Chapter 1677

Looking at the blank pages in front of him, Xie Ming rubbed his brows.

Today is October 13th. There are only two days left before Halloween. Also, the twentieth day when origami disappeared.


According to Kuangsan, the Twelve Bullets can only make people go back to the past briefly. It is impossible to stay for twenty days in the past.

And the world line has not been corrected.

Because if the world is corrected due to past changes, Xie Ming, who also has the ability to time and possesses the Wrath of Sparta, will definitely notice it.

The world has not changed in any way, and the origami has not returned.

Then there are only a few possibilities left.

But no matter what it is, it is by no means good news for Xie Ming.

“Hey! Brother!”

The door was pushed open, and Er Ya said in dissatisfaction: “When do you want to use my power! It feels uncomfortable that this kind of spiritual power is constantly being drawn away!”

“Ah, sorry.”

Waving his hand to make Ratziel disappear, Xie Ming smiled helplessly: “I was thinking about something, but I accidentally forgot.”


Closing the door easily, Er Ya leaped onto Xie Ming’s bed and messed up the folded quilt and the flat sheets: “Didn’t I tell you? The confession can’t be read with you. Any past related.”

“Just try it.”

Xie Ming sighed: “See if you can find some loopholes.”

“How is it possible?” Erya flipped through Byakugan: “The ability of 嗫記文帙 is omniscient. There is only one thing that cannot be retrieved before you appear.”

“Siyuan Elf’Phantom’.”

“But the ‘Phantom’ is just that it’s impossible to find out its true identity. But after you appear, all things related to you become unknown.”

“Even the past, which should have been, has a lot of blanks that cannot be searched. That’s why I will call you’Mr. Savior’.”

Er Ya sat up and said seriously, “Brother, you should understand what kind of ability is to slap a message. And Master has been with it for so many years, and I know a lot of things.”

“I was once desperate for humans, and until now I don’t like humans. But because I believe in my brother, I am willing to believe in the humans my man you believe in again.”

“Besides, Yuanyi Origami is the student you taught me, isn’t it?”

“Be more confident with your students!” Er Ya patted Xie Ming’s shoulder vigorously: “And if you care so much, then what should Shixiang do?”


Another reason Xie Ming cares so much about the origami situation is the recent instability of Shixiang. With Shixiang’s character, I am afraid that most of the responsibility for the disappearance of origami lies with him.

If you work harder, if you can beat origami… then, origami will not be missing…

Shixiang’s heart now should be full of this kind of thought. The emotional instability was directly caused, and she flocked to Xie Ming’s side with more and more spiritual power.

Although Xie Ming talked to Shixiang alone about this matter, there was not much use. But Origami’s life and death are uncertain now, no matter how much Xie Ming comforts her, the words are still weak.

Weak comfort can’t do anything.

Therefore, Xie Ming thought of 嗫告pianyu. See if you can piece together the status of origami by searching some corners and corners.

Unfortunately, his ideas fell through.

Rubbing Erya’s head, Xie Ming said with a smile: “Since none of the methods I can think of has been used, there is only one method left.”

“I, take a trip too.”


“no!””Can not!”


“Teacher, I don’t allow it.”

Except for Toka who bowed his head in silence, Kazuki who was watching a show, and Erya who had expressed his opinions a long time ago, Shiitono, Yakiya, Yuxian, and Mikyu all voted negatively.

To be honest, Xie Ming was a little surprised.


Xie Ming asked a little puzzled: “I also have the ability to take a trip, is the safest way now?”

“Teacher Xie Ming.” Ye Juya said with some anger, “Er Ya has told us about your physical condition a long time ago. The injuries we suffered when we first landed on earth have not been okay now, right?”

“You who haven’t fully recovered from your injuries, what will happen if you use your abilities forcibly?”

“Um… the injury is more important?”

Xie Ming said uncertainly.


Ye Juzhi stared at Xie Ming speechlessly, and then pushed the sister next to him: “Xixian, you also say a few words.”


