Chapter 1652

With the help of Erya, Xie Ming slowly finished all the food she brought back. However, Erya barely matched mineral water, and was full after eating a piece of compressed dry food for military use.

Although the internal organs are a bit damaged, they can still maintain extraordinary functions under the maintenance of energy. With the supplement of external energy, he also slowly gained basic mobility.

Therefore, I can’t ask Erya for changing bandages and putting on clothes.

He was completely in a coma before, and he was not adult at all, so Erya didn’t think much about it when he bandaged him.

Now, even though he is still not a man, since he is able to move, Xie Ming will not be able to accept a girl who has just met a few days ago to change her bandages and clothes.

He is not interested in this kind of shame Play.


Xie Ming, who endured the pain and put on his clothes behind the tree, asked casually: “Erya, have you figured out which city is nearby?”

“of course.”

Erya smiled and said: “The mountain we are now in is called Yuanhai Mountain, and there happens to be a small city nearby. Moreover, a section of the road to the north is the famous Tiangong City.”

“Tiangong City…”

This name is naturally familiar to Xie Ming. It, along with Fuyuki City and Gakuen City, is listed as the three major safety zones in Japan.

As for the aspect of security, it is natural that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. Anyway, insurance companies will definitely not conduct business in these three cities.

During the frequent space earthquake disasters that occurred 24 years ago, a large pothole with a radius of about 4 kilometers was dug from the southern part of Tokyo to Kanagawa in Japan.

And the emerging metropolis built in this big pothole by the display device is Tiangong City.

Although Xie Ming’s main purpose now is to live with Erya, in order to collect all the ten quality points, Tiangong City must be the city where they will go next and stay for a long time.

If they just want to live in Tiangong City, they must first face a very real problem: money.

I only have less than 20,000 yen in funds, and I don’t have an account. In this case, let alone survive in Tiangong City, even how to get to Tiangong City is a problem.

“Let’s go.”

Wrapped the demon sword and Tianhuo Jingyan into a rod with a bandage, and put it on his back. Xie Ming looked at Erya: “Let’s go to the small city nearby. You can tell me about the situation in that city on the way.”



Because he had experienced economic problems in the Moon World, after returning to the main god space, Xie Ming prepared several boxes of gold bars in his portable space.

However, if you can’t open the portable space, it’s useless to keep a hundred boxes.

In addition, Xie Ming’s physical condition is now poor, and Erya can’t act in his own capacity. Both of them are still in registered permanent residences without identification. Therefore, there are not many choices given to Xie Ming.

Only black means can be used to solve the problems they are facing now.

When almost everyone was asleep in the middle of the night, Xie Ming took Erya to find an Internet cafe with not many customers, and walked in when the front desk was not there.

The service of Japanese Internet cafes, Xie Ming has experienced in the world of Rewrite, and overall it is quite good.

Free drinks, as well as individual private boxes for two persons. You can just lie on the floor to sleep when you are tired.

And in this underworld time, there are definitely a lot of people who fall asleep in a separate box. Some people even paid for the accommodation fee, but because they were tired of playing, they went home directly with their computers empty.

Thinking about Xie Ming’s idle panic days before studying abroad, he even set an alarm clock for the underworld to wake up, and then went to the Internet cafe to pick up the leaks. Thinking about it now, it’s all good memories.

Unexpectedly, today, he could actually re-apply this experience.I found an empty box and walked in with Erya. Although Erya wants to see what Xie Ming is going to do, the term ‘hacker’ has always existed only in her concept.

The English letters on the full screen looked to her, no different from the heavenly book. After calming down, all the exhaustion of the day came up, and after a while she lay on the ground and fell asleep.

If it is possible, Xie Ming actually wants to use the electric shock ability to directly solve this series of problems. But unfortunately, his mental power did not allow it.

Justissa was sleeping, and his spiritual sea was now full of cracks. All the recovered mental power was used to repair these cracks.

It is really not worthwhile to use mental power to act hard for this little thing.

