Chapter 1655

My name is Wuhe Shidao and I am an ordinary high school student. The adoptive parents have been away from home for many years because of their busy work, so they have been living with a lovely sister named Wuhe Qinli for many years.

However, what I thought was mediocre, it turned out to be just an illusion.

In fact, the cute and innocent sister at home is a cold belly who can kick and trample people, and she is also the combat commander of an organization called Latatosk.

And this organization called Latatosk was actually established for me alone.

The reason is because I have the power to seal a creature named ‘elf’. This creature named ‘elf’ is actually the cause of space shocks for a long time.

So now, I started the training program of ‘Strike a Beautiful Girl’ under semi-forced circumstances.

What? Why do you ask me to study this?

Because it is said that the ‘elves’ are without exception, all of them are beautiful girls. And my way to seal their power is to date them to make them shy. After reaching a certain degree of goodwill, he sealed the spirit power of the elves into his body through ‘kiss’.

Well, it sounds very ridiculous.

But after seeing that huge battleship floating over the city, “Flacinas”, this kind of outrageous thing became easier to accept.

It is impossible for someone to make such a big show just to make a joke on him, for the sake of a high school student in his neighborhood, right?

Besides, the leader is his sister.

Even if the personality is completely different, no matter how she changes, Qinli is her own sister.

To be honest, I haven’t figured out what the situation is until now, but I still grasp the key point.

The elves can cause space shocks, so AST is going to kill them. But most elves do not actively cause space shocks. Therefore, the elves are innocent. And now, AST wants to kill these innocent elves.

He has the power to save these elves.

Then…I can only do it.

With this thought, the boy entered the classroom in a daze.


“To sum up, Ms. Yumura will become everyone’s deputy head teacher.”

Standing on the podium, Xie Ming looked at the surprised students, trying to keep a gentle voice and said: “Then, Mr. Mura Yu, please introduce yourself to everyone.”

“…I’m Murakami Lingyin.”

With dark circles under her eyes and wearing a white lab coat, Lingyin Murama said danglingly: “The subject… is physics…”

Before she could finish her words, Ling Yin was like a programmer who had been working for a week and finally finished her work, and planted her head towards the ground. But before that, Xie Ming first gently grabbed her arm and helped her to the seat aside.

“Thank you… Teacher Uranus Temple…”

“You’re welcome.”

Xie Ming smiled, and then looked at the students who were relieved: “Well, as everyone can see, Ms. Cura Yu is not in good health. So, everyone should worry about Mrs. Mura Yu as little as possible.”

“Okay, now we start class. Please turn to the third page of the textbook…”

When he was a student, Xie Ming thought that school was a boring and boring place. This view didn’t change until he went to university and came to a foreign country.

What is school for? Is it to be admitted to a good university? Is it to find a good job? These reasons are indeed there, but they are not the most important in that era.

The most important thing about going to school is to help students develop their minds.

The teacher is the key to guiding students to open up their minds.

Through the teacher’s interpretation, students can understand the thoughts expressed by the authors in excellent articles and cultivate their own sentiments. Through the teacher’s step-by-step explanation, the complex math problems will be turned into a logical chain to exercise students’ logical ability.

Learning is diverse and comprehensive. Because only if you get in touch first can you understand what you are good at and what you are not good at.

However, there is one thing in Japan that Xie Ming can’t stand. The teachers always just give a general idea in class. If you want to learn more deeply, you must either work hard on your own or spend your own money to go to a cram school.

The teacher is the lamp that lights the darkness and the guide for the children. However, when the lamp beads no longer light up, and the guide becomes a villain, what will happen?Rigid teaching will certainly obliterate many possibilities, but loose education will directly prevent children from seeing the road ahead.

Therefore, Xie Ming taught very slowly and very carefully for the first class of the fourth class of the second year. Of course, it is impossible for him to do this every class, otherwise the teaching progress will not be able to keep up.

Just to be more detailed, he can detect the academic gap of the students in the class by observing the expressions of the students. Then according to this gap, to adjust his next teaching plan.


