Chapter 1654

As soon as the voice fell, there was an explosive roar from the clouds in the sky. That’s what Xie Ming is already very familiar with, the launch sound of a small spiritual force missile.


The thumb pushed the knife slightly, and what followed was a gust of wind that was more severe than the space shock just now, or it was a knife wind.

A series of missiles exploded and lined up in the air like fireworks.

“This is what you said, fireworks?”

“Something’s wrong.”

Seeing the girl walking next to him, Xie Ming shrugged and said: “The color of fireworks is not so monotonous. But if you describe these explosions as fireworks, it is not wrong.”

“Um… so difficult…”

“When you actually see the fireworks, you will understand.”

Once again let the sky fire and pure flame out of its sheath, another gust of wind roared towards the AST troops. Various missiles and psychic artillery bombarded them. But this time, Xie Ming increased his output a little bit.




Although the soldiers of AST wanted to stabilize their figure as much as possible, they lost their balance one after another and were pushed a considerable distance by the air wave.

“How long can you show up this time?”

“do not know.”

The princess-like girl shook her head, but then there was a smile on her face: “But, what you said to me last time, I have tried it!”


Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “Can it be done?”

“Um… I’m afraid it’s still a little bit.”

“Really? Then go ahead.”


Looking at the smiling girl, Xie Ming smiled and shook his head.

This is the third meeting with her. At the first meeting, she had already been attacked by AST. So when the bandage weird Xie Ming appeared, she was naturally attacked by her full strength.

As the tenth point of quality that can also rank among the elves in strength, Xie Ming has experienced her strength firsthand.

To describe it in two words, it is very strong.

Without using her full strength, she could fight back and forth with Xie Ming in a normal state. Only in terms of skills, Xie Ming pressed one end. That’s why when I had enough energy to fight, I explained to her.

By the way, the aftermath of manipulating the battle shook all the AST troops.

The second time, it happened near Tiangong City.

Xie Ming, who hacked into the AST intelligence network, came to the space shock area ahead of time, and once again contacted the girl. Because of the first explanation, the girl was not so wary of him.

So before the arrival of the AST troops, Xie Ming and her roughly explained her situation and some things in this world. Simply put, it is common sense teaching.

After that, when the girl was about to return to her neighbor, Xie Ming asked her three minds.

One is to ask her to try if she can take the initiative to show her world.

The other is to let her try to control her spiritual power and not to emit strange fluctuations.

After all, in Xie Ming’s perception, the spiritual power fluctuations on the girl’s body can really be described by the four words’unscrupulous’. Even an ordinary person with a higher perception can see the purple spirit wave floating around her.

“It shouldn’t be too late, let’s try it now.”


Looking at the AST unit who was about to fly back but was blown away by the wind again, the girl scratched her face: “Okay, I’ll give it a try!””……”

As the girl closed her eyes, the spiritual power visible to the naked eye began to gradually enter her body. If observed with a mechanical device, it is the weakening of the spiritual power of the elves.

“Oh? Not bad.”

He dived into the void and took out his mobile phone, and hacked into the AST system. Looking at their spiritual power detection device, Xie Ming said with a smile.

“what is this?”

Looking over her head and looking at the phone screen, the girl cast a curious look at Xie Ming.

“This is a device used by AST troops to observe your spiritual response.”

Xie Ming handed the phone to the girl, and pointed to a vertical bar on it: “Relying on this device, AST can find your location repeatedly. You see, as long as you converge your spiritual power, the vertical bar will slowly decline.”

“After you have completely reduced your spiritual power, they won’t be able to find you so quickly.”

“Wow, really!”

Like a child who has discovered a new toy, the girl suddenly released her spiritual power, and suddenly recovered her spiritual power. Seeing the various vertical bars on the phone screen beating back and forth, the girl’s pupils became more and more agile.

It was completely different from the eyes full of helplessness, tiredness and sadness just now.

