Chapter 1651 This Article Two Asia

Indeed, when replaced by anyone, seeing Xie Ming’s miserable appearance will feel that he is bluffing.

The bandage was stained dirty black with ashes and blood, and the body and branches underneath seemed to be broken with a single break. It can be said that Xie Ming is now a human-shaped fire stick.

How threatening can a fire stick say?

No matter how strong the combat power he had just shown, the opponent couldn’t shrink back because of it.

In fact, the same is true.

Don’t look at the knife that Xie Ming just threw looks fierce, but in fact it was his helpless choice. To know that he usually faces this situation, he usually uses the instantaneous draw and cut to cut out the knife light to solve the problem.

He now uses energy for basic fighting. Almost all energy is used to maintain the movement of the body.

Three tricks.

After eating and drinking, and overclocking his organs, the energy produced is only enough for him to attack three moves. And these three tricks can only be performed by the body, because there is no excess energy.

Clean up the group of AST members, barely counted in one trick. Throwing a knife is the second move.

Originally in Xie Ming’s plan, the second move, no matter how bad it was, would make the blonde woman in front of him lose the ability to fight. She did not expect that the broken weapon and broken bones in both arms would be healed instantly by her.

She is called the’world’s strongest magician’, and it seems that she doesn’t have much moisture.

So now Xie Ming has only one choice.

“It’s time to run away.”

Temporarily canceling the restoration of the energy to the body, Xie Ming suddenly disappeared, and the intense murderous intent locked Ailian from all directions. This chill spread from the spine to the whole body, causing Ailian to subconsciously tighten her body and make a coping action.

But in the next second, she saw Xie Ming directly resisting the nun on her shoulders, cut a crack in front of her, and went in without hesitation.

“Star dust!!!!”

As if it was because she was frightened by a fire stick, Ailian roared, “You despicable villain!!!”

As he said, the mechanical wings behind him ejected explosive flames and rushed to the crack Xie Ming had penetrated.

But naturally, she threw herself away.

“Base! Return the nun’s spiritual response!!”

“Captain Ailian…” the operator’s cautious voice came from the headset: “The nun’s spiritual response has disappeared and cannot be located…”

“What about that man!? What about the spiritual response of the stardust!?”


“Say it!!!!”

“Calm down, Ailian.”

The voice of the man named Izak took over for the operator: “Identification code star dust, there is no spiritual response on his body.”

“No… spiritual response?”


The man’s voice became extremely happy: “What does this mean, you should know Ailian?”

There is no spiritual response, indicating that the man is not an elf, nor can he be a magician. But he can speak human words, possessing wisdom and intellect.

“Out of the sky…human beings?” “Who knows?”

Aizak smiled and said, “But there is only one thing for sure.”

“Things have become interesting.”

“Hiss~……whoo.”After taking a deep breath, Ailian’s expression returned to calm: “Aizak, what should I do next?”

“Go and see the other team members. If there are dead, consider the stardust as a super dangerous elves. If there are no dead, just raise the stardust’s evaluation, and then bring them back.”


After hanging up the communication, Ailian firmly held the hilt of the sword, staring at the place where the two of Xie Ming disappeared, and said every word.

“Next time, I won’t give you this kind of opportunity again.”

“Star dust.”


A crack suddenly appeared in the deep mountains and ridges where I didn’t know where. Two silhouettes flew out from the inside and fell to the ground.

“It hurts!”

“Cough…cough cough cough cough…”

The girl with short gray hair slowly stood up in her home clothes, holding her head, and then hurriedly looked at Xie Ming: “Hey! Mr. Redeemer! Are you okay?”

Can it be all right?

Hearing Erya’s question in this article, Xie Ming was really stuck in his throat and couldn’t vomit it out.

Although it was only a short while, the body that was already seriously injured had indeed become worse. And he also used time and space abilities to travel through space.

