Chapter 1674

“No, I don’t allow it.”

“Please explain, teacher.”

“…Kuang San, haven’t you explained to her?”

“How is it possible, teacher.”

Kuang Sanyi said with a grieved expression: “I explained to her that the shuttle time is a very dangerous thing. It is very likely that a carelessness will cause a very serious accident.”

“But what’s the point of saying it, Yuanyi-classmate, she doesn’t listen.”


Xie Ming rubbed his eyebrows and sighed deeply. One wave has not settled, another wave has risen. It didn’t take long for the Perfect Nine problem to be solved, and then my students had problems again.

“Yiyi, can you answer me a question first? How did you think of going back to the past with the power of Kuangsan?”

“I have investigated.”

Toiichi Origami calmly said: “According to past records, Shina Takamiya, one of DEM’s trump cards, has been chasing and killing the nightmare. But every time she kills her, she will behave like anything after a while. It didn’t happen to appear in society.”

“I analyzed her ability in AST, and finally defined her ability as a large number of clones.”

“But judging from the battle with the Westcott remnants, it’s obviously not the case.”

“Kekdi, this is the angel of the nightmare. After analyzing her fighting state and some past data, it is not difficult to infer the ability of the nightmare as time.”

“That’s why I tried to question her.”


Xie Ming looked at Kuangsan silently, he didn’t believe that Kuangsanhui was so simple that Yuanyi origami could induce an answer. Unless, she wanted to tell each other from the beginning.

But why?

To Xie Ming’s gaze, Kuang San’s reaction was a faint smile, his eyes beckoning Xie Ming. Following Kuangsan’s gesture, Xie Ming looked at the origami.

“I see.”

Seeing the girl’s eyes, Xie Ming reacted. Although there was still no expression on his face, the confusion and contradiction in those blue eyes could not be concealed at all.

Yuanyi Origami is a very real girl who is stubborn and a little troublesome. Only the words of a few people can slightly affect her in this period.

Although Xie Ming still doesn’t know why she became one of those few people, since she can listen to what she said, Xie Ming still wants to enlighten her as much as possible.

A well-known cross talker once said a very reasonable thing to persuade people to thunder and strike generously. This is indeed the case. Don’t persuade others to be kind to others without suffering.

If you don’t know what the other person has experienced, just persuade the other person to be kind, and then the other person will also persuade you to be kind. Or, a fist in return.

So Xie Ming wanted to enlighten origami not to get angry and let her find the truth.

Listen, origami is probably heard. But what happened five years ago, how can she find the truth now? How to resolve this hatred that has been burning in my heart for five full years?

She must find the elf who killed her parents in the first place, and she must take revenge!

That’s why she came up.

“…Student Yuiyi, do you want to go back in time and find the murderer who killed your parents?”

“Yes.” Yuanyi Origami stared at Xie Ming tightly: “The teacher said, let me find the truth. But five years have passed, and I even forgot the shape of the enemy.”

“If you want to find out the truth…it’s only me going back to five years ago to find the truth.”

“So, Tokazaki Kuzou, please help me.”

“Teacher, what should I do?”

Are you asking me?Angrily cast his eyes at Kuangsan, Xie Ming looked at Yuanyi origami waiting for his reply: “Yiyi, you want to go back in time, find the enemy who killed your parents, and prevent the death of your parents, right. ”

“But, this is changing the past, do you understand?”


“It is precisely because of those things in the past that you will have the current you and the you who meet us now. If the past is changed and the impact is minor, you will not meet us again. In serious cases…”

Xie Ming said solemnly: “You may see scenes that make you desperate.”

“…I don’t understand what the teacher said.” Yuichi Origami stood up abruptly, and her tone became a bit heavy because of her emotions: “The teacher said, let me find the truth.”

“I want to find the truth now, why doesn’t the teacher allow it?”

Because you are walking a tightrope, my dear student.

Xie Ming did not say this sentence. Because he could see that Yuichi origami at this time was like a drowning person, holding tightly the last straw she thought she would not let go.

Anyone who wants her to let go will be regarded as an enemy by her.

