Chapter 1663 Alliance

“Ha ha ha ha ha, teacher, you are really an interesting person. This is what you call self-discipline?”

“You can say the same.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “After all, the teacher is just a selfish person. It just has more opportunities and more experience than ordinary people.”

“You should have heard it too. My class today is actually for you.”

“Ah, of course, thank you very much for the teacher’s hard work.” Tokisaki Kuang’s mouth curled up slightly: “But teacher, since you know so much, then you should also understand that I won’t stop. .”

“This is the path you chose, and I don’t intend to interfere.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “I just want to say that this road is very tiring, very bitter. You will encounter setbacks, and your hands will become more and more dirty. In the end, you will see the height that makes you desperate. wall.”

“Toshizaki-san, we are all human beings. Even if it is me, we must use the power of others to do something.”

“…What does the teacher mean, let me use the power of the teacher?”

Tokisaki Kakuzo raised his eyebrows in surprise: “Teacher, are you willing to help me?”

“Why not?” Xie Ming asked back: “Is it so surprising that the teacher helps his students?”

“Even if… the student is a murderer?”


Xie Ming smiled: “If you talk about killing, I am afraid that no one in the world has killed more people than I personally. I have done all of these things myself.”

“So other people may be qualified to persuade you not to continue, but this doesn’t include me.”

“I want to tell you only one thing.” Looking at the girl beside him, Xie Ming looked straight into her eyes: “As long as you are my student for a day, then I will help you at any time.”

“As long as you hold it, my outstretched hand.”

“…Really? Teacher, you want to help me…”

“Then sir…can you let me eat you?” Tokisaki Kakuzo laughed: “Teacher, you should be aware of it? The reason why I transferred here is for you.”

“For five years ago, the teacher who was able to withstand the spiritual shelling of outer space and already had three parts of the power of the elves, stardust.”

“If you want to help me, teacher…”

Slowly approached Xie Ming’s ear, breathing slightly and stroking his ears: “Let me…take the teacher…you can eat it?”

“This can’t work.”

Taking a few steps back to open the distance between himself and the girl, Xie Ming calmly said: “What I call help is to return you to your original, ordinary routine. It is not to make you go further and further on the road of hurting yourself. Far.”

“That’s not helping you, it’s hurting you.”

“Teacher, don’t you think your words are inconsistent?”

“No, it’s just a matter of your understanding.”

Xie Ming said indifferently: “I do not support or oppose the path you choose, because it is your choice. And the help I said is for us to face it together.”

“My path is not contrary to yours. It’s better to say that it’s the opposite. Most of my path is the same. In that case, why don’t we cooperate with each other? Help each other?”

“This road to win-win situation is much better than the road that hurts others and self-interest as you said, isn’t it?”

“Would you like to form an alliance with me? Tokizaki Kuzou.”

“Form a…covenant?”

“Yes.” Xie Ming stretched out his hand: “I will provide you with the information you want. I will also provide you with the time you want. But in exchange, you have to honestly attend school and spend this time. Duan is an ordinary everyday life.”

“It’s up to you to witness whether the path I walk can reach the ending you want.”

“…As a teacher of Mandarin class, it is the first time that I have seen such a novel concept and sophistry.” Tokisaki Kuangsan covered his mouth and chuckled: “But on my side, I want to Add a condition.””Please say.”

“Whether at school or outside, please call me by my name.”

Fingers were gently placed under Xie Ming’s lips, Shizaki Kuangsan paused and said softly: “Call me, Kuangsan.”

“If you promise me this, it’s okay to make an alliance with you, teacher~”

“Then, it’s settled, Classmate Kuangsan.”

“Well, Teacher Xie Ming.”

The black and red Gothic Lolita costume changed into a school uniform. Kuangsan held Xie Ming’s hand and smiled slightly: “Hope, teacher, don’t let me down.”

“I do my best.”



Inside the Flaxinas ship, looking at the two people holding both hands on the screen, said with a lollipop in the piano.

“Unexpectedly, Stardust could persuade Nightmare…” Shen Wuyue, who was waiting on the side, frowned: “Commander, what should I do?”

“Isn’t it good? Nightmare can stay in this school with peace of mind, and be under the care of stardust. The trust of those characters in the stardust will also rise, right?”

Qin Li waved his hand indifferently: “Compared with this, we have a new partner.”


“come in.”


The mechanical door opened, and a petite girl in military uniform walked in front of everyone. Her expression was calm but her attitude was a little arrogant, and the blue pony tail swayed back and forth with her movements.

The mole under the corner of the left eye adds a unique charm to the still young girl.

“The former DEM belongs to Shina Chonggong, and I will report to you.”

“Original DEM…..”

“Yes, Zhenna originally worked for DEM, and she is also one of the strongest magicians in the world.” Jinli shook the lollipop in her hand: “But now, DEM is in the chaos of a power struggle. , It’s very convenient to move your hands and feet.”

“After all, our ship almost needs some combat power.”

“Right? Lingyin.”


Sitting in her seat, Reyin Murama nodded: “Take this opportunity to defeat the evil dem company DEM. It is Qinli’s proposal for the above. For the above, this is a pretty good suggestion.”

“The directors who originally united against Westcott fought with each other because of the disappearance of the target. The above took this opportunity to penetrate the DEM and obtained a lot of dark historical data that DEM had done.”

“Jana is one of the victims. Another one is currently receiving treatment at the subordinate hospital in Latatosk.”

Speaking of this, Mura Yu Lingyin looked at Zhenna: “Janna, do you mind…”

“Ah, it doesn’t matter, Miss Lingyin.”

Zhenna smiled: “DEM has erased my memory and made a lot of changes to my body. As a result, even if I continue to receive treatment, I am afraid I can only live for about ten years.”

