Chapter 1683 Origami Sisters

“Against violence.”

“Just you are not qualified to say this.”

Looking at the origami squatting down with his head, Xie Ming sat cross-legged on the ground: “Give you three colors, you really opened a dye shop for me.”

Enough fun, it’s almost time to talk about business.

“Origami classmate, your home…”

“Origami.” Origami looked at Xie Ming seriously: “Call me origami.”


Xie Ming sighed helplessly: “Where have your family gone?”

“Sister is out to play.”

“Sister?” The news made Xie Ming hesitate: “Origami you, have a younger sister?”


Origami nodded: “She is also called Yuanyi Origami, with the same name and surname as mine.”



Have a sister with the same name or surname? Two people still live together?

Xie Ming frowned deeply: “Did something happen?”


There was silence for dozens of seconds, and some emotions began to surge in origami’s eyes: “It’s just that there are some similar situations.”

“She and I are both victims of the space quake.”

“Space shock? This era?”

“There are some things, there is no way to talk to the teacher in detail.” Origami said calmly: “Knowing too much is not good for the teacher. I also have the obligation of confidentiality.”


What kind of mess? No way to elaborate? Have confidentiality obligations? Do you want to say ‘know all know’ in your next sentence?

“I see.”

Xie Ming rubbed his eyebrows: “In other words, because of things related to space shock, you and your sister had a similar experience. So you and her are now living together.”


“Then this encounter, can’t you tell me in detail?”

“…Nor, you can’t tell the teacher.”

After hesitating for a while, Origami suddenly asked: “Does the teacher still remember the fire that broke out in Tiangong City some time ago?”

“It seems…. there is such a thing.”

Hearing Origami’s words like this, Xie Ming also ‘remembered’, as if there was such a thing. However, because the location was on the other side of Tiangong City, and because he seemed to have something at the time, he didn’t care too much.

“The disaster seems to be serious…”


Origami nodded slightly: “The damage to the building was great, but most people managed to escape. Except for…my sister’s parents.”

“…Could it be that you, origami, too?”

“Yes.” Origami said faintly: “Five years ago, my parents also lost their lives in a similar disaster.”

“So after I learned about it, I accepted her through the formalities.”

“…So, is my sister in the hospital now?”

“Yes, although she was not seriously injured, she still needs treatment and observation to be on the safe side.” Origami looked at Xie Ming: “No matter how specific the situation is, there is no way to talk to the teacher.”

“No, it’s enough to know this.”Touching the origami head lightly, Xie Ming said softly: “You have been so hard these years. If you need any help, just talk to the teacher.”


“Don’t mention that matter.”


“You kid really…”

Xie Ming said irritably, “It’s just a few serious words and then it starts again. Can you be more serious?”

“I have always been serious.”

“Stop.” Xie Ming glanced at the time on the wall, then stood up: “Okay, the time is almost there, are you hungry for origami?”

“No, not yet.”

“Really, that’s a shame.”

Xie Ming smiled: “I told Rin You not to go back for dinner at noon, thinking about bringing origami you out for a meal or borrowing your kitchen to cook you a meal. Since you are not hungry… .”

“No, I’m hungry.”


“I’m hungry and want to eat the dishes made by the teacher.” Origami stared at Xie Ming intently, and repeated: “Teacher, I’m hungry.”

“Yes, yes, I know.”

Shaking his head helplessly, Xie Ming asked, “Are there any dishes at home?”


Origami tilted his head and thought for a while, then suddenly stood up: “Yes, but as expected, I should cook lunch for the teacher.”



“Do you still ask why?” Xie Ming couldn’t help but laughed, “Then tell me, why did you suddenly take the initiative to cook?”

“Do you want to add something to the meal?”


“Then why did you keep your eyes away?”


“I said Origami classmate, you are not good at psychology.” Stretched out two fingers to pinch Origami’s cheek and tore it off, Xie Ming said viciously: “During interrogation, it is often innocent to dodge your eyes. By.”

