Chapter 1656 As long as you stretch out your hand

“You! You guys! Why are you attacking me!? Why are you killing me!?”

“Because you are an elf! You are a threat to humans!”

“Threat!? What did I do? I threatened someone!?”

“Your existence is a threat! The fact that you are alive is itself a threat! You shouldn’t exist! You should die!!”


“Ten incense? Ten incense?”


Seeing Shixiang who was suddenly stunned, Xie Ming asked suspiciously, “What are you thinking about?”

“I…no, nothing.”

Shixiang smiled and cheered up: “Xie Ming, where are you taking me now?”

“First take you back to my house to change your clothes, and then make a call to ask for leave from work when you change clothes.” Xie Ming motioned to the apartment at the back: “Look, there is my house.”

“Xie Ming’s house… No, I don’t want to go.”

Shaking his head lightly, Shixiang said, “Why change clothes?”

“Because your clothes are very conspicuous now.” Xie Ming shrugged: “Although your spiritual response is very weak now, it is too attractive to go outside wearing such gorgeous clothes.”

“You don’t want AST to bother you, do you?”

“that’s true.”

Looking at his spiritual outfit, Shixiang asked, “So, what kind of one do you want to change to?”


School uniforms are definitely not good. If someone sees that he is taking a leave of absence to go shopping with a female student in school uniform, then he will go to the principal’s office to report tomorrow.

I took out my phone, searched for ‘girly fashion’ on the browser, and then handed the phone to Shixiang.

“You choose one from the above?”

“Um… this is it!”

Holding the phone cautiously, Shixiang’s eyes suddenly lit up after about a few shots. After returning the phone to Xie Ming, the armor-like spiritual outfit began to change.

The white pleated skirt is matched with a light blue jacket, and the hair headdress like a crystal butterfly has also become a simple red ribbon.

“How about it?”

With his hands behind his back, Shixiang asked happily, lowering her waist slightly.

And Xie Ming’s answer to her was a thumbs up.




His eyes were shining, his mouth was greasy, and Shixiang, who was holding a few snacks in his arms, said excitedly: “Is this human society? It’s such a luxury!”

“There is an old saying in my hometown that people rely on food as their heaven.”

Xie Ming smiled and took out his handkerchief and wiped Shixiang’s mouth: “It means that food is the most indispensable thing for humans.”

“Food is not only something that humans depend on for survival, but also something that can bring people happiness.”

“Happiness! So that’s it, is this happiness?”

After chewing a few mouthfuls and swallowing the food in his mouth, Shixiang gave Xie Ming a big smile: “Xie Ming! I am very happy now!”

“Really? That’s great.”

Touching Shixiang’s head, Xie Ming said softly: “From now on, you can always be so happy.”



“Really real?”



“stop!”Throwing a takoyaki into Shixiang’s mouth, Xie Ming’s eyes twitched slightly: “If you continue to ask, you will be charged with the number of words by some masters.”

“Well …. Wu Wuwu Wu Wuwu (thank you Ming began to say nonsense)!”

“Do not worry.”

Xie Ming said with a smile: “Whether it is an elves or a human being, they have the right to live a happy life. This is a matter of course.”

“As long as you are willing to reach out and grab your own happiness, then I will try my best to help you.”

“In other words, Xie Ming, will you make me happy?”

“…Also…. You can say so.”

These words made a surprising rhetorical question, and Xie Ming was a little speechless at once. But looking at the girl’s eyes without any impurities, he couldn’t say anything to refuse.

After all, in another sense, Shixiang was right.

“Xie Ming Xie Ming! Let’s go there and have a look!”

“Huh? Which…erh…”

Looking at the shop where the words ‘upscale’ and ‘upscale’ were written in the name of the shop, the corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, and then he sighed. Anyway, Kari is not his own money.

“let’s go.”


“It’s forbidden.”

Fortunately, Shixiang didn’t hear these four words, otherwise, given her personality as a curious baby, she would definitely have to follow Xie Ming for endless questions.

Could it be that Xie Ming would also introduce Shixiang to the neurosis named Fujimoto Shu? Or stir-fried horse (ma) meat with green peppers?

