Chapter 1673

No one can be sure that what he is doing is correct, because there is no so-called ‘really correct’ in this world.

What Xie Ming has always tried to do is to make himself have a clear conscience.

But even so, he often makes mistakes. But fortunately, there are always people around him who can wake him up.

But there was none beside Xiao Meijiu.

What kind of relationship determines what kind of practice.

Like Otinus, you can directly scold Xie Ming to wake up Xie Ming. Like Tokisaki Kuangsan, Xie Ming found out from the reminder from the side.

And Xie Ming and You Xiao Meijiu’s relationship is a teacher and student. So what Xie Ming can do is to let Xiao Meijiu perceive and feel her mistakes through her own education, and then repent.

If Yu Xiao Meijiu has not noticed her mistake, then when Xie Ming leaves the Longdan Temple Women’s College, the relationship between the two is no longer a teacher and student, then she will no longer face Xie Ming. , But the teaching of life.

It would be more cruel and indifferent than Xie Ming’s teaching, because human beings are passionate, the world is merciless, and society is merciless.

“The teacher is very pleased that you can recognize your mistakes. So… it’s time to show you something.”

Lu Xiao Meijiu watched Xie Ming take out a laptop from a place where he had nothing, and after a few more operations, he pushed it in front of her.

That is a website, a forum website. This forum is a very famous website until now, so many netizens visit this forum.

Many netizens who understand Japanese come here not only in Japan, but even abroad.

And the post on this forum that was pinned by the administrator is a post two years ago. Yes, it was published a week after she disappeared.

“Xiao Dai Yue Nai”

Yes, this is the title of the post, a post that has been at the top of all posts after two years.


“Click in and take a look.”


Some shaking hands controlled the mouse and moved to the name of the post. Taking a deep breath, she lured Xiaomei into it at nine o’clock. However, what came into her eyes was a photo and a sentence.

The photo is her signed CD with only a dozen written words.

The words are made with special effects. All the time, there are petals of Sakura flower dancing before these words.

[We will wait forever. 】

This is the sentence written to her [For you, I will continue to sing forever! ]’S response.

The next is the content of the main story.

“Regardless of why you clicked on this post, whether you have read this post or not. But here, first of all, I want to thank you all.”

“Because at least everyone still thinks about this little girl who has been missing for a week, who is only fifteen years old and who should be still in middle school: Yudai Tsuno.”

“I would like to ask everyone to think about it. What were you doing when you were fifteen years old?”

“Presumably most of the people are still in a state of Wu You carefree. Tenten only wants to play and like boys and girls. If you work harder, maybe you will learn more.””Me and everyone are the same. Everyone is just ordinary people. Yes, Yudai Yuena is just like everyone. It’s just a normal person. What’s different from everyone is that Xiaodai Yuena is a little bit more willful than everyone.”

“Yes, this is a wayward girl. The wayward girl debuted as an idol singer when she was still in school, and conveyed her favorite music to everyone. Even if she was wayward, even if she had already been exposed in a short time A lot of negative news) and still insist on holding his own concert.”

“She actually knew what would happen to her if she had a concert now? However, she still held it willfully, and more than once.”

“As a result, of course it failed.”

“She strives to convey her inner thoughts to fans through singing, but fans have long been swallowed by rumors and dominated by negative emotions. In the most vicious words, insulting their favorite idols.”

“I didn’t listen to her excuses, no one believed her excuses. Why are you willing to believe the entertainment news that is full of lies, but you don’t want to believe the girl you like?”

“The reason is very simple, because people only believe in what they are willing to believe. Deep down in their hearts, while yearning for beautiful things, they are also jealous of beautiful things and want to destroy them.”

“Perhaps everyone’s anger at the beginning was because of the sense of betrayal that came from the depths of their hearts after learning about the scandal of Yudai.

“After having this preconceived view, everyone has a prejudice against her. Because the ink drops on the white paper are always so obvious.”

