Chapter 1678 Reincarnation

This time, Xie Ming’s air ticket to the past was shared by the girls. Although the twelve bullets need to consume a lot of spiritual power, it seems a little trivial to share it with each elves.

And being hit by the twelve bullets is also a rather novel experience. Similar to what Kuangsan described, Xie Ming felt like he was flying out with bullets.

If it’s someone else, I’m afraid they will only go back to the past after a brief period of dizziness. But Xie Ming is different. With the ability of time, he can carefully feel what happened to him in this ‘short-lived dizziness’.

Time is an extremely mysterious thing that cannot be accurately described by words. It can only be noticed, not in words. And the existence of Master’s time ability is rare in the entire thousands of planes.

People with time ability cannot communicate, cannot communicate, and can only try to develop their own abilities based on their own imagination. After all, the skill of using time ability is not universal.

There is no time ability person who is stupid enough to spread his own time ability at will. Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime. Needless to say, it is still pregnant with time that may not be available for one out of tens of millions of people.

Therefore, it is a precious experience for Xie Ming to experience the process of other time abilities. He can learn Kuang San’s understanding and application of this ability from it, and then transform it into his own knowledge.

Like Xie Ming’s time and space control, he directly manipulates space and time. Essentially very powerful, because this ability can basically do everything.

But in fact, it needs Xie Ming to develop, practice and then fix the method. It’s equivalent to randomly drawing what you like on a piece of white paper.

The angels of Kuangsan drew a clear form on white paper. Each table stipulates specific content. All she can use is these specific contents.

The ability to use under the form is simple and clear, but it is very limited. But Xie Ming’s blank paper has more possibilities.

The only limit to Xie Ming is his imagination.

Although he is currently unable to use this ability casually because of his physical injury. But there is still an understanding and perception of time. Therefore, Xie Ming finally decided to take a trip by himself.

Yuyi Origami, who was sent back to the past by the Twelve Bullets, has not returned. The key to Xie Ming’s view is not the spiritual power of Kuangsan, but the ‘process’ between the round trips.

Either it was five years ago, or it was in the ‘round trip’ journey.

But no matter where the hand is moved, only one thing is certain. The hands-on existence also possesses the ability of time. Otherwise, it is impossible for the other party to prevent origami from going back to the future.

In this way, most of the answers can be eliminated.

Because of the ability of time, there are only these few people in this world.

Then exclude Xie Ming, the past Kuangsan, and the impossible “phantom”. No matter how outrageous the remaining answer is, it is also the only correct answer.

It’s just that… the prisoner has already been identified, and the places where the crime was committed have been reduced to three. So, what about the criminal motive?

Why did the other party do this? What is the reason?

No, even all the major premises, why the other party appeared, is a very strange thing to Xie Ming. If you want to bring Yuanyi origami back, Xie Ming must first figure out the reason.

“Why do you appear…”

“Because I have been waiting for you, teacher.”

A gentle voice rang gently in Xie Ming’s ear. There was no malice in the words, but Xie Ming’s cold hair was erected, and the Red Dragon Emperor’s state was subconsciously activated.

However, this is already useless.

Because of Xie Ming, he has entered the other side’s domain.

“Teacher….. eden welcomes you.”

This was the last word Xie Ming heard before he fell into a coma.


“Teacher~ It’s time to get up.”


Opening his confused eyes, the sun lightly spilled on the girl next to the bed through the gap in the curtain. The braided bright pink shoulder-length short hair brings a touch of warmth to this morning.

“Oh…Rin you (mi), good morning.”

“good morning teacher.”


Sitting up and scratching his messy hair, Xie Ming yawned, “Isn’t it enough to call my brother at home?”

“Huh? Is it okay?”

Rin You froze for a moment: “May I call the teacher brother?””What’s wrong?” Xie Ming asked strangely: “Didn’t you always call me like that when you were a kid? But in school, you still want to call me a teacher.”

“Then… Brother?”

“very good.”

