Chapter 1661 New Transfer Student

“Teacher! How can I become a strong person?”

“Strong person? The teacher thinks Xiaoqin is very strong. Did something happen?”

“Because Mom and Dad have not been at home, my brother is really tired. Therefore, Jinli wants to be a strong person and help my brother.”

“Yeah, Qinli is really a good boy, a good sister. Yeah… to become strong…”

“It should be, strengthen your conviction.”

“Strengthen… own beliefs?”

“That’s right.” The young man gently touched the little girl’s head, and said softly: “When he has something he wants to accomplish no matter what, he will explode with a very big, very big power.”

“Like a teacher, he has always been trying to protect the people around him, so he worked hard and worked hard.”

“In Xiaoqin… is there anyone you want to protect?”


“Qinli, I want to protect the teacher and my brother!”


The girl slowly opened her eyes and wiped away the tears remaining in the corners of her eyes.

“How long ago can I still remember it.”

Reached out to the bedside table, grabbed two ribbons to tie the hair. But immediately, he reacted and stared at the ribbon in his hand for a while.

Because the ribbon in her hand is neither white nor black.

It is light green with a pattern of stars.


After putting these two ribbons in a small box, the piano grabbed the black ribbon to tie up the hair and put on the school uniform. Then, put the small box into Kabuto.

“Qinli, wash and eat breakfast~”


“Uh… today is the commander mode…”


Listening to the footsteps of the teenager outside the door, Qinli closed his eyes. When she opened it again, she changed into that Wuhe Qin Li again. The trembling S, the venomous tongue, the commander of Flaxinas.


“Shidao, you can eat by yourself for today’s dinner.”


Wuhe Shidao was stunned for a moment: “Is Latatosk so busy over there?”

“Well, it’s going to be busy these days.” Jinli played with the octopus sausage on the plate with a fork: “So I will eat out with others for dinner, Shido, you just need to take care of yourself.”

“……I see.”

Looking at his sister helplessly, Wuhe Shidao sighed. Recently, he always feels a little strange to his sister who has lived with him for more than ten years.

Originally, he was asked to save the elves, but after the training, he was never allowed to meet the elves directly. In retrospect, the elf has become his classmate.

Maybe there is another way to save the elves?

As a result, when he asked about it, the expression on Qin Li became extremely ugly. The response was just to let him continue to do his own training.

“The piano.”


“If there is something bothering you, please tell me if you don’t mind.” Wuhe Shidao said seriously: “Although my brother is not as good as Qinli, you can still do it when you talk with Qinli. .”

“elder brother….”

Qinli knows that his brother is very sensitive to other people’s inner changes. Even if it was the first time we met, he could feel the same way, and then use the character of that bad guy to help others with all his strength.In addition, he also possesses the power to seal the spirit power of the elves. as well as…..

But because of this, she couldn’t talk to him, because it was too dangerous. This danger does not refer to Wuhe Shidao. But to her, to other people.

“My stupid brother.”

Putting the octopus sausage in his mouth, Qinli sneered and raised Erlang’s legs: “When did you come up with the idea that you could help me? Compared to this, I listened to Lingyin’s report. It seems that you haven’t been training much recently. ”

“Ah, this…”

“We should set a goal for you, right? Let you go to the new students who joined your class, the elf who has not been completely sealed, the god of the night sword, Shixiang.”

“As a result, you still haven’t said a few words to others? What is going on, can you tell me in detail? Shidao?”

“Yes Yes……”

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and Wuhe Shidao took his plate and headed to the kitchen: “Since you can still persecute me like this, then I am relieved. However, although Latatosk is busy with work, you must remember to go to school. what.”

“Then, I went to school, and I won’t come back for dinner at night, but I must go home and sleep.”

“I know, I know.”

I waved his hand impatiently, and took out his mobile phone from the piano: “Good journey, gentleman.”

“Well, I’m out.”

