Chapter 1684

“Brother, I kept you waiting for a long time.”

“It’s okay.” Xie Ming looked at Rin You, and held out his thumb: “As expected, she is my sister, so beautiful.”

A clean lace neckline white T-shirt, a rose-red suspender skirt, and dark blue denim shorts set off the white and round thighs vividly.

Although I only painted some light makeup for embellishment, it made Rinne’s already beautiful appearance even more refined.

Compared to Rin You, who was obviously thinking about it, Xie Ming was very casual. Black trousers and light blue short-sleeved shirt are the most inconspicuous.

If it doesn’t show the arm that has always been concealed by the suit, which is very refined at the first glance.

Xie Ming actually has some doubts. He obviously doesn’t exercise much, so why are there still muscles?

“Really, even if your brother praises me so much, it won’t do you any good?”

A hint of rosy flashed across Rin’s face, and there was a sorrowful sentence.

“Isn’t the benefit already given?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and naturally made the dance invitation: “Madam, shall we start our date?”

“Hey…” Rin Ni gave a wry smile and gently put his hand on Xie Ming’s outstretched hand.

“I’m happy, sir.”

The two smiled at each other and walked out of the house side by side.

“Brother, are there any good arrangements for today’s date?”

“For the time being.” Xie Ming shrugged: “When we arranged it, it stumped me. After all, since the two of us started living together, you have always been very cute.”

“After learning housework and cooking, you take care of all these things at home. Usually, I don’t see you have any hobbies except hockey…”

“a ha ha ha….”

“But if you think about it another way, it’s easy.”

“Change your way of thinking?”


Xie Ming snapped his fingers and took out two tickets from Kabuto: “No hobby, doesn’t it mean you haven’t tried many things? Are many things very new to you?”

“So, I ordered this online.”

“Tiangong City…Ice Rink?”


Xie Ming smiled and said, “It’s summer and Sunday again. There must be a crowd of people in the swimming pool and movie theater, and it’s too old-fashioned. In an amusement park, it’s too hot to be in the sun.”

“Are there any other places besides the ice rink that can meet the three requirements of summer, coolness, and novelty?”


Rin you thought for a while, and showed a tangled expression that wanted to try, but was scared.

“Don’t worry.” Xie Ming stretched out his thumb: “Rin you, you are the main member of the hockey club. You will definitely get started as soon as you teach.”

“I hope so…”


“Oh ah ah ah ah!!!”

“Rin…Rin you?”

“Brother! Hurry…stop it for me!!!”

Seeing Rin you who shuttled around in the skating rink because of the speed, Xie Ming showed a dumbfounded expression.

His previous judgment was not wrong, he has a hockey foundation, and Rin’s balance is very good. Just took her for a few laps and told her some tricks, Rin can slip up by herself.

Then, unexpected things happened.

Xie Ming never expected that Rin You, who usually emphasized the word ‘stable’, had an overwhelming aspect.

At first she was cautiously seeking stability, but after a while, she suddenly started to accelerate. The expression on his face became more and more happy and excited as it accelerated.After that, she couldn’t stop.

The speed is too fast, you may fall when you brake. I was afraid of falling pain, so I didn’t dare to brake. In addition, Rin’s sense of balance is pretty good, and there is no problem with turning or anything.

The most important thing is that Rin is still accelerating because of being too nervous.

The combination of several reasons is that a girl appeared in the skating rink, yelling, panicked but slipping better than most people.


There was no way, Xie Ming had to speed up to keep up with Rin you, and then found a chance to pick him up.


“My dear sister.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “Today is indeed a new experience. Whether it is for you or for me.”


Feeling the sight of other tourists, Rin Ni buried her face on Xie Ming’s chest, and her body temperature began to rise rapidly.


But Xie Ming felt that this was a good thing.

People who are usually very stable suddenly play so openly, there is only one reason. That was the person who came out with her, someone she believed very much and trusted very much.

Therefore, she doesn’t mind showing her truest self to the other person.

There is a child hidden in everyone’s heart, but experience and time buried the child in a very, very deep place.

For various reasons, people are unwilling to let this little child come out again. But… I longed for a place in my heart to allow this little child to come out again, and Wu You played carelessly.

Unfortunately, many people have searched for a lifetime and never found such a place again.

Therefore, Xie Ming feels very happy, and feels that this time he brought Rin you to the skating rink is really right.

However, after such a disturbance, although Xie Ming can continue to play without caring, Rin You really doesn’t have that face anymore. So after the two played together for a while, they left directly.

The next trip is nothing more than eating, watching a movie, and going home.


“I am so happy today.”

“Really? That’s great.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “After all, our siblings have not been out to play together for a long time.”


Rin You smiled and said softly, “Brother think, is this kind of life happy?”

“Of course…”

The word ‘fu’ has reached his throat, but for some reason, Xie Ming was unable to say it.

Are you happy? Of course happiness.

She has such a considerate and cute sister by her side. You don’t have to worry about eating and drinking if you live in a large and comfortable house. As long as there is no more catastrophe, I believe that I can live like this forever.

If… there is no catastrophe…

Yes, this is it.

He had always thought that the space quake was a natural disaster, and he accepted it with a helpless mentality. However, this is actually not the case.

It was not a natural disaster at all, but a man-made disaster.

And this kind of man-made calamity happened on my side. Origami, small origami, are all victims.

What if… it happened to yourself?

“elder brother?”


Xie Ming looked at Rin You with a worried expression and said softly: “I can’t make myself happy yet.”


“Because there are still unstable factors around.” Xie Ming lowered his eyes slightly: “Many people are its victims.”

