Chapter 1664 Eight Dances

Xie Ming and Erya originally lived in a four-bedroom house with a study room. If there were only Shitono and Toka, I could barely stay.

But if you add Kuangsan, there must be someone living in the living room.

After all, you can’t let Kuang San wander around outside at night, right? That is too dangerous.

Well, the lives of bad and drunk uncles who like to wander at night are in danger.

Although Kuangsan doesn’t mind the room with Xie Ming, she is the only one who doesn’t mind. Not to mention the ten incense vinegar bottle, even Shishino and Erya expressed their opposition.

It’s not that they don’t have confidence in themselves, or that they don’t believe in Xie Ming’s self-control ability. It’s really Kuang San, this little fairy, it’s really boring, they can’t afford to gamble.

Well, to put it bluntly, I don’t really believe in Xie Ming’s self-control ability.

You have to let Ten Xiangxue Kuangsan’s seductive action, that is cute and unbearable. Let the Second Asia study, Xie Ming will only become a dead fish eye. Let Shiitono…

FBI! ! Openthedoor! ! !

But when it comes to Shiiono, this little girl can really be described as a small devil. Don’t look at her usually cowering and shy when she says something, but what she likes most is the love TV series that Xie Ming will have a headache after just a few seconds.

For that kind of TV series, Xie Ming has only one comment: Japanese people can really play it.

Closer to home, considering that more and more people will live in the future, Xie Ming has to move.

But fortunately, there are more and more people wanting to sell houses in Tiangong City. The reason is naturally the spatial shock that will happen at every turn.

“Just this one…”

Looking at the house picture uploaded by the head of the household on the website, Xie Ming touched his chin and looked at the people beside him: “What do you think?”

“It’s pretty good, isn’t it?”

Erya commented: “The three floors plus the basement and the parking lot, even if you add five more people, you can live in, enough for you to abduct.”

“I just complained about your wrong wording.”

Xie Ming flipped Byakugan and looked at the others: “Shixiang, Shiinao, Kuangsan, what do you think?”


He frowned tightly, but seeing Shixiang’s appearance was not so much dissatisfaction, but more like racking his brains to think about what he should say.

Finally, a word came out dryly.

“I feel good.”

“I…I have no opinion…” Shishino said weakly, and then Shishina added: “It is very close to parks, commercial streets, movie theaters, and aquariums. I think it is very close. Not bad, Brother Xie Ming!”


Kuangsan glanced at the price of the house, and then saw the nonchalant Xie Ming and Er Ya, who seemed to understand something, and said with a chuckle: “I have no opinion, teacher~”

“Then it’s settled.”

After paying the money directly through the online account, Xie Ming stretched his arms: “Speaking of which, the final exam is coming soon, Shixiang and Kuangsan, how are you two preparing?”



When the incident was mentioned, Shixiang’s body stiffened, and Kuangsan smiled and covered his mouth. But for the first time, her eyes became a little erratic.

But immediately, Kuang San returned to normal.

“Teacher, don’t worry, I will get good grades.”

“It is forbidden to cheat with the power of the elves.”


Xie Ming sighed: “You and Shixiang stay at home during this time. I will help you.”

“I will work hard!”

“Good~~~”Compared to Shixiang’s enlightened voice, Kuang San’s long, dragged reply was enough to express how reluctant the girl was.

But…sometimes you have to admit that learning this thing really varies from person to person. I have to go back and review the knowledge that people can understand in class for a long time.

Shixiang is the latter, and Kuangsan is the former.

After a month of tuition, Kuangsan successfully made up for such a long period of blank period. And Shixiang, relying on memorizing Xie Ming’s painting knowledge, passed the passing line at low altitude and escaped the vacation tuition.

The price paid was the fever and pain in the head caused by overuse of the brain, which was uncomfortable for several days.

But it can also be seen that Shixiang is really working hard.

The school activities after the end of the final exam are educational tourism. Changing to China is equivalent to traveling in spring and autumn.

It’s just that unlike most Chinese schools that go to local zoos and botanical gardens, Japanese schools are quite atmospheric in this respect. The destination of this visit to Zen High School is Okinawa.

