Chapter 1658 Looking forward to seeing you next time

Sitting in the rain shelter of the bus station, the dark pupils and clear blue eyes also reflected the patter of raindrops. In his world, this rain is just an insignificant thing.

But in her world, this is not the case.

She likes the moist but not humid air and the touch of the breeze on her cheeks. Because this will give her an illusion.

There seemed to be a woman with a gentle smile, gently touching her face. That bit of moisture should be because she had just washed her hands in order to touch herself when she was just cooking, but she didn’t wipe off the water.

This little flaw, the girl would naturally not mind. Because her movements are so gentle and so careful. I am afraid that my touch will make myself feel pain.

After all, I hate pain the most.

But who is she? Why is there no impression at all in my memory? Why can’t I see her face every time?

Sitting on the bench, the girl looked at the gray rain and mist quietly.

“My name is Xie Ming.”

The voice of the youth awakened the girl from her own world: “Can you tell me, your name?”


The girl’s eyes did not look at Xie Ming, but the hand puppet on her left hand greeted Xie Ming lively: “Oh! Hello, Brother Xie Ming! My name is Shishina, thank you last time Juice~”

“However, I actually invited the girl who has only seen it twice to drink juice and leave an umbrella. Is it possible, brother, you are a Loli control? I understand, I understand, after all, our family is so cute.”

“Well, it’s very cute. Whether it’s Shishina or this kid.”

“Ohhh~ Brother Xie Ming, you are very discerning, you want to kill two birds with one stone? Should we stay away from you?”

“That’s too sad.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “But if you don’t want to be friends with me, then I have to leave.”

“Shishina thinks it’s okay to make friends with Brother Xie Ming.”

“So, what about this kid?”

“Well, she too…”

“Shishina.” Xie Ming interrupted the hand puppet’s voice and said softly, “Even if you are a good friend, you shouldn’t protect and spoil the other side ignorantly, right?”

“I want to be friends with the two of you, Shiina, you have promised me. However, this kid has never looked at me. This is really rude.”


The rabbit hand puppet looked at the girl in embarrassment, then at Xie Ming, and then sighed.

“In this case, I am afraid we can only say goodbye to you, Brother Xie Ming.”

“It’s such a shame.”

Xie Ming sighed slightly, stood up and bought two cans of warm juice from the vending machine on the side, and gently placed one by the girl’s side. Then, he stretched out his hand to Shiina.

“It’s the third time we met anyway. Although we haven’t made friends. But in order to maintain this fate, I think two cans of juice are quite worth it.”

“I hope I will be friends with you when I see you next time.”

“Brother Xie Ming, you…”

“Why, don’t you shake your hand?”

“Hahahahaha, yes.” The two short hands of the hand puppet gently held Xie Ming’s fingers: “I also look forward to the next time I meet, Xie Ming, brother, you can become friends with Shiiono.”

“It’s just that this is probably very difficult.”

“Then…you can only let the flow go, right? But, this kid is called Shitono. Very cute name.”

Touched Shiina’s head, and then waved at Shitono: “We, see you next time. Remember to drink the juice while it’s still warm.””Goodbye, Shiina, Shiina.”

After speaking, Xie Ming held up his umbrella and left the bus station.


Hearing the youth’s footsteps fade away, Shishino finally turned his gaze from the rain scene to Xie Ming’s back. Carefully stretched out his hand from the cloak, touched the juice, and then slowly held the juice in his arms.

“That’s really interesting brother.” Shishina said to Shitono, “What he said is actually quite reasonable, Shitono.”

“It’s really hurtful to ignore people who show kindness so much.”

“…..Um…. I’m sorry…Shishina.”

“It’s not me who I’m sorry, Shiitono. But, well, forget it. Hurry up and drink the juice, otherwise it will be cold.”


Gently pick up the juice with both hands, and the temperature on the surface slowly spreads from the palm to the surroundings. Shishino lowered his eyes slightly to cover up the fluctuations of his pupils.