“So…. How do you stop it?” Xie Ming squinted his eyes: “Now you, can you defeat the elves who killed your parents? Can you stop the tragedy from happening?”


I couldn’t help reaching out into Kabuto and grasping the white gem inside. Yuichi origami said in a deep voice, “I can!”

“Toiichi, you…”

Feeling a wave of spiritual power, Xie Ming frowned. Just about to say something, a black-haired figure crossed Xie Ming and stood in front of him.

“Kiteichi origami.”

“Yedao God Shixiang.”

“You said, you already have the power to defeat the elves.” Shixiang’s expression at this moment became as Ling Ran as when they first met: “Then, just prove it to me.”

“Beat me, then you do what you want. But if you are defeated by me.”

Shixiang paused, and then said cruelly: “Then you should stop embarrassing Xie Ming!”


Embarrassment… Yes, I really embarrass people. Is it such a simple thing to go back in time? I understand very well that everyone here is not trying to stop themselves, but worrying about themselves.

However, it was this worry and this kindness that made myself lose direction gradually.

She found that she couldn’t hate the elf anymore. How can this be! ? How can I forget my parents’ hatred!

So…. Even if you want to live up to these kindness, you must be cruel!

“I see.”

Raising his head, Yuyi Origami’s eyes turned to Shixiang and his eyes became cold: “It just so happens that I wanted to do a break with you a long time ago, Yatogami Shixiang.”

“Teacher, please allow your permission.”

“Please, Xie Ming.”


Xie Ming wanted to say something, you guys are arbitrarily deciding something for me, and solve the matter with a hard hit on the heads of the two of them. But obviously, this is impossible.

The relationship between Toka and Origami is very complicated. Or it can be said that the two girls are each other’s enemies.

The two of them are not enemies, but they are rivals.

So…. Instead of forcing the situation to be suppressed, detonating the battle between the two in advance may be the right decision.

“ten spices……”

“Master of Origami….”


Squeezing his eyebrows, Xie Ming covered his eyes and said, “Take it, fight it, just do what you said. You are all like this, what else can I say?”

“The time is set for this Saturday. You two will go back and prepare by yourself. I will take you to the wild at 10 am on Saturday morning.”

“But there are a few things I want to say in advance.”

Xie Ming sat up straight and looked at the two girls calmly.

“This is a discussion, not a life-and-death battle. Therefore, no one can kill, and no one can kill the opponent, understand?”

“If anyone violates this rule, then just wait for my punishment.”

As for what the punishment is, seeing Xie Ming’s expression at this time, even Shishina, who has the most offensive personality, swallowed the words in his throat.

Although, the hand puppet speaks not with his throat but with his abdomen.

Hiss… I was so cold by making cold jokes.




Hearing this coquettish tone, the corners of Xie Ming’s eyes twitched a few times, resisting his urge to use his spatial ability to go home, ignoring the strange eyes of the surrounding students looking at him, and said calmly.

“Student Bai Xiao, is it troublesome to run to and from Zen High School every day?”

“Hmm! How many times have I said it, the teacher just calls me Meijiu!”

Mei Jiujin, who trot over, naturally took Xie Ming’s arm, but Xie Mingxiang took a step back and avoided it.


Oh my god, just the word “teacher” you turned me six tones, should you praise you as a singer?

Subconsciously rubbing his arm, Xie Ming said a little helplessly.

“Teacher Xiao, please respect yourself. I am a teacher and you are a student.”

“What does it matter?”

Meijiu said happily: “I’m already in the third year of high school, and I can graduate in half a year. At that time, I can live a life of affection and affection with my teacher every day.”

“The teacher is, why have to struggle with these six months.”

“…Student Bai Xiao, I should definitely reject you.” Xie Ming said solemnly: “I only treat you as a student, and I don’t treat you as a love object.”

“Also, I have someone I like.”

Although there is more than one, this kind of thing cannot be said. This has nothing to do with hypocrisy, who will spread his mistakes all day long.

That’s not honesty, it’s sickness.

