Chapter 1675 Crown vs Throne


Seeing the two girls who are constantly intertwined, and feeling the constant whistling wind, Mei Jiu looked at Xie Ming in a mess, “Is this the teacher’s date?”

“I didn’t say it was a date.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “I just said that I have an appointment, but you understand it for the date.”

“It just so happens that you can also get to know everyone. You can also feel the real battle.”



Sishino, who was looking at the sky with worry, was startled by the sound, and hurriedly hid behind Xie Ming, and grabbed the hem of Xie Ming’s clothes with his right hand.

“Ok… so terrible…”

“Yes, even Shiina I think, Mijiu-san, you are terrible.”

“Oh…it’s too much, I just want to have a good relationship with everyone. Right, Yakushi, Yuxian.”

Two winds passed by again, and Ye Juzhi and Xixian also hid beside Xie Ming.

“Thanks…Xie Ming, what’s the matter with this woman?”

“Yes. Teacher Xie Ming, this woman is very dangerous. I hope that Teacher Xie Ming can eliminate the danger as soon as possible.”


Although I knew it, bringing Meijiu here would be such a result. But after seeing this scene, Xie Ming couldn’t help but want to complain.

You say that you are greedy for other people’s bodies, so you should do superficial work anyway.

“Okay, stop making trouble.”

When Xie Ming said so, everyone stopped. But after Mijiu’s uproar, Shishino’s worries are indeed much less.

Perhaps this is the purpose of Meijiu. Of course, if someone is slow to respond, I believe she will definitely not mind eating a beautiful girl’s tofu.

At this time, Yuichi Origami, the display device on his body is no longer ordinary equipment of the previous AST standard, but a CR-Unit with a huge external armor.

This is the experimental body of DEM stored in the AST warehouse. According to the registered information, the experimenter who tested this body was used for half an hour and became a useless person.

Because it puts too much load on the magician, the human brain simply cannot continue to perform such a huge amount of calculation.

In other words, this is a battle for which the time has already been decided. When time is up, Yuyi origami will immediately lose combat ability.

Yuichi Origami knew this too, so he was ready to put together everything he had in this limited time.

The huge barrels hung outside of both hands are madly outputting spiritual power shelling, but these beams are either directly split by Sandalphon in Shixiang’s hand, or they are deflected by spiritual power barriers.

The fighting space between the two was also restricted by Xie Ming’s use of a space barrier. In case the aftermath of the battle between the two of them caused too much damage, it was too eye-catching.

But to be honest, Xie Ming doesn’t think Yuanyi origami can be better than Shixiang.

First of all, although her current CR-Unit is already the strongest equipment she can acquire, there is still a big gap between the ‘Pendragon’ in Ellen’s body.

Although the operation technology of origami can be ranked in the forefront of the world, there is still a lot of gap between the overall strength and Ailian.

After all, one is a pure-blood magician and the other is an artificial magician.

So here comes the problem. Can Ailian, who wears “Pendragon” surpass the current Shixiang?

The answer is no.

Because Shixiang is in its heyday, the spiritual power channel established by Xie Ming and her can only absorb the uncontrollable spiritual power that she ran away.

Moreover, Shixiang was the first elf to receive Xie Ming’s combat training. She joined Xie Ming’s house in mid-April, and now it has entered October.How strong is Shixiang, who has been trained by Xie Ming for half a year? I am afraid that only Xie Ming knows about this.

In Xie Ming’s words, as long as there is not a desperate gap between him and his opponent, Shixiang can now break his wrist with the opponent.

So, although it is cruel to Yuichi Origami, she can’t defeat Shixiang.

Even…. She used that thing.

Naturally, Yuanyi Origami didn’t know Shixiang had been trained by Xie Ming, but even if she knew about it, she would not give up.

Shixiang had only received half a year of combat training, but she had tried the courage for five years.

Could it be that her five years’ time is no better than the other’s half a year?

Yes, compared to fighting techniques, origami is definitely better than Toka. There is no doubt about this. For half a year, Xie Ming couldn’t teach a strong skill.

Besides…. To put it bluntly, Shixiang is not a type of brain fighting. She fights, relying entirely on talent and instinct.

