Chapter 1668 Come to help you

“Teacher Uranus Temple!”


Xie Ming turned his head a little impatiently: “I should have told you very clearly, lure classmate Xiao.”

“I don’t have time to chat with you privately now. And considering your heterophobia, I should try my best to avoid being alone with you.”

“You…what do you want!?”

Lu Xiao Meijiu said angrily: “You really think that by doing so, you can make me succumb!?”

“Let you submit? What inexplicable things are you talking about?” Xie Ming frowned, “I’m dealing with classmate Mochizuki. What does it have to do with you?”

“You know that Xiaosaki is under my control!”

“so what?”


“I’m just a teacher.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “All I need to do is to instruct students. And I don’t need a student who doesn’t even understand the most basic etiquette.”

“This society does not need it either.”

“As for what’s behind it? It’s her own reason, and it has nothing to do with me.”

“Are you a teacher like this!?”

“good question.”

Xie Ming laughed, laughing very coldly: “Then you, have you ever treated me as a teacher?”


“Why, can’t you speak?” Xie Ming sneered: “I gave Mochizuki a chance, but she didn’t cherish it. Then, she must bear the consequences.”

“As for you? Yu Xiao, this should have nothing to do with you? Yesterday, you didn’t even care about their lives. Now, here you are pretending to fight for mercy for Mochizuki?”

“It’s disgusting.”


The spiritual power continued to rise, and Xiao Meijiu’s body couldn’t help trembling. But at the moment when the space shock was about to be detected, Xie Ming snapped his fingers lightly.

The tuning chain is blocked.


“You can continue your incompetent rage.”

Xie Ming looked at the girl in front of him faintly: “Can you continue to show your kindness to me? Or is it compassion?”

“Ahhh, how kind-hearted classmate Yu Xiao is. The life that didn’t care about it yesterday, today actually cares about the future of his family with a kind heart.”

While speaking, Xie Ming applauded, “Ah, you deserve to be an idol.”

“The two faces of this person before and after are really proficient in the conversion. It’s okay, I won’t expose you, after all, there is no meaning.”

“You have tried your best, and you have tried your best to show your kindness. So no one in the class will blame you, only that their sister is so gentle.”

“Even Mochizuki would say so: Thank you Sister Sister, for letting Sister Sister work so hard, it’s dead without regret.”

“To see this scene, I feel that my two weeks are worth it.”

“After all, the scene of the victim thanking the perpetrator is such an interesting clown drama.”



Xie Ming blinked and then laughed: “Oh, you want to say that I am also the perpetrator. You want to say that I am not controlled by you, and I am the perpetrator who has performed the duties of a teacher.””Then, I am the perpetrator.”

“After all, in the eyes of the perpetrators, everyone is their own perpetrator. Then, it is natural to take revenge on these perpetrators.”


“Okay, I’ve finished talking about what I want to say? Now that classmate Yuxiao should be able to go back to the class and study by himself? Don’t worry, as long as you follow the school rules, I won’t care about you.”

“Then please go back, lure classmate Xiao.”


You Xiao Meijiu didn’t know how she got back into the class. She didn’t even hear what the girls were talking about. She only saw the girl named Mochizuki Saki, who was called out angrily by her parents.

The father slapped her severely, while the mother walked into the classroom in disappointment and threw all the daughter’s things into the trash can.

She can stop all of this, but she didn’t stop it.

Because the girl named You Xiao Meijiu no longer has that kind of energy, that kind of thought. Only Mochizuki’s cry was left in his ears. In his eyes, only Mochizuki Saki’s parents looked extremely disappointed.

“It’s exactly the same as yesterday…”

Yes, that expression is exactly the same as yesterday’s Xie Ming.

But the difference is that even if he is disappointed, Mochizuki Saki is their child. Will still take care of her until she marries.

However, the idol who disappointed the fans can no longer restore the fans’ love for her.

Because this time, it wasn’t a mere splash of dirty water, but a real thing.

It’s not that the fans betrayed themselves, but they betrayed the fans.

Betrayed until the end, and still supported her and the people who maintained her.


“Commander! Diva’s spiritual power index is declining rapidly, and it is almost approaching zero!”

“Ah, I can see it!”

Cruelly bit the lollipop in his mouth, Qinli scolded: “What is that man doing!? Didn’t he go to help the elf!?”


Shen Wuyue suddenly thought of something and murmured: “It seems that from beginning to end, Stardust never said that he was acting to help the elves. What he said was…”

“Act in order to gather the power of the elves.”

Yes, Xie Ming’s communication with the elves so far made them think that Xie Ming’s goal is actually the same as their Latatosk, to help the elves.

Even the elves who murdered countless people like Tosaki Kakuzo, he succeeded in negotiating successfully, which calmed him down.

But… this does not mean the purpose of the stardust, it is really to help the elves. Negotiable elves, he will naturally treat them well. But what about the non-negotiable spirit?

The pupils of all the members of Franksinas suddenly shrank, and then they all looked at the piano.

“Commander, please direct!”



How could that man kill the elves? How could such a gentle man be possible? But…what is going on in front of me? Completely…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t!

“Commander, Stardust enters the class again!”

“hold on.”

Qinli stared at the holographic projection screen, squeezing these words from his teeth: “Wait!”

I don’t believe it, I don’t believe you would do such a thing.

Teacher Xie Ming!


Throwing the lesson plan on the podium, Xie Ming loosened his tie and said faintly: “Squad leader.”


“Squad leader?”

“Ah, yes!”

A girl stood up tremblingly: “Teacher…what’s the matter?”

“What’s matter?”

Xie Ming laughed: “When is it now?”

“Yes… Class time.”

“So, when the teacher enters the classroom, what should I do as the class leader?” Xie Ming said softly, “Do I even need to tell you this?”