Rubbing your shy head, Xie Ming smiled and said, “Really, how come you little Nizi grows up and gets shyer.”

“Is it true that the Women’s Growth Conference is becoming more and more disgusted with the news of her brother?”

“What’s the news?”


Xie Ming sorted out the language: “According to the exact information, my sister seems to be divided into three periods. Loli period, middle school period and high school period.”

“In Loli period, it was my brother’s little tail, chasing after my brother sweetly all day and calling his brother sweetly.”

“When I was in middle school, I started to stay away from my favorite brother. If my brother asks a little bit more, I will find my brother annoying.”

“By the time I was in high school, I was completely disgusted. It seems that in my sister’s eyes, my brother has become a cockroach at home, and I feel sick when I get closer.”

“…Brother.” Rinne said helplessly: “Where did you hear the’exact news’?”

“Well…Where did you hear it?”

After thinking about it, Xie Ming gave up altogether: “Forgot.”

“Brother, you are really…”

Shaking his head helplessly, Lin You waved his hand to Xie Ming: “Hurry up and change your clothes, wash and eat.”


Xie Ming replied lazily and walked to the closet. But when I saw myself in the mirror, I was stunned.

Myself…. How did you become so lazy?

What about morning exercises every morning?

Morning exercise? What is the morning exercise?

Swordsmanship itself has been abandoned for several years?

Subconsciously glanced at the shadow under his feet, Xie Ming blinked, then looked towards the corner of the room. There, several bamboo swords were placed together.

“…… or, pick it up again?”

“Brother! What are you doing!? If you don’t wash, you will be late for school, oh?”

“Here is it!”

Looking at the clock on the wall, Xie Ming put the inexplicable thought behind him and put on a suit.


“What’s wrong?”

“Do not…”

Rin You smiled: “I can’t get tired of how you look at the appearance of your brother in a suit.”

“Right?” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “Are you obsessed with brother?”

“Yes~ I have long been hooked.”


Stuck, Xie Ming shook his head helplessly: “I almost forgot, this trick doesn’t work for you.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha….”

Rin you covered your mouth and smiled: “Brother, you don’t want to think about how many years we have lived together. Brother, I have already known some of your habits.”

“For example, when my brother is shy, he will often deliberately say something bold to make the other person shy.”

“No, just don’t give an example about this kind of thing, okay.”

Xie Ming covered his face and said, “Save your brother some face.”

“Yes, yes…” Rinne said perfunctorily: “If you don’t eat anymore, you will be late.”


Looking at the girl sitting across from him, Xie Ming couldn’t help but sigh. That chubby little girl has become so slim.

The charm that exudes from time to time, even the brother who watched her grow up was a little moved.

He also didn’t understand why the Yuanshen family next door would plant his own cabbage in his pigpen with such confidence. Do they really believe that they will not offer this cabbage, or do they believe that cabbage has the means to defend itself?

If it were the former, Xie Ming felt insulted. If it is the latter, then Xie Ming feels that he has been insulted even more.

At any rate, he was also the one who had taken the Jade Dragon Banner and was exempted to pass it on. Although I became a teacher and didn’t become a policeman, many people were surprised.

But there is no way.

The lovely sister looked at herself with tears and said that she didn’t want her brother to do dangerous things anymore, do she have other choices?


Go again?

Have you done anything dangerous?

The most dangerous one in my impression was the guy in the Yulongqi final. As if he had superpowers, no matter how his own attacks attacked his flaws, he could react in time to resist them.

But in the end, he fainted with a bloody nose. After that…it seems to have never heard from him.

“elder brother?”


“elder brother!”


Xie Ming raised his head and asked in a daze, “What’s the matter?”

“I still want to ask my brother?” Rin you looked at Xie Ming worriedly: “Is your brother uncomfortable today? If you feel uncomfortable, please ask for leave from school.”

“It’s not that it’s not that.”

Xie Ming waved his hand: “I just remembered something.”

“Remembered… something?”


