Chapter 1662 Self-discipline and Responsibility

“Xie Ming, that woman…”

“Well, it’s an elf.”

“Sure enough! Xie Ming, you… hey? Elf?” Shixiang was slightly taken aback when he was about to attack, and then his eyes widened: “Tokisaki Kuangsan is an elf!?”

“Tokisaki Kuangsan?”

“A new wizard has appeared again, Brother Xie Ming.”

“Yeah.” Xie Ming sighed slightly after bringing the cooked dishes to the table, “The troublesome guy is here.”


“Brother Xie Ming can talk about troublesome elves…”

Shishino and Shishina looked at each other and asked cautiously, “Brother Xie Ming, is it okay?”

“Ah, it’s okay.”

Touching Shinono’s head, Xie Ming said with a smile: “She just stays at the level of trouble. She is still within the scope of my handling, so don’t worry.”

“Very good….”

“Compared to what happened on my side, how is your side?” Xie Ming looked at Erya: “Erya, you didn’t show Shinono the messy books in your room, right?”

“Hmm! Cough cough cough…I’m not at that level yet!”

Er Ya who was drinking water was choked, took out a tissue from the dining table, and said angrily: “Brother, what do you think of your righteous sister?”

“Pervert with his head full of yellow waste.”

After being silent for a while, Er Ya lay down on the table and lightly hammered the table with his left fist.

“…I’m so angry! I have no way to refute it!”

“Second Asia…”

“Sister Erya…”


Shixiang tilted his head: “Er Ya, are there any messy books in your room? Also, what is the yellow waste?”

Seeing Shixiang’s innocent gaze, Erya and Shishino who raised their heads were suddenly speechless. This, how can this be explained to her…Really, I can’t bear it.

“What’s wrong?”

Looking at the two inexplicably, Shixiang turned his head and looked at Xie Ming: “Xie Ming, what is the messy book? What is the yellow waste?”

“…H’s book. H’s thoughts.”


Erya and Sishina suddenly looked at Xie Ming, their eyes widened. You, you actually said it! ?


Shixiang covered her mouth, her face turned red at a speed that was visible to the naked eye: “Er Ya, you…you have…that kind of thing in your room…”

The sound becomes smaller and smaller.

Er Ya’s mouth twitched a few times, and she didn’t know why, she heard a little curiosity in Shixiang’s voice.

“Okay, let’s eat.”After clapping his hands, Xie Ming used his space ability to deliver the prepared rice and chopsticks to everyone: “Thank you for a little understanding of Shixiang, you don’t need to go deeper.”

“Oh…oh. Since Xie Ming you said so…”

With a light nod, Shixiang suddenly remembered something: “By the way! This weekend, Xie Ming, you should have time!”

“If there is nothing wrong with the school…”

“Then let’s go out and play together!”

Toka said excitedly: “Together with Shiiono and Erya! The last time I went to the shopping street lottery with Yai and the others, we won four tickets for the aquarium!”



Unlike Shishino’s expectations, Erya’s attitude was obviously resisting. After all, this guy is a typical dead house. Xie Ming has seen it more than once. This guy actually painted an 18x ema (a Japanese way of wishing, similar to a wish wall) in a nearby shrine.

“go together.”

But seeing the expectant gazes of Toka and Shishino, Erya scratched his head: “It’s been a long time since I went out for activities.”

“Very good!”

Toka and Shishino high-five each other and shouted happily.

“Hey, I haven’t decided yet on my side.” Xie Ming said helplessly: “If there is something in school, it can only be the three of you.”



Although it was okay to Shixiang, Shishino, and Erya, to be honest, Xie Ming was really worried about how to teach Kuangsan. Because from the perspective of the student’s identity, the girl named Tokisaki Kakuzo is undoubtedly the most difficult kind of student to teach.

If they are poorly taught, just beat them and persuade them. For students who are not good at teaching, they should be more careful in their knowledge and be patiently guided. But what about the students who know their mistakes and do not correct them?