Isn’t it just a long-lost hand hit? It’s not that he never did it.

The next day, early morning.

The prompt from the front desk made Erya slowly open his eyes, and said dazedly: “Morning…good morning…”

“Good morning.”

Rubbing his eyebrows, Xie Ming said softly: “I’ve solved the identity problem.”


“From now on, your name is Uranus Temple Niya, and my name is Uranus Temple Houtaro. The relationship between the two of us is brother and sister.”


“In private, it’s okay to call me Xie Ming, but in front of other people, it’s better to call me Hutaro. Of course, I don’t have any objection to call my brother directly.”

“Hutaro? Brother?”

“Well. This is who we are now.”

Seeing that Erya had gradually reacted, Xie Ming went on to say: “I have completed some other documents, and the time has been revised to four years ago.”

“Today, you will go to make up the transcripts of the two of us (Japanese account book) in turn, then the phone card and bank card. After you have a meal outside at noon, you will buy two more mobile phones.”

“In the bank account, I’borrowed’ a little bit of money from the rich bosses, so in the next ten years, we don’t need to worry about funding.”

To be honest, Xie Ming didn’t understand the world’s network level at first. After all, there are black technologies like display devices, and maybe the network level is unexpectedly high.

So, just to be on the safe side, he asked Erya to save some money.

But after hard work this evening, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the network security of this plane is also quite strong, it is still a lot worse than that of a place where black technology is everywhere in the academy city. So without much effort, he handled all the documents and certificates.

As long as there are no people who want to go to the place he fills in and ask each one, then he and Erya are the real brothers and sisters of Uranus Temple.

“Very good…..”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Er Ya let out a long breath. Don’t look at her like this, in fact, she is quite disturbed inside.

Two people who have no registered permanent residence and no money, how to survive in this world, no matter what she thinks, she can only think of one kind: to be street friends.

Every day, people pick up the tatters and change, and then live in the park.

Originally, Erya planned to do this for a while first, and when Xie Ming recovered from her injury, she used the power of the elves to make something out, and then asked Xie Ming to take her to escape.

Unexpectedly, Xie Ming would do all these things in just one night.

“What about you? Aren’t you going with me?”

“I have no idea.”

Pointing to the bandage and Bloodline’s face even if he is dressed strictly, Xie Ming said helplessly: “My current state is too recognizable.”

“Now AST and DEM must be searching for the two of us all over the world. Wearing a hat is actually very safe if you put on a hat. But if my bandage is exposed, it will be finished.”

“So for the time being, I still need your help to carry out activities outside. Then the two of us will live in this small city for a while, and wait for my injury to recover.”

“Then we went to Tiangong City.”

“Tiangong City…”

That is the location of the DEM headquarters building and the location of the AST headquarters. It is the next Uzumaki center. So Erya didn’t ask any questions when he heard Xie Ming utter these three words.

Her angel, Ratziel, has the ability to predict and rewrite the future. She was able to save Xie Ming because of this reason.

Because it is recorded in the book that if she does not act, half of the earth may be erased by the man in front of her.

But if she takes risks, save him. Then in the future, he will become the redeemer of the elves.

This is all of Ratziel’s records of Xie Ming. That’s why the Second Asian Association calls Xie Ming the “Mr. Redeemer”.

In fact, even if Xie Ming was seriously injured, he successfully rescued her from DEM. Moreover, his character….

Thinking of this, Erya’s face turned red again for some reason.

“No, no, no, it’s not the time to think about these things. At least you have to settle down first, and wait for his injury to heal, and then think about those things.”



Started by Xie Ming’s cold voice, Er Ya was shocked.

“You…what strange things are you thinking about again.”

“No…nothing like that…oh?”


Some helplessly waved his hand, Xie Ming said angrily: “Go ahead, pay attention to safety. Also, remember to renew the fee when you go out.”

“I also need to use a computer to investigate some things.”


Five years later, Tiangong City, a high-rise community.

