Chapter 1681 Self Seal

Eden (Eden), this is the angel possessed by the spirit named Garden God Rin, its most powerful weapon. If you use a similar concept to compare, it is the inherent barrier of the Moon World.

But there is no doubt that the evil paradise is countless times stronger than the inherent barrier.

The type of inherent enchantment cannot be determined by the operator. Because that is the image of one’s own mind, the creation formed by the accumulation of oneself all the time. Its changes represent the changes in the mind of the performer.

Moreover, the formation of the inherent barrier is to pull the caster and the target into a different world outside the world.

The evil paradise is to create an independent great enchantment of its own in the world. Everything in it can be controlled by your own thoughts.

Time, space, memory…..

In addition to these, Rin’s attack methods are left in two ways. One is to attack through the core of the enchantment, which is the root of the so-called “New Heaven Tower”.

However, these tree roots are not attacking the enemy’s flesh, but the enemy’s consciousness.

Xie Ming had been pierced by tree roots and died many times before, but in fact it was just a phenomenon in his opinion. In fact, the roots only penetrated his mental barrier, causing him to fall into a state of suspended animation.

In that state, Rin is more likely to implant false memories into him. Otherwise, Rin you really can’t do this.

For a visual metaphor, Xie Ming’s spiritual consciousness can be regarded as a sealed milk tea cup, and the root of the tree is the straw. It’s just that what Rin you did is not to suck, but to poke a hole and add some pearls to the milk tea.

The other is the pink light bomb of spiritual power.

The light bullet is a very simple spiritual energy condensing, but because of Rin’s unimaginable spiritual power bonus, every light bullet has the effect of a life remover.

Hit is dead, and Xie Ming is no exception.

So to be honest, after seeing the sky full of bullets, Xie Ming didn’t have much fighting spirit directly disappeared.

Originally, he hadn’t thought of solving this matter through battle. It was unnecessary at first, and he couldn’t fight it.

Of course, this does not mean that Xie Ming will use force to solve it if he has been fought. Only if the force can be suppressed, Xie Ming will be able to take more initiative.

Rather than being as miserable as it is now, having to be killed twice in the last class.

Although Xie Ming had already prepared himself to be the countdown combat force when he came to this place. But when he actually saw the other party showing such unreasonable power, he still couldn’t help but shook his head with a wry smile.

This, what else is going on here?

Even if he turns on the Chilong Emperor and uses ‘Heng’, I’m afraid he can only hold on to the opponent’s hands for a few more minutes. But after a few more minutes, the entire Tiangong City might be in ruins.

This is still good, after all, as long as you are in the barrier, Rin can repair it no matter how you damage it.

But…. If the fluctuations caused by the battle between the two are too great, the barrier will be broken. Or…that’s really troublesome if you are attracted to yourself or Siyuan Elf in this era.

The opening of the barrier not only means that the affected people will not be resurrected, but also that Xie Ming’s full strength will be exposed to the eyes of those who are interested.

That’s the real demise.

But giving up fighting does not mean that Xie Ming will do nothing.

Rin’s purpose is to let yourself forget everything and live peacefully as an ordinary person in this endless cycle of reincarnation. To do this, she must do a lot of things to cover up many loopholes.

But there is a loophole that she can’t cover up anyway.

In the symbolic resistance, after secretly taking out the ability to use the sky fire and purifying flames, and giving himself a psychological hint, Xie Ming very simply asked Rin You to penetrate him with a branch.

Isn’t it reincarnation? He is too familiar with this.




Rin Ni and Xie Ming looked at each other in front of the Xintiangong Tower. The girl’s eyes were full of irritation and helplessness, while the young man had a headache.

This kind of thing has happened dozens of times.

Rin You knows very well that Xie Ming definitely did something to himself. Otherwise, how could this guy rush to the Xintiangong Tower as soon as he left.

But when he reshaped the world, he didn’t find any abnormalities in his memory.”Teacher, do you find this repetition interesting?”

