Chapter 1666

I believe that every male teacher who is about to enter a women’s school will feel a little nervous when he looks at the female students walking by with laughter and laughter.

It’s not because of excitement, I’m afraid the main thing is still sighing. Because the moment you step in, your childhood dream will be shattered.

May I ask? Which man has never had the idea of ​​falling in love with those eldest ladies? Many men even become female school teachers for this dream.

After hearing the explanation from the predecessors, although the dream was disillusioned, there was still a hint of hope. Until I really stepped into the school, I met the young ladies.

Dreams can be completely thrown into the trash can. The other dream that came up was to go back to the past and slap a few slaps in the past, telling him to give up this stupid dream.

So don’t laugh at a certain sword bone, because everyone is a sword bone.

The reason why Xie Ming chose the profession of teacher was really just a whim. Thinking about how to reintegrate the elves into this society, then I thought of teachers.

Then he became a teacher.

Although schools are often compared to ivory towers, you can’t deny that there is a small society inside. At that age, you need to exercise in that kind of place.

Acquire correct worldviews, ethics and values, learn to communicate, cooperate with others, resolve conflicts, and grow slowly.

This is why he, a Chinese, wants to teach Japanese Mandarin.

Because he wants to pick out the wrong things hidden in the book, so that the students he teaches are people with correct and independent cognition.

Rather than the kind of idiot who doesn’t have the ability to think independently, and can be easily provoked and deceived by others to do stupid things. Let spiritual culture keep up with material progress.

Asked if Xie Ming had any troubles in his heart before entering the Longdan Temple Women’s College? Of course there is.

Because he is about to face the most prickly student in his teaching career. Kuang San still belongs to the type that can communicate, but the one in this school completely refuses any communication.

Even as long as he hears a man’s voice, he will run away.

Xie Ming didn’t think that Bai Meijiu hadn’t heard about her teacher who had come to exchange and study. I am afraid that as long as he steps into the campus and walks a few steps, the girl will let him go back.

But Xie Ming hopes very much in his heart that the girl will not do this. With these entanglements, Xie Ming walked into the campus.

However, the facts often disappoint.

Just as Xie Ming was about to enter the teaching building, a very penetrating sound came into his ears and passed through the broadcasting room.

【go back. 】

The voice was full of disgust and rejection, as if Xie Ming was the mosquito that disturbed people’s sleep in the summer, and the spider that made webs in the corner of the room.

Even after speaking these two words, he immediately cut off the broadcast. In her opinion, it would be extremely disgusting to let a man hear his own voice.


Lowering his eyes slightly, Xie Ming pretended not to hear him, and walked to the office where he was going to stay for two weeks, waiting for the class bell to ring.



When Xie Ming walked into the class, the girl sitting in the back row was obviously shocked. It seems that I don’t understand why the exchange teacher did not leave.

【go back. 】

“Hello everyone.”

Xie Ming smiled gently: “I believe you have heard the introduction of other teachers. I am the Mandarin teacher who came to Zen High School, Uranus Tera Houtaro.”

[Get out! 】”In the next two weeks, you will be taught Mandarin. So in the next two weeks…”

“Don’t you hear what your sister is talking about!?”

A female student stood up and looked at Xie Ming coldly: “Teacher Uranus Temple Hutaro, Sister Meijiu now wants you to leave this class and leave this school.”

“…Ah, I really didn’t hear it.” After a few seconds of silence, Xie Ming laughed: “After all, that ugly sound will be automatically filtered by my ears.”


The chairs and tables were pushed to make a little harsh noise, and all the female students in the class stood up. Even outside the class, female students from other classes gathered around.

Everyone stared at Xie Ming with cold eyes.

“You? A dirty man, dare to say that my voice is ugly?”

Lu Xiao Meijiu walked forward slowly, surrounded by the female students, and said in disgust: “Can you please not look at me? Can you please stop breathing? Can you please stop talking?”

