Chapter 1665

Whether Xie Ming’s abduction technique for girls is becoming more and more proficient, the need to call the police to deal with this matter is a matter to be discussed among the girls, and has nothing to do with Xie Ming.

What Xie Ming needs to do is to coordinate the Okinawa educational trip with other faculty and staff.

Students only need to pack their things and follow the teacher. But the teacher must not only ensure the safety of the students, but also allocate the time for each class to visit, communicate with local hotels, museums, etc…

Fortunately, all these things were arranged by Xie Ming, a young and promising teacher at the school. After getting it right this time, maybe he can be promoted to grade director after finishing this term.

Although Xie Ming is not interested in promotion, arranging this stuff is really not a difficult task for Xie Ming. Moreover, this is also to prevent a few people from leaving any regrets in their student life.

But there are so many people in the family that they can’t be left behind. So after the inquiry and communication, the school allowed Xie Ming to take his family and the class he was responsible for to visit.

Of course, the cost is self-financed.

But overall, the educational trip arranged by Xie Ming was quite successful. How successful is it?

“Go to Longdan Temple Women’s College for exchange study?” Xie Ming’s eyes twitched: “Principal, I’m the head teacher, and I’m still a man.”

“What does it matter?”

The principal smiled: “Teacher Uranus Temple, your plan for this educational trip is very successful.”

“Moreover, in this semester, the Mandarin scores of the class you are in charge of teaching have improved significantly. This time it is not so much an exchange study, it is better to say that other schools ask you to be a role model for teachers in the past.”

“Furthermore, although Longdan Temple is a women’s college, it is not without male teachers. According to the level of welcome of Uranus Temple teacher in the school, there should be no problem.”

“…Principal, do you still have Eight Trigrams?”

Xie Ming sighed: “So, why is Longdan Temple? Tiangong City includes Lai Chan High School, there should be 10 high schools. Why did you choose Longdan Temple for one-ninth of the choice?”


The principal blinked, then his expression became serious: “Teacher Uranus Temple, you should be aware of the very important event in September, right?”

“Tianyang Festival?”

“That’s right.” The principal said in a deep voice, “In the past, in the revival phase of Tiangong City, in order to attract residents and visitors, Tiangong City was brought to life. Ten schools in Tiangong City jointly organized a small event, Tianyang Festival.”

“Now Tiangong City has been completely revived, and Tianyang Festival has become a huge event that rents the entire Tiangong City Square for 3 days. Various TV stations, and even many tourists from all over the country, will come to Tianyang Festival. travel.”

“The current Tianyang Festival has become a huge annual festival in Tiangong City. The economic benefits produced can even be acquiesced by Tiangong City officials.”

“For ten high schools, Tianyang Festival is also the best opportunity to promote schools and attract middle school graduates. More importantly, it will determine the status of ten high schools in the next year.”

“Last time, Lai Zen High School lost to Longdan Temple Women’s College. Teacher Uranus Temple, do you know the reason?”


Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, he really wanted to reply to my ass. But unfortunately, he really knew the reason.

“Because, Bai Meijiu?””Yes!”

The principal patted the table, and stood up excitedly: “Because of the stage performance of the idol named You Xiao Meijiu, our school failed last year!”

“Student idol! Every high school can’t ask for it! It was taken by Longdan Temple!”

“Principal, don’t be excited, don’t be excited…”

“Ah, it’s impolite.” With a light cough, the principal sat down again: “So the reason why I agreed to the Longdan Temple this time is because I want Teacher Uranus to go there a little bit…huh?”

Are you ‘um’ tall? What do you want me as a teacher to do? I’m here to teach students, not to be an undercover agent! ?


“all in all.”

The principal said very solemnly: “Whether you can get the first place in the Tianyang Festival this time at Zen High School depends largely on your efforts, teacher Uranus Temple.”

No, no, no, it doesn’t matter to me in any way, right? Why does it depend on my hard work? What do you want me to do in the past? Principal, can’t you think of serious things?

But looking at the principal, he has no right to refuse.

“However, Longdan Temple, I remember…” Thinking of this, Xie Ming looked at the rude principal: “Then principal, when did I exchange studies in the past?”

