Chapter 1676 The Twelve Bullets (Yud·Bet)


With a cry of pain, Shixiang flew out with blue smoke all over her body. But in this situation, she encountered Xie Ming many times when she practiced against each other.

The arm swung vigorously to kill the father, regaining a little balance by the weight of the giant sword. At the same time, several spiritual barriers were quickly formed as a foothold, and Shixiang finally succeeded in regaining control of the body.

But what awaited her was a beam of light covering the entire sky.

“Extinction Angel Kadour.”

Each slender floating soldier’s ‘feather’ was split into smaller floating guns at this time, although its power was weakened. But instead, there is a barrage that is almost impossible to avoid.


Taking a deep breath, Shixiang’s eyes changed slightly.

If said before, she still had the idea of ​​making origami give up through communication. So now she has given up this innocence.

Because Xie Ming has been teaching them. Kindness should be placed behind protecting oneself.

There may be a day when you have to spare your life to protect important people, but it is obvious now, not at that time.

Although it has been said in advance, this is a battle of learning style. But there is no doubt that the other party is really moving, and he will defeat himself even if he becomes an elf.

Then… I have to respond to her.

This is the etiquette on the battlefield, and it is also a respect for Toiichi Origami.

The eyes became brighter because of the mobilization of the whole body’s spiritual power, and the gems on the hilt of the fierce killer’s sword exploded with incomparably shining light at this moment. After clenching his hands and lifting it high, he cut it down as if he was going to exhaust all his strength.



After being able to master one’s own spiritual power, he can naturally condense it and shoot it out. This is the most wasteful, extravagant, and crudest way of using spiritual power.

But again, it is also the most suitable for Shixiang and the most suitable method of use for the situation at this time.

The violent torrent of spiritual power directly swallowed the spiritual beam from the small floating cannon, and hit the origami with irresistible power. And Origami never thought that the other party would use such a rude way to crack his own attack.

However, compared to the beam she fired, Shixiang’s psychic cannon was obviously a bit slower.

“Extinction Angel Skywing.”

The floating cannon formed a pair of golden wings behind the origami, and quickly left the attack range of the light cannon with the girl’s body. At the same time, several beams of light were shot from the end of the wings, turning around the cannon in the air, and shooting towards Shixiang.

But Origami obviously hadn’t thought about why Shixiang would use the sword as the carrier to shoot out his spiritual power.

“Ha ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

Blue veins burst out of the arms under the spiritual suit, with the momentum of cutting the entire sky, Shixiang roared and swung to kill the father. Now it is not so much that Shixiang fired the light cannon, it is better to say that Shixiang used spiritual power to extend the sword of Fierce Killer.


The spiritual interference produced by the overly powerful light cannon made Origami unable to play the full speed of the’Tianyi’. The burning sensation behind it is constantly approaching.

Being swallowed by that thing, then he will never have any fighting ability anymore.

Thinking of this incident, Origami’s eyes also burst out with a bright light that was not lost to Shixiang. The next moment, the origami body turned into countless light particles and disappeared into Shixiang’s sight.


The pupils suddenly shrank into needles, cancelling the output of the light cannon’s spiritual power, Shixiang shouted loudly.


The golden throne that had just been left on the ground broke through the air and came behind the master in the blink of an eye. This judgment is wise.

Because the place where the origami appears is just above her back. The golden wings were once again scattered into a salvo of dozens of floating cannons.


“Boom boom boom boom boom…”

The throne blocked most of the attacks, but there were still a few attacks that surpassed the throne’s protection, and even the ten incense spiritual outfit, penetrated her body.Right arm, flanks, shoulders, palms…

The beautiful spiritual outfit like the Valkyrie on the battlefield was dyed blood.

“ten spices!”

Seeing Shixiang injured, all the girls watching the game exclaimed. Sishino even pulled at Xie Ming’s hem: “Brother Xie Ming…let Shixiang and the others…stop it.”



“If you ask them to stop now, it won’t do any good for Shixiang or Yuyi.”

Gently rubbing Shinono’s head, Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Sometimes, mental torment is more tormented than physical pain.”

“how come….”

Shishino showed an expression that was about to cry, and once again looked at Toka who clenched his teeth.

“You and I are really natural enemies…touichi origami.”

