Chapter 1653 Space Shock

For the students of Metropolitan Lai Zen High School, this is an ordinary homecoming day. Everyone still had the aftertaste of the holiday in their hearts, chatting about trivial things with friends.

But the most talked about is the same thing: the new teacher at school.

The students in Class 4 of the second year are no exception.

“Hey, have you heard?”

“I heard that there is a new Mandarin teacher in the school, right?”

“Yes, yes, yes! And only in their early twenties, it feels particularly gentle, like the son of a noble family!”

“Hey~? Really? Isn’t it too exaggerated~”

“Really! You will know when you have his class!”

Listening to the conversations of the girls, the two teenagers sitting in the right corner of the classroom looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

“Yeah, these girls are real.”

“Well, it’s no wonder.”

The blue-haired boy shrugged: “After all, the teacher who can enter this school must be quite amazing. What’s more, they are still so young.”

“I have heard about this too.” Another young hedgehog said with a smile: “I heard that the teacher entered the outside school first and became the head teacher of the bad class.”

“But it took only one year to make the whole class a whole new look, and everyone got extremely good results in the exam.”

“That’s really…. awesome…”

“Wuhe Shidao.”


Hearing a relatively unfamiliar female voice calling herself, the young man named Wuhe Shidao turned his head and looked. What appeared in front of him was an extremely beautiful girl.

The silver hair is shoulder-length, and the appearance is as delicate and beautiful as a doll. The only fly in the ointment is that in her face, the teenager can hardly see any emotional fluctuations. The blue pupils were also like stagnant water.

“Call…. Call me?”

Wuhe Shidao pointed at himself and asked cautiously.

The girl nodded and said faintly: “Are you interested in that man?”

“Hey? No, no, no, no…”

A beautiful girl suddenly asked if she was interested in men. Wuhe Shidao had never thought that she would have such a wonderful experience before: “It’s just because of the identity of a student, I am more interested in new teachers. , OK?”

“Speaking of which…you, know me?”

“…Really? I don’t remember.” The girl lowered her eyes slightly: “It’s okay.”

As she said, the girl opened her seat and sat down, reading for herself an English book that he couldn’t even read the title of the cover.


This endless conversation made Shidao couldn’t help but look at his friend: “Diancho, who is she?”

“You don’t even know you.”

The boy named Teoming Hiroto widened his eyes: “She is that super genius girl, Toiichi origami!”

“Toiichi… origami?”


Looking at the girl who reads the book seriously, Teomachi Hiroto’s voice is with a little longing and admiration: “The grade is the top of the grade list, and even the mock exam won the title of number one in the country.”

“Not only the results, but also the sports performance is better than many boys. In the [Best 13 list of women who most want to associate with her], I have never fallen into the top three.”

“You don’t even know such a celebrity. By the way…”His gaze became sharp, and Teidecho Hiroto stared at Shido: “Why does Toiichi know you?”

“I still want to ask.”

Shidao lay helplessly on the table. In the morning because of his sister’s noise, he felt that his stomach was still a little bit painful.

At this moment, the preparation bell rang. The lively class fell silent for an instant, and everyone returned to their seats.

For this group of students, what worries them most now is who their head teacher will be for the next year. If it is a strict teacher, the next year will be uncomfortable.

Then, what they heard was the sonorous sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor.

The door of the classroom was slowly opened, and the young man walked behind the podium with the lesson plan. This is an unfamiliar face to the students.

In Japan, where the average height of men is 170cm, this 180cm can be said to be quite tall. As a great master of swordsmanship, his figure naturally has nothing to say.

Even if his face can only be regarded as pretty, but after all, he is a man who has gone through many trials and surpassed many dead ends. In fact, he didn’t exude any breath at all. But the temperament brought by the temper is enough to bring a considerable sense of oppression to the students of the ivory tower.

Unfamiliar men, teachers, there is only one answer.

“Hello everyone, my name is Uranus Tera Houtaro.”

Putting the lesson plan on the podium, Xie Ming showed a gentle smile: “In the next year, I will serve as your class teacher and Mandarin teacher.”

“I believe you have heard a lot about me, but those are only rumors after all. I hope that this year, I can spend a happy school life with you.”