“At the end of the day, in fact, everyone doesn’t care whether Isayo Yuena did that kind of thing at all.

“Some people are watching the excitement, and it’s not too big a matter. Some people know in their hearts whether Xiaodaiyue Nai has done that kind of thing. The rest of them just want her to die.”

“In fact, if Yudai Yuena really proved herself, she didn’t do that kind of thing. But can that kind of proof be shown to everyone? If you show it to everyone, her future life will be ruined.”

“She is still a fifteen-year-old girl in the cardamom age, the most beautiful age in her life!”

“It’s been a week since Isahiro Tsutsuno. I believe I don’t need to say more about what the Japanese police do. It is very likely that she will never appear in our eyes again.”

“That’s why I will write this post, because I know that only at this time will everyone look at this post sensibly. Before, no matter how much I said, in everyone’s eyes, it might be just a night for the moon. A loyal fan of whitewashing.”

“In this information age, the sources of information we come into contact with are various. We are easily deceived by some information and induced by some public opinion.”

“Because the information we can see is all the information that others want us to see.”

“The tragedy has already happened, and Yudai Yuena has been unable to return. But I sincerely hope that through this incident, everyone will be able to look at similar things more rationally in the future.”

“What do we want? Is it the truth? Or is it the truth that we are willing to believe?”

“What we want to see is the existence of beautiful things? Or the destruction of beautiful things?”

“In fact, we killed a girl who likes to sing, and strangled our previous beauty with our own hands. Whether it is me who has been insisting on voicing for Yudai Tsuno and failed, or everyone.”

“We are all servants. We have taken away the girl’s dream and the girl’s [life].”

“How many innocent lives must we take through the keyboard in our hands before we can stop?”

“I don’t want to nourish malice with malice. So what I want to stay in the end is a little hope.”

“I look forward to seeing everyone here, after encountering similar things, they will have more sense and less malice.”

“Thank you guys.”

The following are some information that the post owner himself investigated. All information is available for verification. All the evidence shows one thing, Xiao Daiyue is innocent.

If Xiaodai Yuenai is still active, then these information will never be made public, because it concerns her personal privacy. But now, Yudai Tsusuna, who had been missing for a week, was actually dead in the police registration.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if these things are made public.

In response to the comments below, Zhao Xiao Meijiu can’t stand it anymore. The tears rolling in her eyes had already blurred her vision.

If…the first time I came back, I could see this post, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be like this.

But she was already afraid of these, even if she re-entered Xiao Meijiu to make her debut, she had never been on this forum that gave her despair and that touch of warmth.

Yes, Bai Meijiu is afraid.

She is no longer willing to trust other people, reject others, and refuse to hear and see other people’s comments.

People just need to be drunk in her voice and praise her all the time.

Until this fragile barrier was broken by Xie Ming.

“People’s malice is often easily guided out. However, people’s goodwill also needs to be guided.”

Xie Ming said softly: “It is easy to be a wicked person, but it is difficult and difficult to be a good person. Therefore, I never expect my student to be a good person.”

“Because this is something I can’t do by myself.”

“Only after experiencing the hellish temper, can you develop the power to create heaven; only with bloody fingers can the world’s extinct noise pop out.”

“This is what Tagore said.”

“Yu Xiao Meijiu, you have gone through hell. Your fingers have left enough blood. So, I hope you can create heaven, and I hope you can make a sound.”

“Can I…can look forward to you again? This time, it is no longer the expectations of fans for idols, but the expectations of teachers for students.”

“Can you do it? Entice Xiao Meijiu.”


Looking at Xie Ming’s extended hand, Xiao Meijiu slowly stood up. Grasping Xie Ming’s outstretched hand with both hands, he gently placed it on his head.

“Teacher, I will try my best.”


Touching the girl’s head gently, Xie Ming said softly: “Then first, you need to slowly make up for your mistakes.”