Know that you are wrong, but firmly believe that what you are doing is right. As long as you succeed, everything can be saved. Therefore, I continue to commit sins, and even enjoy this state of being drunk and alone.

Um? Is this template a bit familiar? The similarity with a few justice partners is quite high.

if that’s the case…….

The next day, Mandarin class.

After the customary salute, Xie Ming did not ask the students to turn over as many pages as usual, but held the podium with both hands: “Today, the teacher wants to tell you a story.”

“The story of a father and son of a righteous partner that a teacher knew.”


Obviously, the students in the audience began to be confused. However, when Qi Kuangsan looked at Xie Ming’s eyes slightly fluctuated.

At the age of 16 or 17, no matter who it is, partners who speak of justice will be laughed at by people around them. After all, this age is most like to pretend to be an adult, and most like to pretend to be mature.

And partners of justice, these five words obviously only appear in the words of children and dead houses. The former is naive, the latter is respectable and far away.

But now their head teacher actually wants to tell them the story of a righteous partner? And he knew it?

Seeing the doubts and disdain in the students’ hearts, Xie Ming smiled.

“I know that for everyone, the partner of justice is too old and naive. Yes, I don’t deny it. The partner of justice is something that will only appear in the story.”

“There is no absolute justice in the world, and some will always only have relative justice. Universal justice is evil to a small number of people.”

“It’s like there are two sinking ships in front of you. One ship has 300 people. The other ship has 250 people. You are the only one who can repair the ship. But you were before the ship sank. , Only one can be repaired.”

“At this time, I believe most people will choose to repair the ship with 300 people. But when you make this choice, you become the evil in the eyes of the 250 people.”

“Because it is equivalent to abandoning those 250 people with your own hands.”

“This is actually the most well-known thought experiment, a replica of the trolley problem. In any case, your choice will bear the life of the person you gave up.”

“Can you say that your act of saving 300 people is just?”

“The teacher’s idea is, no.”

Xie Ming said softly: “The so-called justice is to bring good results through proper behavior. Whether it is repairing a 300-person ship or repairing a 250-person ship, this result cannot be described as good.”

“Because lives cannot be compared with each other.”


“Tokisaki-san, do you have any questions?”

“Then what the teacher means is that no matter what you do is wrong?” Tokisaki Kuangzo stared at Xie Ming closely: “Even if the 300 people were saved, the people saved are still sinners?”


“So what if it’s a teacher?”

Tokisaki Kakusan laughed, “If I were a teacher, what would the teacher do?”

“The teacher will be the sinner.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha, teacher, you are contradicting yourself.” Toshizaki Kuangzo said with some irony: “I know it is wrong, but I want to do it. The teacher feels that this behavior is in line with the teacher. Is this identity?”


Xie Ming shook his head: “But I know that if I don’t save these 300 people, I will regret it for the rest of my life.”


“Sit down first, Tokisaki-san, I haven’t finished speaking yet.”


“Okay, let’s continue.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “Student Tokisaki’s question was just on the point. Since no matter what we do is wrong, what should we do then.”

“In fact, the answer is very simple, just make your own choice with a clear conscience.”

“If there are family and friends of the teacher on a 250-person ship, then the teacher will repair the 250-person ship. Because it is obvious that your family and friends are more important than strangers.”

“I save my relatives and friends. No one is qualified to accuse me. However, when the two ships are full of strangers, I will choose to save the 300 people. But afterwards, I will ask the relatives of the 250 people. My friends apologize. Say to them,’I’m sorry, I am not capable of saving your relatives and friends.'”

“But, if I have this ability, I am not willing to take this responsibility. I am afraid I will despise myself for the rest of my life, and despise myself for the rest of my life.”

“After all, this kind of philosophical question actually has no so-called’correct answer.’ Because everyone has their own correct answer. What the teacher wants to say is that you actually want you to ask through this question. Ask your own heart.”

“Life cannot be compared with each other. A scumbag and a good person have the same value in their lives. And we don’t have the right to judge the value of other people’s lives at will.”

