Chapter 1672 Teacher and Student

If the two weeks were spent in torture, it would really be like a year. But in fact, Xie Ming did not embarrass these female students.

As long as students do their part as students, which teacher will pick the bones in the egg?

But because of the first two days, he didn’t bother to establish a friendly teacher-student relationship with this group of students. Basically, it’s always business affairs, neither lukewarm nor lukewarm.

Only in class, do I occasionally show some gentle smiles. After all, this is his class style.

As for why Xie Ming didn’t take the initiative to reconcile with the students?

It’s not that you don’t take the initiative, but you can’t take the initiative. For Xie Ming, what is a small group of students’ small troubles? And most of the reason why these students did that kind of thing was that they were affected by the spiritual power of Luring Xiaomei.

Therefore, most of the responsibilities should be borne by Liao Xiao Meijiu.

The truth is this truth, but it can be placed on the two identities of teachers and students, and things will not be that simple.

Because Xie Ming is a teacher.

The teacher’s duty is to teach students the correct principles and knowledge.

From a teacher’s point of view, this is the disrespect and impoliteness of the students towards the teacher. It is the whole, not the individual.

So even if he knew that the reason was to lure Xiao Meijiu, he couldn’t bring out Xiao Meijiu alone to punish him. Because You Xiao Meijiu is a member of Longdan Temple Women’s College, and even a member of this class.

He must take into account the thoughts of other students.

If Xie Ming only punishes Bai Meijiu, but forgives other students. So Meijiu and Xie Ming, who knew the reason, naturally didn’t think there was any problem.

So, what about the unsuspecting students?

In their view, Xie Ming’s behavior has become an unfair and a disposition of misconduct. It’s obviously a mistake made by everyone, why should I entice Xiao Meijiu to take it alone?

Do you want to tell them that Yu Xiao Meijiu is an elf, and that she controls you?

Therefore, Xie Ming could only punish the whole class together and not give a good face together.

Moreover, this kind of treatment would be even more punishing for lure Xiao Meijiu. Because it will make her realize that it is her own behavior that caused such consequences.

She will realize her responsibility from it.

Mochizuki Saki was fired because of her. This rigid relationship between students and teachers is also caused by her.

If lure Xiao Meijiu is still saved, then she should take up the responsibility she should take. If she didn’t, Xie Ming would simply end the two-week teacher-student relationship.

When it’s critical, just draw the power of the elves out of her body.

By then, how she should survive, who has been accustomed to the power of the elves, is not a matter for Xie Ming.

Because this is her own fruit.

For two weeks, this was Xie Ming’s time to stay in Longdan Temple Women’s College, and it was also the last opportunity he gave to lure Xiao Meijiu to reform.

From the current point of view, she seems to be aware of something. Instead of taking the female student home after school, he went to visit Mochizuki Saki, who was expelled by Xie Ming, and helped her manage her relationship through her personal connections.

When I was in school, I was also very serious in learning, and I didn’t use the power of the spirits wantonly.

But this is not enough.

What she has done so far cannot be undone by these alone.However, at least Xie Ming saw her thoughts of repentance. So after weighing it up, Xie Ming decided to give her a chance to communicate with herself again.

This is also my last teaching to her.


When was it the last time I was so nervous?

Oh… It was when I tried the company two years ago, and I participated in the idol selection based on my longing. Then he stood out from the inside and made his debut as an idol singer under the stage name “Yoshino Tsuno”.

After swallowing, she lured Xiao Meijiu to stand outside the interview room, constantly telling herself to calm down. Afterwards, he knocked on the door a few times.

“Please come in.”

The voice of the youth came from the room, and the girl gritted her teeth, unscrewed the doorknob, and walked in.

“Teacher Uranus Temple…”

What a timid voice!

The first sentence of the opening made Yu Xiao Meijiu’s heart start to go crazy. Such a weak and timid voice will only make him look down on himself even more!

“Please sit down, lure classmate Xiao.”