“stand up!!!”

Under this crying cry, all the female students stood up instantly.


“Please sit down!”

Xie Ming shook his head: “I really doubt whether the class I am now in is the first grade of elementary school or the second grade of high school.”

“Without etiquette, without education, even the most basic respect for teachers can’t be done.”

“I understand why the principal invited me here specially. Isn’t this just asking me to bring a group of scumbags who are not as good as bad?”


“Well, I don’t bother to talk about you. I told you yesterday that I will only stay in this school for two weeks. Excluding yesterday, there are nine days left. I don’t have any high expectations for you, I I just hope…”

“You only need to maintain the most basic discipline and etiquette. Of course, if you want me to feel the experience of expelling students from the entire class or the entire school, I won’t refuse it.”

“Now, turn to the third page of the textbook…”

Even people with poor academic performance can understand a truth after hearing Xie Ming’s lecture.

This teacher is really preparing lessons very carefully. All knowledge is from simple to complex, from rough to detailed, clearly organized. This requires a lot of time to prepare.

And the classmates sitting in the front row could see the densely packed notes and sticky notes on the teaching book in Xie Ming’s hand.

The gentle smile that occasionally shows during lectures can even explain that he was originally a gentle teacher.

Gentle and conscientious, with a high level of teaching… Such a teacher is really hard to come by.

Then why did he become like this?


Yes, everyone knows the reason. No matter how gentle the teacher is, he can’t stand the student who pushes his nose up and points to his nose and scolds! What’s more, this teacher was still the teacher who forced a whole class of ills to the right path.

He definitely had the courage to expel all students from the entire class and even the entire school.

It is definitely not difficult to find Xie Ming’s teacher resume. So after Xie Ming finished class, everyone used their mobile phones to find out what Xie Ming did before.

Below the resume is full of students’ gratitude to him, and there is even a small video.

There is no need for BGM in the whole video, because BGM is the cry of the students’ reluctance to the teacher. You can hardly even imagine that the students in the video are the same people as the bad ones in the previous photos.

“Teacher Hutaro!!”

“Ms. Hutaro…”

“You guys are really…”

Xie Ming gently rubbed the heads of the students one by one: “After graduation, I am finally out of the control of my devil teacher, are you crying happily?”

“certainly not!”

A female student cried and said, “Teacher Hutaro, I don’t want to graduate! I still want to continue relying on you and let you teach me!””What nonsense.”

Wei Wei pinched the face of the female student hard, and Xie Ming said dumbfounded: “You don’t want to be free, I still want to be free.”

“You guys, let me listen carefully! Those of you who have been crawling at the bottom have already seen the darkest and dirtiest side of this society.”

“Yes, this society is like this. The more glamorous the appearance, the more filthy it is.”

“But this does not mean that you are going to be part of this filthy one. All of you are not a waste, but a person! You are someone who has what you are good at!”

“You have to be proud of yourself! Be proud of your ability to escape from that situation! It was not I who pulled you out, but you held my outstretched hand!”

“And your current achievements are the best reward for your hard work!”

“I have told you since the first day of school that I have only one requirement for you. I don’t expect how much money you make, how outstanding you are, how glamorous you are. I just need you to be one person!”

“A person who can get up after a fall, a person who constantly plucks up the courage to challenge, a person who is willing to speak out for injustice and do his part!”

“And now, I am very relieved. Because you did it.”

“You climbed out of the quagmire of your fall. You mustered up the courage to challenge the learning that can equate despair to you.”

“You are even speaking out for your own injustices, and you have contributed your meager strength to each other’s injustices.”

“Rina, Kayu, Lei, Aino…it was not my strength alone that pulled them out, but the strength of all of you!”

Looking at the students consciously sitting in their seats, Xie Ming looked around. A year ago, this classroom was a garbage dump.

Compensated dating card, hair dye, graffiti, wooden knife, snack bag…

And now, the scarred walls have been painted with new paint. The smashed electric fan, everyone worked together to make money and replaced it with a new one. The desks and chairs in the classroom were taught by Xie Ming and they made them themselves.

“Suddenly thinking of letting the next kid use this classroom, is it unexpectedly uncomfortable?”

Xie Ming’s modest grunt made all the students present burst into laughter.

“Teachers are guides. The more people who go astray, they need guides to bring them back to the right path.” Xie Ming smiled and said softly, “My duty has been completed.”

“So the next road, you have to go on your own.”

“Class 7 for three years, at this moment, officially graduated!”

The video came to an end amid the endless applause and the whimpering of young girls.

Below the video, the students are reporting their current situation. Some people became apprentices of hairdressers, and some were admitted to Dongda…

Who can imagine that a teenager who became a barber apprentice was a gambling and blackmailing bastard a year ago? Who can imagine that a girl who was admitted to Dongda University almost ruined her life by inserting a needle into her arm?


Lu Xiao Meijiu watched the video, Xie Ming had a slightly relieved smile on his face, recalling the youth who held his hand and encouraged him very seriously a few years ago.

And… yesterday’s disappointed look and today’s indifferent expression.

“am I wrong?”

“No, you are not wrong, lure Xiao Meijiu.”


The school uniform instantly switched back to the spiritual suit, tempting Xiao Meijiu to look at the silver-haired man sitting on her sofa indifferently, the blond woman waiting beside her with a dangerous aura.

And… the mechanical creation surrounded by Vice Admiral unknowingly.

“Who are you?”

“Oh, this is really rude.”

The silver-haired man stood up and said slightly: “My name is Izhak Ray Pelham Wiscott, and I am a former executive director of DEM.”

“After learning what happened to you, we came here to help you.”

“Because we have a common enemy.”

“The man codenamed Stardust, Xie Ming. That is now your Mandarin teacher: Uranus Tera Houtaro.”

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