Xi Xian lowered her eyes slightly, her eyelashes trembling slightly, as she felt at this time: “Master of Origami is Xi Xian’s important teacher. However, Teacher Xie Ming is an important teacher to everyone.”

“Although Xi Xian is very worried about the origami master, she can’t let Master Xie Ming step into danger because of the origami master.”

“Hmm, that’s the truth.”

Shiina still shook her head and shook her head as usual, but there was a lot more seriousness in her voice: “Shiina I have the same idea.”

“To put it hard, we will be sad if we lose Yuanyi Origami. But if we lose you, Brother Xie Ming… we will go crazy.”

“Brother Xie Ming…” Shishino raised his head, and his beautiful clear blue eyes looked at Xie Ming intently: “Brother Xie Ming, do you want to abandon Shishino, and everyone?”

“that is!”

Meijiu put her arms around her breasts, making the eye-catching plump pair of her breasts more eye-catching: “Teacher, are you going to leave us? Then what about my wedding with my teacher in half a year?”

“No, where’s the wedding?” Xie Ming couldn’t help but complain: “Don’t make decisions about my marriage without authorization, okay?”

“That’s it.”

Not surprisingly, Ye Juzhi was instantly biased by Meijiu: “Teacher Xie Ming is the common property of me and Xixian! I will get married with us in a year and a half!”

“Ah, that’s it. Then Ya Juya, it doesn’t matter if you add me? The four of us get married together?”

“No! If you marry you, Wuhe Xixian will be very dangerous!”

“Hey, it’s off topic.”

Clapped his hands, Xie Ming touched the uneasy Shiiono’s head, and looked at Kuangsan: “Kuangsan, what do you think?”

“Huh? It’s me.”

Some unfinished mad blinked three times: “I obey the majority.”

Hey, you just want to continue watching the show, right?

Xie Ming said helplessly: “No matter what, I have to talk about the situation you feel there first.”

“Still no change?”

“Yes, there is no change at all.” Kuangsan shrugged: “The Twelve Bullets are the ability to send the target back to the past, but what I play is just the process of’sending’, just like a bullet out of the chamber. .”

“Student Yuanyi’launched’ to the past, and the spiritual power contained in the bullet allowed her to stay in the past. After the spiritual power is exhausted, she will automatically return. This is the entire process of the twelve bullets.”

“I am a ‘gun’ and Yuiichi is a ‘bullet’.”

Speaking of this, Kuang San was a bit wronged: “The bullet can’t come back, how can the gun know the reason.”

“All right.”

Finally, Xie Ming looked at Shixiang who had been silent: “Shixiang?”

“…Am I very useless, Xie Ming.”

Shixiang slowly raised her head, her amethyst-like eyes gleaming at this time: “Not only did she fail to prevent Yuanyi from making origami, which led to her disappearance. Now I also worry about Xie Ming.”


Xie Ming sat next to Shixiang with a wry smile, and gently stroked her head: “Why do you think that? It’s not the same thing at all, okay.”


“ten spices.”

Squeezing Shixiang’s face, Xie Ming said seriously: “First of all, you have to recognize one thing clearly.”

“Yiyi-student went back in time. This is her own choice. And you want to stop her because of her consideration. This is undoubtedly a good thing.”

“And in this world, there has never been a reason to blame the person who wants to do a good thing for not doing a good thing.”

“There has never been a reason to hold the person who wants to do good deeds responsible because they have not done good deeds.”

“Shixiang, you didn’t make any mistakes.”

“I understand that now you are very regretful and feel that you are very powerless and you can’t do anything. This is normal, no matter who it is, there will be times when you feel weak.”

“Me too.”

“Xie Ming also has…”

“Yes, I did.” Xie Ming said softly, “Because of my weakness, I killed my teacher and let my friends die because of me.”

“I also killed my friend’s father because of my weakness.”

“I have experienced many similar things. I am afraid that I will experience many more in the future.”

“However, I am very clear. If I indulge in this self-pity feeling, then I will lose more.”