However, Xie Ming didn’t have much reaction, just plainly motioned the girl to sit opposite him. Seeing the girl seated nervously, her arms and legs restless, she asked faintly.

“Is classmate Yu Xiao a heterophobia? In that case…”

“No! No!”

Yu Xiao Meijiu shouted in a conditioned response, “I’m just a little… nervous…”

Ahhhhh, what am I talking about! Am I not showing weakness! He must be taunting me again!

Thinking of the girl here, a few teardrops rushed out of her eyes. But the waiting mockery did not come, but a cup of warm water placed in front of him.

“Cool down with a sip of water first.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “Don’t worry, it’s lunch break now. There is enough time for you to calm down and speak well.”

“Thank you, teacher….”

It’s kind of weird… He doesn’t taunt himself? Still to myself… so friendly?

Holding the paper cup in both hands, Xiao Meijiu, who sipped the water, carefully peeked at Xie Ming through the gaps in her bangs.

Take a closer look, the teacher is actually a little handsome.

No, what am I thinking! He is a man and a teacher!

Feeling that Lu Xiao Meijiu’s breath has become a little tangled (wen) again, Xie Ming couldn’t help frowning in his heart. Sure enough, this heterophobia is not so easy to overcome.

“Calm down, calm down…huh…”

Anyway, he is also an idol singer who has been on the big stage many times, and Yu Xiao Meijiu quickly adjusted her state back. Put the paper cup gently on the table and slowly raised his head.

“Teacher Uranus Temple…No, Master Xie Ming, first of all thank you very much for your help some time ago. If you were not there, I am afraid I would already…”

“I don’t need your thanks for this matter.”

Xie Ming said faintly: “If you haven’t met you again, and your impression of you is the cute little girl who likes to sing, I will save you.”

“Because I want to continue to hear your inspiring singing, I hope you can make the world better through singing.”

“If it is the first night, I will still save you.”

“Because you are an elf, I can’t let your power be gained by them, causing them to harm the people around me.”

“And the reason why I rescued you the next night was because you were my student. When students encounter difficulties, it is only natural for the teacher to save them.”

“I said this, you should understand what it means.”


Lu Xiao Meijiu lowered her eyes slightly and said softly.

The first reason is that she has expectations for her. The second reason is to protect the people around you. The third reason is to just do one’s own responsibility.

Except for the first reason, the remaining two, although the result is to rescue Xiao Meijiu from Westcott and Ailian. But the purpose of the action is not to lure Xiao Meijiu.

In other words, if Bai Meijiu lost her two identities as’elf’ and’Xie Ming’s student,’ then Xie Ming would definitely not save her.

Because what she is doing now can really be said to be a malignant tumor.

Xie Ming, an ordinary innocent person who doesn’t know her identity, would go to the rescue, but for someone who already knew she was a cancerous tumor, Xie Ming would never mind sitting and watching her die.

Why does it become like this? Because this is the retribution brought to herself by alluring Xiao Meijiu’s reckless behavior.

“But, teacher, I…I already know that I have made a mistake.” Yu Xiao Meijiu’s voice brought some cries: “I am reflecting on what the teacher taught me.”

“so what?”

Xie Ming calmly looked at Lu Xiao Meijiu: “What do you want to express when you say these things to me?”

What do you want to express?

I want to be forgiven by the teacher, and I want the teacher to admit me. Don’t want to let the teacher down again… Don’t want to let the teacher down, look at me with that kind of disappointed eyes.

“If you want to get my forgiveness, I’m sorry, my answer will only disappoint you.” Xie Ming said lightly: “Because of me, I won’t give you forgiveness.”


On Latatosk, the spiritual response of Mijiu that the instrument showed was already close to zero because of Xie Ming’s words. But Xie Ming’s next sentence gave the value a great rebound.

“Forgiveness is what the victim gives to the perpetrator. What you need is not my forgiveness, but the forgiveness of others you have played with.”

A gleam of light suddenly appeared in the gloomy eyes, and Xiao Meijiu suddenly raised her head.

