Chapter 1667

“In the final analysis, I really am still a human being. Not a saint, not a wicked person, just a simple person.”

“Ahhhh, what happened? I actually made you so disappointed by the teacher?”

“Let’s come.”

Glancing at the Kuang San who appeared behind him, Xie Ming said angrily: “Obviously, I have seen everything in the dark, and I am still asking here knowingly.”

“Also, please use the right adjective. I am not called disappointment, but disappointment.”

“Ha ha ha…”

Kuangsan covered his mouth and chuckled, and sat next to Xie Ming: “Mr. Mingming, you can handle even me, but you can’t handle that kind of little girl?”

“What is called, even you can handle it.”

Xie Ming couldn’t help but vomit: “For me, those who can communicate are not troublesome. Those who don’t want to communicate with you at all are the biggest trouble. And, there are those kinds of thinking…”

“But teacher, Xiao Meijiu hasn’t killed anyone. But I have killed tens of thousands of people.”

“It’s not a question of whether there was murder.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “It’s a question of the way of thinking.”

“Killing is a completely different concept from killing innocent people indiscriminately. Her thoughts will not care even if she kills hundreds of thousands of innocent people. But you don’t.”

“The teacher really believes me.” Kuang San said softly: “Maybe one day, I will betray the teacher?”

“That kind of thing, wait until it happens.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “Before you betrayed, I will have 100% trust in you. If you don’t give trust, how can you get trust?”

“Then… Has the teacher ever believed her?”

“I believed it, but she let me down.”

After talking to Kuangsan about what happened two years ago, Xie Ming sighed lightly: “That’s why I am disappointed.”

“It is precisely because the victim can best understand the victim’s pain that he should not become the perpetrator. However, the brutal nature of humans will doubly do the harm to other innocent people and become new perpetrators.”

“But I have always believed that humanity can overcome animality. The light of humanity is hard to be lit by yourself. In most cases, other people’s help is needed.”

“That’s why I want to be the person who lit up, and become a teacher.”

“However, I failed with Yuxiao Meijiu.”

Xie Ming held his chin and said softly, “I am a former fan. I have too high expectations for her?”

“…Teacher, do you know a French writer named Roman Roland?”

With his legs shaking constantly, Kuang San raised his head and looked to the sky: “I think what he said is very suitable for you, teacher.”

“There is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life.”

“Teacher, you see humans clearly, but you still love humans and still have expectations for humans. I think that every human has the potential to become a hero.”

“So even if you are betrayed or disappointed by the teacher, you will continue to believe in humans. But, teacher. Have you considered giving someone another chance?”


“Liu Xiao Meijiu, in my opinion, is a spoiled child. If the child is unhappy, he will naturally vent her anger. And the way she vents her anger is to ignore it.”

“Especially, she still has this power that can control people’s hearts.”

Turning her head slightly, a few strands of hair slipped smoothly, and then Kuangsan gently pinned her behind her ear: “It is precisely because of this that she needs your teacher’s guidance, doesn’t she?”

“Teacher, you want to light up her humanity, isn’t this the best opportunity?”

“You have worked for her, and you have worked hard, but in the end you were avenged by her, and you were disappointed by her injury. Therefore, teacher, you are qualified to teach her and guide her by example.””Tell her that you are doing it wrong, it is not right. Tell her what to do, what to do.”

“Isn’t the teacher’s duty to do such a thing?”

“…… Yeah, he was actually taught by students.”

Gently rubbing Kuangsan’s head, Xie Ming shook his head and smiled: “Yes, I made a mistake in teaching.”

“For high school students, the most important thing is mutual respect. The teacher should not treat the student as a child, but as an adult to communicate seriously.”

“In this way, high school students can feel respect and self-confidence, thus speeding up his transition to an adult. However, not every high school student is at this stage.”

“Thank you, Kuangsan. Thanks to you, I found a way.”

“You’re welcome, teacher.”

Kuang San bent his eyes and said softly: “Who is called, teacher and I are allies?”


The next day, Xie Ming once again took the lesson plan to the classroom where You Xiao Meijiu was. However, there is no longer a gentle smile on his face, but a calm and stern face.

“You dare to come!?”

“What are you talking about?” Looking at the student pointing at him with cold eyes, Xie Ming said coldly: “This is the tone of your speech to the teacher?”

“This is the respect you learned?”


“Speaking to the teacher, is it called’you’?”

An aura of horror slowly emanated from his body, and Xie Ming stared at the student: “Now, you have two choices. Or, go to the playground and run five laps now.”

“Either, expelled.”

“you have….”

“I have this right.”

Xie Ming pulled out a piece of paper from the folder and said lightly: “Yesterday, I got it from the principal.”

“Now I count 3 sounds and make your choice.”

“3, 2, 1…..”


The girl looked for help at Mei Jiu, who bowed her head in silence in the back row, and Mei Jiu raised her head as if she was waking up from a dream. But Xie Ming has already counted to zero.

“Very well, Saki Mochizuki. Now, you have been expelled from the Longdanji Women’s College. Please follow me to the staff office immediately and call your parents over.”

“After signing the documents, please pack your things and leave school.”

“Of course, it’s okay if you don’t come.” Xie Ming sneered: “After all, calling your parent does not need your presence.”


“I said you, is this a bit…”

Lu Xiao Meijiu couldn’t help standing up: “Is it necessary to over-process it like this?”

“Student Yu Xiao Meijiu.” Xie Ming shifted his gaze to Yu Xiao Meijiu: “You haven’t learned what is etiquette, what is respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao?”

“Should I use “you” to address the teacher?”

“… Teacher Uranus Temple.”

Lu Xiao Meijiu gritted her teeth and squeezed out these five words: “Don’t you think this kind of treatment is a bit too much.”

