Chapter 168

“I hope in this, you don’t call me that name, Uranus Temple-kun.” Xuxiang Nobuchi walked slowly, the moment he stepped into the cage, the whole cage was shattered, Xie Ming and Ya The two of Sina plunged into a dark place.

The only light is a white circle on the floor, and the center of the white circle has a black circle, like a black hole.

“Here, please call me the Fairy King, Oberon!”

At the same time when this black hole appeared, both Xie Ming and Asuna were subjected to a tremendous amount of pressure at the same time. Asuna was immediately overwhelmed by the pressure and fell to the ground, making it difficult to reach out. On the other hand, Xie Ming bent his knees slightly, lowered his center of gravity, and barely stood up.

“Hey, I can still stand~” Nobuyuki Xuxiang looked at Xie Ming with interest, “This is gravity magic with 5 times the gravity, so how about that.”

As he squeezed his palm, the light of the white circle on the sole of his foot flickered, and then more pressure was applied to the two of them.

“Tsk!” There were a few drops of sweat on Xie Ming’s face, and his knees began to tremble, but he still stood firmly in front of Asuna, looking at Xuxiang indifferently.

Xuxiang looked at this scene and couldn’t help but clap his hands: “Ah~ you deserve to be the hero of SAO, you can still stand under the gravity magic of 10 times the gravity, but… how about this! “Said Xie Ming with a kick.

“Trash, is that strength?” Xie Ming had no reaction at all after Xuxiang’s kick. He looked at Xuxiang calmly, like a clown.

This sentence directly choked Xu Xiang’s face and shook his hands fiercely, and the gravity magic on the ground doubled again.

“!” Xie Ming’s face sank, and he plunged the sword into the ground, grasping the handle of the knife with both hands, and the blue veins on his head seemed to burst out.

Xu Xiang kept kicking Xie Ming with his feet, and mockingly said: “Go on! Keep talking! Look at how embarrassing you are now!? Ah!?”

“Ha~ha~ha~” After breathing for a long time, Xuxiang gasped heavily, and looked at Xie Ming, who was unmoved by how he mocked or abused him, and laughed anxiously.

“Okay, very spine, Uranus Temple-kun, or do you want me to call you Edmund-kun? How did you come up?”

Xie Ming slowly straightened his back, his expression still calm, but his eyes revealed his disdain for him unabashedly. However, he silently said to Yui, “Yui, has the recording function of NEVRvGear been turned on?”

“Well, Dad. But are you really okay?”

“It’s okay. The mosquito stings me. Remember to keep it hidden and continue recording, and immediately let Asuna offline after finding the control platform.”

“….I see.”

Xuxiang Nobuchi looked at Xie Ming who was disdainful. He didn’t know what he thought of, sighed, and then smiled wickedly: “Forget it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t say it, but then just ask your brain directly.”

“Here!” Xie Ming heard this and knew that Yu’er had finally taken the bait. Why doesn’t he resist? Not because there is no resistance, but because Xuxiang Nobuyuki exposed himself to his sins. Only in this way can we truly avoid future troubles.

In the original book, after Xuxiang Nobuchi was arrested, he refused to admit his crimes alive and well. It was not until a researcher in his institute reported his evil deeds that he was completely arrested.

As a prudent person, Xie Ming will never place his hopes on others. That’s why there is such a bitter trick. Take advantage of Xuxiang Nobuyuki’s conceited weakness to let him speak out his crimes in person. If the person witnessed Asuna, and the physical evidence video was complete, he would be dead.

But now, he still needs to figure out what he said.

“Brain? What are you talking about? What have you done to the 300 players?” Xie Ming’s pupils shrank and he glared at Xuxiang.

“Of course it is to control your brain! Hahahaha!!!” Xuxiang saw that Xie Ming, who had been keeping calm, was finally shocked and couldn’t help feeling extremely satisfied. “It is precisely because of the 300 originals. I have completed 75% of the basic research on SAO players’ selfless devotion, thinking, and memory manipulation technology!”

“Zeng Jin, the miracle that no one can do, manipulating human souls, will soon be completed in my hands!” With a fanatical smile, Xuxiang shouted loudly, “Thanks to the imaginary world! Hahahaha Ha ha!!!”

“Everything you do will never be forgiven!” Asuna said, lying on the ground, glaring at Xuxiang.

“Huh? Who doesn’t forgive? You? Or a god?” Xuxiang approached slowly, laughing wildly: “In this world, I am a god! After completing this research, I will also become the master of the real world! I am! , The one chosen by the heavens!”

“…Forget it, I’m afraid I will laugh if I continue to talk.” Xie Ming muttered to himself, covering his face. Then he looked at Xuxiang Nobuyuki with pity in his eyes.

“You…what’s that look?” When Xu Xiangzheng was intoxicated in his own wisdom, he suddenly saw Xie Ming’s gaze, his face suddenly returned to calm, tilted his head and looked at Xie Ming and asked.

Xie Ming clapped his hands gently: “Awesome, awesome. I have nothing to say about your plan, it’s…it’s a brain-dead to the extreme.”

“Really? Yes, a fool can never understand a genius, let alone a god. However, because of your rudeness to God, I will enjoy Asuna in front of you, and then I will go to her ward Here, do the same thing. And you, hate your inability right here.”

“…I obviously intend to spare your life, why do you have to die…” Xie Ming lowered his head, and calm words came out slowly. When he raised his head again, his dark pupils turned purple.

“System command, the level of the pain absorbing device is changed from 10 to 0.” Nobuyuki Xuxiang looked at Xie Ming mockingly, and continued: “System command, summoning item ID: Sword in the Stone”

Pain absorption system is to reduce the pain felt by players for injury. Changing from 10 to 0 means that the damage received in the game will be maximized as pain and given to the player.

The sword in the stone is a legendary weapon in ALO, and it can be described as one of the strongest one-handed swords.

A yellow data stream appeared in front of Xu Xiang, and the sword in the stone slowly appeared in front of him. Xu Xiang grabbed the sword in the stone and slashed at Xie Ming’s head fiercely. He wanted to split this person’s hateful face in half!

“Ming!” Asuna shouted in horror behind her back.

Just when the sword in the stone was about to strike Xie Ming, Xie Ming stretched out his left hand and grabbed the blade directly.

At this time, a fierce flame appeared on Xie Ming’s body, and his purple pupils were rendered blood purple.

Rage of Sparta, ‘crazy’ mode, open!

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