“If I don’t think of a solution now, will it come to us one day?”

“…It’s okay, brother.”

Rinne suddenly felt a little flustered, and she felt that this man had changed. No…or is this his essence?

No, it can’t be like this.

“Brother.” Rin You shook Xie Ming’s hand: “It doesn’t matter, those disasters will not happen to us. Moreover, there is no need for brother to do these things.”

“Yeah, I don’t need to do it.” Xie Ming smiled bitterly, before holding Rin’s hand: “But Rin, we have no way to be sure that those disasters will never happen to us.”

“If one day, it happens to us, I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

“I will regret for the rest of my life, why I didn’t prepare and investigate at the time. I don’t want that, so I must prepare from now on.”


Rin lowered your head, and your bangs covered your eyes: “But…In that case, brother, you might not be able to achieve happiness in your life.”

“But I can make Rin you and make you happy.”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “Sister’s happiness is much more important than brother’s happiness.”

“Relax, just as I have always believed in you. You, you, also believe in me.”


Opening his mouth, Rin You was a little speechless. For the first time, she felt how false the paradise she created was.

False relationship, false family, false trust.

Because of the memories he planted, Xie Ming had 100% trust in him. However, I couldn’t believe in him like Xie Ming believed in himself.

The other party regards all this as true, but he knows all this is false.

[Is that what you want to tell me even if you seal yourself up? teacher. There are only false things that are born from a false paradise. After feeling this falsehood, it will be even more painful. 】

【…..But, what? 】

[There is no return for what I have done, and the things in this paradise are full of falsehoods. This kind of thing, I knew it from the beginning. 】

[It is better to get a false happiness in a false paradise than to face despair and death in the real world. 】

[I won’t admit defeat, teacher. 】

[This is the game that has been stated in advance. 】

“Rin you?”

“Brother…I understand what you think.”

Rin You smiled softly: “Brother, just do what you want. No matter what happens, I will always support your brother.”

“Well, thank you.”

Xie Ming breathed a sigh of relief: “Okay, you’re almost home. Rin you, go home first, I have something to do, and I will come back to eat in the evening.”

“Well, a good journey.”

Zhao Lin You gave a thumbs up, and Xie Ming walked towards the hospital.


“Yo, Origami, I’m here again.”

“Hello, Teacher Uranus Temple.”

Seeing Xie Ming’s arrival, although Origami’s face still didn’t fluctuate much, there was still a hint of joy in his eyes.

No matter how strong she is, she is only an 11-year-old child. Now that she has lost her closest relatives, she needs more care and care than anyone else. Kindness, something really precious to her now.

“Can I sit next to you?”



Sitting on the nursing chair next to the bed, Xie Ming motioned to the fruit he bought in his hand: “Would you like some fruit?”

“No, teacher.”

Little Origami shook his head: “Can’t trouble you so much.”


Xie Ming smiled and took out two apples: “I was a bit greedy on the way I bought it, thinking about eating with you when I came here. It’s just a matter of convenience.””Do you like to eat with or without skin?”



After a while, a very strange picture appeared in the ward. The youth and the girls, one sitting on the chair and the other on the bed, gnawed apples silently.


“Here, tissues.”


He took the tissue that Xie Ming handed over and wiped his mouth. Looking at Xie Ming who was wiping his mouth again, Xiao Origami let out a laugh.

“Teacher Uranus Temple… You are such a strange person.”


Xie Ming blinked, a little strange: “Where am I?”

“Many places.”

Little Origami broke his hands and began to count: “Originally, I have never known him for a long time, but he will come to care about me, a stranger. I have been rejected, but I will still come the next day and eat apples together.”

“But I kind of understand, Origami sister doesn’t like you anymore.”


Speaking of this, Xie Ming felt helpless: “Although I am very grateful to the origami classmates for their love, some of the things she did are a bit too much.”

“for example?”

“Too unscrupulous.”

I just wanted to talk to Origami about the things I had done before, but Xie Ming suddenly reacted: “Those things are not what you should know now.”

“Think of me as a child?”

“Not really.” Xie Ming looked tangled: “It’s just that those unscrupulous things are really too embarrassing for me as a victim.”

“If you are interested, you can search for the definition of ‘unscrupulous’ on ‘dogge’, or ask your suspect’s sister.”

“I see.”

Little Origami thoughtfully said: “It seems to be something R18.”

“…… Not to that level (but it’s almost the same).”

“Why is the teacher unwilling to accept my sister?” Little Origami was a little puzzled: “My sister is impeccable whether it is sports, grades or appearance.”

“Because I am a teacher and she is a student.”

Xie Ming smiled and said: “If she sees a bigger world and still has this feeling after graduation, then I will accept it. But now, I shouldn’t be a barrier to hinder her advancement.”

[This sentence…. When did I say it? 】

The strong sense of sight made Xie Ming frowned.

“Go ahead…?”

Little Origami lowered his head: “But whether it is for me or for Origami sister, there is only one way before our eyes.”

“…… Is there only one, or are you only willing to choose which one?”

“…Teacher, you don’t understand.”

“Oh, yes.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “I have not experienced the pain you experienced, so I am not qualified to say that I understand your feelings.”

“As a teacher, the only thing I can do is to listen and give you advice.”

“What you want to do is your own choice, and I cannot interfere. But at least, I hope you can have a little more smile on your face.”

“This is something I want to make Origami students change, and it’s also something I hope you don’t repeat the same mistakes. But…”

Having said that, Xie Ming sighed.

“Perhaps in your opinion, what I said are just empty words without any substance, beautiful words. But even so, I want to tell you.”

“I hope you can get your own happiness without being fettered.”

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