“But saying that, there is definitely no way to dispel everyone’s curiosity. So before explaining the semester, I will give you ten minutes to ask me questions.”

“If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to raise them.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, several female students looked at each other and raised their hands first. It was a tan-haired girl with an open school uniform jacket and a ponytail.

“Yamabuki Yai, please.”


The girl was stunned, stood up and asked, “Teacher Uranus Temple, do you already remember my name?”

“Of course, I have already remembered the names of the classmates.” Xie Ming smiled: “Is this your question?”

“No, of course not!”

“It’s just a joke, Yamabuki-san, please tell me.”

“Really, it seems that the teacher is not that kind of serious teacher.” Yamabuki Yayi rolled her sideburns with her fingers, and then asked: “Teacher, why did you come to Tiangong City?”

“Of course it’s for safety.”

Xie Ming joked: “The teacher is also a layman. He has the opportunity to enter Tiangong City. Of course he will not miss it.”

“Wow~ There is no dream answer.”

Spitting out, Shanbuki Yayi sat down. The next question is Wuhua Eight Gate.

Personal questions such as age, whether there is a girlfriend, where do I live, and what type of girl I like. Of course, this can still cope with the past for Xie Ming.

“Okay, time is almost up, let’s be the last one.”

At this moment, Yuichi Origami sitting at the end raised his hand.

“Okay, the last one is Yuiichi classmate.”

Although she knew that this was one of the quality points of the future, because she should be full of thoughts on the absent-minded Wuhe Shidao next to her, Xie Ming didn’t think too much: “Does Yuanyi have anything to ask me? ”

“Teacher Uranus Temple, do you accept teacher-student love?”



This shocking speech made everyone in the class look at the silver-haired girl, but she still remained calm, even with an indifferent expression.

“No, yes, please sit down.”

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Xie Ming rubbed his eyebrows and said, “Next, after I explain to you about the next semester, everyone will go to the gymnasium to attend the opening ceremony.”


“Why does Yuichi Origami say that to me?”

This is the question that lingered in Xie Ming’s mind until school was over. Five years ago, he had already investigated the fire in Tiangong City on the Internet, wondering if he could catch up before he recovered.

But the fact is, the fire happened before he arrived.

But what Yuiichi Origami said to him now means that he may have traveled to the past in the future, caught up with the fire, and saved some things. But on the Internet, what he investigated about Yuanyi’s origami parents was: they died in a fire.

This made him a little suspicious, did he really travel to the past? Is it that I have done something to hide from the sky again?

But his situation now is completely different from when he was in Arad.

In the Arad continent, he was helped by the gods who guarded the order of time and space, so he could do those things in the past. And Bakar, who appeared in front of him, also gave him a lot of hints.

But now, the only information he holds for the Master is the information collected from the Internet. The extreme lack of intelligence made him unable to analyze the situation at all. Let alone speculation about future events and interference with past events.

Even what happened now, he couldn’t stop it. Only through the internal intelligence network of AST, watch that girl gradually become the “most evil spirit”.

For Xie Ming, this is the biggest regret after coming to this world.

Therefore, he will become a teacher and try to do something for that girl in the future.

But now, the first thing to do is…


A sound like an air defense alarm sounded, followed by a warning to notify the entire Tiangong City.

【Precursors of space earthquakes are now observed in this area. Please note that this is not a drill. At present, precursors of space earthquakes are observed in this area. Residents in the area should immediately go to the evacuation shelter. Repeat…]

I don’t know how many exercises have been conducted around the world for the disaster of space earthquakes. Because no one can predict when this disaster will happen to one’s side.

Moreover, Amamiya City is an experimental city that brings together the crystallization of various sciences and technologies, and its scale is comparable to or even higher than that of the third Tokyo city in EVA (Evangelion).

There are freight elevators that can directly transport surface buildings into underground refuges everywhere, and this Du Li Lai Zen High School is no exception.

When Xie Ming worked outside, he had met many times. The duty of class teachers is to guide the students of their class to the refuge in an orderly manner.

“Tenten Heaven Teacher Uranus Temple, don’t be nervous! Just follow me!”

“I’m not nervous.”