“It’s boring.”

Pinching his eyebrows, Xie Ming sorted out his memories and said: “But I can’t help it. I can’t beat you again, so I can only make you give up.

“Teacher, didn’t you give up this option in your choice?”

“of course not.”

Xie Ming grinned: “So in your impression, I am such a person who gives up so easily.”


of course not.

Although I have understood from the memory of those fragments from the time of birth, after the actual encounter, Rin You really understood what ‘don’t give up’ means in Xie Ming.

No… this shouldn’t be called “Don’t Give Up”, it should be called “Promise”.

Because Xie Ming promised others that he would take the students back, so he persisted until now. Moreover, we will continue to persevere.

But what’s the use of persevering? Even if I take Yuichi origami back, what will happen?

“Teacher, you can’t even defeat me. After you go back, all that is waiting for you is death and despair!”

“…You mean, Siwon Elf?”


“no surprise.”

If anyone on this plane can bring the so-called death and despair to himself, then only the spirit power of ten particles is left, the son of the world, Siyuan Elf born.

The catalog of the Kabbalah Tree of Life he carried is the design of the world, and the ten mass points are the basic points of the world.

Both are very important, but there can be substitutes for both.

The power possessed by DNF’s apostles is also the basis of the world. It’s just that what they have is the basis of a single plane. If that power is collected, Xie Ming can also use the tree of life catalog to create a plane.

The ten quality points that the Siyuan elves possess can also create the world if they obtain a ‘world design’ similar to the Kabbalah’s tree of life catalogue.

It’s just that the fake container has the real quality, and it will explode in a short time.

The other big difference between the two is power.

The former is a unique usage that maximizes power. But without the support of strength, there is nothing to do with the usage.

But even if the latter is useless, he can still beat his master to death by fumbling around on his own. It’s like the sky flare displayed by Rin You, without any technical content, but Xie Ming has to obediently give in.

Although the Chilong Sovereign status can raise his strength to the point where he can kill the fourth-tier high-end, it is a matter of more effort in front of the fifth-tier.

This has already been proved by Otinus.

It’s just that Otinus can only exert the strength of Tier 5 in the Forbidden Plane, and can have a source spirit with ten particles, but there is no such limitation.

Of course, the premise is that she can walk around with ten quality points.

But confronting Siwon Elf, that was afterwards. Now Xie Ming’s strange thing is, why do you know this?

“Rin…You are the elf born because of a large amount of spiritual power, right?”


“Then what you know about me should be from the fragments carried by those spiritual powers.” Xie Ming said calmly: “One of them, there is a great possibility that Yuanyi origami.”

“But Yuanyi origami does not know the existence of Siyuan Elf.”

“In other words, the other one… or several beings that gave birth to you know the Siyuan Elf. Moreover, they also know how terrifying the power of the Siyuan Elf is.”

“who is she?”

“I can’t tell you, teacher.”


“…Because this is something that has nothing to do with the teacher.” Rinne said coldly: “The teacher only needs to stay in this paradise.”

“You have said this many times.”

Xie Ming sighed: “I have answered you many times, this is impossible.”

“I also refuted you many times, teacher.”

Rin You’s face is resolute: “Unless the teacher wins the match between us, you won’t be able to get out, teacher.”



The two looked at each other for a long time, and Rinne slowly raised his hand, and the roots and light bullets appeared again.

“So… how about this?”


Rin You put down his hand and motioned to Xie Ming to continue speaking.

“You said, unless I win this victory or defeat.” Xie Ming said calmly: “So, what is the victory or defeat?”

“I can’t defeat you, and I don’t want to hurt you. And you are not talking about me defeating you, but let me win this victory.”

“That is to say, this victory is not by force, right?”


“I believe that after so many times, you should also understand Rin.”

Pointing to the Xintiangong Tower in the distance, Xie Ming said softly: “As long as there is that ‘foreign body’, no matter how many times, I’ll recover my memory.”

