

Moreover, since he advanced to the great master of swordsmanship, he has not entered the tower of swordsmanship once, and competed with the great masters of swordsmanship inside.

It’s also time to go in and conduct an all-round test of your current level of swordsmanship through the masters of swordsmanship inside.

By the way, look for the inspiration for the fifth style of the earthly swordsmanship.

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