Chapter 1659 Tuning Chain

“It’s here.”

Turning off the navigation of the mobile phone, Xie Ming sighed slightly as he looked at the high-end community with the words “Autumn Maple Village” written in front of him.

To be honest, he didn’t want to make a home visit. Because he could predict what would happen after he stepped into the house called Toiichi Origami.

However, if you don’t talk to her seriously about some things, it will only go on endlessly.

Therefore, it is better to choke the danger in swaddling as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming no longer hesitated. Find the unit number according to the address registered on the class teacher’s roster, and enter the room number of Yuyi Origami on the console next to the door.


“This is Uranus Temple Hutaro. Toiichi-san, should your family be at home?”

“Teacher Uranus Temple…Please come in.”

After speaking, Yuanyi Origami hung up the phone and opened the password door to enter the apartment, without intending to give Xie Ming any opportunity to refuse.

“Hey, a knife is stretched out, so is a lock.”

But when he actually entered Yuiichi Origami’s home, the girl was unexpectedly normal.

Wearing a student uniform, although there is still no expression, but the etiquette and attitude are very correct.

“Teacher Uranus Temple, please come in.”


Walk into the house, and sit down like Yuichi origami. It didn’t take long before she walked out of the kitchen with two cups of tea. The color of the tea is the same, without any turbid additives in it.

“Yiyi, where are your family members?”

“Doesn’t Teacher Uranus Temple know?” Toiichi origami tilted his head, showing a very confused look: “I have lived alone since high school.”

“No, I know about it.”

The corner of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched: “But I remember that I should have reminded you and asked you to inform your parents.”

“I notified.”

Yuichi Origami said blankly, “But my aunt didn’t answer the phone.”

Do you play word games for me?

“Since Yuanyi’s parents are not there, I will wait for the parents to come over another day and visit again.”

With that, Xie Ming was about to get up and leave. But a flat sentence made him stop.

“Teacher. Shixiang, the god of night swords, is codenamed ‘Princess’, do you know?”

“Then what?”

“Now Shixiang, the god of the sword, is living in the teacher’s house.”

Yuanyi Origami looked at Xie Ming calmly: “I just want to advise the teacher to stay away from dangerous creatures like elves.”

“They are disasters.”

“No, they are not a disaster.”

Sitting at the table again, Xie Ming looked at the girl in front of him seriously: “In your observation, is Shixiang a disaster now? A disaster that is distressed because of studying, and laughed because of playing with friends?”

“But she is an elf.”

“Well, yes, she is an elf. But like us, she will be sad, cry, laugh, and angry. What is the difference between her and us?”

“She will bring disaster.”

“A disaster called Space Earthquake? But now she goes to school every day, and there is no disaster?””She is the element of instability.”

“Then Yuanyi, I want to ask you.” Xie Ming laughed: “What, is the element of stability? People?”

“You should know what kind of class I brought before entering Tiangong City. I believe that as a member of the AST unit, you should also investigate them clearly.”

“Group fights, bullying, drug use, daddy life, compensated dating, drag racing, theft, robbery, bullying homeless people… and in the world, there are far more people and things happening in the world that are more extreme and darker than them.”

“Why is Yuanyi able to tolerate the existence of these unstable elements, but is unwilling to believe in Shixiang who is unwilling to hurt others so far?”

“Just because, she is an elf?”

“Teacher Uranus Temple, you are sophistry.” Yuanyi Origami frowned slightly: “The harm that those scumbags cause to society is far less than that of Yedao God Shixiang alone.”

“She is an elf with the power to destroy the world. We cannot put the safety of the world on an element of instability.”

“Then with you, can she be stopped? With AST? A force that can be blown away with her sword?”


“If she really uses all her strength, if she really wants to destroy the world. You AST, can you stop her?”


Her mouth moved, Yuichi Origami wanted to answer firmly “Yes”, but she couldn’t deceive herself. Therefore, she can only say that.

“We will fight our lives to stop her.”