“Because I will never classify that kind of foreign object into common sense, even if people around me think it is okay. I think it has a problem, then I will definitely figure out what is wrong with it.”

“Teacher, you stone head!”

“No way, I am such a person.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “And Lin You, you can’t hide it as a normal building. This is the biggest hole in your paradise, and you can’t fill it.”

“Repeat this way, it just simply wears out the minds of you and me, it doesn’t make any sense.”

“So, I think it’s almost time to really decide a victory or defeat, and set a definition for this victory or defeat.”

“…Teacher, what do you mean?”

“I will seal myself.”


“I will seal my swordsmanship, my common sense, and everything that is incompatible with this world.”

Withdrawing the sky fire and pure flames from the shadow space, Xie Ming said calmly: “I will truly become a part of the paradise and live on.”

“If so, I still deny this paradise, then I win.”

“If I didn’t deny it and just live here, then it would be in line with your wishes.”

“Rin, what do you think?”

“…Yes.” Rin You stared at Xie Ming: “I believe, teacher, you are a person who can do what you say.”

“I also believe that you, you, will abide by the agreement between you and me.”

Xie Ming smiled, and pulled the Tianhuo Jingyan out of the scabbard, and the Psychological Master activated. Knife technique knowledge, combat instinct, and individual cognition are shielded separately…

The right hand loosened weakly, and Tianhuo Jingyan fell into the shadow space again. And Xie Ming’s eyes also lost some light.

Swordsmanship, fighting… These sealed things were originally part of Xie Ming. Sealing these things means that part of Xie Ming’s personality will also be sealed.

How can the things in a person’s body be clearly distinguishable? Otherwise, Xie Ming would not recall the memory of being sealed by Rin because of some trivial things.

In other words, the current Xie Ming is no longer Xie Ming. At least, it’s no longer the Xie Ming that Rin You knew.


Looking at Xie Ming like this, I don’t know why, Rin feels a little uncomfortable in your heart.

“It doesn’t matter… Teacher…”

Gently supporting Xie Ming’s face, Rin You said with some distress: “In this world, teacher, you will be happy.”

“I promise you that.”

The roots of the tree penetrated Xie Ming’s chest, and the world has been reshaping how many times it has been repeated.

However, one thing is certain.

This will be the last time.


If you were an ordinary person, what would you become? Xie Ming asked himself countless times about this matter.

Without Rewrite, without entering the main god space, just an ordinary person, what would happen to yourself?

“Brother, get up.”

“…Rin you?”

Xie Ming held his head and slowly sat up with the help of Rin: “Hi…I…I shouldn’t have a drink yesterday?”

“Brother, do you still have the habit of drinking?”

“No.” Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “That’s why I complained. Why didn’t I do anything? My head hurts so much.”

“Would you like to ask for leave today?”

Rin you said with some worry: “Brother, your state…”


Xie Ming waved his hand: “It’s just a headache, there is nothing wrong with the body.”

“Okay…but don’t force it, brother.”


Rubbing Rin’s head with a smile, Xie Ming said with a smile: “Xiao Rin, you really grew up, you have become so beautiful, and you know how to take care of people.”

“Really… The hair is going to be messed up!”

“Ha ha ha ha….”

After a few strong laughs, Xie Ming supported the wall and stood up: “Okay, I have nothing more to do, don’t worry. I will go down after I change my clothes.”


Finally, looking at Xie Ming worriedly, Rin you walked out of the room. Xie Ming held the wall to relax for a while before opening the closet.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) what.”

“But I haven’t had a partner, and I don’t have any bad habits. I didn’t stay up late yesterday. How could it be like this?”

“…… Don’t understand.

“Forget it, let Rin you do some makeup for me…I can’t teach the children with such a bad expression.”


Rinne, who was leaning outside the room, firmly squeezed the school uniform on his chest.

“This… what does it feel like?”

“…… It will be better, and I will make the teacher happy.”

“I will for sure.”

Pursing his lips vigorously, Rin You walked down the stairs.

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