The most important thing is that students don’t need to write about their feelings, students don’t need to write about their feelings, and students don’t need to write about their feelings.

Although it was caused by different education systems, even Xie Ming couldn’t help but feel a little envy.

You know, after the fifth grade of elementary school, he has never experienced educational tourism.

Not to mention educational tourism, even sports meets have only appeared three times in his student career.

Then after graduating from high school, he went abroad and did not participate in any club activities. I haven’t graduated from university, and I’ve been scammed into the space of God.


It was a school age full of incompleteness and regret…

But after entering the main god space, these regrets were all made up for. Now it is necessary to take the students to educational tourism as a teacher.

This is the first time he has experienced this kind of experience. And looking at the expectant gazes of the students, and the family pulling Erya and Shishinono to pack their luggage, Xie Ming’s emotions were also aroused.

So, there is something he has to solve now.

Looking at the news reports, the twin typhoons were approaching Japan, Xie Ming drew the flames of the sky from his shadow.

He learned this trick from Kuang San.


Over the Pacific Ocean, two silhouettes of terror hurricanes are constantly intertwined. Whether it’s the bursting dazzling sparks, the roaring sonorous sound, or the howling of the violent wind, they all seem to be dancing to the two of them.

“Huh! Xixian, you should almost give up, right?”

“Negative. It should be Yajushi who should admit defeat.”

“Are you still stiff?” The orange-haired girl in blue and purple restraints and holding a huge assault gun said high up: “Admit it, the real Bawu is me.”

“Resolutely deny.”

On the other side, the girl with exactly the same appearance as the orange-haired girl said blankly: “The real Bawu is me, not Yazushi.”

Silver chains are flying around her, like the silk ribbon floating around the fairy in the legend.

It’s a pity that there are no fairies wearing such sensational clothes in China.

Both of them are wearing blue-purple restraints, but the girl named Ye Juya has a broken link on her right hand and right foot, while Xi Xian has her left hand and left foot.

It was like a complete existence, suddenly divided into two people.

“Hmph, I can see through the real magic eye and see through the future of the world. Xi Xian, you are doomed to fail, let me become a complete, true Bawu.”

“Joke. Ye Juya’s magic eyes are not as good as the wooden sticks for guiding the way.”


“What’s wrong?”

The twin girls’ eyes crossed each other, and their anger kept rising. The violent wind generated around the two girls also became more and more violent with the anger.

“How is it so far?”

The words were accompanied by a knife light, separating the two typhoons that did not show each other’s weakness from each other. At the same time, the girls turned their gazes to the young man who had intervened between the two, and frowned.

“Who are you?”

“Question. Why would humans intervene in the fight between me and Yajuya?”

“Because your movement is too great.” Xie Ming motioned to the surrounding winds: “Do you know how much impact and damage this thing will cause if it reaches the land?”


“This… indeed is…”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Ye Juzhi and Xixian gradually calmed down. The twin typhoon, which was constantly watched by satellites, also gradually disappeared on the meteorological instrument.

“Very good.”

Xie Ming smiled: “This next educational trip should not be affected anymore.”

“Educational trip… So that’s it, this is indeed a major event.” Ye Juya nodded slightly: “But humans, you haven’t explained your identity yet.”


Xi Xian stared at the strange man closely: “Stranger, please state your identity.”

“My name is Xie Ming.” Xie Ming put the Tianhuo Jingyan into the shadow, and said with a smile: “It’s the head teacher of the fourth class of the second year of Lai Zen High School in Tiangong City.”

“It’s a human with a little special ability.”

“So, what about you?”

“Well, humans with special powers.” Ye Juya also put away the assault rifle, and said proudly: “Then, you are qualified to listen to my name.”

“Listen with all your ears, my name is Bawu Ya Juya, and I am a spirit manipulating the wind-Bawu!”


Yuxian glanced at Ye Juya, and said faintly: “My name is Bawu Yuxian, and I am now vying with Ye Juya, the middle and second disease, for the title of Elf Bawu.”

“Competing for the title of Eight Dances?”

“Sure.” Xixian explained: “Bawu was originally a complete elf, but due to unknown reasons, it was divided into two incomplete elf, I and Ye Juya.”

