Chapter 169

The data flow like blood flowed down Xie Ming’s arm. Xie Ming’s palm was cut by a sharp blade. It stands to reason that ten fingers connected to the heart. Such pain is unbearable, but his face did not change a bit, and his blood-purple pupils stared at Xuxiang.

“Go to die! Go to die!!! Go to die!!!” Xuxiang Nobuchi saw this unexpected scene, and became even more hysterical. He firmly grasped the hilt of the sword in the stone with both hands and pressed it down vigorously.

Xie Ming looked at him without much nonsense, and his spare right hand directly hit Xuxiang’s ugly face.


“It hurts! It hurts! My face! It hurts!!” The beaten Xuxiang covered his left face with his hands, his tears, nasal mucus and saliva mixed on his face, and he kept rolling on the ground like a clown.

Yes, a clown who wants to become a god, but doesn’t know his essence. This is Xuxiang Nobuchi, a sad and hateful scum.

“Why! Why can you still move!!” Xu Xiang, who stubbornly covered his left face, cried and cried on the ground, with deep hatred and incomprehension in his tone.

Xie Ming walked over slowly, and his right foot quickly stepped out twice, directly crushing the two thigh bones of Xuxiang.

“Ahhhhh!!!” A shrill cry came from Xuxiang’s mouth, and the sad clown was like an earthworm, twisting his body desperately on the ground.

However, Xie Ming, who personally caused all this, didn’t have any fluctuations in his heart, and his eyes were still so calm. Bend down and grabbed the shoulder-length golden hair of the Oberon character in Xuxiang, and lifted it up fiercely, as if he had just caught a fish.

“You said… Do you want to enjoy Asuna?” A calm word came, and Xie Ming directly tore off Xuxiang’s right arm.

Another scream resounded through this space, making people feel creepy.

Xie Ming said lightly: “I ask, you answer, understand?”

Xuxiang didn’t reply, his eyes were dizzy.

Xie Ming frowned slightly, grabbed his long ear with his right hand, and then slowly pulled it apart.

“It hurts! It hurts! I say! I say!!”

“What did you do to Asuna during this time?”

“Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Forgive me, please forgive me!”

“It’s a lie~” Xie Ming looked at Xuxiang calmly, and then put his right hand hard.

“Ah!! My ear hurts, it hurts! Mom! Save me!!” The blood-like data stream continuously flowed from the base of the ear, and the long ear on the right of Xuxiang was thrown on the ground by Xie Ming and turned blue. Colored fragments.

“Now, can you tell me?”

“I really didn’t do anything!! Because I like to see Asuna’s expression that hates me but shows me nothing! So I have always been just playing tricks on her!! Nothing else!!!”

Xie Ming stared at Xuxiang’s eyes, observing his subtle changes, to see if he was lying. However, it is a pity that he did not lie.

After a moment of silence, Xie Ming slammed him to the ground, raised his foot and crushed his head severely. Then he walked to Asuna, trying to touch her, but he didn’t dare to touch her.

I don’t know when, the gravity magic on the ground has disappeared, and Asuna is looking at Xie Ming complicatedly. Seeing Xie Ming’s cautiousness, Asuna felt a sudden heartache. She stretched out her hands and squeezed Xie Ming’s hand that Xie Ming wanted to stretch out, but with a slight shrinkage, pulling him to her chest.

“…Don’t you think I’m terrifying and cruel?” Xie Ming was silent for a moment and asked softly.

“It’s a bit horrible and cruel.” Asuna’s face was a little pale, but she still showed a soft smile at Xie Ming, “But, I knew this as early as the beginning.”


Asuna held Xie Ming’s face, “Ming, I like you, so I will accept everything about you. I know that everything just now was because Xuxiang said such disgusting words, so you couldn’t control it. Live by yourself. Without a girl, I would be afraid of boys who are cruel to the enemy in order to protect themselves~”

“…I know, I won’t do it again. I assure you, Asuna.” Xie Ming closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the darkness was restored, he solemnly Said to Asuna.

The words of Xu Xiangshenzhi just now really ignited Xie Ming’s anger. As a controller, he has completely let go of his control of anger. He just wants to kill Xuxiang in the cruelest way he can think of. Although reining from the cliff finally controlled his emotions, it also gave Asuna a lot of fright.

His actions have caused harm to the people he vowed to protect. This is where Xie Ming can’t forgive himself. This is the first and last time.

“Yui Yi, have you found the control platform?”

“No, Dad. But someone gave me an administrator account, the account name is Heathcliff.” Yui said complicatedly.

“…Kayaba Akihiko? You will come back after leaving Asuna out of the game.”

“…Dad, don’t be like this in the future, it’s really scary.” After Yui said this timidly, she cut off the communication with Xie Ming’s consciousness.

Xie Ming stiffened slightly, and then sighed silently in his heart. This time, it really hurt them deeply.

Perceiving the stiffness of Xie Ming’s body, Asuna put Xie Ming in her arms and gently stroked Xie Ming’s black hair: “It’s okay, I don’t care, I believe Yui won’t care. After all, we Isn’t it a family?”

“Ah, yeah. I’m sorry. Let’s see in reality, Yui can already let you offline, I will see you.” Xie Ming raised his head and looked at Asuna’s gentle expression on his own. The expression seems to be softer.

“Well, I’m waiting for you. I also hope that the first person to see after waking up is you.” After Asuna heard this, two lines of tears flowed slowly down her cheeks and her face Full of exclamation.

“Well, everything is over.” Xie Ming watched Asuna’s body slowly radiate radiance and slowly disappeared from her feet, and gently kissed her forehead.

Afterwards, the beautiful woman disappeared in his arms.

Xie Ming stood up slowly, looking at Yui who had returned to his shoulder for some time, and shouted, “Kayaba, won’t you come out to meet? Maybe, but you and me are the last time.”

Suddenly in the air, Kaaba Akihiko wearing a white coat and holding Kabuto with both hands appeared. He landed slowly from mid-air with a smile on his mouth.

“It’s been a long time, Edmund-kun.”

“Have you succeeded?”

“You can say that, but in fact I’m not quite sure.” Kayaba Akihiko shook his head lightly. “Strictly speaking, I am just an echo of Kayaba’s consciousness, an afterimage of him.”

Xie Ming looked at Kaochang Jingyan quietly, and then said, “All in all, thank you, Kaochang.”

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