Chapter 1682 Old Si Ji

“Teacher. Teacher, you…”

Knocked on the door and walked into the office origami, after seeing Xie Ming, he couldn’t help but stunned. A trace of worry appeared in his calm eyes: “Teacher, are you okay?”


Xie Ming, who was rubbing his temples, froze for a while, then smiled bitterly: “I asked Rin to help me with makeup and cover up, but it was useless at all.”

“Classmate Yuanshen? So that’s it.”

After a slight daze, Origami seemed to reflect who Yuan Shen was who came over: “Yuan Shen’s skills are very good, and there is no problem at all. Others should not be able to see it, but they definitely can’t deceive me.”

“What kind of expression the teacher will show on what things, as well as the teacher’s body shape, weight, height, measurements…all I remember clearly.”

“So once the teacher changes, I can’t hide it from me.”

“Don’t say such horrible things so casually, hello.” Xie Ming vomited, and then squeezed his eyebrows vigorously: “Hiss…this headache.”

“Excuse me, Yuyi, can you please help me to correct the test paper?”


Origami nodded lightly, took the test paper and pen from Xie Ming, and sat down aside: “But, teacher, is your body really okay?”

“I don’t think there is any problem.” Xie Ming said while massaging himself: “It’s just a headache, and I always feel a little boring all over.”


“It’s not like.”

“Migraine? High blood pressure? Cervical spondylopathy?”

“It might be a migraine.”

Thinking of the mess and dreams he had made before waking up, Xie Ming waved his hand: “Okay, this topic will end here. Let’s talk about it, and self-study will begin early.”

“I see.”

Hearing what Xie Ming said, origami could only give up. After all, she also knows the teacher’s personality, and she also understands how to best help Xie Ming.

For a while, only the sound of writing and flipping books were left in the office. Only gradually, the sound of reading the book stopped.



Origami stopped and turned his head slightly. Xie Ming, who was sitting on the desk next to him, had his head supported with one hand and fell asleep. It’s just that this dream doesn’t seem to be good.

The tightened brows are proving this point.


After thinking about it for a moment. Origami continued to correct the test papers. However, whether it is the correcting action or the action of taking the test paper and putting it out, it is much lighter than just now.

There are many reasons for migraine, and Xie Ming’s situation is obviously caused by mental state. From the perspective of origami, it is very likely that Xie Ming did not sleep well last night.

If you are having a nightmare, then whether it is awakened by yourself or awakened by a nightmare, Xie Ming may find it difficult to fall asleep again afterwards. That being the case, it’s better to let him continue to sleep, one more second is one second.

After all, resting in sleep is definitely better than waking up.

Xie Ming was indeed dreaming here, but what he was dreaming could not be called a dream, nor could it be a nightmare. Because what he dreamed of was that he had been practicing the knife.

It’s just that the person who accompanies him to practice the knife keeps changing.

Xie Ming feels very familiar with those who accompany him to practice the knife. He believes that his relationship with them should be very close.

It should be very close… but I don’t remember what their names are, what their relationship is with them, what happened between me and them…

Did you forget something? But looking back on my life for more than 20 years, I really haven’t seen those beautiful girls. With their looks, I believe people who have seen them will never forget them.

And this knife practice is really boring. I don’t know why, but I have been insisting on it all the time.

Every swing of the knife is an incomparable standard, and while the power is fully utilized, it also converges to Ultimate. Swinging a knife like this is almost like tightening up halfway through the urine, and then slowly releasing it.

Extremely uncomfortable.

But I have to admit that this exercise method can indeed exercise people’s control over their own strength.

Because it is exercise, it can not be called a nightmare. But this kind of uncomfortable feeling is definitely not a dream.


A sway shook Xie Ming out of the dream state that he could not get up. He opened his sleepy eyes, and Xie Ming murmured, “What’s the matter?”