Without noticing Rin You, whose expression became a little dangerous, Xie Ming bowed his head and rolled the pasta on the plate: “Suddenly thinking of his opponent in the Yulongqi final, that guy is very strange to be honest.”

“Ah, this thing.”

Rin You laughed: “It’s been so many years, brother, do you remember. No matter how strange the other party is, you still defeated him, brother.”


After a few seconds of silence, Xie Ming raised his head: “Rin you, I want to discuss something with you?”

“whats the matter?”

“I want to pick up Kendo again.”


“Because after I missed the morning exercises, I always felt that I was too decadent.” Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Obviously, as your head teacher, you are taken care of by you everywhere at home.”

“Let you wake me up, let you cook three meals for me, and wash my clothes… I always feel that I have not fulfilled my responsibility as a brother and a teacher.”

“Whether it is your brother or a teacher, I have to set an example first.”

“What does this have to do with the morning practice of kendo?”

“The relationship is still pretty big.”

Xie Ming subconsciously rubbed his thumb, as if he was stroking the back of a long knife: “Swordsman trains the heart, and also trains people. Only when you work hard can you drive others, right?”

“And… If you are in danger one day, I must have enough strength to protect you.”

“Protection is the main purpose of my kendo practice.””………”

Rin you lowered your head and went silent for a few seconds: “But, I don’t want to see your brother get hurt, and I don’t want to see your brother you are in danger.”

“It’s better for me to be hurt than you are hurt.”

“…..Then it’s up to you.”

“Rin you?”

Seeing Rin Ni who picked up his bowls and chopsticks and returned to the kitchen, then angrily picked up the schoolbag from his position and was about to leave, Xie Ming stood up and held her helplessly.

“Brother, please let me go.”

“If you don’t leave, I’ll let go.”


“Rin you.” Xie Ming said helplessly: “We are family, no matter what happens, we need to communicate well. Hasn’t it been this way all the time?”

“At the beginning, because Rin you were not in good health, I used the time of kendo training to take care of you. But now, Rin you have gone to high school, have grown up, and can take care of yourself.”

“Kendo, after all, is something I have insisted on for so many years. I…”


Me what?

I have insisted on kendo for so many years…No, it’s not kendo, but swordsmanship, right?

Who did I learn the art of swordsmanship with? Who is my teacher? Who gave me the exemption? Who is qualified to give me permission to pass it all?

My sword skills…. Obviously my own…


At this moment, Rinne raised her head, and her light brown eyes turned into intense pink that was almost red. The braided short hair seemed to extend to the legs.

The uniform of Zen High School on her body seemed to be transformed into a purple dress at this moment. Rin Your temperament has changed from a gentle high school girl to a noble empress.

Or, the Pope?


Feeling the danger approaching, Xie Ming subconsciously wanted to draw a weapon from somewhere to resist. However, it took a moment. Although the body reacted urgently, it escaped a red spear.

But the other white and black spears, as well as the sharp branches protruding from the soles of the feet, easily penetrated Xie Ming’s body.



With a soft and white hand gently supporting Xie Ming’s cheek, the girl named Yuanshen Rinyou showed an expression like she was about to cry.

“Why… why do you have to face the danger?”


“Teacher, you are special. Even if I try my best, you can only do this. As the number of times increases, you will find more and more abnormalities, teacher.”

“So… come to the game, teacher.”

“Did you first realize the truth of the evil paradise, or I first create a paradise (eden) that has no loopholes and can make the teacher you want to live forever.”

“This time, it’s still a tie.”

“But next time, I want to win…I will win.”

Looking at Xie Ming, whose eyes were completely gloomy, a drop of tears dripped from the girl’s cheek. Then, the whole world began to shatter and seemed to be destroyed by this tear, and then reorganized.


“Teacher, it’s time to get up.”


Xie Ming opened his fuzzy eyes, and the girl’s gentle smile entered his sight.

“Teacher, it’s time for morning exercise?”

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