Chapter 1657

On the screen, there is a man with a bandage all over his body and a very hoarse voice.

“Hello, big people. I am the existence named Stardust by you. Five years ago, after being bombarded with orbital artillery mercilessly, I sent chasers to hunt down.

“To be honest, the most important thing I should do is to retaliate immediately after the injury. However, I still haven’t implemented any retaliatory activities until now. What do you think is the reason?”

“It’s very simple, because I hate meaningless killing, and there is no reason for us to kill each other.”

“After all these years of understanding, I have already understood why you must send troops to chase me and the sister. And this is the reason why I came to this world.”

“The elves are extremely mysterious to you. But to me, it’s not like that.”

“What I want to tell you now is what you have been confused about for a long time. Where do the existences named elves come from. What are their bodies?”

“The answer is, humans.”

“Yes, elves were originally human beings. They were just empowered by a certain existence, and they became elves.”

“And this existence caused many huge spatial shocks all over the world 30 years ago, causing countless killings: Siyuan Elf.”

“Siyuan Elf has the same power as a god. She is almost omnipotent, can control time and space, and can change everything in the world. She can be said to be the direct daughter of the earth.”

“But, she is a man-made god. And the person who created her is your existence as a pure-blood magician.”

“Surprised, right? I can’t believe it, right? But that’s the truth.”

“The elves you call’nuns’, whose ability’Ratziel’ represents the second point of Kabbalah’s tree of life: wisdom. Although she was erased by the Siwon elves as a human being. , But she found her past and the truth through this ability.”

“The elves that originally came to the world have strayed into the human world for various reasons, and should have lived in the neighboring realm. The pureblood magician’s duty is to deal with this kind of original elves.”

“But because of your persecution, there are only a few pure-blood magicians left. In order to avenge mankind, they used secret techniques and artificially created Siyuan elves.”

“But Siwon’s elves possessed extremely high intelligence, and soon broke away from their control, and began to artificially create various elves in this world.”

“I don’t know the purpose of Siyuan Elf, because the Announcement can’t affect other elves. However, I know one of the culprits that caused this huge disaster.”

“Aizak Ray Pelham Wescott.”

“He wants to gain the power of Siyuan Elf, and he wants to satisfy his desire to destroy. For him, whether it is a human being or the hatred of a pureblood magician, it doesn’t matter.”

“All he needs is an excuse. An excuse that allows him to wreak havoc.”

“Otherwise, why is DEM able to create a display device to deal with elves so quickly? Why can they know the cause of the space shock?”

“Because all this is just a self-directed and self-acted performance by Izhak Ray Pelham Viscott.”

“Whether you believe it or not, I am only responsible for telling the facts that I know. And, to give you a warning.”

“I came here to recover this power. This is my mission and my need. After the recovery, I will leave the earth and never appear again. And now, my mission has been completed very much. of two.”

As he said, two objects appeared in the young man’s hands.

“This is the power of the princess, this is the power of the nun. In other words, the princess and the nun will no longer cause space shocks, and will no longer pose a threat to mankind.”

“Next, I will also act to gather the power of the elves. In other words, I and you are on the same front. I don’t expect your help, but please don’t hinder my actions. “”Similarly, I also implore you to let go of these unfortunate children who have been erased because of Siyuan Elf.”

Having said that, the young man removed the bandage that had been wrapped around his face. It was a face that was 20% different from Xie Ming after adjusting his blood control ability.

“I hope you can understand who our common enemy is and what our common aspirations are.”


At this point, the picture ended, and the crew in Fraxinas fell into a long silence.

“Good guy…..”

He folded his hands on his chest, and said, leaning on the back of the chair in the piano, “This is really true. It’s a draw from the bottom of the pot.”

“If we do this, the significance of our Latatosk’s existence has been negated. Next, what shall we do?”

“The instructions have already been sent.” The crying mouse doll sitting in the chair in the meeting room said lightly: “The answer is, just wait and see what happens.”

“Waiting for the changes?”


The Ugly Cat Doll added: “Now the executive director of DEM, Izak Ray Pelham Viscott, has escaped under the cover of Alan Mira Mathers, and I don’t know where he is hiding. ”

“Countries have sent investigative teams to conduct rigorous investigations on DEM’s branches in various countries, and many problems have been found. I’m afraid, Westcott had already anticipated this, so he fled early. It’s really ironic.”

“It is the people who create disasters for mankind who are now making weapons for mankind to deal with disasters. The existence that should have made disasters is helping mankind deal with disasters.”

“Commander of the Five Rivers, what’s the state of the stardust right now?”

“Now the princess is living with nuns and stardust. She cannot observe the spiritual response, but she hasn’t observed any spatial shocks and noises, and her mood and favorability have been kept above 90.”

After a pause, Qinli said anxiously, “But no one can guarantee that what the stardust said is true.”

“However, there is also no definite guarantee as to whether Wuhe Shidao can seal the ability of the elves.”

“But we have used the ability to observe Shidao for five years!”

“Commander of the Five Rivers.”

The bull doll calmly said: “Wuhe Shidao is a human being, while the star dust is a guest from outside the sky.”

“Even if he has special abilities, it is not our reason to force him to be exposed to danger. Before, it was your strong recommendation and the circumstances. But now, there is obviously a more suitable candidate.”

“Stardust sent this email for the purpose of trading. Exposing Izak was his meeting gift.”

“And what he is dealing with is for him to deal with these disasters that humans cannot handle at present. He voluntarily becomes this bait, let us observe him and the elves.”

“We, there is no way to refuse.”


That’s right, Qinli has actually seen it, this is a complete scheming.

