Chapter 1660

“Really, now that we know our identities, I’ll tell you, Brother Xie Ming!”

The rabbit hand puppet named Shiina kept complaining to Xie Ming: “We were worried about the harm last time. After knowing our identity, brother Xie Ming, are you unwilling to take care of us? Woolen cloth.”

“Right, Shiitono?”


It seemed that he was paying attention to Erya and Toka’s gaze, Shishinon pulled his hat brim, lowered his head and whispered, “Brother Xie Ming, they are…”

“Honjo Erya, and the god of night swords ten incense.”

Xie Ming introduced: “They are also elves like Shiitono.”


“Xie Ming!”


As if shocked by Toka’s loud voice, Shishino shrank. But of course, Shixiang couldn’t have noticed this little detail. She just stared at Xie Ming, and the vinegar smell in her voice could hardly be suppressed.

“Xie Ming, is this the cute girl you said before?”

“Yes.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “Sishino, like you, has been attacked by AST before. So I wondered if I could do something for her and other elves.”

“The tuning chain you helped me develop before came in handy today. Therefore, the reason why the space tremor did not happen today is the joint effort of me and you.”

“Oh…oh!! That’s it! That’s great!”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Shixiang immediately became happy, and stretched out his hand to Shitono: “Hello Shitono! Let us get along with each other in the future?”

“What a carefree woman.”

Hand puppet Shiina’s voice became very helpless: “I said, Shiina is a very slender girl, not the same as you.”

“Slim? Not the same?”

Shixiang tilted his head: “What is slender?”


“Well, let’s explain it this way.” Xie Ming thought for a while: “It is that Shishino is not very good at contacting people who meet for the first time, so some big movements can easily scare her. So Toka, contact Shishino If you do, you need to be more careful.”

“You just talked so loudly just now, and you were shocked by Shitono. You didn’t notice this, right.”


He looked at his Shitono who was hiding under the Kabuto cap and looked at his Shitono carefully. Toka scratched his face, and then lowered his voice: “Shiitono, I just scared you, sorry. But let’s take care of that. Get along?”




Shiina covered her face, while Erya and Xie Ming looked at Shixiang a little helplessly.

Because she suppressed her voice too low, the voice became like Donald Duck, hoarse and a little weird. It sounds particularly interesting.

However, it seems that the effect is not bad?

The little hand gently covered his mouth, as if trying to suppress his own laughter.

“Me too?”

Erya pushed his eyes and said with a smile: “Shiitono, I hope I can work hard with you in the future.”Let’s fight against the tyranny from Xie Ming.


“Okay, let’s get back to the subject.” Seeing that a few people are already familiar, Xie Ming continued: “Yoshino, Shiina. Both Erya and Toka decided to continue living in this world as human beings.”

“So I set a space anchor on them so that they won’t return to their neighbors. I also established a spiritual channel with them to prevent their spiritual power from running away and causing harm.”

“The reason why I brought you back now is to ask what you think. Do you want to live with us in this world?”

“Brother Xie Ming, although we really want to.”

Shiina scratched her face: “But we are elves, if we are with us, will we be affected by those terrible guys…”

“If it refers to the Mecha Mechanics Group, don’t worry!” Shixiang said proudly: “Xie Ming has already solved everything for us!”



Xie Ming nodded: “I communicated with the upper level of the AST troops, so that they can temporarily maintain the status quo and no longer attack the elves. So you don’t have to worry about staying in this world and you will be hurt by them.”

“Me and Shixiang said the same thing.”

“As long as you stretch out your hand, then I will do my best to help you. However, only this first step requires you to step forward.”

Reaching out his hand towards Shishino, Xie Ming looked at the girl’s eyes earnestly: “But holding this hand means that you need to work hard to learn, grow, and become a member of this world.”

“And before that, no matter what happens, I will help you and teach you.”

“This choice can only be made by you, Shiitono.”


“Brother Xie Ming, I think…”


Xie Ming said calmly: “Do you think this is good? Do you think it is really good for her to keep Shishino running away like this?”


The hand puppet fell into silence for a long time, and finally looked at Shiiono: “Yes, Brother Xie Ming, you are right.”

“Shiitono, this is a choice that can only be made by you. If you are willing to live like before, then I will always be with you. But if you are willing to believe Brother Xie Ming…”


The petite body was trembling, and the voice was trembling. Forcing a little girl in this way, maybe it is too much. However, Xie Ming can only do this.

Shishino is very gentle, so gentle that he would not hurt them even if they were attacked by others with killing intent. But Shishino was also very timid. If she was too scared, she would just collapse and ignore her, hurting everything around her.

Therefore, Shishina was born.

Unlike Shitono, who is afraid of life, Shishino is cheerful, strong, talkative, and always encourages Shitono, which is the support and spiritual support she created. But this is just an escape.

Shishina herself also understood that Shishino was just constantly evading things that she didn’t want to face. But Shishina also understood that Shishito wanted to change herself.

But she was too scared. Because of fear, she dare not take the first step forward by herself, and dare not imagine what things will be waiting for her after taking the first step.

But now is an opportunity, an opportunity to make Shishino change.

The gentle person has stretched out his hand to her, she just needs to stand up, take a step forward, and hold that hand. So next, that hand will hold her, but she will go and see the beauty of the world, so that she can live a life that won’t hurt anyone.

Children who are learning to walk always have to get rid of the help of adults and go forward on their own to take the first step.

For a long time, I have been supporting Shitono to move forward…..No, it is holding Shitono to move forward, and it is Shitono. Shishino was used to relying on Shishina, and Shishina didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.

However, when Shitona saw that Shitono refused to answer the i of someone who treated them without any malice, she noticed it.