“It’s so warm…”

“Yeah, it’s warm. Hurry up, open the tab and drink it ‘dang-dong-kudong’. Drinking like this is the most polite to Brother Xie Ming!”


Following Shiina’s words, the girl gently pulled the pull-down ring, and took a sip of the can in both hands. The sweetness and heat slowly warmed the whole body along the throat.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his legs that were out of reach on the bench began to sway.

“It’s great, Shishino. In this world, there are not only people who want to hurt you. There are also people like Brother Xie Ming.”


“However, if Brother Xie Ming knew our identity, would he still treat us so tenderly?”


Shishino suddenly raised her head and looked at Shishina, wondering why she said such words.

Shiina, but looked at Shiina calmly.

“Even if it wasn’t our intention, but our appearance on several occasions did destroy the city, Shiitono. Just as gentle you hate pain and violence, Brother Xie Ming might also hate it too.”

“Perhaps, maybe it is the right choice not to meet with Brother Xie Ming?”


Shitono fell into a long silence, and with a sudden heavy rain, the girl disappeared on the bench.

The juice was still steaming slightly. But there was a layer of frost on the outside of the jar.


“Xie Ming! Where have you been!?”

“Well, I went out for a stroll and saw a very cute little girl.”

“Little girl?”

Shixiang’s eyelids jumped abruptly, and asked quietly, “That little girl, is she cute?”

“Well, it’s very cute, with a talking hand puppet.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “It looks as delicate as a French doll.”


“It’s just a pity, she doesn’t seem to be willing to talk to me.”

The improved spiritual power instantly returned to the body, Shixiang clasped her hands on her chest and nodded in satisfaction: “Is that right? I didn’t want to talk to Xie Ming. That can’t be helped. I will just talk to you reluctantly, right? ”

“Ah, it’s sunny.”

Looking at the sky with a few afterglows, Xie Ming turned his head and looked at Shixiang: “What do you want to eat at Shixiang tonight?”

“…Xie Ming, you idiot! idiot! idiot!!!”

After cursing, Shixiang rushed into her room and closed the door heavily.

“Shixiang! What do you want to eat tonight~?”

“Sweet and Sour Pork!”

Ten scented sounds came from the room.


Xie Ming smiled and shook his head, and walked into the kitchen: “This girl, who learned from Tsundere who has retired from the environment.”

Sitting on the sidelines and watching the whole process, Erya couldn’t help but vomit: “Brother Xie Ming, tell the truth. Are you a playboy in your own world? How many girlfriends do you have?”

“Huh? How do you know?”


With a ‘bang’, the door was slammed open again, Shixiang’s eyes were piercing, and he strode to the table and sat down: “Xie Ming, what did you just say?”

“Your girl’s ears are really good.” Xie Ming took out the tenderloin from the freezer: “Do you still want to eat sweet and sour tenderloin at night? If you don’t prepare it, your stomach will be screaming.”

“Uh… Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Seeing Shixiang who was tangled and speechless, Xie Ming couldn’t help but laugh. Stretching out her fingers, she gently scratched her nose.

“Why are you so cute hahahahaha.”

“Two… Erya, Xie Ming, he bullied me!”

“Don’t count on me.” Er Ya spread his hands: “My family status is not as good as yours. Going up is to die.”

“Damn it!”

Shixiang gritted his teeth viciously and stared at Xie Ming fiercely: “Wait and see, you will suffer sooner or later.”

“Then you have to study hard, classmate Yadaoshen.”

“Huh! Got it! Teacher Uranus Temple!”

“The answer is very good. I will reward you for having a soy flour bread after the evening practice with me.”


In an instant, Shixiang threw everything out of the sky. And Er Ya, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

This is why she didn’t establish the Xie Ming Resistance Army with Shixiang. Because this teammate may sell her in the next instant.

But when Shixiang called his teacher, Xie Ming suddenly remembered something.

Recently, many subject teachers have told themselves that Yuanyi Origami’s teacher was distracted recently in class. Although the teachers felt that she was unlikely to lose grades because of this, her attitude still needs to be corrected.