“Shixiang, you have been trapped in your own world these past few days. You should have not noticed. Friends in the class are very worried when they look at your eyes.”


Shixiang’s body trembled slightly, and his head lowered.

“We are all human beings, and everything we cherish is sand.”

Xie Ming stretched out his hand and grabbed it in front of him: “The things we can hold in our hands are limited.”

“The tighter you grasp the sand, the more it will leak out. But as long as you control your strength, although some sand will still flow out, you will catch more sand instead.”

“Every pain is a growth for us. I am growing, Shixiang you are also growing, and everyone is growing.”

“The difference is that I am an adult and you are children. I am a teacher and you are students.”

“If the child fails to do a good job, the adult will do it. The student takes the wrong path, and the teacher is responsible for pulling it back. This is the teacher, the adult, and it is my responsibility.”

Looking up at the others, Xie Ming said seriously.

“I fully understand what everyone is worried about. I also know that if I go to Yuanyi, I will be irresponsible to everyone.”

“But…has everyone thought about one thing?”

“If I don’t look for Yuanyi classmate now. Then in the future, if one of the people present is missing, I will probably not look for her either.”

“Because I chose multiple people, not just one person.”

“This is incorrect. Life should not be measured by quantity.”

“So, I have to take a trip. Because this matter is no longer just a matter of Yuyi-student alone, but a matter of all of us.”

“And… I believe in you.”

Xie Ming smiled gently: “You all have grown up during this period of time, enough to make me grow proudly.””It is because I have seen everyone’s growth that I want to take a trip. Because now you have learned what a team is and what a family is.”

“You already have the ability for a person to live in this society.”

“This is a very happy thing.”

“It’s better to say that during the time I’m leaving, I still want to ask everyone to help.”

“If another elves show up, but I haven’t come back. I hope everyone can help the elves and save the elves like I did to you.”

“If that elf knows nothing, I hope everyone can teach her a lot of common sense and how to live in this world.”

“If that elf has been malicious by the world, I hope everyone can tell her that although this world is bad, it is not so bad that it is hopelessly bad. This world also has many good things and many good things.”

“This is my homework for everyone. I don’t know, are you confident that you can complete it?”


The girls glanced at each other, and they all saw the anxiety in each other’s eyes.

In their hearts, Xie Ming is an indestructible fortress. Even if he is not by his side, as long as he is there, he will feel very at ease.

Because they knew in their hearts that he was behind them all the time, protecting them.

But now, the fortress wants them to face the world by themselves.

The girls know that this will happen sooner or later. Xie Ming has never concealed it, he is to let them be independent and teach their ideas. But…. I still feel uneasy and afraid.

If it is not necessary, who will leave the home that makes him feel at ease?

“Xie Ming…”

Shixiang raised his head and asked softly, “Xie Ming, you will be back, right?”


“You really came back, right?”


“You really, don’t make origami like Yuyi, disappear without saying a word, right?”


Xie Ming said softly: “I assure you that I will be back.”

“Moreover, I will bring back Yiyi classmates with me.”

“I see.”

Wiping the tears dry, Shixiang patted her chest: “I will work hard! So Xie Ming, you must be sure, you must come back!”


“Since I have said so…”



“Brother.” Erya glanced at everyone, and then everyone said in unison: “We will wait for you to come back.”

“Ah, I will definitely be back.”

Xie Ming smiled with satisfaction, and finally looked at Kuangsan: “Kuangsan, don’t you have anything to say?”


Kuangsan thought for a while, then smiled charmingly. All of a sudden, he narrowed the distance between himself and Xie Ming, and said softly.

“Teacher, don’t forget, the covenant between us?”

“If you really don’t come back, can I have you all…whole, part, eat, eat, or eat?”

“You really have your style.” Xie Ming raised an eyebrow and smiled: “Then, in order to prevent you from succeeding, I must crawl back to fulfill the covenant.”

“Then everybody, my beloved students. Teacher, I will just go over.”

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