I forcibly resisted the urge to take out my phone and record the video, shaking origami trying to keep calm: “Teacher, time is up.”

“Time is up?”

“Well, it’s time for morning reading, I should go back.”


Reading two words in the morning finally made Xie Ming sober. After looking at the corrected test paper placed next to him, Xie Ming said softly: “Oh, hard work, origami.”


“Oh no.”

He cursed himself inwardly, and Xie Ming said seriously: “Thank you, classmate Yuyi.”

“…… Origami.”

Origami stared closely at Xie Ming’s eyes: “Please call me Origami, teacher.”

“No, this is not appropriate.”

“I do not mind.”

“I mind.”

“…” Realizing that the other party’s attitude is firm, origami can only give one step: “Then, if there are only two of us, please ask the teacher to ask me to make origami.”

“…Yes, Origami classmate.”

Xie Ming said helplessly: “Today is a chance for you, right?”


Origami didn’t speak, but said ‘yes’ to Xie Mingbi blankly, and then left the office happily.


As a serious and responsible teacher, even if he is in poor physical condition, it is his professional ethics to maintain a serious attitude and sufficient spirit in front of the students.

The teacher is to lead by example.

If the teacher looks listless in class, where can the students go? Halfway through, 70% of the students in the class were asleep.

It’s just that Xie Ming feels that after sleeping in the office in the morning, his mental state has indeed improved. Although there is still a faint headache, but it is not as tormented as just getting up in the morning.

Maybe it was enough torture in that dream?

Or is it because the origami is next to you?

This is unlikely.

But asking yourself, Xie Ming realized that he really cared more about origami than other students. To some extent, he cares more about his sister, Rin.

In the beginning, Xie Ming felt that it was the teacher’s love for good students. But then I felt that this is not the case.

My concern for origami does not stem from her excellent results, but from her.

She doesn’t have any facial illnesses, no mental illnesses like lack of emotion, and she’s not born just like that without any expressions.

So, what is the reason?

What happened to her to make her like this?

Maybe… If you talk to origami parents, you should be able to understand?

….. I always feel that I am making some dangerous decisions.

Putting aside the mess of thoughts in his head, Xie Ming stopped the origami who was about to leave the classroom.

“Yiyi classmate.”


“I don’t know if your family has time this Saturday?” Xie Ming smiled: “I want to have a chat with your parents.”

“…Home visit?”

Origami eyebrows twitched slightly: “Teacher, do you finally want to understand?”

“I didn’t want to understand.”

Although I don’t know what Origami means ‘want to understand’, it’s definitely not wrong to deny it first.


“Even if you tilt your head and work hard, it will be difficult for me to find the word’confused’ on your face.”

“Teacher, the ability to complain has been significantly improved.”

“Thanks to your blessing.”

The corners of his eyes twitched, and Xie Ming sighed: “I want to talk to your parents about your problem.”

“Sure enough, I still want to understand.”

“Listen to me.”

Xie Ming said seriously: “I want to talk to your parents about why you have become like you are now, there is no expression on your face.”


“I know, maybe I’m a little nosy.” Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “But I still want to solve your problem. I want you to show more expressions and smile more.”


He lowered his head and remained silent for a long time. Origami raised his head: “I see, there is nothing to do at home this Saturday. If the teacher is free…”

“Well, let’s go at ten o’clock on Saturday morning.”

Xie Ming breathed a sigh of relief, the last thing he wanted to see was Origami’s resistance to this matter. If the party does not cooperate, no matter what he does, it will be in vain.

That’s the trickiest thing.


After a soft answer, Origami bowed and left the classroom.


“I’m going to visit Yiyi’s home on Saturday?”

Hearing this, Rin Your chopsticks paused, and looked at Xie Ming a little strangely: “Did something happen? So suddenly.”

“It’s not a sudden. After all, I have been paying attention to this matter for a long time.”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “Look, classmate Yuyi hasn’t had any expressions all the time. I remember that among your students, you gave her the name of Gaoling Flower and Iceberg Beauty?”