Stardust not only helped the human side to get rid of the bombs that would explode at an unknown time in the future, but also put forward the condition that it would be beneficial to human beings without any harm.

Let him deal with the unstable element.

On the human side, there is no longer any need to deal with elves with terrifying power, just sitting in the audience and observing what happens between unstable elements. Even when necessary, they will give assistance.

There is no reason for human beings to reject the deal proposed by the stardust.

“I see.”

After a moment of silence, Qinli saluted slightly: “From now on, Fraxinas will continue to observe the stardust, nuns, and princesses. But at the same time, the training of the Five Rivers will continue.”

“Well, that’s it.”

The communication hung up one after another, and the shadow obscured the girl’s expression.

“……I will not give up.”


“Today I will introduce a new classmate for everyone.”

“Hello, everyone! My name is Yatogami Shixiang! Please take care of me!”

“Oh… oh oh oh!!!”

Sure enough, Shixiang’s beautiful appearance aroused the exclamation of all the classmates. Maybe, at this moment, many people fell in love with Toka at first sight (at first sight).

“Student Ye Dao Shen, just sit there first.”

“Okay~ Thanks…. Teacher Uranus Temple!”

Seeing Shixiang who hurriedly covered his mouth and ran to his seat, Xie Ming shook his head helplessly. I don’t know how long this guy can hide it.

However, since the email has been sent, it doesn’t really matter whether it is exposed or not.

He, Erya, and Shixiang’s forged identities were believed to have been verified the day after the email was sent. And until now, I and others have not encountered anything.

Either the human side is preparing to make a big move, or they are preparing to wait and see the changes.

Xie Ming is 80% sure that it is the latter.

The reason is simple, humans currently have no means to deal with elves. Even the extraterrestrial psychic cannon used to smash meteorites can be carried by himself. Moreover, preparing some means while watching the changes does not conflict with each other.

But when I go back every night, I update my monitoring software. And with the ability of an electric shocker, trying to find out his monitoring is as difficult as for humans now.

The only thing that needs to be worried about is Siyuan Elf, and Izak and Allen, who are now missing.

There is no need to worry about Siwon Elf for the time being. Because she still needs the girls to help her to accomplish her purpose. And Izhak and Allen, to be honest, in Xie Ming’s eyes, these two people are just clowns.

Crazy Big Ugly (Aizak) and jealous clown (Allen), no matter how much they toss, they can’t make it to the table.

As for the power to seal the elves, of course he didn’t.

He would be stupid only after eating the weights, leaving the two girls without any self-protection. Don’t look at it for the time being, but the big things are still hiding behind the scenes.

The way to keep Shixiang and Erya here is actually very simple.

Just set a space anchor on them.

However, he still talked to Shixiang.What happens must be resolved through conversation first, not force. But if the other party first attacked with killing intent, then don’t hesitate to draw a sword and call him.

I probably observed the situation in the class, except that Origami was looking at Shixiang’s sight slightly changed, Shidao’s dumbfounded expression, the others did not change much.

Shidao should have been surprised when he saw that his target person came to school. Origami might have some resistance in her heart, but now that AST is still being dispatched, she can only look at it like this, and can’t make any movements.

The others welcomed Shixiang’s arrival. In this case, he doesn’t need to worry too much.

After all, this is the school, he is the teacher, and Shixiang is the student. What Shixiang needs is to contact, adapt, and then get used to human life. The class can help her do this quickly.

“Okay, today we will continue to talk about the content of the last class…”


Before I knew it, a month passed. During this month, Shixiang gradually got in touch with the girls in the class and made friends.

She learned to ask for pocket money with Xie Ming, and would hang out with her friends. However, her favorite thing is to play with herself.

In other words, I like to go home and eat my own meals.

There is an old saying in the rural proverb that it is rainy and windy during the summer solstice in mid-May.

Having said that, the weather in other places can still pass the weather forecast Master. But in Tiangong City, that’s not the case.

Often this drizzle will suddenly fall. As a result, students carry umbrellas in their bags almost every day.

At this time, Xie Ming would go out holding an umbrella and wander around Tiangong City when there was no class.

Occasionally, he would meet a petite girl.

The emerald green bunny ear cloak covered half of her cute cheeks, and on her left hand was a funny-looking bunny hand puppet. In this deserted street, the girl bounced briskly.

From time to time, he would whisper a few words to the hand puppet on the left hand, and the hand puppet was also moving, giving the girl a reaction.

When we first met, Xie Ming just stood by and watched. Before long, the girl seemed to find him through the size of the hand puppet. After the panic, he hurried out for a long time.

Then, when he looked back at Xie Ming, he was still standing in place, holding an umbrella, and gently waving his hand towards her.


In the eyes of the girl, the youth seemed to be talking to her like this.

After hesitating for a moment, the girl gently waved her little hand towards Xie Ming, and then disappeared into the rain and mist.

It seems that the mood seems pretty good.

The second time I met, it seemed that the girl still remembered Xie Ming. Although she was also a little flustered, when she saw Xie Ming standing there and not approaching, she waved her hand and smiled and motioned for her to continue. After she hesitated for a while, she continued her fun.

When he looked back again, Xie Ming had disappeared in that place. Instead, the umbrella on the ground, the juice and the note under the umbrella.

[You should be thirsty after playing for so long, I bought you juice, if you don’t mind, drink it. See you next time if you are destined. Also, stop playing in the rain and be careful of catching a cold. ——Xie Ming]

For the third time, the girl waited quietly in the rain shelter. When he saw Xie Ming passing by, he held up his umbrella and ran over in small steps, a little timidly blocking Xie Ming’s presence.



The girl raised her head timidly, her sapphire-clear pupils quietly looked at Xie Ming: “Thank you…the last time…juice.”

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