Chapter 1679


Taking a long breath, Xie Ming laid the heavier bamboo sword in his hand horizontally on the ground.

“Brother, it’s hard work.”

“Oh, thanks, Rin you.”

Taking the towel from the girl, Xie Ming wiped his sweat and said, “Actually, you don’t need Tenten to accompany me in the morning exercises.”

“Do not….”

Rin You smiled slightly: “I like to stay with my brother.”

“Really…” Xie Ming touched your head dozingly, and exclaimed: “In a blink of an eye, the little girl from the beginning became so beautiful.”

“It’s just the same as before, I like to stick to my brother.”

“Don’t brother like me sticking?”

“Hmm…” Xie Ming entangled: “From the perspective of a parent, I would rather Rin you have a little bit of your own life than spend a lot of time on me.”

“But from a selfish point of view, if Rin you leave your brother and go around some stinky kid, it’s actually quite irritating.”

“Brother is really a contradiction.”

“It should be said that human beings are such contradictory creatures.”

“So, which one would my brother choose?”

“My words… Although I will be a little bit reluctant, I still hope Rin you to live out of yourself. Even if you want to revolve around some stinky boy. But that is also Rin you choose, the blade you like, isn’t it? ”

“But the person I choose now is my brother.”


Hearing such a straight shot, Xie Ming scratched his face, then smiled and rubbed the girl’s hair: “If you still don’t change your mind after graduating from university, then your brother will take you directly abroad to find uncles and aunts.”

“…Why wait until college graduation?”

Rin said softly, “As long as my brother thinks, I can respond to your wishes now.”

“That won’t work.”


“Because I am an elderly person.”

Xie Ming shrugged and said, “If I were the same age as Rin you, or only one year and two years older than Rin you, I would definitely chase you without hesitation.”

“But now, Rin you are still a student, but I have entered society. So I must fulfill my responsibility as an elderly person and as Rin you parent.”

“The responsibility of the parent is not to catch the child and not let go, but to let the child grow up correctly and healthily, and let the child find his own sky.”

“So how can I deprive you of your possibility at this time?”


“Okay, okay, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it, you will understand later.” Xie Ming smiled and walked into the room: “I’ll take a shower and change clothes. You can also prepare for it.”


Looking at Xie Ming’s leaving figure, Rin Your expression became a little uncertain: “Teacher…Did you perceive something? Or…you are the kind of person…”


The refreshing feeling of hot water from head to feet made Xie Ming exhale a long breath. Then, he lowered his head. The bangs soaked in water blocked some gloomy eyes.

“Really…. What the hell is going on with me?”

Round God Rin, is the younger sister I have seen since I was a child. I remember the memories of living with her very clearly.

After accidentally falling, he held back his tears. Knowing that I was afraid I was going back to China with my parents, I was holding onto my clothes and crying unwilling to let go.

And the beautiful smile that I showed after seeing my return home…

Why would I doubt the authenticity of those memories? Why do you feel that Rin you standing in front of you is so strange? Why do you think that your feelings for Rin are so false…

“…”Turning on the switch, Xie Ming pulled out the bath towel from the shelf next to him, pressing his doubts to the bottom of his heart.

It is estimated that I have seen something, and thus have been affected. Just think about it in your heart, but don’t let Rin you see it.

Otherwise… it hurts her heart so much.


“Good morning, teacher Uranus Temple, good morning, Yuanshen~”

“Good morning.”

“Good morning~”

We greeted the students in the sports department who got up in the morning, and Xie Ming and Rin Ni walked side by side to Lai Zen High School.

At this point, there are still more than 40 minutes before the morning reading. Students who are not sports clubs should have just gotten up, and most teachers are probably still asleep.

After all, it is enough for a few teachers to take a stroll in the morning reading time. How can it be possible to ask each teacher to visit his class? Not even the head teacher is so diligent.

Things like Xie Ming are already rare among the rare.