“I don’t think so.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “For whatever reason, disrespect for teachers is disrespect for the school system and disqualification as a student.”

“Even students in kindergarten know how to treat teachers. So I judged that Saki Mochizuki is not suitable to continue studying in this school.”

“I will recommend a suitable kindergarten to her parents through my network and let her attend.”


The female students stood up one by one, glaring at Xie Ming. As for these sights, Xie Ming swept over one by one: “Why, you also want to be expelled?”

“First say yes, expelling one, and expelling a hundred, it is no different to me. Even if the entire school is expelled, I won’t blink my eyelids.”

“The students in a whole school don’t even have the most basic respect and etiquette. Then I think there shouldn’t be any need for this school to exist.”

“You know, even the bad guys will bow their heads in front of the teacher and call them ‘you’ respectfully.”

“Then what are you?”

“It’s rubbish that is not as good as the dregs and bad things of society.”

Xie Ming said coldly: “Or, can you take a bet?”

“Bet on me, dare you to fire all of you.”


“Don’t speak? Don’t dare to bet? So, what are you doing standing there!?” Xie Ming shouted angrily: “The class bell has already rang! Even if the class bell rang, I need to go back to my seat and sit down. Do I need to teach it? ?”

Frightened by Xie Ming’s anger, all the students quickly returned to their seats and lowered their heads.

“Sister Meijiu…”

“Before I come back, everyone keeps quiet and self-study.”

Ignoring the female student who was already in tears, Xie Ming said calmly: “Managing self-study is the responsibility of the class leader. If I come back, the class will be in a mess.”

“Then there is no need for the position of monitor.”

After speaking, Xie Ming turned and left the class and headed to the office. The female student who couldn’t be stretched completely and was sitting on the ground and crying was left behind.



Seeing the girl who couldn’t make a sound of tears, Yu Xiao Meijiu clenched her fists.

The man knew that she was because of his own reasons. But not looking for herself, but looking for her! But I can’t do anything at all.

Speaking of which, why would I do anything for her? They are just their own toys, toys that can be thrown away at will.

Wait until the uncontrollable man leaves, and then pick her back.




Lu Xiaomei stood up fiercely and hugged the crying girl: “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll talk to him now, so wipe my tears and wait obediently at the place.”


The girl burst into tears all of a sudden, and Xiao Meijiu gently stroked the girl’s hair.


“……!”There was a long silence in front of the faculty office, and finally, Xiao Meijiu knocked gently on the door and said loudly.

“Please come in.”

Upon hearing the reply, the girl pushed open the door and found that Xie Ming was talking with other people.

“Yes, yes. So, please also ask the two parents to come to school together to deal with this matter. Time? Ah, that doesn’t matter. I can ask Mochizuki to pack up things first and go back.”

“The next day, let Mochizuki and the two come to the school to sign the withdrawal procedures.”

“…I don’t think this is too much. Because classmate Mochizuki didn’t even learn the most basic respect for the teacher, and pointed the teacher’s nose to the teacher during class time.”

“Isn’t it an example? Two, it’s not that I haven’t given Mochizuki the opportunity. However, Mochizuki didn’t cherish it, and instead ignored me to ask her so-called elder sister.”

“Yes, so it’s a pity. I don’t think Mochizuki is suitable to continue studying at Longdan Temple Women’s College, at least until she learns the most basic respect for teachers.”

“What should I do? Please rest assured, I will help Mochizuki on the teacher forum. I believe that there must be a kindergarten or elementary school that is willing to accept Mochizuki. So please don’t worry.”

“What? Come now? Okay, then I am waiting for the two of you at school.”


Hanging up the phone, Xie Ming raised his head calmly: “Why did you go out privately during self-study time? Lure classmate Xiao.”

“Teacher Uranus Temple, because I want to talk to you about something.”

Tiu Xiao Meijiu clenched her fist, and said without a smile: “I don’t know, will Teacher Uranus Temple have time to communicate with me in private?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t have this time to lure classmate Xiao.”


“Next, I need to sort out Mochizuki’s drop-out information and wait for her parents to arrive.” Xie Ming said lightly: “Moreover, considering the situation of Xiao Xiao, I should try to avoid being alone with Xiao Xiao. ”

“So please go back.”

“… Teacher Uranus Temple, if you intend to make me succumb in this way, then you have made a wrong idea.”

Looking at Xie Ming’s back, she said in a loud voice, “You will only stay in this school for two weeks, and after two weeks, you will leave.”

“And after you leave, this school will become its original state. You can’t change anything.”

“…That, lure Xiao classmate.”

“What’s wrong!?”

“Ah, no… I’m sorry.” Started by the impatient voice of Lure Xiao Meijiu, the female teacher under her control cautiously said: “The teacher of Uranus Temple just said that he will be on the teacher forum. Post Mochizuki’s question.”

“This means that the entire Japanese education community will know about Mochizuki’s situation. Even if you entice Xiao-kun to let her return again, there is no hope for her future.”

“No university will want her, and no company will want her. Even going out to work will be very difficult.”

“Teacher Forum?”

“Ah, this is it.”

Controlling her computer to open the forum, the female teacher said softly: “All teachers can register for an account on the forum with a teacher ID. The most famous one in recent years is Uranus, who has turned a whole class of bad things into righteousness. Teacher Temple.”

“So in this respect, teacher Uranus Temple is already an authority in the education world. If teacher Uranus Temple announces Mochizuki’s information on it…”


“So lure Xiao, you’d better ask Mochizuki to apologize to Teacher Uranus Temple, and ask for his forgiveness. Otherwise, Mochizuki’s future may really be ruined.”



He slammed the table hard, luring Xiao Meijiu’s body to burst out of spiritual power, strode out of the office, and pursued Xie Ming.

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