“In the beginning, I thought she was just a cold personality and not good at communicating with others. But in fact, after so long in contact, I realized that it was not the same thing at all.”

“Then I was thinking about what caused her to lose expression. It’s not a disease or character, it’s just a mental problem.”

“You must know the reason before you know what to do. So I plan to ask her parents to find out what happened to her in the past.”

“Brother, you are really warmhearted.”

Rinne gave a wry smile: “How many teachers will do this thankless thing.”

“At least I will do it.” Xie Ming smiled: “If this is within my abilities and I didn’t do it, then I’m not responsible for Yiyi’s classmate.”

“Whether it is from the perspective of the head teacher in charge, or the perspective of a familiar elder, it cannot be justified.”

“What’s more, Yuanyi usually helped me a lot, so I naturally want to give her back.”

“So you left your lovely sister at home alone, and ran to get along with the beautiful girl?” Rin your voice brought a little bit of resentment: “Idiot brother.”

“Ah ha ha….”

Xie Ming smiled flatly: “Let’s go to Tiangong City on Sundays and Sundays.”



“Then forgive you, brother.” Rin you smiled and said softly: “Then brother, go early and return early.”

“rest assured.”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “Don’t you know your brother? What else can I do?”


Recalling his confident smile at the time, Xie Ming really wanted to go back in time and slap himself severely.I told you to set up any Flags.

This is all right, something really happened, right?

“Yiyi classmate.”


“…Origami classmates.”


“Hi…” The blue veins at the temple bounced slightly, and Xie Ming said with a anger, “Origami, can you tell me what you are doing now?”

“I’m trying to cook mature rice with the teacher.”

“Where did you learn Chinese proverbs!?”

Trying to break free of the hemp rope that bound him, Xie Ming exerted his strength. He felt that this kind of thing himself should be able to simply hold it back.

However, the facts contradicted his feelings.

The harder he was and the tighter the twine was tied, the more pain he felt.



“Can you tell me why you did this?”


Dressed in a maid’s suit with cat ears, the origami who straddled Xie Ming said calmly: “Because I think this is an opportunity?”

“A chance for raw rice to cook mature rice?”


“Where is your family?”

“Not here.”

“Then on Tuesday, the reason you hesitated for a long time was because…”

“What on earth are you planning to do?”

“Did you not give up this option in your choice!?” Xie Ming glared at the origami: “Origami, give you another chance and let me loose it.”


Origami bent down and put his hands on both sides of Xie Ming. The fragrance of shampoo fell asleep while the hair fell, constantly stimulating Xie Ming’s sense of smell. The girl’s heat gently exhaled, and it kept beating his face.


“Teacher… don’t you want to know about me?”

“I want to help you solve the problem, not want you to help me solve the problem!”

“So we need to do it first.”

“Be your head!”

“Teacher, please understand.” Origami lowered his head slightly, and his voice gradually became smaller: “I… I also thought over and over again, and finally got the courage…”


Indeed, in any case, origami is a beautiful girl. Judging from the unskilled movements just now, she is still very young. I believe she must have plucked up a lot of courage to do such a thing to her class teacher.

“Do you think I would say that?”

Xie Ming stared dead fisheyes: “You old Si Ji, who drives faster than me, will you have that kind of mental preparation?”


Wow…. This guy really has no repentance! ? Wait, what are you guys doing.

“Hey, origami. Origami classmates? Yuichi origami!? Don’t shake, don’t shake, awkward! Hey! I told you that Yuichi origami, everything has a degree, if it is over, it will be too much. Hey! You! It’s better to stop your behavior and untie me before I get really angry! Did you hear that?”

“…Teacher, you, virginity?”


A few veins violently burst on his forehead, and Xie Ming looked at the student sitting on him quietly: “Now, I will give you one last chance.”

“Now, let me go.”

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