Hearing the girl’s yawn, a smile appeared on Xie Ming’s face: “I have said it, there is no need to let myself cooperate with my routine.”

“Don’t worry, brother.”

Rinne smiled and said, “If I’m sleepy, I will take a break in the class.”

“If you are sleepy, come to the office.”

“is it okay?”

“There is no one at this point.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “Sleeping in the office is always like sleeping in the classroom. I’m watching you by the side, so you don’t have to worry about oversleeping.”

“Then…. I’ll ask my brother then. But I have already planned it for today.”

With that, Rin you took out a book from the bag you were carrying: “I plan to read this novel that someone recommended to me before I read it in the morning.”


After blinking his eyes, Xie Ming looked at Rin you strangely: “In the morning, you read novels with suspense themes?”

“Because I’m very interested.” Rinne said softly, touching the name on the cover of the novel with his finger, “Moreover, this name touches me deeply.”

“It’s a deep feeling?”

Looking at the cover of the book again, Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, and he didn’t say anything more.

After all, he just finished talking this morning and wants you to find something that interests you to do. Although the interest in reading suspense novels this morning is a bit strange, it is always good to read more books to enrich the knowledge.

It’s just that the sense of disharmony that lingers in my heart, but no matter what, it will not go away. Instead, as time goes by, it becomes thicker and thicker.

Accompanying a student on the way to work always feels a bit wrong.


After all, my sister accompanies her to school, no matter how you look at it, there is no problem. One goes to work and the other goes to school. The place is still the same, so why can’t we go together.

There is no need to avoid suspicion… avoid suspicion…

Several vague figures suddenly flashed through his mind. But when I tried to think about it, those figures couldn’t become clear. At this moment, several heat currents in the body began to fill the figure.

Sharp blades, piercing ice, rotating clocks, howling winds, moving singing…

“Teacher, you are really a difficult person.”


Before he could react, his body was penetrated by dozens of branches. Life is passing quickly from the wound. But what is incredible is that countless memories of being sealed have spewed out.


“Teacher.” Under the pale pink veil, the girl’s pink eyes looked sadly at Xie Ming: “It’s another draw. But this time, I improved.”


“Let’s start our next game.”

The world began to shatter.



Sitting in his seat, Xie Ming exhaled a long breath.

Obviously, it was just a normal morning, an ordinary work and attendance. I don’t know why, he would have a feeling of “It’s not easy”.

“Work and work.”

Throwing the miscellaneous thoughts behind him, Xie Ming began to correct the test papers that were not completed yesterday.

I believe that the students who helped the teacher to change the test paper have such experience. Generally speaking, the teacher will first select the students with good grades and correct his test papers first.

Then use the test paper of this good student as the standard to modify the test papers of other students.

Of course Xie Ming did the same, and the sample test paper he took was naturally the girl.

“Toiichi Origami…..”

Muttering the name, Xie Ming frowned slightly.

The test paper is still as tidy as usual, and the font is still beautiful and elegant. All the answers are impeccably written.

But don’t know why, seeing this name, he felt that he had forgotten something. I forgot some things related to Yuichi origami.




Hearing this familiar sound without any ups and downs, Xie Ming was in a daze and looked at the door of the office. There, the snow-like girl was looking at herself calmly.

But Xie Ming found that the girl seemed to be in a trance. Xie Ming had just seen the look of thinking of something but not remembering it in the mirror this morning.

Just like myself.


“Well, what’s the matter? Yuiichi classmate.”


Hearing the words ‘Yiyi’s classmate’ and I don’t know why, Origami’s eyes instantly turned red. Like a child who has suffered a lot of grievances, he finally found someone to talk to.

“What’s wrong?”

Although it felt a little inexplicable, Xie Ming walked over and bent slightly and asked softly, “Did something happen?”

“No, I don’t…it’s strange.”

Wiping off the tears that slid down, the origami voice became a little hoarse: “It should be a woman who wants to be a teacher too much, so I’m too excited.”