“Two weeks.”

The principal grinned and gave Xie Ming a thumbs up: “Go on September 2~”

You’re really enough, the headmaster! Isn’t that the second day of school! ?


“To sum up, I am going to Longdan Temple Women’s College for an exchange study for two weeks.”

Looking at the students looking at each other underneath, Xie Ming sighed: “Don’t ask me why, don’t ask me if I betrayed, the task above is nothing more.”

“You can understand it as I was sent to work as an undercover agent.”

Xie Ming’s helpless expression made the students laugh, and the class was suddenly full of jovial atmosphere.

“In short, starting from tomorrow, other teachers will take over the Mandarin class for everyone, and the head teacher will temporarily be assumed by the deputy head teacher Mura Yu. Although you understand that everyone is looking forward to the Tiangong Festival, don’t leave your studies behind.”

“I told you in advance that the day I come back will be a surprise exam.”


“So you have to study hard.” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “Everyone should know that the papers I have produced are not difficult as long as they listen to them well in class.”

On this point, the students do not deny it. The papers produced by the teacher of Uranus Temple are all self-made, and the difficulty is gradual.

As long as you listen well in class, you basically won’t pass the exam too badly. But students, who likes exams?

Even the eight dance sisters who were newly transferred to Class 4 have kept up with the learning progress during Xie Ming’s vacation counseling. The rest is relying on their own efforts.

What Xie Ming should worry about now is his life as a teacher in Longdan Temple Women’s College for the next two weeks.

Girls’ high school, this is a vocabulary full of men’s dreams. Most men think that girls’ schools are the kind of schools full of fragrance of girls (lilies).

If it were the kind of aristocratic girls’ school for the eldest, it might indeed be the case. But ordinary girls’ high schools, uh… will only break your fantasy.

Just as it is said that boys will deliberately clean up in front of girls, girls will also deliberately clean themselves up in front of boys.

But if there is only a single gender, it would be really horrible. In this case, no distinction is made between men and women. (PS: For details, please see the animation [Man’s High School Students’ Daily Life], [Girl’s High School Students’ Morality and Idle Daily Life])

Fortunately, Longdan Temple Women’s College is considered to be a school for aristocratic eldest ladies, so Xie Ming doesn’t have to worry about seeing that kind of “fantasy killer” scene.

However, these two weeks are definitely a test for him. Because that high school belongs to a certain elf…harem school.

Yes, in fact, the Longdan Temple Women’s College has become an out-and-out male enchantment under the control of a certain lily-shaped elf. Because this elf hates men extremely, the so-called male teachers have actually been resting at home one by one.

However, it seems that because the elf is afraid of being exposed, these male teachers are still working in the school in name, but in fact they stay at home all the time, that is, paid leave, and there is no deadline yet.

The principal of Longdan Temple College allowed Xie Ming, a male teacher to exchange studies in the school, probably for this reason. After all, in her opinion, the male teachers in the school are still teaching normally.

But he has been teaching normally and there is no problem in teaching, but the academic performance of the class in charge has never been improved. That’s why I wanted to let Xie Ming come over and give some guidance.

When Xie Ming arrives, he should be under the control of the elf. Let him go home and stay for two weeks before returning to his school.

The premise is that she can control Xie Ming’s words.


In the high sky not far from Tiangong City, a streamlined platinum ship is keeping a certain distance monitoring Tiangong City. And sitting inside the captain’s seat was a white-haired man in a black suit.

Aizak Ray Pelham Viscott, this is his name. Former, the executive director of DEM company, is also one of the three who created Siwon Elf and DEM company.

The blond female secretary standing next to him is the world’s strongest magician who had a relationship with Xie Ming: Ailian Mira Meses.

Xie Ming’s exposure to Aizhak took away most of Aizhak’s subordinates and resources, but there are always many diehards who sit in his position.

Ailian, the minister of the Second Execution Force, is one of them. Others include the captain of the Third Execution Force and some ‘exquisite magicians’ who have been completely obedient to him after being brainwashed, and whose whole body has been adjusted by magic.