Continuously swinging his sword to cut away the beam, Shixiang whispered in his heart: “I fighting at close range, and you shooting at long range.”

“But this time I won’t lose.”

“Because I can’t lose.”

Can’t let you go further and further on the wrong road.


I completely ignored the bombardment of origami, concentrated on the barriers of spiritual power to protect his key parts, and let the light beam penetrate the other parts. Shixiang, slowly raised the giant sword in his hand.

“Sandalphon, the last sword (Halvanhelev).”

The throne was turned into countless fragments under the order, one by one, it was attached to the high-heavy Lord Fierce Killer, and it was continuously assembled towards the sky.

A huge sword that was more than ten meters tall was held by Shixiang with one hand.

This is Shixiang’s killer, the ultimate move of the angel sandalphon, the last sword.

Shixiang clearly realized that he would only lose if he continued like this. Because her compatibility with origami is really bad, the law of gun speed seven meters away also applies to the battle between elves.

If the only weakness of origami is that her angel can’t use both modes at the same time. But Shixiang had nothing to do with this weakness.

It’s not that she has no way to get origami, but that she can’t think of any way. She is stupid, Shixiang admits this.

She was unable to accurately analyze the opponent’s combat mode during the battle, thereby deriving the opponent’s weakness. Therefore, she can only use her own method, the most clumsy method to achieve victory.

Therefore, this is the only way she can win.

“The God of Night Sword… Shixiang…”

The small floating guns were regrouped into elongated ‘feathers’, and the feathers were rearranged into the shape of a crown. Now, it should be more appropriate to make it a muzzle.

“Extinction Angel.”

The crown swung down his arm and hovered in front of the origami body. Just as Shixiang’s spiritual power was concentrated on the sword at this time, the spiritual power of origami was also concentrated in the center of the hollow crown.

“Sandalphon, the last sword (Halvanhelev)!!”

“Extinction Angel ((Methratton), Artelif)!!!”


“Ha ah ah ah ah!!!”

Facing the ruinous flames gushing out of the crown, Shixiang’s eyes were not afraid at all, and they greeted him head-on. The last sword, which was more than ten meters long, became the split line of the light cannon.

First, then again. The speed of swinging is getting faster and faster, and the injuries on his body are getting more and more serious. However, Shixiang saw the dawn of victory.

Because of the last sword’s slash, it was about to completely break through the origami crown bombardment. Only difference….

“final hit!!!”


The light cannon was completely cut open, and the crown was split into two. However, there is no fluctuation in the eyes of origami.

Because the crown was not cut open by Shixiang, but it was separated by itself. Following the master’s consciousness, regroup into wings behind the back.

Shixiang tried his best to slash and failed.

“Extinction Angel Skywing.”

The light particles recombined into an origami body, with a ‘feather’ close to the back of Shixiang’s head, and Yuichi’s origami expression was extremely indifferent.

“You lost, the god of night swords ten incense.”


There was almost no spiritual power left, and the blade of the last sword slowly decomposed, and the fragments smashed to the ground. Shixiang lowered her eyes and bit her lips tightly.

Yes, she lost.

If Xie Ming were to evaluate this battle, it would be the overwhelming tactical victory of origami.

Although Shixiang’s full burst of spiritual power frightened her, Origami quickly analyzed the shortcomings of such a battle, and expected Shixiang’s next action.

So she followed the opponent’s will, set a trap in the confrontation that decided the final outcome, and won.

“Zafkiel, Dalet.”

The pistol fired a bullet at Shixiang and Origami respectively, and their injuries began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. But only the injury was recovered, and the consumed spiritual power did not recover at the same time.

In Kuangsan’s words, it’s ‘this is all the wool stalked from the teacher, you have to use it sparingly’.


Eyes were staring at Xie Ming tightly. Although Origami tried to keep calm, the unconcealable anxiety in her voice revealed her true emotions.

“I won.”


“According to the agreement, you want Tokisaki Kakuzo to send me back to the past.”


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming sighed deeply. No way, the promised thing must be done.

“Kuang San, please explain to her.”

“Yes, teacher~”

After blinking his eyes, Kuangsan smiled sweetly: “Yuanyi classmate, my Zafkiel, Yud·Bet can indeed send you to the past.”