“…I’m sorry, Yuiichi, you say it again.”

Xie Ming rubbed his temple vigorously and confirmed: “What did you just say?”

“Because the teacher didn’t want to be responsible after turning me into a woman, I was so sad.” Origami said blankly.

“Obviously, the length and content are different from what I just said.”

The corners of his eyes twitched a few times, and Xie Ming sighed: “But I understand that you have nothing to do now.”

“It’s fine to make such a joke with me alone, but don’t say this in public. If everyone believes it is true, you won’t see me tomorrow.”

“It’s ok.”

Origami calmly said: “I will be responsible for raising the teacher.”

“How do you raise me as an adult as a high school student, don’t talk nonsense.”

“It’s okay, I…have part-time, regular, part-time jobs that make a lot of money.”

“A regular part-time job that makes a lot of money?” Xie Ming’s mouth twitched: “Would you like to introduce this part-time job to me, I want to do it too.”

“Everyone is a girl.””Well, they are all girls. They make a lot of money and they are still formal.”

It’s not that Xie Ming wants to be crooked. The problem is part-time jobs that fit these three statements. Tell me what else is there.

“Teacher H.”

As if seeing what Xie Ming was thinking, Origami said calmly.

Xie Ming said that he was tired and didn’t want to say anything anymore.

“What are you doing in the office so early?”

“Come and help the teacher to change the paper.” Origami walked to Xie Ming’s desk by himself, moved his paper and a stack of papers to a nearby location, and then began to work.


The students took the initiative to help, I believe that no teacher is unhappy. Xie Ming, of course, will be no exception.

Originally, he planned to prepare for the lesson he was going to teach today after he finished editing the papers. The time calculation was almost just right. The help of origami gave him some rest time.

For a while, there was only the sound of ‘Shusha’ writing in the office.

But it didn’t take long for Xie Ming to feel something was wrong.

The sound of writing next to him suddenly disappeared, and when he turned his head subconsciously, he was shocked instantly.


Angrily, Xie Ming cursed, “Yuanyi! Can you tell me if you have done a good job!? Don’t stare at people so intently! It’s scary, OK!”


Dragging his chin and staring at Xie Ming’s origami, apologized unapologetically: “Looking at the teacher’s face, I can’t help but look fascinated.”

“Thank you for bringing me confidence!”

Xie Ming is very self-aware about the fact that he looks average.

“Well, now that the changes are over, you can go back to the class to study early.”

If other students were to help, Xie Ming would definitely let her take a break and bring her some snacks in the drawer. But Yuichi origami, that’s fine.

This student belongs to the skinless and faceless type who puts his nose on his face and starts a dyeing workshop for one-third of the color. Although using these words to describe a female student, she is still a pretty good-looking female student, which is a bit too much.

But no matter what, she is indeed such a hooligan.

Xie Ming really didn’t know what point she was fancying about herself.


“What’s wrong?”

“Teacher you… No, it’s okay.”

As if thinking of something, Origami chose to give up after thinking about it for a few seconds: “Then teacher, I’m back to class.”


Watching the origami leave, Xie Ming fell into silence looking at the corrected test paper.

I don’t know why, but he felt that what he wanted to say just now was the doubt in his heart.

On the class roster, he didn’t have any familiarity with the other names except for the familiar Touichi Origami.

At home, he felt that Rin should not be alone.

There should be more talents.

as well as…..

Xie Ming stared at his shadow, stretched out his hand, and made a motion of drawing a knife.

Of course, nothing happened.

“Really, what am I doing.”

Laughing stupidly by his behavior, Xie Ming shook his head and continued to start today’s course preparation.

Outside the door, the girl also closed her faint pink eyes and walked towards the classroom. The purple noble papal uniform became the school uniform of Lai Zen High School.

The pink hair on the legs also turned into countless stars, embellishing the corridors like a dream.

Congratulations to Xie Ming, you can finally go to work.

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