“Student Bai Xiao, you did not cause me any harm.” Xie Ming said lightly: “So the relationship between the two of us is not the perpetrator and the victim, but the teacher and the student.”

“My feelings for you are not hatred or resentment, but simply disappointment.”

“A person is like a mirror, and his performance can reflect the world in his eyes. Your performance reflects the harm the world has done to you.”

“But the world…. People do not only hurt you. At least, I am not.”

“During the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent. Two years ago, I knew what happened to you. I understand your innocence, so I speak for you. I want to do my part as your audience. ”

“In fact, there are indeed some people who think so. It’s just because of the huge public opinion that they dare not speak for you. And my appearance has organized them.”

Xie Ming took a sip of water and said faintly: “Ordinary people are like this. They often lack the courage to speak up and stand up. So many times they can only follow the public and follow the trend.”

“Under the exaggeration of evil, there are very few good ones that can persist. Because most humans are not only weak physically, but also weak spiritually.””The blade drawn by the weak tends to only point to the weaker. Good people will always be pointed at by guns because they are so bullied.”

“Such things are incorrect, but few people are willing to challenge such incorrectness.”

Lifting his eyes slightly, Xie Ming said calmly: “I can be a bystander, but I decided to follow my heart. So I published a post, analyzed and summarized.”

“Therefore, I also suffered from cyber violence.”


“It’s not just me, but the people who responded to me have also suffered from online violence. Some people even found their homes and designated their homes by fans who had been stunned.”

“In the end, I helped them solve these problems and taught them preventive measures. However, our group did reduce a lot of people at that time. Because they all have their own families and their own lives.”

“You can’t let them give up everything to support you, it’s unrealistic.”

“Just like me, I can stick to my own ideas on the premise of protecting myself and the people around me. There are really too few people who speak incorrectly.”

“This is the current state of the world. It has never been correct, and it has never been good.”

“But this is not a reason for us to give up.”

Xie Ming showed a slight smile, his voice gentle but firm.

“The more you are in the dark, the more attention the flames will be. Yes, it is true that this world is not beautiful, and humans will easily turn to evil and be controlled by the animal nature.”

“But, as long as each of us is as good as we can. Then can the world become a little better?”

“The ugliness of the world is not the reason for us to make it uglier. The selfishness of human nature is not the reason for us to be more selfish.”

“If you don’t do it, he doesn’t do it, no one does it. Then, what will happen in the future?”

“So, I did it. Unfortunately, I failed.”


The sporadic flames lit by Xie Ming did not illuminate the despair in the girl’s heart. The girl, the victim eventually became the perpetrator. Lost to the animal nature of man, the evil of man.

Looking at Lu Xiao Meijiu with her head down, Xie Ming said calmly: “So when I was disappointed on the first day, I was also reflecting on myself. But someone woke me up.”

“My disappointment is the disappointment that the fire has not ignited the darkness. It is the disappointment that, as an audience, the idol I like has become so degenerate. But these things are not the first thing.”

“The first thing is that I am a teacher and you are my student.”

“If for other people, I don’t have the obligation to save her time and time again, and she doesn’t long for redemption and is willing to fall, then why should I be boring?”

“But that’s not the case for teachers and students.”

“Students will make mistakes, they will make mistakes again and again. Teachers can be disappointed with students because of their mistakes. But they cannot completely abandon the student because of their mistakes.”

“If a student makes a mistake, let the student recognize his mistake, let the student know where he went wrong. Guide the student to repent and make the student better.”

“This is the correct relationship between students and teachers.”

“The teacher should not have too much hope for a certain student, nor should it affect the original responsibilities and obligations between the teacher and the student for other reasons.”

“So, I changed the way I educate you and decided to implement the education that only my former fan who supports Xiaodaiyuena to the end is eligible to educate the student named You Xiao Meijiu.”

Having said that, Xie Ming chuckled softly.

“It seems that I finally got it right this time.”

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