Let’s not pollute the pure girl’s thoughts.


Floating battleship, Fraxinas.

“Commander, what should I do?”

Looking at the holographic projection screen, with a happy face of Shixiang and Xie Ming with a petting smile, everyone looked at the piano seated in the captain’s position.

“What is the state of the princess?”

“The spiritual power value has been maintained at around 10%, and the favorability level fluctuates back and forth between 80-90.”

“Tsk, that level is already reached. As expected, he is an unscrupulous teacher.”

Cruelly smashed the lollipop in his mouth, Qinli said irritably: “On the third day of work, I will ask for leave. I have only met a girl who has only met a few times on a date. Such a person is actually a teacher?”

No, if we say that, we are unscrupulous organizations.

Forcing high school students to do such dangerous things, and also a large group of people to help deceive the innocent girl’s feelings. No matter how you look at it, the behavior of my own group of people is much worse than the behavior of the young people on the screen.

“Lingyin, what is Shidao doing now?”

“Take class obediently.” An image of Ling Yin appeared beside the observation screen: “Moreover, Shido has not completed the training. Letting him go now will only arouse the target’s disgust.”


“Gabang” and “Gabang” bit the lollipop, frowning tightly in the piano.

“Qinli, with regard to the princess, all we can do now is to continue to observe.”

“I see.”

He sighed and threw the bare lollipop away. And Shen Wuyue, who was waiting by the side, respectfully held the lollipop stick with both hands, and elegantly included it in his expensive dress breast Kabuto.

This sense of inconsistency made all the members look at Kakuzu with a twitch, not knowing how to complain.

On the screen, Xie Ming and Shixiang have already walked into the indoor game hall.


“This is the game hall, which is filled with entertainment games.”

Xie Ming smiled and introduced Shixiang: “For example, this mechanism for grasping dolls uses this mechanical claw to grasp the doll you want inside, and put it into this exit. In this way, you can get this cloth. baby.”

“There are dancing machines, shooting games, shooting, arcades…”

Halfway through the introduction, Xie Ming shrugged looking at Shixiang who was already lying in front of a crane machine, unable to move his feet.

Inside the claw machine is a slow bread doll. It looks almost exactly the same as the soybean flour bread she had just eaten.

Some planes just have this strange thing that is so famous for some reason.

Like the quack of the forbidden plane, the pizza of the rebellious Lulu Xiu plane.

For this plane, this is the soy flour bread.

“Like it?”


Staring at the doll tightly, fearing that the things in front of him would disappear in the blink of an eye, Shixiang nodded vigorously.

“But, cash…”

Counting the 100 yuan change in the wallet, he put 10 in Shixiang’s hand: “Okay, I will teach you how to operate and tips, you can try it yourself.”


At the point of being serious about only the things that interest me, it is really the same as a child.

But it’s a pity that a claw machine, even if you tell the skills, can’t be used so quickly. I am afraid that all veterans need to find a feel, let alone a novice like Shixiang.

“Thanks…. Xie Ming…” Seeing that ten coins were used up, tearful eyes toward his ten incense, Xie Ming said mercilessly: “No.”

“What is this man doing!?”

Hearing Xie Ming’s remarks and seeing the direct drop of more than 10 points on the screen, all the members of Fraxinas were dumbfounded. Even if you have never contacted women, or even those really disgusting dead houses, you should know how to answer at this time.

“Why… why?”

“Because I have no change.”

Xiang Shixiang showed his wallet with a few ten thousand yuan bills left, and Xie Ming shrugged: “Besides, I don’t know how to play this stuff.”


“alright, alright.”

Xie Ming comforted: “Sometimes, regret is also a kind of happiness. Next time, shall we come together next time?”

“next time?”

“Well, next time.” Xie Ming smiled: “Next time, me, you, and my sister at home, let’s come out and play together.”

“…So too.”

After thinking about it carefully, Shixiang became happy.

“Yes! Next time, next time, come out to play with Xie Ming and sister!”

“…..Favorite rating, does not decrease but rises?”