“And another colleague who was also rescued, she was caught and used by the anti-Westcott directors. By stealing the information in her brain, she created five sets of new display devices, but she was brain-dead as a result. ”

“In other words, the soul was taken away by those five new manifestations.”


Although the girl said all this with a smile, no matter who it was, she could hear the coldness under that voice.

“This is almost the case.” Qinli said faintly: “After learning about this through the stolen information above, he finally made up his mind to defeat DEM.”

“With DEM’s resources and technology, Latatosk should be able to go further.”

“If the elves really do the same as the star dust said, they will eventually become humans again. Then these technologies should be used in medical treatment, disaster relief and other purposes to help the world in the future.”

“If not…”

Qin Li did not continue to speak down, but everyone knew what would happen if he couldn’t.

I am afraid that Latatosk will formally join forces with AST to begin the crusade against stardust. The Elf Raiders plan will start again with the Five Rivers Shidao as the center.

After all, judging from the current situation, even though many elves have an admiration for stardust. But Stardust himself did not seem to mean this.

From beginning to end, Stardust seemed to want to maintain the relationship between ‘teacher’ and ‘student’ with the elves.

“Don’t be so serious, everyone.”

Qinli smiled and said: “From the current point of view, we don’t need to worry about this. Rather, we need to worry about the other two people.”

“Izak Ray Pelham Wiscott, and Alan Mira Mathers.”

“One is at the forefront of the evil enterprise, and the other is the world’s strongest magician in the true sense. No one knows whether they will have any back-ups.”

“Compared to the stardust and elves under our observation, they are more threatening in a sense.”

“So we still need to be vigilant, have you heard yet!?”

“Yes, Commander!”

“Very good.” Qinli nodded in satisfaction: “Then let’s go, really.”

“You should also want to see Shidao.”


Hearing the name, Jinna subconsciously held the pendant on his chest, then nodded vigorously, and the two walked out of the bridge together.

“Wuhe Qin Li.”

“What’s wrong?”

“What is your purpose?”


Jinna’s question caused Qinli to stop. Looking back, Zhenna was looking at herself with an unusually serious expression.

“What weird question is suddenly asked.”

Throwing his double ponytails behind him, Qin Li asked faintly: “Our identity and Latatosk’s purpose should have been explained to you.”

“Ah, it is indeed an explanation.” Zhenna stared at Qinli closely: “So what I asked was, what is your purpose?”

“So I asked too.”

Qinli leaned against the wall casually, tilted his head and asked, “Why do you suddenly ask such a strange question?”

“the reason is simple.”

Zhenna said in a deep voice, “Because I can’t feel any emotion in your voice.”

“Whether it is when you just mentioned the stardust or when you mentioned your elder brother, you are like seeing the old-fashioned TV drama plot, without any emotional fluctuations.”

“I don’t comment on the former, but the latter does not match the information I collected.”

“Huh~?” Qinli raised his eyebrows: “So, what information have you collected about me? Have you collected that I am the commander of Flaxinas?”

“No, there is no record in this material. But…”

“So your information is not correct.” Qinli chuckled, “I am also one of the top officials of Latatosk. If you can easily collect the correct information, then this commander will be useless. .”

“Okay, Shina Chonggong. I know you are more vigilant now because of DEM. But please believe that Latatosk is not such an organization.””We are not scumbags like Westcott.”

“Go home. Although you will often go to the hospital for physical examinations in the future, you can stay at our house at other times. Since you are Shidao’s sister, Wuhe’s is your home.”

“Just relax a little bit.”


Looking at the back of Qin Li walking towards the teleportation cabin, Zhenna lowered his eyes.

“I’m not suspicious of you, but… forget it.”

It should be that I was over-minded, and what I felt was a bit too outrageous. Qin Li is right, instead of being suspicious here, it is better to focus on the next thing.

Opening the pendant on his chest, looking at the somewhat yellowed photo inside, the corner of Zhen’s mouth couldn’t help but outline a nostalgic and warm smile.

“Finally, I can see you, my brother.”


“To sum up, Kuang San has formed an alliance with us.”

“Hello everyone, I’m Tokisaki Kuzou.”

Looking at Toka who looked at her with a vigilant gaze, looked at her Erya up and down, and Shiitono who was hiding behind Erya secretly looking at him, Kuangsan smiled softly.

“If you can, just call me Kuang San directly.”

“Crazy three…”

Shixiang stared, “We…can you trust you?”

“Well, of course” Kuang San said with a smile: “As long as the teacher does not violate the covenant, then I will be your partner.”

“Xie Ming is not that kind of person!”

“Then, Shixiang, you don’t need to worry even more.”

“Uh… Uhhhhh!!” After staring for a few seconds, Shixiang sat down on the chair in an annoyed manner: “Remember, this is what you said!”

“If you betray Xie Ming by then, I will definitely not make you look good!”


“I don’t have any problems here.” Er Ya spread his hands: “My brother once said that if you want to gain the trust of the other party, you must first give your trust.”

“Also, I believe in my brother’s vision.”

“I…. I also believe… Mr. Xie Ming…”

“Well, even if we don’t believe it, there is nothing we can do.” Shishina shook his head and said, “After all, with Brother Xie Ming’s character, even if you betray us, I believe he will not do anything excessive.”

“It’s hard to say?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “At that time, I thought about abducting you home.”


Hearing that, Shishino’s cheeks suddenly became extremely red, and he lowered his head shyly. Shiina looked at Xie Ming in astonishment: “I thought about that before. Brother Xie Ming, you, occasionally say very popular lines.”


“I… I don’t hate tough teachers~”

“Thanks… Ming!!!”


Dragging his chin, looking at the group of people, Er Ya whispered: “At home, it’s getting lively.”


Regardless of the future, at least it is happy now. For Erya, this is actually enough.

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