“So Wu and Xixian started a fateful battle.”

Covering his face with one hand, Ye Juya sighed softly.

“This is really a long battle.”


Xixian looked at Ye Juya: “So far we have fought in various ways, maintaining a record of twenty-five wins, twenty-five losses, and forty-eight draws.”

“Twenty-five wins…Twenty-five defeats?” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “That means someone has won one game first, right?”



“Since someone won one game first, why didn’t they decide?”

“That is….”

Ye Juya looked right and left, as if he wanted to find a clue to inspire himself in the sky above the sea. But in the end, Xixian gave an explanation first.

“Deciding on the real eight dance is a very important thing.” Xi Xian said seriously: “So, you have to convince the other party.”

“Yes, this is it.”

After slapped his hands, Ye Juya loudly agreed, “As expected, Xixian, my old enemy, can actually see my heart’s voice all at once.”


Unexpectedly, in this matter, Xixian did not antagonize Ye Juya.

“I see.”

Xie Ming nodded softly: “In other words, you all want each other to be convinced, but you don’t accept defeat. So, have you always wanted to decide the victory or defeat in various ways?”


“affim.””Why do you have to decide to become Ba Wu?” Xie Ming blinked: “Is the name of Ba Wu more important to you than the other party?”



The young girls fell silent for a while, looked at each other, and then glared at Xie Ming at the same time.

“Why should the matter of Wuhe Xixian be commented on by a human being!?”

“Angry. Irrelevant, please don’t interfere with me and Ye Jushi.”

“No, how could it be irrelevant?”

Xie Ming shrugged helplessly: “If it really has nothing to do with me, then I won’t be here at all.”

“It is precisely because the conflict between you has affected me and affected many people, that’s why I want to help you resolve this matter. Otherwise, you can guarantee that the next struggle will not affect anyone other than you. person?”

“…What you said…makes sense.”

“Can’t deny…”

“There is a saying in China, “The authorities are fans, the bystanders are clear” Xie Ming said with a smile: “It means that people who are in the middle of things often can’t find the problem.”

“And bystanders, often can see the key to things at a glance.”

“I think you two can be more honest when facing each other.”

“You don’t want each other to disappear, but you are unwilling to tell each other about this for various reasons. That’s why you have been maintaining this contest, which I’m afraid it will last forever, right?”

“That’s why I asked you, is the eight dances important to you, or is it important to each other?”

“”Of course it is Yakushi (Yixian)…”

The two answered half a sentence in unison, then reacted and looked at each other.

“”Ye Juya (Yixian)…”

“OK, this is not the case.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “Right, you just said that you are all elves, right?”

“Do you want to meet other elves?”

“The other… elves?”

Yejuya and Yuxian glanced at each other, and both saw the answer in each other’s eyes.


“To sum up, these are the two sources of the recent Pacific Twin Typhoons, Yakuma Yakiya and Yushin Yakuma. They are a little different from everyone, and they are the two talents of the typhoon.”

“Ye Koya, Yuxian, this is Honjo Niya, Tokizaki Kakuzo, Hyoga Shitono and Shitoana, and Yotogami Toka.”

“They, like you are all elves.”

“Well…you are also elves!” Ye Juya raised his head: “In that case, allow you to live in the same room with me and Yuxian. Thank you so much?”

“Question. Why did Mr. Xie Ming’s home obviously require Ye Juzhi’s permission?”

“Xi Xian!! Don’t scream with me at this time! We have to fight side by side and show the momentum of the eight dances!”

“The momentum of the eight dances?”


Pulling Xixian’s arm, Ye Juya said seriously: “Didn’t Xie Ming just say that? Xixian and me are the eight dances! And if I and Xixian are together, then they are invincible!”

“In that case, Bawu is the strongest elf! Since it is an invincible elf, it is naturally a noble existence! Other elf, naturally we must admire us!”


Xi Xian blinked in confusion, and she didn’t realize how this sister equated these things.

For the others, Qi Qi looked at Xie Ming who was sitting at the table and poured himself a cup of tea.


Xie Ming tilted his head, then smiled and said, “Everyone get along well.”

Get along well…. What a ghost!

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