Enter Fraxinas, there was silence. Seeing Yu Xiao Meijiu whose expression had completely changed, they couldn’t say anything.

Latatosk is an organization that saves the elves. It is an organization called Wuhe Shidao to date the elves, and the elves are embarrassed to seal the power of the elves by kissing.

They believe that as long as the power of the elves is sealed, and then the elves can learn, then the elves can integrate into this society.

But what Xie Ming showed them was a completely different kind of salvation. It is the teacher who saves the students who have gone astray.

His salvation is not limited to the elf’s identity, but also saves the elf’s heart.

Let Shixiang no longer be wary of humans, let Shishina take the initiative to save others, let Kuangsan no longer harm others, and let Sister Bawu know how to worry about her surroundings.

This time, he even solved Meijiu’s heterophobia. Let Meijiu realize her mistakes, and even make Meijiu able to move forward again.

Latatosk is an organization that saves the elves, but their salvation is to seal the power of the elves. Why, seal the power of the elves?Because they don’t actually believe in elves, and they don’t think that elves with powerful power can integrate into human society.

How can a creature whose mood fluctuates slightly and cause large-scale harm be integrated into humans?

But Xie Ming told them that the elves can.

He taught the elves to restraint, taught the elves to tolerate, and taught the elves to forgive… He taught them the best things about mankind.

He is turning the elf into a human being, a person who knows how to protect himself in the world, but is not stingy to show his kindness to others.

He is making the elves more human-like than most people in the world.

“…Sure enough, the teacher is the teacher.”

An imperceptible arc formed at the corners of his mouth, and Qinli calmly said: “Put Yu Xiao Meijiu on the list of observations, and observe until the end of this month.”

“If she doesn’t use the power of the elves arbitrarily this month, she will be classified as safe, and she only needs to make routine observations.”


Upon hearing Qinli’s order, the crew replied in unison.

However, there is one thing Xie Ming forgot.

The principal assigned him the task of letting him go to the Longdan Temple as a spy and sabotage, so that Lai Chan High School won the victory in this Tianyang Festival.

As a result… he seems to have made his opponent stronger?

Judging from the look of Meijiu just now, she will definitely be able to sing unprecedented songs at the Tianyang Festival.


The action of packing things paused, and Xie Ming showed a wry smile.

“Well, there are still Shixiang, Kuangsan and others. Besides, the stage competition has lost the trial, and there is still a display department and a sales department.”

This means that Xie Ming doesn’t think anyone can beat the current Liao Xiao Meijiu in the stage competition.

Not only did she regain her original intention of having fun with music, but she also had stronger self-confidence and better wishes in her heart than before.

“Perhaps, the world singer will be born because of this?”

To be able to train a world singer from his own hands, thinking about it this way, Xie Ming feels that it is still very face-saving.

Besides, this kind of activity of Tianyang Festival is boring if you insist on winning or losing. You should have the correct understanding and attitude, and try your best to enjoy the Tianyang Festival.

Well, that’s right. Moreover, I just fulfilled my responsibility as a teacher. I didn’t do anything wrong, right?

Xie Ming persuaded himself in his heart, and then walked towards Laizhan High School in a relaxed manner.

A few days later, the Tianyang Festival was opened, and Longdan Temple Women’s College surpassed Lai Chan High School, which was ranked second, by an absolute vote difference. Lu Xiao Meijiu was dubbed the “future singer” after that day.

Singing to the future, singing to the beautiful singer. And Xie Ming suddenly became the ‘sinner’ of Lai Zen High School.

“I want to give this song to my teacher. Although he only taught me for two weeks, he taught me too much.”

Standing in the center of the stage, Mei Jiu, who had no spiritual fluctuations in her whole body, said softly: “All my gratitude and heart, and everything the teacher taught me, are integrated into this song.

“Please listen, I made this original song with all my strength.”

“Future (みく).”

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