And the white gold floating ship they are currently driving is Westcott’s current lair. As soon as he received the news, he moved all the advanced display devices in the DEM company to this battleship.

Waiting, the time for revenge.

Yes, in Westcott’s thinking, this is his revenge. Because DEM agency betrayed him, the world betrayed him. Therefore, he wants to avenge the world.

In other words, his goal of revenge has risen from humans to the world.

But even as crazy as him, he understands that it is impossible to accomplish this goal with the cards he has now. Want revenge, then he must get the power of the elves.

It is necessary to capture the elves to carry out various experiments, so as to obtain the power that is enough to destroy the world.

But now, they dare not even connect to the Internet.

Because Xie Ming’s current blockade of the Internet is too strict, as long as the Weiscott group shows a trace of his feet, Xie Ming will not hesitate to destroy it in the past.

Many decoys sent out were arrested a few minutes after they were connected to the Internet. They still don’t understand why the star dust can react so quickly.

If Xie Ming knew about their problem, he would definitely teach them what is called ‘big data’.But even a few minutes is enough for Westcott. Because what he needs is only the wizard information that can be obtained in a few minutes.

“Lure Xiao Meijiu.”

Looking at a girl with long silver and purple hair on the holographic projection, Westcott chuckled softly: “Eileen, is this our target elf?”

“Yes, Izak.”

Ailian said calmly: “According to the intelligence of the hidden spies in Tiangong City, Lu Xiao Meijiu is undoubtedly an elf. Moreover, she has the ability to brainwash and control humans.”

“Her predecessor was a young idol who made her debut at the age of fifteen and achieved success. But because she rejected the unspoken rules of a certain TV station producer, she was splashed with dirty water in public opinion.”

“The attitude of the fans who liked her directly flipped, except for a few fans who are still comforting her and encouraging her, the other fans are all caught in the magic.”

“As a result, Xiaodai Yuenai suffered from psychogenic aphonia.”

“After that, Yudai Yuena disappeared. No one knows where she went. Until half a year ago, an idol named You Xiao Meijiu was born and joined the Longdan Temple Women’s College.”

“Perhaps because she became an elf, she was lured into Xiao Meijiu’s voice again. But that incident also made her suffer from heterophobia, and she is extremely disgusted with men.”

“The male teachers of Longdan Temple Women’s College went home to rest under her control. However, because of no progress in teaching, many male teachers were directly expelled and left Tiangong City.”

“It is precisely because she is so reckless and reckless that we can get news of her.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha, if you speak of wanton and recklessness, who is the real recklessness, right? You know, but he even puts us together.”

“Star dust…..”

Ailian’s eyes darkened, and the information of Xie Ming’s family appeared on the holographic projection screen following the manipulation of Westcott.

“Uranus Temple Hutaro, real name Xie Ming, code name Stardust. Uranus Temple Erya, real name Honjo Erya, code name Sister (Sistier). Yatogami ten incense, code name Princess (Princess). Ice bud Shitono, The code name is Hermit. Tokazaki Kuangsan, the code name is Nightmare.”

“And the newly added eight dances Yakiya and eight dances Yuxian, code-named Berserk.”

Wescott smiled and shook his head: “It doesn’t count if you remove the nuns. In less than half a year, you got a full six elves. This record is simply impressive.”

“The most sighing thing is that even the nightmare, which caused us so much headache, joined his ranks. This is much better than the brainwashing ability of Diva, the singer Miji You.”

“I will kill him.”

Ailian said coldly: “I will let him know how stupid it is to appear so carelessly.”

“His elven students, I will kill them one by one in front of him, let him feel what despair is.”

“I’m glad you are so motivated, Ellen.” Weiscott said with a smile: “But, do you remember? This is not our purpose.”

“First take back DEM, take back our hard work, then we can proceed to the next step.”

“Therefore, the singer is our goal. In this operation, we need to be careful, careful, and then careful. Because if we fail, we won’t have the chance to come back.”

“Please be patient, Ailian.”

“I understand, Aizak.” Ailian closed her eyes: “I will wait for that moment to come.”

“very good.”

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