Looking at the petite female teacher holding her arm tightly, Xie Ming said dumbfounded: “Please relax, Mrs. Gangfeng. Come, take a few deep breaths, let’s go and guide the students to evacuate.”

“Good good good good.”

After taking several deep breaths, the colleague named Zhuhui Okamine finally calmed down.

“Then Mr. Okamine is in charge of the entrance of the refuge, and I’m in charge of the guidance in the teaching building.”


Seeing Zhuhui Okamine running to the refuge in a panic, Xie Ming shook his head helplessly, and walked quickly towards the entrance of the school. It didn’t take long for a blue-haired boy to run towards here against the crowd of students.

“Student Wuhe.”

“Ah! Teacher Uranus Temple.”

“Classmate Wuhe.” Xie Ming stopped the anxious teenager: “If you don’t go to the refuge, where are you going?”


Wuhe Shidao said anxiously: “My sister! She is still waiting for me at the family restaurant! I have to go there to find her!”

“Your sister?”

Xie Ming frowned and glanced at the mobile phone in Wuhe Shidao’s hand: “Is GPS positioning?”

“Yes! So please!”

“You go to the family restaurant now, it’s too late.” Xie Ming said calmly: “Moreover, I can’t let my students plunge into danger.”

“But her sister!””Please listen to me first, classmate Wuhe.”

He took out his mobile phone from Kabuto and opened his usual hacking app. After several operations, he hacked into the camera near the family restaurant. Later, Xie Ming handed it over to Wuhe Shidao.

“This is… family restaurant.”

“I hacked into a nearby camera. As you can see, there is no human figure near the family restaurant. Presumably, your sister is anxious, so she left her phone there.”

“Too…so good…”

Looking at the empty family restaurant in the screen of the mobile phone, Wuhe Shidao exhaled a long breath. Then he reacted. The teacher seemed to have said something extraordinary.

Black…. Hacked into the camera near the family restaurant?

“Teacher, this…this is…”

“Well, it’s illegal.”

No, why can you say these two words so peacefully! ?

“So if Student Wuhe tells the police, teacher, I can only enter the bureau.” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “Do you want to do this?”

“No way! And the teacher did this for me, how could I avenge revenge!?”

“Then take refuge quickly.”

After receiving his mobile phone, Xie Ming smiled and said: “Next time something similar happens, remember to calm down and ask the teacher for help in time.”


Wuhe Shidao bowed and said, “Then teacher, I will go to the refuge first, please hurry up, teacher.”

“Well, go ahead.”

Watching Wuhe Shidao leave, Xie Ming sighed, then reached out into the void and took the bandaged Tianhuo Jingyan from his home. There was a slight shock, and the bandage was transferred from the blade to his own body.

The head teacher in Class 4 of the second year of Lai Zen High School has become a dangerous person with a bandage and a dangerous knife.

“I hope this time, the communication can be successful…”

With that, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared in the teaching building.



Space shock is not an explosion, it is brought about by spiritual power, spread in space. Focusing on the source, directly erase everything around it, which is cleaner than erased by an eraser.

And what the spread of space brings is the violent wind that sweeps wildly around. Blow everything around.

As I said before, all the causes of space shocks are caused by elves. It is the movement of the elves from the neighboring world to the present world, and the powerful spiritual power interferes with the world.

The spatial earthquake that occurred in Tiangong City at this time was naturally no exception. Moreover, Xie Ming had seen the elf at the source several times before.

A knee-length black hair fluttered with the remaining wind, and the background color of his pupils was purple, but they exuded an incredible brilliance like crystal.

The big butterfly ended up with a bunch of black hair. The girl stepped on the throne in the center of the pothole with one foot, dressed like a Valkyrie princess on the battlefield. However, judging from her expression, the princess didn’t seem to be so happy.

What Xie Ming saw, covered in bandages, was such a scene.

“You…are here again.”

“Well, I’m here again.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “I can’t let you be bullied all the time, right?”


Hearing Xie Ming’s words, although the girl was still on guard, the nervous expression on her face was slightly relaxed. But shortly afterwards, a sharp sword with a shiny blade was drawn from the throne by her.



Xie Ming shook his head and carried Tianhuo Jingyan on his shoulders: “No, give me more time?”

“Dedicated ladies AST.”

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