The door was locked, and the house suddenly became a little cold. While using chopsticks to pierce the egg yolk, let the egg liquid gradually flow onto the white. On the other side, fingers typed on the phone’s chat software.

[Are you near Tiangong City? 】

[I have already come in~][Then, see you at the old place at 10 o’clock. 】

[Really tough. Are you so worried about me? Anyway, I helped you too, didn’t I? 】

[For that matter, I am grateful. However, you are very aware of the fact that you are not reassuring. 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha, by the way, I heard an interesting news recently. DEM…][Stop, let’s talk about these things after we meet. The current network is not secure. 】

The other side did not reply again, but sent an ‘ok’ in emoji.


A few mouthfuls stuffed the egg into his stomach, put the coat on the sofa over his body, and the piano also walked out of the house.

The destination is the iconic building of Tiangong City, Tiangong Tower.


In the spatial epicenter 30 years ago, many iconic buildings and landscapes in Japan disappeared. Among them, Tokyo Tower is included.

The Tiangong Tower is an iconic building that has been rebuilt instead of Tokyo Tower.

In the top area that is not inaccessible to staff, a black-haired girl dressed in black and red Gothic Loli group gently hummed, sitting on the edge, shaking her feet and waiting for the arrival of the ‘friend’.

After a while, relying on her identity, she took the elevator directly to the piano and came to the girl’s back.

“Come so early?”

Qinli frowned and said, “I haven’t been found, right?”

“Please rest assured, Ms. Qinli.” The girl jumped and stepped on the void, and said gracefully: “With a third party and a friend to meet, I’m not unfamiliar yet.”

“We are not friends, just business partners.”

Take out the lollipop from the Kabuto inside the jacket, and put the candy paper into the Kabuto. Qinli said coldly: “Contacting you this time is to understand that you will never sit back and watch when you learn about it.”

“So, instead of letting you move freely and uncontrollably and causing trouble, it’s better to keep your actions within my limits.”


The girl tilted her head: “What does Ms. Qinli mean?”

“Your purpose is nothing more than to get in touch with the stardust and get something from him to complete your plan, right?” Qinli took out a piece of information from the package in his hand and handed it over.

“This is what I know, all the information about the stardust. Including how to deal with him, his weaknesses, and his scales.”


After receiving the information, the girl frowned slightly. What you see from the data is enough to show how difficult a star dust is. If you want to accomplish your goal, I’m afraid…

“If you want to start with the elves he has rescued, I advise you to dispel this idea.”

Qinli walked to the edge and sat down: “That man is not a bad guy. He has a ruler in his heart for gentleness and strictness. If you exceed the limit, it will be difficult for you to get out.”

“So unless you have power far stronger than him, you can only soften. But in that case, you will fall into his rhythm again.”

“Miss Qinli, I know this Mr. Stardust very well.”


He is the teacher I value most.

“In short, if you want to contact him, I won’t stop it.” Looking at the black-haired girl, staring at the golden clock in her left eye: “He doesn’t care what you have done in the past, he just Care about your choices now and your future goals.”

“If you want to play with him, play within the rules of the game as much as possible. If you can’t afford to play, then just keep watching.”

“I see.”

A white and slender arm stretched out from the shadow, and the material was put away. The girl sat next to the piano, “He, is the key, right?”

“…I don’t want him to be the key.”

“I can make Ms. Qinli take you so seriously, I’m really more and more interested in him~”

The eyebrows were frivolous, and a little madness appeared on the girl’s face: “I don’t know, what does he smell like…”

The tongue flicked his delicate lips like Sakura’s petals. If it’s a man with insufficient concentration, just seeing her move, I’m afraid he would have been captured.


The chin dragged his chin: “If he is eaten by you, it might be a good thing.”

“It’s just a pity, you don’t have this ability.”


“That’s it.” Qinli stood up and said, “I have said everything that should be said, and I have warned you if I should warn you. You think I am aggressive or provocative, anyway, you must Will go to him for a while.”