“Because he dared to look directly at the interrogator, it shows that the suspect has made sufficient psychological preparations.”

“That’s it, I learned it.”


With a deep sigh, Xie Ming walked into the kitchen: “I can borrow the kitchen. Come over and give me a hand.”


Touching the side face that had just been pinched, the corner of Origami’s mouth hooked out a tiny arc that he didn’t even notice.


After having lunch with origami, what could be called a ‘fighting fight’, Xie Ming walked out of the apartment where the origami was located. Even he couldn’t help sighing, he came out without incident.

But there is still the value of taking risks. After knowing the source of the disease, he can also think about how to alleviate or even solve the disease.

In the early ten years of age, I saw the death of my parents with my own eyes. It’s no wonder that origami will have such a big change, I believe her heart has long been filled with hatred.

Although the girl didn’t say it directly, Xie Ming still noticed something from her tone and the pressure in her eyes.

“The fire…even the space shock…is it caused by man-made?”

“Can you actually cause that kind of disaster artificially?”

It’s unbelievable, but I don’t know why Xie Ming thinks this is the truth. After all… Origami has no reason to deceive him.

No, this is an excuse.

When he heard Origami say this, he was already convinced of this matter in his heart. Even if he didn’t have any evidence on hand.

“Let’s pay attention to this kind of thing later.”

The last time it was origami, this time it was the origami sister. What about next time? What about next time? When this happens to yourself or Rin one day, it will be too late.

But now, it’s not the time to get distracted. What he needs to concentrate on now is the problem of origami.

In a sense, Origami is right. Only when she truly becomes her family member can she persuade her to let it go. It is not a family member, but just the teacher himself, who cannot and does not have the qualifications to speak and do so directly.

So, where is the starting point?

Talking about the future and the present about happiness is a little false and empty, without any convincing power. Moreover, hatred of this kind of thing will only become more and more mellow under the brewing of time as an auxiliary material.

But what if… it’s her?

The one with the same name and surname as Origami, what about that little sister?

Perhaps, by changing her, I can slowly influence origami?

“Go try it.”

Fortunately, when I had just eaten, I had already asked the hospital where the little girl was from the origami. Otherwise, he would have to look for them one by one.

After finding it, maybe it will be dark.

After all, Tiangong City is very big, it is impossible to have only one hospital. There are four formal hospitals alone, not to mention the fragmentary private hospitals.

Although it is impossible for victims of disasters like fires to make do in a small private hospital, the four large hospitals distributed in different directions are enough for Xie Ming to run for an afternoon.

Moreover, there is another situation.

How can he see the victim if he is not relatives or not? Borrow the name of origami? Why did the origami teacher come to visit her sister? What is the relationship between your teacher and students?

No matter how you think it is impossible to justify.

Looking at the hall where people came and went, Xie Ming found a corner to sit down and fell into contemplation.

But Xie Ming has a good habit, that is, when he encounters an annoying problem, he divides it into many small steps to slowly solve it.

If you want to visit your sister origami, you first need a name. And this name is best based on sister origami, so that it is easy to convince sister origami.

Think about it carefully…. I went to visit in the name of my sister’s origami teacher, and it seemed that there was no problem.

It’s just that the teacher’s identity needs to be changed.

If you say that you are the teacher in charge of your sister’s origami, it’s strange to think about it. But, what if you say it’s your sister’s origami, please come to help teach your sister’s origami teacher?

Although there are some lies, I will apologize to my sister Origami after I get inside. If the other party refuses to accept it, then he can only think of a way.

If the other party refuses, that’s one thing. But not being able to see it in person is another matter.

After planning some details, Xie Ming walked to the front desk of the hospital.

“Hello sir.”

“Hello, Miss Nurse.” Xie Ming said gently: “I want to visit Miss Yuanyi Origami who is in the hospital. Can you please help to check her room?”

“Is Yuiichi Origami Miss? Okay, please wait a moment.”

