Chapter 1669

“…….What did you say?”

Yu Xiao Meijiu frowned: “Uranus Temple…what is the teacher?”

“Ah, don’t you know? Your Excellency Temptate.” Wescott pretended to be surprised: “The man whose alias is Uranus Tera Kutaro is not from the earth.”

“He is an unknown alien that landed on Earth five years ago.”

“In the front, I took a high-stroke psychic cannon built on the orbit and landed alive on the surface of the earth, and was rescued by the elves code-named nuns.”

“It only took a week to restore basic combat capabilities, escaped under our rounds, and then disappeared.”

Wescott smiled: “And now, he has become a teacher under the alias of Uranus Tera Kutaro. Using this identity as a cover, he collects the power of the elves.”

At Westcott’s signal, Elaine walked forward and put the tablet on the table.

“What are these kids?”

“All are elves.” Wescott introduced one by one: “Yazou God Toka, code-named princess. Hyobu Shitono, code-named Recluse. Tokazaki Kakusan, code-named Nightmare. Yakaya Koya, eight Wu Xixian, codenamed Berserker.”

“And, Uranus Temple Erya, codenamed nun.”

“Among these elves, the ability of the’nun’ is to predict the future and change reality. So we have enough reason to suspect that he came to Tiangong City to gather power.”

“what do you mean?”

“Student Zhao Xiao should have heard it out.”

Wescott folded his hands together and said with a chuckle: “He went to the Longdan Temple Women’s College to get in touch with you just to get your elf power.”

“Otherwise, why would the school you already control suddenly let male teachers from other schools pass by?”


“I believe that the experience of these two days should be very uncomfortable for Yu Xiao.” Wescott said sympathetically: “We understand the experience of Yu Xiao very much.”

“If it’s not necessary, I don’t want to provoke classmate Xiao to disgust as a man. But this matter is indeed very important.”

“We hope to cooperate with You Xiao, and eliminate the stardust together. In this way, the elves controlled by him will also be liberated. You can also return to your original life, Xiao Xiao.”

“Why do I want to cooperate with your group of humans?”

Lu Xiao Meijiu blinked and said softly: [What are you thinking about? 】

“Hahahahaha, that’s how it is.”


Wescott clapped and said: “Before this, we only thought control of your ability, which was brainwashed. But we were not sure what way you used to exercise this ability.”

“Now I understand, it turned out to be voice. Moreover, it is not very powerful brainwashing.”

“For the determined human beings, your control will not work. It seems that my choice to bring out the’Beasts’ is correct this time.”

“Don’t be overwhelmed!”

Lu Xiao Meijiu’s eyebrows were raised immediately, and her right hand was raised, like an idol who is about to sing.


The keyboard of light surrounds the whole body, but this time with the keyboard, there is also a huge golden pipe organ. In an instant, the room became a huge stage.”Broken Army Diva, Rondo!”


The sound is transmitted from the silver tube to the organ behind it, spreading to the surroundings on a large scale. Except for Lu Xiao Meijiu, all existences were restrained in place.

Including the self-disciplined killing weapon “Beast”, as well as the two of Weiscott and Ailian.

“A mere human, you dare to find me to cooperate?” Lu Xiao Meijiu looked at Wescott in disgust: “It’s disgusting, you upgraded white cockroach.”

“With this Miss Ailian, you are no longer useful, so hurry up and die.”

“Broken Army singer, solo (Solo)!”

The sound waves with killing intent blasted Vescott’s head mercilessly. With the strength of Vescott’s body, if it hits, his head will explode like a watermelon hit by a wooden stick. .

But with Weiscott’s character, how could he put himself in such a dangerous situation?

The light beam burned the air, cutting away the invisible sound waves. I don’t know when, Ailian on the side has already put on platinum two-wing armor.

“CR-Unit (display device) Pendragon, how does it feel after wearing it?”

“very good.”

Feeling the spiritual power flowing smoothly in her body, Ailian showed a sneer: “If there was it five years ago, no matter if it was a stardust or a nun, it would definitely not escape.”

“I will give you a chance for revenge in the future.”