Then, a ‘click’ was introduced to the two middle school. A big crack appeared on the screen of the phone, and it went black.




“Well, it was broken by you.”

“Yes… I’m sorry…”

“Well, it’s amazing.” Looking at the frustrated girl with her head down, Xie Ming smiled and touched her head: “It’s okay, it can be repaired if it is broken, and you can buy it again if it is not repaired.”

“But it’s more important to change this quality if you know it is wrong than one or two mobile phones.”

“You’re talking about something difficult to understand again.”

“Hahaha, it doesn’t matter if I don’t know now. In the future, you will come in contact with various people and see various things, and you will gradually understand.” After receiving the mobile phone and burning it down, Xie Ming smiled Said.

“Today I mainly want to choose a name for you.”


“Yes, the name.”

Slightly launched the sky fire and pure flame again, blowing the AST away. But this time, Xie Ming smoothly used the electric shock messenger’s ability to build an isolation barrier around him: “After all, we have met three times, and we still don’t know each other’s names, don’t we?”

“Um… it sounds like that.”

The girl raised her head and looked at the tall man with bandages all over: “But then again, why do you keep wearing bandages? Are you injured?”

“It’s to reduce trouble.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “About this matter, I will tell you later. The important thing now is to tell you my name and give you a name.”

“My name is Xie Ming.”

“Xie Ming, some strange names.”

“It’s not surprising, I personally like this name.” Xie Ming shrugged: “Then what about you, what do you want me to call you?”

“Um…Xie Ming, what do you want to call me?”


Holding his chest and tilting his head, Xie Ming said in annoyance: “The code name given to you by AST is’Princess’, and the code name given to me is’stardust’, or one word on each side. Is it called Xing Hee?”

“do not want.”

“Hey? Why?”

Xie Ming asked unexpectedly: “I feel pretty good.”

“The name is good, but I don’t like the source.” The girl pointed to the AST who had given up fighting and stayed afar to observe with some dissatisfaction: “Why use the code name they gave to name it!”

“Okay.” Xie Ming said helplessly: “Then it’s called Shixiang.”

“…Why do you feel so reluctant?”

“No, I just lament that something destined for it seems that there is no way to change it.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “Okay, don’t care about these details, how about the name Shixiang?”

“Because today is April 10th, so I just call you that.”


The girl did not speak, but silently drew out her big sword.

“I was wrong. I was wrong.”

“Really.” Putting away the weapon, the girl said unpleasantly: “Why do you always say something unpleasant in a serious place.”

“Uh… I want to bully you? I was wrong. I was wrong.”

Seeing the girl who was really unhappy, Xie Ming immediately admitted her mistake. It seems that the joke should end here.


“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. But you have to understand that naming is really difficult! Give me a period of time, when I meet next time, I will definitely give you a name with meaning!”

“Huh, no need! Ah…”

“It’s time…”

Seeing the girl’s illusory figure, Xie Ming smiled: “Then, see you next time, Shixiang.”

“Next time I meet, I can show you my true face~”

“Hmph… In that case, forgive you, it’s not impossible…”

After taking a look at Xie Ming, she immediately looked away. The girl folded her arms and said, “Then… see you next time, Xie Ming.”

“Well, see you next time, Shixiang.”

“Stupid! Stupid~!!!”



With a light wave, the girl watching with a grimace turned into a sky full of spiritual power particles. Xie Ming waved towards the distant AST and disappeared into the huge pit.

“…… The mission is complete, come back.”

The leader Black Horsetail sighed and waved his hand helplessly: “What the hell is going on with these two elves…”

“Elf…” clenched the weapon in his hand, the silver-haired girl in the team lowered her eyes: “Princess, stardust…”

“Elf, there must be no one left, expelled!”

On the other side, at 15,000 meters above Tiangong City, inside the airship in camouflage, men and girls are also communicating.

“Does the result come out? Shen Wuyue.”

“Yes, Commander.”