“However, the farther away the past is from the present, the greater the amount of spiritual power or time required. Similarly, the shorter the time that will allow you to stay in the past.”

“If it was delivered five years ago, yes… it would take me to eat a hundred humans.”

“Spiritual power, by me…”

“Swallow it from me.”

Xie Ming interrupted the origami and said lightly.


“This is a reward for the winner. Naturally, I, the arbitrator, should give it out.” Xie Ming said calmly, “Kuang San, you continue.”


Blinking at Xie Ming, Kuang San continued to laugh and said, “Also, the Twelve Bullets cannot accurately determine when you come back. Although you will not be sent back as soon as you go, the time given to you should not be too long. .”

“no problem.”

Origami said without hesitation: “This does not affect.”

“the last point.”

Stretching out a finger, Kuang San’s smile disappeared: “No one knows what impact the Twelve Bullets will have on the past and on the world. I have never used this ability before, so everything is unknown.”

“Even me, the understanding of the twelve bullets is only based on feelings.””As the teacher said before, it is a very stupid thing to change the past. You save one person, and you may make thousands of people the price of your salvation.”

“If you are just looking for the truth, then it doesn’t matter. But if you are going to change the past and want to save your parents…”

Kuang San shrugged: “Then, I can only wish you good luck.”

“Okay, the explanation ends here. Teacher~”

Floating to Xie Ming’s side like a butterfly, Kuang San lightly licked his lower lip, and said in a very seductive voice: “I want to… start, move, slightly~”

“leave me alone.”

Xie Ming mercilessly pushed away Kuang San’s head that was close to his ear: “Speak well.”

“But, the closer you are to the teacher, the more efficient the City of Eclipse?”

“I don’t lack that energy, and make a draft before you talk nonsense.”

“Really, teacher, you have a wooden fish head.”

“Kuang San, don’t I mind here?” Mei Jiu on the side approached, and said excitedly: “I can be close to Kuang San you, or negative…”

“Okay, it’s time to start.”

Can’t help but glance at Meijiu, Kuangsan gently tapped the toes. The shadow behind him expanded rapidly, eroding where Xie Ming was. The next moment, the energy in Xie Ming’s body surged crazily under his deliberate indulgence.

The spiritual power used by the elves is extremely high energy, and the energy conversion ratio of Xie Ming is surprisingly 3:1.

In other words, only three points of energy can be transformed into one point of spiritual power. His full value of 300 energy can only be converted into 100 spiritual power.

Even the most stretched Erya, the spiritual power contained in his body is higher than him.

However, because of the analysis of the structure of the city of eclipse, Xie Ming also used his space ability to make himself a copycat version, which can only store some items and energy.

But this is enough for Xie Ming.

Usually he will save a little energy in this ‘cottage city’ if he has anything to do, and with the existence of this ‘little vault’, Kuang San will not suck him up all at once.

“Thanks for the hospitality~”

After absorbing enough spiritual energy, Kuang San smiled slightly, and the huge golden clock appeared behind her under the cries.

The hour and minute hands slowly rotate on the dial, and finally overlap to point to ‘ⅩⅡ’.

“Zafkiel, Yud·Bet!”

The spiritual power turned into tangible lightning, splashing around the clock and Kuangsan, and the hands of the clock made a ‘click, click’ sound, as if rusty.

The dark energy floated from the clock and penetrated into the barrel of the expensive old rifle.

If you observe carefully, you can see that Kuang San’s left hand holding the rifle is shaking. The bullets transformed into spiritual power seemed to be violently running away in the gun’s chamber.

“So, Yuiichi classmate.”

Kuangsan smiled: “I wish you a smooth journey.”


The pitch-black bullet hit Origami’s chest, digging a large pitch-black hole in her chest. Then, the origami body began to twist in the direction of the bullet’s rotation, and was sucked into the big hole.


“Xie Ming…. I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay, Shixiang.”

Rubbing Shixiang’s head gently, Xie Ming said softly, “This is probably something that cannot be avoided.”

In any case, if Yuichi Origami wants to overcome the magic barrier in his heart, he must pass this level.

But what will happen on earth?

Xie Ming is also not clear.

But he understands one thing very well, the past of this world has long been distorted.

Now, under his plan to return to the past with the help of Kuang San’s power in the future.

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