“Yes, what you should fight for is the elves who want to destroy the world.” Xie Ming stared at the girl’s eyes: “Rather than fight for his life, to force a kind-hearted girl to hurt others and destroy the world. ”

“Tell me, Toiichi Origami classmate. Among the elves you have attacked so far, is there any one who took the initiative to attack you.”


“Please answer my question, Yuichi Origami classmate.”


“Then your AST has conducted tactical drills. If you don’t take the initiative to attack the elves, what will the elves do? Is it unscrupulously destroying buildings and seeing someone kill another? Or after walking around, the time will come automatically return.”


“Yiyi classmate.”

Xie Ming sighed slightly: “I don’t know what happened to you. However, because of the things that have happened in the past, the existence of completely innocent people is involved. In my opinion, there is no logic at all. Reasonable things.”

“What you are doing is simply venting. Vent your own injuries to innocent people.”

“It’s no different from those who bully at school and bully the weak and kind.”


Toiichi Origami’s body shook, and her hands couldn’t help holding the teacup tightly.

“So, what about Teacher Uranus Temple?”


“If the people around Uranus Temple teacher are hurt, what will Uranus Temple teacher do?”

“Although I tried my life to make this possibility disappear. But if it happens, um…” Xie Ming smiled: “I will spend the rest of my life finding out the truth, and then let the people around me hurt Human fellow, died in despair.”

“Please remember the key points I said, Yiyi-mate.”

“[Find out the truth].”

After speaking, Xie Ming stood up again and walked out of the room. Yuiichi Origami was left alone, looking down at his expressionless face reflected in the tea. But she knew that her heart was shaking.

What I have been doing… is it just to vent my anger?

【You…. very lost? 】


Years of military training made the girl react instantly. First, she lifted the table and the tea on the table to the source of the business, and then took the pistol from the thigh gun bag and pulled the trigger one after another.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang… Kaka…”

Blue smoke came from the muzzle, the bolt was stuck, and the bullet casing rolled on the wooden floor. The raised table was directly shattered by a clip. But the bullets floated in front of the dark shadow, falling scattered.

“…….Who are you?”

Seeing that the guns were completely useless, Yuichi Origami’s heart sank. All she can do now is to drag the opponent with words first, and then use the communicator to notify the other members of the troop.

[You can call me, “Phantom”. 】

“Phantom? Elf?”

[That’s right. 】

With a voice that couldn’t distinguish between men and women, Phantom sat in front of Origami generously: [I felt your confusion and powerlessness, so I appeared in front of you. 】

[Don’t worry, I have no intention of hurting you. I just want to wish you a helping hand. 】

“I reject.”

His eyes were staring at the black shadow in front of him, his tone was extremely cold: “The elves who cover their heads and tails into other people’s homes without invitation, say they want to help me?”

[This… is indeed my rudeness. 】

[But, the teacher you just now is also the one who covers his head and tail. 】

“Teacher Uranus Temple?”

[Yes, he probably didn’t tell you, his true identity, right? 】

“so what?”

Toeichi origami is unmoved: “Teacher Uranus Temple and I are a teacher and a student. Teacher, there is no need to tell me everything. Teacher, he has never deceived me.”

After knowing that Shixiang and Xie Ming lived together, Yuanyi Origami had actually guessed the identity of Xie Ming. Wanting Xie Ming to come over this time is actually because she wants to see what Xie Ming’s attitude is.

And Xie Ming also expressed his attitude to her. No concealment, no concealment.

Because he knows that a person who does not treat students honestly is not qualified to educate students. Those who are teachers should naturally lead by example.

[…This is really unexpected. But, are you sure you don’t need my help? 】

[It can make you get rid of confusion, let you find out the truth, and make you strong enough to fight against the elves. 】


[Forget it, you shouldn’t listen to me now. However, I will leave this thing here as a gift. Whether or not to use it is up to you to decide. 】

With that, Phantom placed a white gem gently on the ground.