Thanks to this, the muscles just born almost melted. The internal organs of overclocking have also been damaged. And because of the use of the mental power he didn’t have much, the tingling sensation in his head was simply intolerable.

However, because of this training method, Xie Ming’s pain tolerance has reached an inhuman level. Therefore, it is not intolerable.

It’s just that the physical condition instantly returned to the state it had just landed. No, it’s worse than when I first landed.

The only good news is that Xie Ming’s sanity is still clear now. Although the physical condition is very bad, as long as the consciousness is still there, he has the confidence not to make things worse.


“Without external help, if you only rely on energy and vitality to repair yourself, I am afraid that there will be some sequelae.”

But it’s better than dying there or being caught as an experiment.

“I’m okay.”

Enduring the pain in his whole body, Xie Ming reluctantly sat by the tree with the help of Honjo Erya: “Now, we should have escaped DEM’s round up.”

“But this does not mean that we are safe.”


Ben Tiao Erya also understands the seriousness of the matter. In the wilderness where there is nothing, a second-generation otaku who can only draw cartoons and a man who fell to the ground with serious injuries can’t survive in any way.

Now, DEM Society should be searching for her spiritual response in the desperate world. The use of spiritual equipment will make the situation more dangerous.

“I can’t move right now, so I’ll rely on you next.”


“Be confident.”

The eyes under the bandage stared at the girl in front of him, Xie Ming calmly said: “I understand, this is a very difficult thing for you.”

“But this is not a reason for you to give up.”

“You want to live and continue to draw comics, don’t you? In that case, you have to gritted your teeth to pass this level.”

“Now, I need you to concentrate and listen to me.”


He patted his cheek fiercely, and Honjo Erya looked at Xie Ming seriously.

“First of all, this place is still in Japan. I didn’t have that much energy at the time to allow the two of us to move to other places. I just can’t confirm where it is.”

“But still in Japan, it has greatly reduced the difficulty of your survival.”

Looking at the girl who was greatly relieved after hearing the words ‘Still in Japan’, Xie Ming continued: “But you can’t be active in society as you are.”


“Because DEM has inevitably revealed all of your property.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “Once they find out that you are still living as yourself. Things like today will inevitably happen one after another.”

“So, you can’t continue to act as your own, and you can’t continue to contribute to the magazine as a cartoonist in a short period of time. You have to figure out these things.”

“At least, you can’t do these things until I recover.”

“After I recover, you can continue to contribute under your pen name. Because at that time, I already had the ability to hide the identities of the two of us.”

“Um… I see…”


Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the girl, Xie Ming really wanted to give her a hard blow. Is she really stupid or fake, doesn’t she understand how serious the situation is now?

I want to live my previous life, yes. But at least you have to be safe first, and then consider those?

In order to live that comfortable life, can I live without life?

That’s it, or do you control the wizard that represents the second quality point of wisdom?

When Xie Ming was reading the original work at the time, he felt that the girl had no more strings in her mind. It now appears that this is not a question of few root strings, or simply stupidity.

But it was this silly girl who was his savior, and he couldn’t just leave it alone.


With a deep sigh, Xie Ming continued patiently, “You can’t use your original identity, it means we don’t have money or a place to live.”

“In other words, we are no different from street friends (hobos) now. You shouldn’t have your mobile phone with you, right?”


“That’s good.” “Do you have cash on you?”


For a moment, Honjo Erya took out three wrinkled sheets of Yukichi Fukuzawa from his old sportswear, and his eyes lit up: “This is what I originally planned to go out to buy wine and drink!”

“…Warning, you are not allowed to buy wine.” Staring at the Erya of this article, Xie Ming said very seriously: “No, buy wine.” “I know, I’m not stupid. .”

Seeing the girl’s face full of regret, Xie Ming felt that the pain in his head became worse.

But in general, these 30,000 yen can really be said to be a life-saving straw for them now. With this initial funding, his plan can be greatly shortened.