This made Xie Ming heard the male voice, who was bound to vomit, calmly said: “According to Ratatoskr’s latest detection instrument observation, the individual identified by the name’stardust’ is not an elf.”

“In other words…”

“He is human, right?”

The girl bit the lollipop in her mouth and said faintly, “But, God Wuyue. According to AST’s data, this star dust came to the surface with spiritual shelling from outside the sky.”

“Furthermore, the identification name’nun’ also specifically exposed his trace to save him. Although, in the end, both of them ran away.”

“But Commander, we can’t deny the existence of aliens, can we? Actually, we don’t even know why the elves exist now.”

“Tsk, Shen Wuyue dare to question the commander!?”

“Oh!! Thanks…Thank you commander for the reward!!!”

The pleasant sound in the voice made everyone on the bridge twitch their mouths.

“Disgusting.” Then he took out a lollipop again, tore off the package and put it in her mouth. The girl continued to ask: “So, is the investigation of the star dust over?””Yes.”

Another member replied: “No result.”

“Then don’t answer so confidently!” The girl patted the table, and then sighed deeply: “Height, voice, weapon…Is there no clue?”

“Commander, Stardust has a perfect cover for his identity, with almost no flaws.”

The blond man named Kamuisuki slowly got up from the ground and continued to report: “Although the height of star dust is very prominent in Japan, there are also many people who fit it.”

“The voice is disguised, and the weapon has no clue. The only clue is the mobile phone he took out today.”

The holographic screen quickly zoomed in on the screen of the mobile phone Xie Ming handed to Shixiang at the time, and Shen Wuyue calmly said: “If he just destroys and discards the mobile phone, we can also investigate clues. But it’s a pity…”

The screen fast-forwarded to the scene where Xie Ming burned his mobile phone.

“It can be seen from his various behaviors that he has fully integrated into human society. Moreover, he also has excellent hacking skills.”


Obviously, they all recognized the screen of the spiritual power monitoring device Xie Ming showed Shixiang at the time. The only organizations that have this stuff are Latatosk, AST, and DEM.

This device is obviously not portable, and it is impossible to flow out. Therefore, the only possibility is that the star dust has entered the AST system.

“Commander, do you want to tell AST there?”

“Tell them why?”

The girl turned Byakugan over: “This is not an important thing. The existence of stardust is also an aid to our combat.”

“And since the stardust is not a genie, it is outside our combat goal. We just concentrate on our combat.”

“By the way, where is our trump card?”

“Now in the refuge, chatting and laughing with his good friends, let the girls further misunderstand their sexual orientation.”

“That stupid brother…” he patted his forehead, and a hint of helplessness appeared in the girl’s voice: “Shen Wuyue, I will leave you with Shidao.”

“Come back, I will give you a satisfactory reward.”


Shen Wuyue’s tone suddenly became extremely excited: “Under God Wuyue Kyohei, you will definitely complete the task perfectly!”

“If you don’t give it back to me, get out!”

The girl kicked the man’s upturned ass and kicked him out of the bridge. Afterwards, he once again looked at Shixiang and Xie Ming on the holographic projection.

“Stardust…. Are you that man?”

No one heard this self-talk.

And also staring at Xie Ming, there is another silver-haired woman wearing a white coat and a doll bear full of scars in her chest pocket.

“Ling Yin?”


“Ling Yin?”

“…Yes, Commander.”

The woman named Mura Yu Lingyin slowly turned her head and said listlessly.

“The formalities are basically completed, you can go tomorrow.”

“Become the deputy head teacher of the Shidao class, responsible for covering Shidao in the school.”

“Yes, Commander.”

Lingyin Murakami stood up swayingly, and left the bridge as well.


Biting the lollipop in her mouth again, the girl looked at the taxiway in the refuge, licked her lips, and revealed a slightly ferocious smile.

“Are you ready? Our Date, is it going to start?”

“My dear, brother~”

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