Chapter 1671 The World’s Strongest And Outside The World

After absorbing the purple gem, Yu Xiao Meijiu fell asleep and disappeared from this world. When I woke up again, I found that the world was different from what I remembered.

He also possessed the powerful power that the phantom said.

With this ability, Lu Xiao Meijiu simply controlled the AST members who attacked her, and asked all the information she wanted to know from their mouths.

There is no need to say anything more about the next thing. Lure Xiao Meijiu relied on her own ability to make her debut again as an idol, and built Longdan Temple Women’s College into her own beautiful girl harem.

When I see female students I like, I use my ability to transfer them to my school. Every day, I pick up different cute girls to take home to grind tofu.

This is actually a very sad phenomenon. It was because of her rejection of the unspoken rules that she was obviously lured into Xiao Meijiu. But after having the power, she herself started this kind of similar thing.

Everyone is talking about hating injustice and class, but what about it? What most people actually hate is that they are being treated unfairly and oppressed by their class.

Everyone hates capitalists, and everyone wants to be a capitalist.

This ridiculous, funny and sad phenomenon really shows the animality of mankind to the fullest.

And when someone who was immersed in power appeared in front of him who was not afraid of his power at all, he could even compete with himself. Then, he will inevitably become a thorn in the eye of that person.

In fact, what lured Xiao Meijiu in her mind was to use all means to expel Xie Ming from her life. No matter what means are used.

Until Xie Ming threw out the signed CD.

That CD can really be said to be a blow to Lu Xiao Meijiu, and awakened her from her life in Jiuchi Roulin for the past six months.

After losing her voice, everything she saw was darkness. Not to mention those who have hated her, even those who have been insisting on encouraging her, will inevitably leave her.

But the reality is that those fans didn’t do that, even if time passed so long, they still remember her.

Before, I didn’t change, but the fans who changed their pervert degrees because of false rumors. Now, the fans have not changed, but they have become addicted to their power.

In fact, on the second day, Yu Xiao Meijiu had been entangled in her heart, as to whether she should have a good chat with Xie Ming. But because of the female classmate’s affairs, the entanglement was suddenly forgotten.

However, it seems that these things are not so important anymore. For Yuxiao Meijiu, the most important thing for her now is to escape.

As long as we can escape, there will be no time for anything.

[Solo! ! ! ! 】

The spiritual power in the body erupted with full force, and the countless silver pipes protruding from the ground and the huge pipe organ destroyed everything around him. But no matter how to strengthen the output of spiritual power, it can only cause a few cracks in this huge barrier of random realm.

“how come……”

“Sure enough, you should cut your throat first.”

Ailian looked at You Xiao Meijiu who was sitting on her knees, her eyes indifferently indifferent: “Don’t worry, you are an elf. The injury of cutting your throat will not kill you.”

“You just lose your voice.”

Lost…. voice?

Am I losing my voice again? Can’t you sing? With nothing but singing, am I going to become an empty shell again?

seem? Not bad?

After all, his voice has become so filthy and ugly.

Looking at the lightsaber of spiritual power that was constantly expanding in the field of vision, Xiao Meijiu closed her eyes. Two lines of clear tears slid down his cheeks.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t fulfill the agreement…I became so ugly…I’m sorry…”


An explosion caused the girl to open her eyes suddenly, causing Ailian to stop the attack unconsciously. The two looked at the source at the same time.There, the young man held a long knife and slowly retracted the kicked left foot.

“From the point of view of mice, you are considered smarter.”

Looking at the three people present, Xie Ming said coldly: “My surveillance network relies on the network, and the network is built on electricity.”

“So you caused several large-scale blackouts in Tiangong City at the same time, and it took me a lot of time to determine the location.”

“But now it seems that I am here at the right time?”


“Star dust!!!”

Seeing that abominable face, Ailian showed a cold and merciless smile: “Great, I’m still worried, if you can’t come, what should I do.”

“Oh, miss me so.”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows, and slowly pulled the Skyfire Pure Flame from the scabbard: “Are you obsessed with me?”