“It’s careless…”

All the crew members who have experienced many battles showed a serious look. I didn’t expect this young man to be an even more experienced lover than them! They didn’t expect that there would be this trick! ?


Shen Wuyue said seriously: “I think this date between Stardust and the princess is of great reference value for us. I suggest using their date as a teaching case for our crew.”


The Qin with Erlang’s legs squinted, “Sure enough, I’m a pervert teacher.”


Everyone didn’t understand how the human, code-named Stardust, provokes his commander. But looking at the girl’s face, they didn’t dare to ask.

No, there is someone who might be….


“What’s wrong? God Wuyue.”

“What the hell do you and the stardust have!!! Feeling…thanks to the commander…reward…”

Seeing a punch slammed into the piano in Shen Wuyue’s abdomen, and Shen Wuyue who was kneeling on the ground like a shrimp with flushing on his face, everyone trembled, and then began to do their own thing seriously. .


Slapped his mouth, Qinli looked at the two people on the screen with an unhappy face.

It seems that this bastard teacher has really forgotten himself.


“Xie Ming, what’s the matter?”

“No, it just feels like a big pot is placed on my back inexplicably.”

Rubbing his nose, Xie Ming glanced at the sky. In all likelihood, those guys are mumbling about themselves.

Now the two are walking on the rooftop on the edge of Tiangong City. The setting sun has completely dyed the world into orange red. From this position, with the eyesight of two people, they can clearly see the students laughing and playing on the street.

“Xie Ming, they are…””High school students, that is, the students I teach.”

Xie Ming said with a smile: “Schools are a place that teaches students knowledge and correct values.”

“What can be done and what cannot be done. What is good and what is bad.”

“The same thing you did to me Xie Ming.”

“Yes. So, Shixiang, you are also the student I taught.”

“It’s great…I can hear what Xie Ming teaches every day.” Shixiang said softly while holding on to the railing lightly.

“Want to try?”

“Try it?”

“Well, try.”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “Become a member of that school, and become my student.”


There was an obvious movement in his pupils, but Shixiang still shook his head slightly: “I can’t do it.”


“Because this time Xianjie, I deliberately let myself not fall asleep, so I can appear without causing a spatial shock.”

Shixiang whispered: “Every time I return to my neighbor, I will fall asleep. Then I will be forcibly awakened at some point, and when I open my eyes, there is a ruin around me.”

“Then, they called AST’s mechanical mech regiment to come over, trying to kill me.”

“That’s right… Because of my appearance, this peaceful city has been destroyed, and everyone’s peaceful life has been destroyed.”

“These are irrelevant things to me.”


“I said, these are irrelevant things to me.”

Xie Ming said faintly: “To me, the only thing that matters is your answer, Shixiang.”

“My answer?”


Withdrawing his gaze from the beauty of the city, Xie Ming looked at the girl in front of him seriously: “Everything you worry about, I can help you prepare. You can live in our house, eat my meals every day, and talk to me every day. Go to school together.”

“You can make your own friends, and you will have your own life. I will solve the troublesome things for you.”

“All you need to do is just give me a reply.”

“ten spices.”

“Do you want to be happy in this world?”

“…I think! Of course I do! But!”

“No but.”

Xie Ming stretched out his hand and said calmly: “Shixiang, you should remember what I said to you before, right?”

[As long as you are willing to reach out and grab your own happiness, then I will try my best to help you. 】

Such a sentence suddenly echoed in Shixiang’s mind.

“Now, I will solve all this for you.”

Taking out his cell phone, Xie Ming called a number.

“Oh, what’s the matter? I left my cute and sexy sister, and even took time off to date other women, my dear brother.”

“The address prefix is ​​too long.”

Speaking casually, Xie Ming laughed: “Erya, the plan has begun.”


Sitting in front of the computer, Er Ya was slightly taken aback while drinking beer, “Seriously?”


“Alright alright….”

Moving the mouse to a software on the desktop, Erya sighed and clicked.

At this moment, DEM, AST, and Latatosk, the top leaders of these three organizations, all received a video email from which the source could not be found.

And the final signature of the email:


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