“Your sight, your saliva, your presence…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh disgusting


With a light sigh, Xie Ming shook his head and finally turned his attention to You Xiao Meijiu. His eyes were indifferent, as if he was looking at an ant.

“There is such a disgusting woman in this world.”

“What did you say!?”

“I really don’t understand why, your self-awareness can be so excessive?” Xie Ming said with a smile: “There is no etiquette, no morality, no self-control.”

“I didn’t bother to care about you from start to finish, and I deliberately ignored your existence and your disgusting voice. But you have to lean in front of my eyes and make me aware of you.”

“Tonight, I’m going to wash my eyes and ears. Ah, I’m sorry. Although I hate you very much, I don’t say anything like asking you to die.”

“After all, even a pig has its meaning. An ugly existence like you should have a corresponding use in this world. Of course, it doesn’t matter to me.”

“Because you are not my student, you are just a despicable, despicable idiot.”

“………Kill you.”

“My Nine Masters?”

“Kill you.”

An incomparable killing intent burst out of the purple and silver pupils, and the school uniform on her body gradually transformed into a pale gold singing costume, turning the originally very beautiful girl into a goddess.

However, the killing intent in the eyes and the distorted expression on his face directly added a word ‘jing’ after the ‘goddess’.

“It’s really ugly.”

Xie Ming sighed: “Cowardly and despicable people, in order to conceal their inferiority complex, they become irritated and embarrassed.”

“What do you know?”

“I really don’t understand anything.” Xie Ming sneered: “I don’t want to understand either.”

“Why should I understand an assailant who only knows how to squander power unscrupulously?”

“Oh yes, I forgot to add a noun.”

“Waste perpetrator.”

“Broken Army singer (Gabriel)!!!”

Spiritual power shook all the female students around, and some female students’ heads even slammed directly into the corner of the table. But under Xie Ming’s snapped fingers, all the female students were transferred to the playground.

Outside the school, the space shock alarm began to sound.

“Cockroaches spitting sewage, I admit, you successfully angered me.”

A circle of keyboards (musical instruments) like a combination of light surrounds the girl, and the silver tube sticks out from the ground and is caught in her hand, enticing Xiao Meijiu to smile slightly: “So…”

“You really hurry up and die.”

[Broken Army singer, march (March), solo (Solo)][Ah~~~~~~]

The sound wave spreads towards Xie Ming through the amplitude of the silver tube. Everything that the sound wave swept over was instantly crushed into powder. But when he approached Xie Ming’s body for half a meter, he suddenly disappeared.

The field of volatility perception.

Although the field of volatility perception has been used by Xie Ming to find and observe the enemy, its essence is the technique of perceiving and manipulating the volatility of all things through mental power.

Advance can attack, retreat can defend. As long as Xie Ming thinks about it, he can even destroy the spirits of all human beings in Tiangong City in an instant.

Of course, that was him in his heyday.

However, it was quite easy to deal with the sonic attack of the girl in front of her.

“You are getting more and more disgusting.”

He closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, Xie Ming’s pupils were only calm and cold: “Compared with a friend of mine who also has the ability to manipulate the human mind, you can’t even match her heel.”

“She is only 15 years old, and you are already 17 years old.”

“who are you?”

“It has nothing to do with you.”

Glancing in disgust, Xie Ming withdrew his gaze, took out a CD from Kabuto, and threw it on the ground casually.

“It’s hard to imagine that the girl who sang so happily at the beginning will become so ugly now.”

“Really, it’s so disappointing.”

With undisguised disappointment in his voice, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared in the Longdan Temple Women’s College.


The spiritual power was retracted into the body, and the spiritual outfit changed into a school uniform again. Lu Xiao Meijiu stared at the CD that was thrown on the ground by Xie Ming, feeling a little lost for some reason.

The girl with a bright smile on the CD cover was 15 years old, and her stage name was “Xiao Dai Yue Na” period Yu Xiao Mei Jiu. Above, there are her autographs and written words.