Ailian took another light sword of spiritual power from her back, and slowly approached Xie Ming: “In the past five years, I no longer think of you, miss you all the time.”

“That’s really an honor. But, your love is too heavy?”

“Ha ha ha ha, if you say… killing intent is also a kind of love…” Ailian said softly: “Then, I really love you, so hard to remember!”


With a burst of air, Ailian came to Xie Ming’s face in an instant, and the blade brushed the tip of Xie Ming’s nose with the slightest difference. But Xie Ming’s knee was already firmly against Ai Lian’s abdomen.


The platinum figure shot into the ruins, but the next moment the ruins were bounced away by the random domain. Ai-Lian, who came out of the smoke again, looked at Xie Ming’s eyes with dignity.


“Why, unexpected?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and said, “I feel that I will be able to defeat me if I get a customized display device?”

“Perhaps it was me who was badly injured at the beginning and gave you a false impression. This is really my problem, so I have to make up for it.”

With that said, Xie Ming beckoned to Ai Lian: “Come on, continue.”

“Unrealistic fantasy still needs to be broken as soon as possible. Also, over there?”

A few blades were thrown out at will, and the beast approaching Lu Xiao Meijiu was cut in half. Xie Ming looked at the smiling Wescott: “Can you not take advantage of the small movements?”

“Or, do you want me to adjust the order?”

“Forget it.”

Wescott raised his hands and said with a smile: “Mr. Stardust, you shouldn’t be a killer to an ordinary person who doesn’t have the power to bind a chicken.”

“Who told you that?”


Tianhuo Jingyan gently guided Ailian’s heavy cut and her body away, Xie Ming said indifferently: “A guy who can treat you as an ordinary person, either doesn’t know who you are, or is naive to the point of stupidity. .”

“You are a pure-blood magician without the ability to fight? Please don’t open your eyes and talk nonsense, okay?”

“Hahahahaha, Mr. Stardust, you really know a lot of things.”

Weiscott said with a smile: “But I don’t plan to be hostile to you, Mr. Stardust, right now?”

“Tsk tusk…” Through the space barrier to block Ailian’s condensing psychic cannon, Xie Ming shook his head: “If you want to distract me through this kind of dialogue, then you think you are wrong.”

“This level of battle is not even a warm-up.”

“That’s what he said? Ellen.” Westcott looked at Ellen: “You are underestimated by him.”


The hot barrels retracted to both sides of the waist, and Ailian picked up the lightsabers inserted in the ground on both sides again: “Aizak, please shut up.”

“My side, I haven’t warmed up yet.”

“I haven’t warmed up yet.”

Wescott stroked his chin: “Then, don’t warm up, let’s retreat.”


Elaine did not reply, but silently looked at Wescott. The sight is expressing a meaning: are you serious?

“Ah, serious, extremely serious.”

With a helpless shrug, Wescott smiled: “Eileen, do you have the confidence to defeat Mr. Stardust?”

“…… I am the strongest magician in the world.”

“But Mr. Stardust, it’s the world, a visitor from outside the earth?”


These words kept Ailian silent for a long time, then silently walked to Weiscott’s side and turned to look at Xie Ming: “You, don’t stop us?”

“Um… By the way, you reminded me.”

After thinking for a while, Xie Ming laughed: “So, how about defense? I’m going to attack.”

Suddenly drew a knife and chopped.

Before Xie Ming’s words were finished, Ailian had already started a random field and wrapped herself and Wescott in it. But in the next instant, the jet-black blade of the sword slashed on the green sphere of the hexagonal structure.

Under the impetus of Dao Mang, the two of them had turned into a star in the night sky in just a few seconds and disappeared.


If it weren’t for these two people to be useful, Xie Ming really wanted to kill them here to prevent future troubles. But unfortunately, he can’t do this.

He also needs Westcott’s power and Westcott to help him do some things.

As for whether he will act as Xie Ming thought? Xie Ming still doesn’t need to worry about this.

Because of the other roads, he had already cut off Weiscott. Therefore, he can only do this. And when he did that, he followed Xie Ming’s will.