Therefore, the combat skills Xie Ming taught her were not techniques, but control.

Control over one’s spiritual power.

Shixiang’s biggest shortcoming is that the attack method is too single. In addition to slashing with Fierce Killing Lord, it is also a long-range spiritual slash.

To put it simply, Shixiang’s swordsmanship genre is Xia Ji Ba cut.

So, is Shixiang’s elven ability that simple? How can it be. The single attack represents Ultimate. It’s just that Shixiang sealed that powerful ability by herself.

Because she doesn’t want to really hurt others.

Sealing his strongest ability directly caused Shixiang to become the weakest elf in terms of ability. Well, that’s not right, the second-to-last elf.

If it is a civil war among the elves, Erya will always be the one who pulls it the most. Because her angel: Ratziel, doesn’t work for the elves.

And in terms of controlling spiritual power, Shixiang is also the last among the elves.

If you don’t learn to control your own power, Shixiang is likely to accidentally smash the school. She knows this problem herself, so she exercises with Xie Ming every morning.

Practice Suzhen with Xie Ming. Start to increase your spiritual power little by little, until you stop when your spiritual power is almost out of control, and then start.

Every time you slash, you must use your full strength to limit it. If you fail, you will punish yourself for eating less soy flour bread. For Shixiang, there is nothing more terrible than this punishment.

But even under such conditions, Shixiang persisted for half a year. (Mainly because Xie Ming would reward her with a soybean flour bread from time to time, otherwise she would run away early.)

And the result of the training is that her control of spiritual power can already rank among the best in the ranks of elves. Compared with other elves, the greater spiritual power has become her second advantage.


Seeing Shixiang easily slicing off the light beam that she fired with all her strength, feeling the pain that began to appear in her brain, Yuichi’s origami mood began to become unstable.

“Why do you want to stand in front of me, Yatogami Shixiang!”

“Because you are making trouble! Toiichi origami!”

After cutting through a shelling shot again, Shixiang rushed to the origami body under the drive of spiritual power, and slammed it into the random area of ​​the origami without mercy, and knocked it into the air.

“What do you know!?”

“Ah! Yeah! I don’t understand anything!”

There was a trace of anger in the crystal purple eyes, and the spiritual power suddenly increased. One hand directly slapped the origami shelling, and the other hand held the weapon to block the spiritual power lightsaber.

“But I still know one thing! Toiichi Origami, you are doing something wrong now!”

Wielding a huge sword, he turned around and cut open the pure white barrel, then his left hand clenched a fist and slammed into the random area, and then again received the fierce stab.

“I don’t know who my parents are! But I understand why you care about it so much! Because if someone hurts Xie Ming, I will also be so angry that I can’t control myself!”

“However, Xie Ming taught me! No matter how angry you are, you can’t hurt people who care about yourself!”

“And Yuiichi Origami, what you are doing now is hurting people who care about you!”

“Who cares about me!? What qualifications do you have to care about me!?”

“Because I treat you as a friend!!”


“Although you are arrogant, poisonous, and unpleasant, you don’t know what you are thinking all day long. But you are my classmate! I want to be friends with you!!!”


There was a momentary pause, allowing the origami to take Shixiang a heavy split firmly. Although CR-Unit strengthened the random area in time, she was still embedded in the ground by this one.


Origami couldn’t help but cough up a mouthful of blood due to the vibration and the load.


A trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, Shixiang slowly fell to the ground: “Yuanyi origami, don’t hit it again.”

“I…. I really don’t want to fight with you.”


I…do not even want to fight with you, the god of night swords is ten incense.

But, without fighting and searching for the truth, what can I do? What is the meaning of my life in this world? What have been my past five years?

What was the vow that he made when he looked at the sea of ​​flames and the fragments of his parents’ bodies? What is the raging anger and hatred in my heart?

Yeah, I know very well. Whether it is you or other people, you are all good people, all kind people. Now that the space shock problem has been solved, you can live on Wu You carefree in this world.

But what about me?

What should I do? How should I live?

“I…the only way to survive.”

Without dissolving the hatred in my heart and finding the truth of the year, I can’t spend my student life with you and look to the future!