After operating the computer for a while, the nurse at the front desk looked a little strange: “Sir, may I ask if you are…”

“Ah, I am her sister’s teacher.”

Xie Ming smiled: “Her sister is worried that she will have some psychological problems after experiencing…such things. So please come and enlighten her.”

“I see.”

Looking at the patient information displayed on the screen, the nurse nodded with a wry smile: “Ms. Yuanyi lives in the single ward 1603.”

“Okay, trouble you.”

“Sir, you are polite.”


“1603…it’s here.”

Xie Ming knocked on the door lightly, and within a few seconds, a tender voice came from the room: “Please come in.”

“excuse me.”

Pushing the door and entering, an immature silver-haired little girl is sitting on the hospital bed with a book in English in her hand. The title seems to be… World Mixed Martial Arts?? ? ? ?

“That… who are you?”

“Miss Yuanyi, hello.” Xie Ming said seriously: “First of all, I want to apologize to you.”

“In order to see you, I told the front desk a little lie. Said I was your sister, Yuichi Origami, please come to enlighten your psychology teacher. I’m so sorry.”

“Hey? No… it doesn’t matter.”

Little Origami was taken aback for a moment: “Brother, are you… the teacher invited by Origami?”

“No, it’s not.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Actually, I am the class teacher of Origami classmate, and I happened to visit her home today. After hearing about you, I wanted to see your situation.”

“Origami sister… the head teacher?”

Little Origami was even more confused: “Why… the teacher of Origami sister’s class would want to see me?”

“Because I want to understand what happened to the two of you, I want to help you solve it.” Xie Ming said seriously: “I want to do my duty as a teacher.”

“…Teacher, you are such a weird person.”

Little Origami lowered his eyes: “I am very grateful for your kindness, teacher, but please come back, teacher.”

“My problem… Teacher, you can’t solve it.”

“……I see.”

Xie Ming took out a business card from Kabuto and gently placed it on the small origami bedside table: “My ability is limited, I am afraid there is really no way to solve your knot.”

“But… I don’t want you to keep negative emotions in your heart. If you want to talk, or if you want to find someone to chat, just call this phone. Maybe I can’t be on call, but I will work hard.”

“Tomorrow, I will see you again. Goodbye.”


Watching Xie Ming leave the ward, Origami looked at the business card on the bedside table.

Come to Zen High School, Uranus Temple Houtaro.


Putting the book in his hand aside, putting on slippers, the little origami walked to the window. Seeing the dark-haired young man’s somewhat distressed expression, his expression was complicated.

Although it was the first time to meet, she didn’t hate this slightly younger teacher. Because before that, she had heard about him many times from her sister who was willing to provide her with opportunities to take her in.

It turns out that this teacher is really good.

He didn’t underestimate himself because of his age, and he didn’t hold the idea that ‘children will soon forget’. This serious, equal and sincere attitude really makes people very willing to talk to him.

Perhaps, his main purpose for coming here is not because of himself. But…this is the second person who really wants to listen to her after the disaster.

The first one is the sister who has the same name and surname as her, and who has experienced the same.

“Perhaps… My sister was influenced by him more or less. But…”

How can she talk? How could she tell him what kind of hell she saw?

Dark flames and golden light beams intertwined in the air. The destroyed home was shrouded in light beams when it was about to escape. The boneless parents…

And the secret matters that those military sisters told themselves afterwards.


This is the creature that she will use her whole life to chase, an enemy who will destroy it even if she sacrifices her life.

In order to avenge my parents, in order not to let people like myself appear again.

The way, Origami sister has already given it.

The elves annihilate the troops, AST.

I….. There is no such free time for a long time, and I have already lost the qualification to talk to others. I can only go on this path until I am destroyed.

But…maybe…he is a person who can be entrusted.


Watching Xie Ming disappear, Origami returned to the hospital bed.

It doesn’t make much sense to think about this now, just look at the teacher’s performance next.

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