Wescott leaned back on the sofa: “But now, let’s solve the immediate problem.”

“Student Bai Xiao, I deeply regret your refusal. Since you are unwilling to cooperate with us, then we can only take some tough measures.”

“Please come with us. We need your cooperation in some research, some… research on elves.”

“Eileen, I beg you to work hard.”

“I know, Izak.”

Lu Xiao Meijiu, who felt dangerous, suddenly woke up. The group of people in front of her dared to appear in her home. She definitely had something to rely on. Now, it is no longer the time to consider other things.

[March, Solo! ! 】

Gabriel, the angel who seduces Xiao Meijiu, has four abilities in total: March, Solo, Rondo, and Requiem.

Among them, the ability of marching is the increasing power. Solo is a small-scale sonic attack and brainwashing, while Rondo is a large-scale sonic attack and restraint.

The most commonly used ability to lure Xiao Meijiu is solo. But usually, only use its brainwashing effect instead of sonic attacks.

After all, she usually doesn’t see anyone who can make her use sound waves to attack.

In the previous attack on Xie Ming, although the march and solo were also used, at that time she did not want to cause too much damage to the school, so she reduced her power.

But now, she can no longer take care of that much.

If you converge again, I’m afraid she will be caught by these people as a guinea pig for experimentation! From the beginning, Yu Xiao Meijiu didn’t believe what Wescott said.

He broke into his mansion illegally, sat on his sofa carelessly, and let a group of robots surround him. Such a guy is here to talk about cooperation, to talk about alliances?

What a joke, even Xiang Yu knows that he wants to open a Hongmen Banquet to do superficial work. But these guys don’t even bother to do superficial skills.

What does this show? Explain that people will eat you right from the beginning.

【what! ! ! ! ! ! 】

The mansion was instantly destroyed by sound waves, but the protective shield that appeared around Ailian could not be destroyed.

That is a Bug-level energy product produced by the display device: Random Domain.

The truth of the so-called CR-Unit is actually a small high-performance computer. With the help of the computing function of the human brain, the things imagined by the human brain can be turned into reality within a certain range.

And this certain range is the arbitrary domain.

As the name implies, as long as your brain’s computing power and physical fitness are sufficient, you can do almost anything in the scope of the arbitrary domain.

Restore the shattered arm to its original shape and change the laws of physics within the domain. But what most magicians can do now is to generate attack equipment and perform basic operations such as defense.

It’s the top skill like healing a body injury in an instant. Looking at the whole world, only Ailian can do this.

Holding the beam sword taken from behind in one hand, and spreading out the barrier-shaped random area with the other hand, he stepped forward calmly and casually.

“Warning first.”

Ailian said faintly: “If you give up resistance now, I will only make you weak. But if you persist in resisting to the end. Then I don’t mind cutting off your limbs, cutting your throat, and then taking you. go back.”


The extremely cruel words made Yu Xiao Meijiu’s body tremble, and she looked at Ai Lian with fear.

This is why, in the evaluation of Xie Ming and Kuang San, Lu Xiao Meijiu is a naive and willful child. Because she didn’t know the weight of life at all.

He talked about treating girls as toys and men as slaves and cockroaches. But in the end, she never killed a person with her own hands.

It’s the same reason that a child can easily choke some small animals and still laugh.

To change to Xie Ming’s old saying is that the spirit has not kept up with the strength.

Therefore, after facing the real murderous wicked like Ailian and Wescott, who can arbitrarily treat humans as experimental animals, they are exposed.

[Rondo! ! ! 】

A large-scale sonic attack destroyed everything around it. And by the smoke caused by the destruction, Xiao Meijiu turned around and rushed to the sky, without any thoughts of love fighting.

This is the right choice. After all, if you can’t beat it, you will run away. What’s shameful. However, her response was too slow.

If she burst out to escape as soon as she saw Weiscott, then maybe she could escape. But after such a delay, the encirclement net has been established.

In order to prevent Xie Ming from discovering that he and others had sneaked into Tiangong City, Weiscott let his diehards into the city as early as a week ago.