So today, I deliberately brought Yuyi Origami to the office to ask about the situation, but the feedback I got was like this.

“Then, the teacher of Uranus Temple is going to visit the house?”


“Teacher Uranus Temple, do you want to visit my house?”

Yuanyi Origami repeated it expressionlessly, staring at Xie Ming with a sense of pressure: “If the teacher of Uranus Temple visits home, I might be able to correct it.”

“…Well, then tomorrow morning, I will go to your house.”



Looking at the classmate who was expressionless, but secretly clenched his fist and whispered “yes”, Xie Ming said blankly: “Sure enough, it’s not going to go.””…… Teacher Uranus Temple. You have taught us that one of the most important qualities to be a human being is honesty.”

“Well, that’s what I said. Then, after I visit my home, you will have a good attitude in class from now on, right?”


“I know, I know.”

Angrily waved his hand: “Yiyi, please go back and notify the parents, I will arrive at ten o’clock tomorrow morning.”


When going out, Yuanyi’s origami’s footsteps were obviously lighter. The colleague Okamine Zhue, who was sitting next to him, said enviously: “It seems that teacher Uranus Temple is very popular with students.”

Well, I don’t know if I like it or not, but this girl is obviously not thinking about it.

But myself, it’s hard to say much. How to say? Say that there is a female student in the class who might be greedy for her body?

I am afraid that within an hour after speaking out, the principal will call and ask him to report in his office.

“Xie Ming! Shall we go out together tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow I’m going to visit the house.”

“Home visit?”

Swallowing the food in his mouth, Shixiang asked curiously: “What is a home visit?”

“Just go to the student’s home and talk to the student’s parents about the student’s education.”

“Really? Is it a student in our class?”

“Well, Yuichi origami.”

“Toiichi…that woman.”

Shixiang’s voice clearly showed annoyance: “That AST woman has been watching me with annoying eyes. It’s really annoying.”

“Didn’t I tell you? Shixiang.”

Xie Ming smiled: “There is no real hatred between you and AST. If you feel that the other person is hostile to you, you can take the initiative and ask boldly.”

“Of course, it’s better for two people to go out and talk about this kind of thing alone. Under normal circumstances, many things can be solved by talking.”

“Just like me, didn’t you solve your problem through conversation, so that you can live with us now?”

“Um… I get it.”

Holding the chopsticks and poking a few holes in the golden tenderloin, Shixiang was full of reluctance, but still obediently said: “Next week, when school starts, I will have a good talk with her.”

“Good boy.”

Put a few pieces of sweet and sour pork in the bowl of Shixiang, Xie Ming praised.

In the eyes of others, this is probably a conversation between parents and children. But for Shixiang, who doesn’t understand anything, this treatment is correct.

Although Shixiang knows many things, in some places it is really no different from a child. Therefore, in order to teach her, she must be slow like this.

She has experienced as if the whole world is denying herself, rejecting her own despair. So at some point, Shixiang will become very extreme, and if you are not careful, you may go on a crooked road and reverse.

The child’s character is matched with a powerful force, and this is Shixiang. What Xie Ming is doing now is to let her grow up and grow up slowly.

Parents have the responsibility of guiding and teaching their children, and they are the teachers who will accompany their children until they die.

Although Xie Ming couldn’t accompany Shixiang forever, at least he could train Shixiang until she could be independent. By the way, I can also make Erya get some growth through Shixiang.

After all Shixiang’s clothes, Xie Ming couldn’t help her clean up. Although Erya’s room was also messy, she was just too lazy to clean up. And this laziness has been corrected by Xie Ming in the past few years. After she was right there, she was going to teach Shixiang to clean up her clothes.

The reward is to drink twice a month.

In the face of this reward, Erya could only ‘humiliate’ and obey, and once again firmly established his plan to establish the Xie Ming Resistance Army in the bottom of my heart.

Although there is only one two or five sons and ten fragrances around, more and more people will join in the future. She doesn’t believe it anymore. She is a person in her forties and can’t beat him?

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