Even if Weiscott reacted to it, it was useless, because there was only one way that satisfies his ambitions before his eyes.

He who doesn’t know how to give up can only go up, only go up.

Tianhuo Jingyan slowly returned to her sheath, cast her eyes and knelt on the ground, with a dull look on Xiao Meijiu, Xie Ming’s figure slowly disappeared in place.



“You don’t want to talk to me more than a word…” Yuxiao Meijiu lowered her head bitterly: “Teacher…”


Regarding the fact that the elves enter the battlefield, it can be said that it is big or big, and that it is small or small.On a larger scale, this may have made many people wary again. After all, even if the girls did not show any harm now, they still possess terrifying power.

This can be understood as Xie Ming returned the power to the elves, or the power of the elves was not absorbed by Xie Ming from the beginning.

If it is the former, then Xie Ming’s degree of danger will be raised again. If it is the latter, then in the eyes of some high-level girls, they may turn into monsters with the ability to destroy the world again.

In a small way, at least the nature of the girls has been proven. They yearn for peace, hate struggle, and don’t want to see anyone hurt.

That’s why I worked so hard to stop the fight, and save the wounded soldiers regardless of the enemy.

Even if…the soldiers have attacked them with killing intent and malice.

Of course, there is another situation, or method. It is Xie Ming’s most commonly used and tried-and-tested method.

Back the pot.

Therefore, the senior officials of Latatosk, DEM, AST, and the three parties once again received a video email from Xie Ming.

The general idea is that Xie Ming temporarily returned the power to the girls so that they could do something for themselves. At the same time, he ridiculed the incompetence of this group of people.

So long has passed, and the Westcott Remnant Party can actually cause such a big commotion.

Because you are too incompetent, you have to do it yourself.

As soon as this email came out, many senior executives naturally jumped in anger. After scolding Xie Ming in their office, it ended like this.

Well, it’s that simple.

After all, the power gap is there, AST can’t take what happened to Xie Ming and the elves, and the DEM company was almost hollowed out by Latatosk.

And Latatosk?

They were originally on the side of the elves, and they were responsible for a series of aftermaths. What can they say?

Therefore, apart from Xie Ming’s increased danger, the chaos did not cause any substantial impact.

The next day, Xie Ming and others should go to school when they should go to school, draw comics when they should go to work, and go to work when they should go to work.

Oh, there is a little change.

Erya can go to the magazine to submit articles in an open manner, and there is no need to bother Xie Ming every time to use the space ability to transmit it. After all, the power of Westcott has completely collapsed.

Gaetia was shot down, the beasts and his subordinates were killed and wounded, and a few puppies and kittens were left behind, which is not enough to be afraid of.

Moreover, in the past few years, Xie Ming has also conducted systematic combat training on Erya. After fighting with Ailian equipped with the new display device, Xie Ming also felt relieved.

Even this dirty girl can hold Ailian’s hands for several seconds, and this time is enough for him to get to the scene.

Shixiang and the others are not without trouble, especially Xixian, who worships Yuanyi Origami as their teacher. The relationship between the teacher and the apprentice has become a little more subtle because of the chaos.

The relationship between Shixiang and Yuanyi Origami is very delicate, so there is not much change.

As for how Xi Xian should solve it, it doesn’t matter to Xie Ming. After all, this kind of thing needs to be solved by the person involved.

Without facing the difficulties in life after another, how can girls grow up?

There is no problem with Xie Ming.

After the next day’s killing of chickens and monkeys, without the hard brainwashing of Xiao Meijiu, there will be no more female students who dare to antagonize him.

When everyone saw him, they would consciously and respectfully yell ‘Uranus Temple Teacher’.

And lure Xiao Meijiu?

Although I can feel the girl’s complicated eyesight, and the expression of hesitant to speak. However, Xie Ming just ignored her. Every time she plucked up the courage to take the opportunity to talk to Xie Ming, Xie Ming would just turn around and leave, or pretend not to hear.

Yesterday you were indifferent to me, but today I make you unable to climb high.

Hmm… Although the taste has changed a bit, it’s almost what it means.

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