“I just hope that things will not go to the worst.”


“Tokisaki Kuangsan.”


“She is the new transfer student in our class, Tokizaki Kuzou.”

To the students who were excited again, Xie Ming said gently: “Toshizaki-san, please introduce yourself to everyone.”

“Ha ha ha…”

Wearing a school uniform and covering his left eye with a slightly longer bang, Tokisaki Kuangsan smiled at Xie Ming: “Teacher Uranus Temple, please just call me Kuangsan.”

“After all, there are still many things in the future. I want the teacher to teach me.”



After a brief period of doubt, the entire classroom became a sensation in an instant. The female students didn’t know what they were thinking of. They looked at Xie Ming, and then at Tokisaki Kuangzo, with a blush on their faces.

But the male classmates, their eyes widened. Even a little impulsive, he patted the table and stood up.

As for Shixiang and Yuanyi origami, they clenched their fists. The eyes of one side seemed to burst into flames, while the temperature of the whole body on the other side seemed to drop below zero.

“Do you see it?”

However, Xie Ming raised his eyebrows in response to Tokazaki Kuangzo’s shocking lines, and then looked at the students in the class: “Think about when school started, I gave you a chance to embarrass me, but it didn’t happen. One who can fight.”

“And Tokisaki-san said tightly, it directly made me unable to get off the stage. So, you have to study hard!”


Is the key here?Hearing Xie Ming’s tone of hatred for iron and steel, the students were all dumbfounded. But at the same time, it was relieved.

It seems that the new beautiful classmate is a very dark-bellied person. but…..

Seeing the girl who made her heart fascinated by her every move, the male classmates convinced themselves inwardly.

Black belly, isn’t it good too…

“The boys in our class…”

“Really are….”

“It’s unbearable.”

“Okay, okay, come back to God.” Xie Ming clapped his hands and looked at the girl beside him: “Toshizaki-san, about your location.”

“Teacher, please call me crazy. Three.”

“Student Tokisaki.”

Xie Ming smiled: “If you want to get closer to the teacher, then the first thing to do is to listen to the teacher.”


He tapped his lips with his finger, and Kuang San smiled slightly: “Then, if the teacher can show me around the school after school, I will listen to the teacher, okay?”


Regarding this matter, Xie Ming agreed very quickly. Let Kuangsan have some reaction. Subconsciously felt that there was a problem, but Xie Ming didn’t give her time to continue.

“Then, Tokisaki, please take a seat. Students, let’s open the textbook…”

The teachers have already started lectures, and the students have opened their textbooks one after another. If she doesn’t get off the podium at this time, she will be embarrassed and embarrassed.

There was no way, Tosaki Kakuzo could only go to his seat and sit down, and smiled slightly at the male classmate beside him.

“Please take care of me from now on, classmate.”

“Yes…Yes! That, Tokisaki-san, my name is…”

“Okay, please don’t talk during class.”


“Sorry~ Teacher Uranus Temple.”


“Teacher Uranus Temple.”


“I think what I said was to ask the teacher to show me around the school after school, right?”


Xie Ming looked at Tokisaki Kuzou with some innocent eyes: “Am I just showing you around now?”

“So, these two classmates are…”

“Oh, by the way, you guys haven’t known each other yet, right.” Xie Ming seemed to think of it suddenly: “Yadao Shen-student, Yuyi-student, let’s get to know each other.”



With a bright smile, Touka origami looked at Tokazaki Kakuzo with no expression.

“My name is Yuanyi Origami, please take care of me from now on.”

“I’m Shixiang, the god of Yatobori, just call me Shixiang, Tokisaki-san!”


Sure enough, older men are difficult to deal with, and they seem to be teachers of the abstinence department.

But this is difficult and interesting.

Thinking of this, Tokizaki Kakuzo showed a gentle smile.

“Yes, I would like to take care of you from now on, classmate Yuyi, classmate Shixiang.”

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