This will not work. If this goes on, Shishino will become her annoying appearance. A person who uses fear as an excuse and timidity as a reason to reject and hurt others with a thick heart.

So for the first time, she said something that irritated Shiono.

“Brother Xie Ming.”

Looking at Shiito who was escaping again with her head down, Shiito looked at Xie Ming, “Please take me out of Shiito’s hand.”


Shishino raised her head suddenly, looked at Shishina in disbelief, and shook her head desperately. But for the first time, Shioneo ignored Shioneo.

“I am Shiitono’s hero, and Shiitono’s support. With me, Shiitono can only hide behind me forever. Forever, I will never come into contact with the gentleness and warmth of others.”

“Is this okay?”

“Of course.” Shishina shook his head and said, “but please promise me, brother Xie Ming. We must let Shishino take the first step.”

“I promise you.”

Xie Ming stretched out his hand and took Shiina’s hand: “This is the duty of a teacher.”

The hand puppet, holding Xie Ming’s finger, was taken out of the girl’s hand by Xie Ming. Shishino stared blankly at Shishina being taken by Xie Ming and placed on a table aside.


Squatting in front of the girl, Xie Ming stretched out his hands and gently held the girl’s hands.

“What I said just now, I will say it again now.”

“With me, you won’t be hurt by anyone again. If you encounter danger and difficulty, I will lend a helping hand to you whenever you encounter danger.”

“But, as it is now.”

“I have held your hand, but if you don’t hold my hand in the same way, I cannot save you and help you.”

Staring at the faintly shining eyes, Xie Ming said softly: “Shiitono, would you like to believe me? Would you like to believe the person in front of you who has only seen four times?”


Yes, they have only seen it four times.

When I first met, I hurried away and ran away. He seemed to be aware of his own fear, he didn’t chase him, just stayed where he was to watch her, and waved goodbye to her.

When I met for the second time, I was also scared. So he didn’t approach either, just left the glass of warm juice for himself and the umbrella he used to cover the rain.

When I met for the third time, I thought I would thank him anyway, so I mustered up the courage to approach him. He did not hurt himself, but patiently talked to himself. Even if he was rejected, he did not give up.

Today, I helped myself.

She did not destroy the surrounding buildings for the first time, and for the first time she was not attacked by those terrible people.

Can you trust him?

“Xie… Brother Ming… You… can you let me see… it’s sunny?”

She likes rainy days, because rainy days can remind her of that gentle figure. However, she prefers to see the blue sky that she had only seen in picture books. I hope more, to feel the warm sunshine shining on my body.

I hope to see the beautiful rainbow made up of seven colors.


Simple and calm two words. But let the girl relax, gently holding the big hand that wrapped her hands.

The feeling of holding oneself with these hands is actually not good at all, it is hard, rough, and full of calluses.

However, it is very warm and at ease.

The silk-like invisible spiritual channel is completed, and the space anchor is set.

Because Shishina couldn’t control the spiritual power like Shixiang, most of the spiritual power in her body diverged, which in turn affected the weather in the entire city. And now, this spiritual power was condensed by Xie Ming and sent to the creation catalog through silk thread.

So, the sky is clearing up.With a light snap of his fingers, the four of Xie Ming joined Shiina on the table and moved from the apartment to the sky above Tiangong City.

The dark clouds were broken by the sun, and the bright but not dazzling warm sun shone on the four of them.

“The sunny day you ordered, I offer it here, my little princess.”


Hugging the hand puppet tightly to her chest, the girl looked at the colorful bridge that seemed to be within reach, and tried to stretch out her hand.

“Brother Xie Ming…”


“It turns out that the rainbow can’t be caught…”

“Does Shishino want to catch it?”

“No…” Shishino turned her head and smiled lightly at the three of them: “That’s fine.”


“The target hermit (Hermit) has a weak spiritual response, and his mood remains at 95 and no longer changes.”

“The strategy is successful, Commander.”

“I can see.”

An uncomfortable replied, Qinli looked at the blue-haired girl with a beautiful smile on the screen, and lowered her eyes: “I can see.”


All Fraxinas members have actually been puzzled recently. Why, his own commander would be so against the existence of the individual named ‘stardust’.

Isn’t it a good thing to have him?

The commander’s brother didn’t need to take risks, the space shock was prevented, and the elves lived a normal life. All of them are in line with the purpose and goals of their Latatosk.

If Latatosk’s power is used to help the stardust, then I believe that he will definitely be able to complete the goal faster.

But why, so far, Taratos has not offered an invitation to Stardust to join?


The god Wuyue on the side was also very confused. He is the deputy commander, so he knows more than ordinary members. The upper layer of Latatosk seems to have already invited stardust to join.

However, this proposal was rejected by Qin Li.

“For all unknown but powerful stardust, I think we Latatosk need to be more vigilant. Indeed, our goal is now to be consistent with the stardust.”

“But no one knows what the ultimate purpose of the stardust is, why did he do it? Before confirming his true purpose, I think we need to continue to be vigilant.”

“AST is useless, DEM is chaotic now, Latatosk has become the only organization in the world that hopes to prevent stardust from running away.”

“So, I stick to my opinion. Go on, keep a vigilant watch on the stardust.”

These words dispelled Latatosk’s idea of ​​providing assistance to Xie Ming. But in the end, someone asked her such a sentence.

“Commander of the Five Rivers, what you said is indeed reasonable. But you should understand a truth better than anyone else.”

“How dangerous it is to be hostile to others for no reason.”

“Of course I know about this…Of course I know…”

With her head down, Qinli looked at Xie Ming on the holographic screen, her eyes full of indescribable complexity.

“Shen Wuyue, you will observe for me first.”


“I’ll go out.”

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