“Teacher Uranus Temple, how was the first class?”

“Ah, Mr. Okamine.”

Hearing the question from a colleague, Xie Ming said with a smile: “The students are very obedient, and they are very serious in class.”

“That’s great.” Upon hearing this, Okamine Zhuhui smiled happily: “Actually, I have been worried that the teacher at Uranus Temple might be a little uncomfortable. After all…”

After all, what I taught before was a bunch of bad people.

Xie Ming understood that Okamine Zhuhui didn’t mean to say this, because it was actually the case. The educational environment and level of education in Tiangong City are basically two grades from the schools outside.

Students who grew up in an excellent educational environment can never get worse. What’s more, the deviation rate of Lai Zen is quite high.

In fact, even Xie Ming didn’t think that the bullies he taught before were any good guys.

School bullying, going out to fight in groups, smoking and drinking, drag racing, and even some people make Dad work (check it yourself, it’s inconvenient to explain). Dozens of people even dropped out of school because of bad bullying in that class.

So Xie Ming didn’t have a serious class in the first half of the year when he took that class. Instead, they went through the personality correction punches one by one, breaking them back one by one.

If he were a stranger, he would only think that the beasts in this group of schools would be scumbags. However, since he has become their teacher and their head teacher, it is his responsibility to pay them back.

He is a teacher, a guide, and a leader. He will not cover up the students’ mistakes. If someone commits an unforgivable problem, he will hand them to the police station under their heads.

But before that, he must treat them without any prejudice and treat each of them seriously.

And just after he took them seriously one by one, he found some problems.

“Ms. Okamine.”

Xie Ming smiled and said softly: “As long as they are in school, they are all equal students. There is no class among students. As teachers, we should not divide students into categories.”

“We are not arbiters, not parents, we are guides.”


“Teacher Uranus Temple, some guests are looking for Wuhe in your class!”

“I see.” In response, Xie Ming looked at Okamine Zhuhui thoughtfully: “Teacher Okamine, please don’t be so entangled. Every teacher has his own teaching philosophy.”

“In fact, Mr. Okamine is very popular with students as a teacher, isn’t it?”

“Teacher Uranus Temple…”

“Then first.”

With a polite smile, Xie Ming walked towards the gate of the school. Waiting for him there was a little red-haired girl with a white ribbon tied up with a ponytail.

Seeing Xie Ming’s arrival, the girl was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately covered her expression, revealing a sweet smile, and greeted her with great spirit.

“Hello Teacher Uranus Temple!!!”


Wei Wei raised her eyebrows, Xie Ming smiled and said, “You are the sister of classmate Wuhe, right?”

“Yeah! My name is Wuhe Qinli!”

Qinli raised his hand: “Teacher! Are you brother’s head teacher?”

“Well, my name is Uranus Tera Houtaro.”

“I know, Mr. Uranus Temple.” Qinli’s lovely voice suddenly turned cold: “I obtained the teacher qualification certificate two years ago. A year ago, he successfully changed the most famous garbage class in Suzuran High School in the third and eighth class. Student. With this as a qualification, I came to Dulilai Zen High School as a teacher.”

“My parents have died, and I live with my sister Uranus Temple Erya. But going back further, there is no news. It’s like Uranus Temple Houtaro and Uranus Temple Erya appeared in this world out of thin air.”

“…Student Wuhe.”

“Just call me Qinli, Teacher Uranus Temple.”

At this moment, Qinli regained her lovely voice: “After all, my brother and I are both Wuhe. Wouldn’t it be easy to call it wrong if I only call Wuhe?”


Looking at the sweet-smiling Qinli, Xie Ming nodded: “Then Qinli, I will take you to find your brother now.”


Following Xie Ming bouncely, his head poked out from the piano, and said tentatively: “Teacher Uranus Temple, I don’t explain what I said just now.”

“Because there is no need to explain.”


“If it’s a simple test, I naturally don’t need to explain. If it’s been investigated, then I don’t need to explain even more, don’t I?”

“Hey~ Teacher Uranus Temple, you look pretty open.”