CR-Unit’s random field generator malfunctioned, a barrel was destroyed, and the load was at its limit. On the other hand, there was no injury on his body and almost no loss of physical strength.

The defeat seems to have been set. However, the teacher did not stop.

It’s also…. That’s the teacher, how could he not notice that thing?

Teacher… I definitely don’t want to use this myself. However, I must find myself and find the truth.

“I’m sorry, teacher.”

He took out the white jewel in Kabuto and pressed it to his chest. In the next moment, the gems melted into his body like water.

At that moment, Yuichi Origami seemed to hear the sneer of some existence.

“Toiichi Origami! You!!”

Ah… Ah ah ah…

Power is changing one’s whole body, the source of all the power of the human body, the heart is changing, the blood vessels are changing, the new blood is swallowing, weeding out the old and weak human blood.

Under the impact of power, his consciousness has been in a trance. But only a little bit of origami knows that he is changing.

I am becoming inhuman. Become… the existence I have ever hated the most.

The holy light illuminates the battlefield white. And what came out of the light source was the bride.

The white tutu skirt is as beautiful as a blooming flower, and the silver silky hair and the golden crown floating on the head reflect each other. Connected under the crown is a snow-white veil of light.

Driven by spiritual power, his body gently levitated above the ground. The slightly drooping eyes seemed to slowly emit light particles.

Angel in a wedding dress.Kiteichi origami.


Everyone was amazed and surprised at the changes in origami. Because that majestic breath is exactly the same thing as the power in their bodies, the spiritual power of the elves.

Although Xie Ming and them both explained that they were originally human beings, it was only because under certain circumstances they were turned into elves by the culprit Siyuan Elves.

However, understanding belongs to understanding, and there is bound to be more or less doubtful in my heart.

But now, everyone no longer doubts.

Because living examples are right in front of them.

“Toiichi… origami…”

Uncontrollably squeezed Fiisha’s father tightly, Shixiang’s voice sounded a little sad. However, his eyes became firmer.

Oneself, must stop her.

“Yedao God Shixiang.”

Oneself, must defeat her.

Origami raised his head slightly, stretched his right hand to the sky, and whispered.

“Extinction Angel (Methratton).”

As if from the sun high above the blue sky, several beams of light came to Origami’s side in an instant. It was a feather-like slender object, a bit like a floating cannon in the world of Gundam.

But the floating artillery can never be so delicate and gorgeous. Each feather is engraved with mysterious lines, glittering with gold.

The feathers are automatically encircled in a circle, suspended on the origami crown-shaped veil, forming a larger crown.

“Yadao God Shixiang, do you remember the story that the teacher once told?”


“The hero who killed the dragon became a new dragon because he was soaked in dragon blood.” Origami said calmly, “If you only become an elf, you can defeat the elf.”

“Then I won’t be a human being.”


Shixiang was silent, slowly raising the weapon in his hand, pointing his sword at his opponent.

Under the control of the spirit, the crown on the head began to rotate, and Origami said faintly: “Now, start the real battle.”


The feathers that originally formed the crown were spread out flat under the command, forming a hollow golden ring. During the rotation, countless light particles sprinkled wildly on Shixiang’s body along with the centrifugal force.

Shixiang’s response method is to stamp his heel.


The golden throne emerged from the ground in an instant, blocking Shixiang’s front. The next moment, the washing-like light particle bombardment drowned Shixiang in the fire.

But this monstrous flame was divided into two by spiritual strength and sword aura in the next moment. The black-haired girl exploded at the origami like an arrow from the string, and the sharp point of her sword was accurately pierced in the middle of the golden ring.


The bursts of spiritual power burst out, and a local scraping treatment was done for the earth.

“It’s not over yet!”

His right foot stomped heavily on the generated spiritual barrier, and both hands held the hilt of the sword and swung it upwards forcefully. Originally, Shixiang wanted to use this change to provoke the defense of origami.

However, there is no touch of the target in the attack at all.

“Extinction Angel·Tianyi (Mal’akh).”

An indifferent voice came from behind Shixiang. Only had time to make a sword-bearing movement, and all the spiritual light beams from Feather hit Shixiang’s back.

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