[For you, I will continue to sing! 】


Two years ago, that was the period when Xie Ming only recovered from his injury and began to make overall plans for the next. Looking at Xie Ming, who had been sitting in front of the computer for almost a day, Erya brought him a CD.

“Brother, I have been busy all day, listen to a song and take a break?”

“Listen to a song?”

Xie Ming blinked: “Er Ya, I am not interested in these things.”

“Relax, and believe me once.” Er Yaban forced the CD into the external drive of the computer, and said with a smile: “If you don’t listen to her songs, you will definitely regret it.”

“I regret…”

Xie Ming smiled and shook his head. He had heard the singing of a world-class singer (Sylvia) and also a song that was enough to kill people (Elizabeth).Moreover, with his current mental steadfastness, if he doesn’t have enough feelings to blend in, and if he doesn’t have enough skills to express his feelings, it sounds no different from what he says.

Simply put, the taste is tricky. Not a world-class singing voice, he really didn’t bother to waste those few minutes.

However, since it is Erya’s kindness, let’s listen to it.

So he got acquainted with this, a girl idol named “Xiaodaiyue Nai”. It was also reflected that Xiao Daiyue Nai was a few years later, the elf lure Xiao Meijiu.

After realizing this, he has been paying attention to the girl. I even went to a girl’s concert with Erya, bought a girl’s CD, and shook hands with a girl.

Then that happened.

Xiao Dai Yuenai’s reputation on the Internet is getting worse and worse, and the fans’ attitudes reversed 180°. What did Xie Ming do in this regard?

He is fully capable of reversing the incident and breaking back the public opinion on the Internet. However, he did not do so.

As I said before, Xie Ming doesn’t want to deprive people of opportunities for growth. Moreover, as long as it is an idol, there will never be fewer such things.

He can help this time, but what about next time? Next time? Did he continue to help and keep the girl in a baby state?

It’s not realistic.

So Xie Ming only did some of the most basic things, what a fan should do.

Keep supporting, delete and delete the posts appropriately, and then make some correct remarks to explain and help the girl. In fact, what he did was very useful.

Although there are many fools in the world, there are also many sane people. After his explanation, many fans seem to have discovered the problem. Although, there are only a few dozen people.

Under the leadership of Xie Ming, the few dozen people went to the girl’s concert and expressed their thoughts and feelings to the girl.

Xie Ming also said the same to the girl.

“If you need help, please tell us. We will help you as far as we can. Because we trust you.”

Later, the girl wrote that sentence with her signature pen on the CD purchased by the dozen people.

[For you, I will continue to sing! 】

Then, the idol named Xiaodaiyue Nai disappeared completely. Upon learning that this disappeared, Xie Ming was silent for a few minutes, and then sighed slightly.

After all, not everyone has the strength and courage to overcome obstacles. Those who are defeated by difficulties and unable to stand up are the majority.

But at least, I hope this small group organized by him can save some fire for the girls.

It turns out that he thinks too much.

According to the information, the patience after entering the school was unbearable, and finally I was completely disappointed. Xie Ming has seen the essence of the girl.

The victim becomes the perpetrator. Because of most of the malice, I forgot the few, true goodwill. You must know that Xie Ming two years ago did not wear a mask or adjust his appearance to attend the concert.

Indulge in one’s own power, indulge in the false kindness gained by power manipulation. Treat everyone as ants and toys, and don’t know how to respect life.

You can say that this is the waywardness of a girl. But this kind of willfulness is exactly what Xie Ming hates most.

You can also say that Xie Ming’s expectation of Yu Xiao Meijiu was his arbitrarily expectation. This kind of arbitrarily expectation and arbitrarily disappointed is indeed a little self-talking, and even a little disgusting.

So, do you who say this think that the act of enticing Mijiu is correct? Because of cyber violence, do you want to hurt innocent people?

Is it disgusting to expect people to grow in the good?

If this is the case, then the best blessing in the world, I am afraid that should be said.

“I wish you were shot as soon as possible.”

What a blessing, isn’t it?

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