Besides, if she talked about this with Meijiu, I’m afraid she would be even more excited.

“It’s ok.”

Meijiu smiled indifferently: “I will try my best to make the teacher change my view of me and become the first in the teacher’s heart!”

As for someone you like? That’s even more okay. Although because of Xie Ming’s teaching, Mei Jiu broke back a little, and no longer hated men. However, this does not mean that she will like men.

If you categorize Meijiu’s likes, you can describe it as two partially overlapping circles.

One circle is men, the other circle is women. The overlapping part is Xie Ming.

In other words, she still likes beautiful girls and has no feelings for men. But she values ​​Xie Ming more than beautiful girls.

If Xie Ming has someone to like, then she can accept both. As for whether Xie Ming’s target is accepted or not, Mei Jiu can only say that she is ready in her heart and will redouble her efforts.”Where is the burden of your idol? Are you not afraid of being caught in the flames again?”

“Don’t be afraid.” Mei Jiuyi’s face didn’t matter: “Teacher, you told me that you want me to be a person who influences everyone and enables everyone to become better and kinder.”

“In other words, the teacher wants me to convey the correct values.”

“So, what I do should be upright. I like a teacher, so I take action. If I don’t become an idol, I’ll be a singer. If I can’t be a singer, I’ll make a CD by myself.”

“Wash out fans who have fantasies about me that are beyond the limit. It is a good thing for me and for them.”

“Furthermore, who stipulates that idol singers can’t fall in love? Idol singers are also humans, and there will be people who like them, and they want to make them like themselves.”

Yes, everything I said is correct.

Meijiu in the period of Xiaodaiyuenai is too immature. Obviously he is a capable singer, but his personality is biased towards the fan’s dream, everyone’s girlfriend.

Therefore, when the scandal is slandered, there will be such a big counterattack.

The current Meijiu is undoubtedly too mature. I have a clear positioning of myself, I am a singer, and I like to sing. Whether you like it or not is your business.

“…Then, can you think about it for me?”

Feeling the envy and envy of the male students around him, Xie Ming sighed, “I am a teacher. I am a teacher who teaches students.”

“Huh? Ah~~~, that’s it, I understand.”

Seeing the expressions of the surrounding students, Mei Jiu seemed to realize something, and nodded while holding her chin.

“Then teacher, let’s go on a date on Saturday!”

You understand a bubble teapot. I am asking you to pay attention to the influence! And you are also a public figure, and every move has considerable influence.

Wait… It seems that Meijiu didn’t do anything wrong. After all, she really didn’t do anything extraordinary, just looking for herself after school every day, wanting to walk side by side with herself for a while.

“…… Not this Saturday, I have an appointment.”

“Which beautiful girl are you with? I don’t mind being together~”

“…Not to mention.”

After thinking about it carefully, Xie Ming walked towards his own direction: “It’s time to introduce you to everyone.”

“Everyone? Are all beautiful girls?”

“Yes, they are all beautiful girls.”

“Very good!”


“Don’t worry, teacher. I have agreed with you that I will no longer use my power at will. Teacher, you won’t even allow me to make more friends, right?”

“Don’t give me this set.”

Without even looking at Mei Jiu’s pretended aggrieved expression, Xie Ming said angrily: “Are you lie to me or yourself?”



Just as Xie Ming has been able to understand the temperament of the girls, the girls have already been aware of Xie Ming’s temperament a long time ago. In summary, it is to eat soft but not hard.

As long as you don’t make any principled mistakes, you smile with him hippies, or pitifully beg for mercy, he basically won’t mind.

Of course, you have to grasp this degree.

Appropriate naughty or willful, that is the choice to increase favorability. But once it gets too much, the opponent’s favorability will drop drastically.

Besides, Meijiu is not so silly and sweet, she can hear some of the meaning behind Xie Ming’s words.

It’s time to introduce you to everyone. They are all beautiful girls. These two sentences are enough for her to guess the identity of the girl Xie Ming introduced to her on Saturday.

“The other elves… I don’t know what kind of children they are~ If they are all cute children…”

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