Taking off his apron, Xie Ming in a suit shouted loudly: “Er Ya, come out to wash and eat!”




“Last chance, Erya!”

“Come here, here comes!!!”

With a staggering sound, Erya in sportswear slammed open the door: “I got up, I got up, I got up.”

“Go, wash, and eat.”

Giving a gesture to the bathroom, Xie Ming said faintly, “I stayed up late to play games yesterday, right?”

“Ah this…”

Pushing the glasses that would fall on his nose, Er Ya smiled flatly, “Yes…and I haven’t played it late.”

“I don’t care how late you play or stay up late.”

Xie Ming looked at the girl calmly: “I only know that today is April 10. And every month, you only have three chances to let me ignore your mistakes.””And you, have used it once.”

“Now I’ll give you ten minutes to take care of yourself and come out for breakfast.”


After a big yawn, Er Ya scratched his butt and walked into the bathroom. To be honest, Xie Ming has the urge to knock her on the head every time she sees her appearance.

This girl is obviously pretty, so why is her behavior so sloppy?

She has corrected her for five years, but she hasn’t corrected it yet.

Is it because I am too relaxed about her discipline, or is it that the ruling child is not teachable?

“In the evening, tell her. Reduce the chance to two.”

If Er Ya knew of his subconscious action, he would have lost an opportunity forever. I’m afraid, she could cry and pounce on Xie Ming’s body, rubbing her nose and tears on his clothes.

Five years is really fleeting.

The day after Erya went to fill in all the documents, the two rented a double apartment in that small city. It took two years for Xie Ming to recover his body.

But the sea of ​​spirit has not completely repaired the cracks until today. Although it is possible to use mental power to use some basic abilities, such as spatial manipulation and perception domains.

But if you use it with full force, the cracks in the sea of ​​spirit will have a tendency to expand.

But something unexpected is that Thousand Souls and Hundred Refinements actually have the effect of restoring the sea of ​​spirit. But the pain is a hundred times stronger than the tempered mental power.

After Xie Ming’s body recovered, the two did not immediately move to Tiangong City. One is the need to inquire about the situation in Tiangong City, and the other is the work of the two.

Now that he can use his space power, Erya has naturally resumed his own comic update. The delivery of the original manuscript was delivered directly to the mailbox of the magazine by Xie Ming’s space ability.

The communication with the editor was through Xie Ming’s agent software using the electric shock abilities. The payment of author’s remuneration is directly deposited into Erya’s original account.

Anyway, the two of them don’t use that account now, and DEM can’t find anything even if they check it.

As for Xie Ming, it took a year to get a teacher certificate. It took another year to achieve results in the school in that small city.

Later, with the help of the principal, he and Erya successfully moved their hukou to Tiangong City and moved to their current apartment.

And Xie Ming also became a Mandarin teacher at Dulilai Zen High School.

Tiangong City is a new experimental city where all the latest technologies are gathered, so it is naturally quite difficult to get a job in the school. If it weren’t for the principal’s recommendation, even if Xie Ming had an excellent record for a year, it would be difficult to enter.

The reason why the principal helped Xie Ming so much was naturally because his grandson was in the class Xie Ming led before.

And his grandson is bad.

The whole class is also bad.

Therefore, Xie Ming’s time in that year can be said to be a re-enactment of the plots of various hot-blooded high school TV dramas. Under the leadership (oppression) of Xie Ming, the head teacher, the bad guys changed their faces and studied hard, and finally got good grades.

Seeing that his grandson finally succeeded, the principal would naturally help him after hearing Xie Ming’s wishes. Otherwise… Well, the principal didn’t do anything else.

“Brother, are you going to come to work in Lai Chan today?”

“if not?”

Seeing after taking care of himself, sitting on the opposite side of Erya, Xie Ming said angrily: “When have you seen me wear a suit outside of workdays?”

“Hahahaha… is also a class teacher?”


“Which class do you bring?”

“Four classes in the second year.”

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