Qin Li said with a smile: “Don’t worry, we are not hostile to you, teacher. But…”

“I also hope that the teacher will not hinder our actions.”

“It’s hard to tell.”


“Do you think that as a teacher, you will watch your students go desperately?”


“Moreover, this is something that has to do with me.”

“Huh? Qinli? Teacher Uranus Temple?”

“elder brother!!!”


Seeing Qin Li’s head hitting Shidao’s abdomen severely, and the Shidao whose eyes were a little protruding because of the impact, Xie Ming shook his head helplessly.

“Student Wuhe, your sister has something to look for you.”

“Ah…Thank you Teacher Uranus Temple.”

“Thank you, teacher!!”


Xie Ming smiled: “Then, if you have anything to go to the teacher’s office to find me, you will not bother you brothers and sisters for now.”

“Yes~~~bye teacher~~”

Waving goodbye to the two, Xie Ming turned around and prepared to return to the office.


At night, Uranus Temple House.

“As a result, Xie Ming, you exposed.”

“Well, it’s exposed.”

Washing the dishes paused, and Xie Ming said helplessly: “It should be Wuhe Shidao and her sister who told me that I used software to hack into the camera, and then made her suspicious.”

About the same height, hacking skills, just these two points are enough for the other party to investigate.

Even if Xie Ming has revised the information on the Internet over the years without any problems, once the other party actually investigates it, it will inevitably show up.

“So, what do you do next?”

Er Ya leaned Erlang’s legs and said, “Do you want to slip?”

“Sleeping? Why do you want to slip?”

Xie Ming laughed: “Although my injury is still not fully recovered, it is not the dry wood that died five years ago with a slight movement.”

“I already have the qualifications to enter the game.”

“I also have the reason to participate.”

“The strength has also been restored to the extent that it can protect you and me.”

Putting the washed dishes on the shelf, Xie Ming turned his head and looked at Erya: “The only thing I worry about now is that someone will copy my hometown.”

“I’m embarrassed to be so weak!”

“Ha ha ha ha.”

Xie Ming walked over with a smile and rubbed Erya’s head: “I’m a younger sister, and I’m a little weaker and okay. There’s something wrong, there’s a brother.”

“Didn’t you tell me before? With me, it is enough for you to draw cartoons with peace of mind. As long as I am still alive, no one can hurt you.”

“So can I drink tonight?”


“Goblin! Stone head! Bald! Monk!”


Xie Ming twitched the corners of his mouth as he looked at Erya who was beginning to spoil the ground. In the end, she threw her two cans of beer from the refrigerator.

Xie Ming was not so resistant to drinking. What he resisted was Er Ya drinking, or the appearance of Er Ya when he was drunk.

It doesn’t matter if you love to drink, but your bad wine tastes a bit of a headache.

After drinking, acting coquettishly and having to sleep in the same room with myself has happened more than once.

If it’s simply sleeping, that’s all.

This guy would also take the opportunity to do something to himself, just like a slut, she was really blinded by her chaste nun’s costume.


The next day, Xie Ming expressionlessly took Er Ya, who was sleeping like a dead pig, away from him, took out the clothes from the closet and changed to the bathroom. After preparing breakfast for Er Ya, he walked out of the house.

But before he went far, a familiar voice stopped him.

“Xie Ming!”


After blinking and looking along the voice, Shixiang, wearing a purple armor, was standing there and waving at him.

There was no spatial shock, and Shixiang’s body did not have a strong spiritual response.

“ten spices?”

“Ah, it really is you Xie Ming!”

The girl ran over happily, looked up and down Xie Ming, and finally fixed her gaze on Xie Ming’s face: “It turns out that you look like this.”

“Shixiang, how do you recognize me?”

“Um… just by feeling.”

Shixiang with hands on hips: “After waking up from that space, I will just as you say, I will receive the power into my body, and then remember the wonderful feeling every time I come here.”

“When I open my eyes again, I will be in front of you Xie Ming!”

“Compared to this, you shouldn’t forget the agreement, right?”

“You said, take me to see and experience everything in this world.”

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