“what is this?”

[This is a treasure that can give you enough power. 】

There is a slight smile in the voice of the phantom: [When you feel that you are not strong enough, use it. 】

[You should not hope that when disaster strikes again, you can still watch everything happen weakly. 】


I don’t know when, the shadow of Phantom has disappeared. Yuyi origami is quietly looking at the gems on the ground. Until, the alarm outside woke her up.

“Space shock alert!”

I just wanted to equip the display device immediately, but the action stopped again.

The AST troops have been ordered to stand by and cannot be dispatched. What’s the use even if it is dispatched?

The teacher is right. With the power of the AST display device, it is impossible to do anything.


He looked at the shimmering holy gem once again. After a long silence, Yuichi origami picked it up and put it in his school uniform pocket.——————————

“The spatial wave rate is abnormal, and a strong spiritual wave response is detected!”

“The surveillance camera moves to the predicted location! The space is skewed! According to the wavelength of the spiritual power, it is the’Hermit’!”


Biting the lollipop in his mouth, the Qin who was sitting in the captain’s position said uncomfortably: “What a useless guy. I have met three times and haven’t got it done!”

“But now, we should let those big people know that our method is correct.”

“After all, why would they believe that scumbag teacher?”

“Commander, human life response has been detected. It’s star dust!”


Qinli stood up instantly, his eyes widened: “Does this guy want to die? Even if the space shock caused by the recluse is small, it is not something humans can withstand!”

“Commander, stardust is a psychic cannon used on meteorites that has resisted outer space…”

“Shen Wuyue, shut up for me!”

“Oh!! Thank you… Commander’s reward…”

“Send a communication device to notify him to leave!”

“Ah…oh, okay!”

“No, forget it.”

After returning to the chair, Qinli said uncomfortably, “That man will not do things that are uncertain. Moreover, according to the data, he seems to have the ability to manipulate space.”

“Presumably, he should have found a way to control the spatial shock.”

“Control… Space Shock…”

“Is he really human…”

Even Shin Wuyue, who knelt on the ground with his stomach, endured happiness, excitement and pain at this time, raised his head, and looked at the screen on the screen to thank the person who walked toward the center of the predicted spatial shock. Ming.

“This spiritual power is Shiitono.”

Seeing that the cloudless sky began to appear intermittently, Xie Ming sighed helplessly.

Today, he didn’t bring an umbrella.

“So it’s better not to rain.”

Lightly snapped his fingers, and the invisible chain instantly fixed the surrounding space. And as the chain pulled, the skewed space affected by spiritual power began to slowly shrink.

In order to prevent the indiscriminate disaster of Space Shock, since Shixiang moved into his home, Xie Ming has been pulling Shixiang to do some experiments.

The easiest way is to set a space anchor directly. In that case, unless the burst of spiritual power far exceeds the space anchor, no matter how much space is tossed, it will remain stable.

But then, the elves also have no way to come here from their neighbors. This obviously does not meet Xie Ming’s requirements. So at that time, Xie Ming often pulled Shixiang onto the Antarctic continent, causing her to constantly cause space shocks.

On the other hand, I use the space ability to try to solve the space shock one after another.

The last thing developed is this invisible chain, the tuning chain.

Since the cause of the spatial shock is the skew of the space, as long as the skew is restored, isn’t it all right?

Just like musical instruments need to be tuned to the correct frequency, the function of these chains is to retune the space back to the correct wave rate, which is why Xie Ming named them the tuning chain.

However, the tuning chain has a flaw. Because the wavelength of the spiritual power of each elves is different. The tuning chain set according to the wavelength of Shixiang certainly cannot tune the spatial shocks of other elves.

But fortunately, in the previous three contacts, Xie Ming had already contacted the spiritual power of Shiiono. so…..

“Meeting again, Shiitono, Shiina.”

Xie Ming smiled slightly at the surprised girl looking around the safe and sound surroundings.

“This time, you didn’t destroy this city?”

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