“The only one with this power is the law.”

“Then what power do we have?”

“It is the value of life compared to myself and other people.”

“In a disaster, it is our moral obligation to sacrifice our lives to save others. It is because at that moment, we feel that we can sacrifice for others. This is a human virtue.”

“However, it is undoubtedly a mistake to sacrifice the lives of others to preserve one’s own life or the lives of other people.”

“No one is qualified to ask you to sacrifice your own life to protect other people. But in the same way, you are not qualified to sacrifice your innocent life to protect yourself. This is a moral error, and even a human error. ”

“The murderer should be the law, not the person. But if you have the consciousness to bear the sin and are willing to take the sin and take responsibility. Then your behavior, the teacher does not support or oppose it.”

Xie Ming said softly: “In the final analysis, no matter whether it is the law or what, the only thing that can restrain people is the restraint and self-discipline of people.””This is also what the teacher expects of everyone to become a…self-disciplined person who is willing to take responsibility.”

“get out of class is over.”


In fact, Xie Ming has faced this kind of choice like the ‘trolley problem’ countless times. Rewrite world, he killed his mentor. In SAO, he killed the killers.

In the rebellious Lelouch, he did countless cruel things. Genocide, massacre, suppression… If there is no follow-up series of things done, then it is impossible for him to be locked in the name of ‘violent-kun’.

Because of those things, he really did it with his own hands while driving the mecha.

Other violent -kun’s life is usually done by the subordinates and generals. But Xie Ming did it with his own hands in the emperor’s body. Because he knew that if he didn’t do it himself, he might be numb.

Human life is very likely to be truly a number in your own eyes. One’s own thoughts and beliefs are likely to be distorted.

In that case, what is the meaning of his life?

What is the difference between a person who has lost his faith, lost his ideals, lost his original intentions, and lives to live?

Therefore, Xie Ming has no sympathy or pity for Wei Gong Alter, and only regrets. Because in the final analysis, Xie Ming is still a selfish person. He did those things, in fact, for the people around him to live well.

His original intention was for relatives and friends, not for peace in the world.

In addition, he is a big heart, and he is still a rough man. But Wei Gong Alter is a delicate and gentle person.

Therefore, Xie Ming took that sin and came to this day.

And Wei Gong Alter became a killing machine.

“Tokisaki-san, how about you?”

Leaning his arms on the railings of the roof, looking at the beautiful scenery of Tiangong City, Xie Ming asked indifferently: “What do you think?”

“Teacher Uranus Temple.”

Tokisaki Kuangsan slowly walked to Xie Ming’s side: “Now, there are only two of us. Call me Kuangsan, there should be no problem.”

“But now, it’s at school.”

“As long as I am in school, I am a teacher. And you are my student.”

“What a stubborn person.”

Kuangsan shook his head helplessly: “At first, I thought Teacher Uranus Temple wanted to criticize my behavior. But I didn’t expect that you actually supported it.”

“No, I don’t support it. But again, I don’t object.”

“Scum and scum, it means the dregs of human beings. They have all become dregs, are they still human? Since they are not humans, I don’t think it’s a big deal to kill them.”

“But, Tosaki-san, you sometimes turn people into dregs before you kill them, don’t you?”

“For example… the three people yesterday.”

“…Teacher, you know.”

“Don’t underestimate the teacher.” Xie Ming smiled: “All the surveillance cameras in Tiangong City are all under my control. The three little gangsters who were upset yesterday, although they are arrogant, are not guilty of death. ”

“If Tosaki-san refused them firmly, maybe they would ask themselves to leave uninterestedly. If after you firmly refused, they want to force it, then your behavior is a legitimate defense.”

“Is there a difference?” Tosaki Kuang asked three times, “In the end, aren’t they all greedy for my body, do they want to fuck me?”


Xie Ming looked at the girl next to her: “The former is a legitimate defense. The latter is a fairy jump.”

“You said, is there a difference?”

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