During this period, no one made any movement. Even he and Ailian entered secretly through the secret passage left in Tiangong City.

What everyone uses is a unique partitioned LAN. Only the exclusive display device can be connected to the local area network, which cuts off all possibilities for Xie Ming to discover them.

Such a cautious layout is to successfully capture Xiao Meijiu today.

Hundreds of magicians with exquisite magical powers wore manifestation devices and cooperated with the random realm created by the self-disciplined killing machine beasts. Lure Xiao Meijiu is absolutely unbreakable.

After all, her ability is not based on attack.

“No…No! [March]! [Solo]! [Round Dance]!!!”

Feeling the threat slowly approaching behind, she lured Mijiu into a frantic attack on the random domain barrier. But it doesn’t make any sense.


If it is an individual who has a relatively high degree of control over Tiangong City, then it must be Xie Ming, who has accepted the Tiangong City network. But it is a pity that Xie Ming does not have the kind of effort to observe this city with tens of millions of people like a voyeur.

Therefore, the observation task naturally fell to the organization that has been floating in the air: Latatosk.Almost anything that happened in Tiangong City could not escape the observation instrument of Fraxinas. Unfortunately, at noon today, they were led out.

The white silver shuttle-type warship dedicated to Ellen: Goetia was used by Westcott as a base camp after fleeing.

Even if Jinli had guessed it, this battleship was probably the bait to lure them out. But this bait is too big and fragrant, no one can refuse.

If Getia is shot down, then Westcott will never have any resistance capital. Under various orders, Fraxinas could only leave Tiangong City to pursue Gaetia.

Then, the dozen is one day. The other party didn’t want to fight head-on at all, and had always been hanging from a distance, and then harassed Qinli and others and other floating warships that came after him.

It wasn’t until the night that Gaetia finally showed his fangs.

Hundreds of ‘beasts’ and nearly a hundred exquisite magicians were dispatched together, and the main artillery shot down a floating battleship from the anti-Wescott faction.

Ordinary magicians, there is no way to compare with these exquisite magicians who have been exquisite in magic power, and fight without regard to their physical conditions.

Ten minutes after the battle, apart from AST’s Touichi Origami and Takamiya Shina sent by Fraxinas, only five teams remained on the battlefield.

The situation of these five teams has become more and more dangerous, and they may be shot down at any time.


Qinli clenched his fists, and a flame seemed to ignite in his pupils: “You are fooled. Wescott’s purpose is to seduce Mijiu!”

“But, there are no star dust in Tiangong city…”

“Stardust is not omnipotent!” Qinli said in a deep voice, “Although he has taken over the Tiangong City network, he doesn’t have the energy to investigate the abnormalities one by one.”

“Moreover, he cannot invade a local area network that is completely isolated from the outside world.”

“The other party must have made all the necessary preparations before launching the plan. When the stardust finds out, I am afraid that Xiao Meijiu will be taken away by Westcott early in the morning!”

“Really, how is your place!?”

“To be honest, it’s hard.”

Continuing to dodge guns and explosions from all directions, Zhenna, dressed in black armor, said quickly: “All enemies are exquisite magicians, and there is a big gap between the strength of the enemy and ourselves.”

“Shen Wuyue!”

“Yes~, Commander.” Shen Wuyue raised her eyebrows while she was constantly controlling the random area with headphones, but her voice had lost its usual frivolousness.

“It’s a pity that Flaxinas and the opponent’s warships are not at the same level. Don’t say it is broken. If there is no support from other warships, our self-protection is a big problem.”

“……” After a few seconds of silence, Qinli flicked the military uniform on his shoulders: “Then, I will strike.”


“Commander can’t do it!”

“Qin Li!”

“I don’t think this is a good idea, Commander.”

“So, do you have any good solutions to the current situation?”

Sweeping through the people who stopped him one by one, Qinli said calmly, “No, right?”

“That’s the only way to go.”

“We can’t, we were shot down here.”

At this moment, a listless voice came into the ship: “Hello? Hello? Hey? Can you hear me?”

“This is Uranus Temple Erya, what if you hear it?”

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