“There should be a village or a small city nearby. You should go there and find a store that sells used clothes and buy me an inconspicuous old suit. Long-sleeved trousers, a jacket with a hat, and a mask that can cover your face. , The shoes are arbitrary.”

“You don’t need to buy bandages and medical supplies. Those are not necessary now. Buy more high-energy and high-nutrition foods, military dry food, chocolate, and so on.”

“After I have eaten these things, I should have basic mobility. At that time, we will go to the city together to solve the following problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation.”

“You shouldn’t be hungry?”


Honjo Erya froze for a while, then shook his head: “I’m okay, not too hungry.”

“…Before you come back, go to the dining room for a meal. One or two thousand yen is still within the acceptable range.”

With a painful grin, Xie Ming waved his hand: “Go, don’t get hurt on the road, the mountain road is still a bit unstable. From here, you can go to the city.”

“…..Um.”Looking worriedly at Xie Ming, Honjo Erya stood up and said, “You shouldn’t die before I come back?” “Don’t worry, my life is hard.” “Then…I’m leaving…”


Seeing the girl running away, Xie Ming leaned his head on the tree and closed his eyes slightly.

How long have you not encountered this embarrassing situation? When I went to Arad Continent, I was also empty, but at least my body was still okay. Even if it was buried in the ground during the first-level advancement, Yui was there to help.

But now, the body can’t move, and even the strength of the move needs to be carefully saved. Both Otinus and Justitisa fell asleep, and there was only a young girl with extremely poor self-care and self-control ability beside them.

Without comparison, there is no harm. How unreliable this article is, Xie Ming misses them so much.

“But… it’s such an unreliable girl who saved herself…” So even if she really couldn’t help it, she bought all the money for wine, or was discovered using her bank account. , Xie Ming could only help her with a sigh.

At least, she is a kind-hearted girl and her own savior.

Combining the two together, even if Xie Ming had no choice but to get into the fire anymore, he could only bear with it and slowly teach her to change her.

Before that, he would continue to wipe her ass.

“Let’s rest for a while…”

“Really, I’m a little tired…”

With that, Xie Ming entered a light sleep.

The sky slowly darkened, and the heavy footsteps and gasping made Xie Ming slowly open his eyes. After sleeping for a while, although his physical condition did not improve much, the pain in his head was relieved a lot.

“I’m back…”

Before long, the girl with messy hair appeared in Xie Ming’s sight. The sportswear and sweatpants he was wearing had a lot of tears, mud all over his body, and some abrasions on his face.


“Mr. Savior, I’m back!”

Seeing Xie Ming opening her eyes, the girl holding the bag waved happily, panting and shouting: “I bought everything!”


Seeing the girl taking out clothing, food, bandages and alcohol from the paper bag, Xie Ming was silent for a few seconds: “Didn’t you say it, don’t you need to buy medical supplies?”

“How can that work!?”

Honjo Erya’s eyes widened: “Mr. Savior, you are all wounded like this. It’s not like me that the wound can be repaired with spiritual power. What if the wound infection worsens?”

If it would deteriorate, it would have deteriorated long ago.


“Ah!” “…You didn’t eat?”

“I want to eat ramen…” Honjo Erya smiled: “But Mr. Savior, you are still in the mountains, how can I eat ramen by myself?”

“If you want to eat, we will eat together when Mr. Rescuer is healed!”

“…My name is Xie Ming. Where is your name?”

“Xie…Mr. Xie Ming? It’s China’s name, Mr. Xie Ming, are you from China?”

“Well, a Chinese from a different world. Also, just call me Xie Ming.”

“That’s it. My name is Honjo Erya, Mr. Xie Ming can also call me Erya directly~”

“Okay, let’s stop here for self-introduction, Xie Ming, can you eat by yourself? Do you need my help?”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly when he saw Er Ya tearing the chocolate to his mouth with a smile on his face.

“Well, then I will trouble you.”

This is why he already knows how wasteful this girl is, but he can’t let her leave her alone.

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