Chapter 1685

As a teacher, Xie Ming has always believed in one thing. Words have power. Because the job of the teacher is to guide the growth of the new generation through words.

If one understands the profession of teachers one-sidedly, then it may be one of the most beautiful-speaking professions in the world.


Because teachers always want to train students better, but the teachers themselves can’t do better.

So… can you say that what the teachers say are pretty things, but you are asking the students to do it even though you can’t do it?

In the final analysis, what is the real definition of beautiful words?

Refers to compliments, words that make people feel comfortable but cannot be realized.

If you follow this definition, then teachers are the most professional group in the world who can’t speak pretty.

Because if you really consider it for you, it’s definitely not something that will make you feel at ease.

And what Xie Ming is saying now is not ‘to persuade others to be generous, to persuade others to let go’, he just wants to tell origami that hatred should not be the whole life.

Advise people to be generous, the sky thunders and strikes.

After this sentence came out, it was quickly approved and applied by many people, but many people did not know what the prerequisites of this sentence were.

This is someone who doesn’t know what’s going on, doesn’t know the pain in your heart, and likes the generosity of others.

When the speaker was ‘persuading’, he never considered the feelings of the person concerned. It just relies on what he calls ‘morality’ and ‘kindness’ that the person concerned should be magnanimous.

This is not ‘persuade’, it’s a silly remark made because it’s irrelevant. Using the pain of others to reflect one’s own kindness is a kind of exploitation.

You don’t know anything, just stand on the moral high ground and ‘persuade’. Then, if you stand so high, don’t you deserve to be struck by lightning?

This kind of thinking came from the West and is now called the “white left” thinking.

Advocating to protect the environment, but the suggestion put forward is to return human beings to primitive life.

Advocating sympathy for the weak, but doing nothing, but also oppressing the weak.

Advocating equality between men and women, but in fact it is pseudo-feminism.

Speaking of caring for animals, the lives of animals are more important than human lives.

To describe such a person in two words is ‘hypocrisy’.

But sometimes, people don’t understand the actual meaning of these words and sentences at all, so they use them to criticize and make conclusions at will.

Abiding by the law and social rules is called the ‘Madonna’ and ‘hypocrisy’, and advocating ‘no-brain killing’ without considering the consequences of doing so.

I really ask these people to figure out the definitions of ‘Madonna’ and ‘Madonna’, and then trouble you to go to the moral high ground to define the definition, okay?

“Bai Zuo” is at least vigorous and has a set of theory that convinces him. It’s okay for you guys, just go straight to the ‘yu key’ without knowing the theory.

The old ‘shushan key faction’.

Back to the topic.

To persuade people, one must also pay attention to methods.

As the old saying goes, if you haven’t experienced other people’s experiences, don’t say ‘I understand, I understand’ without empathy. You must show it sincerely and tell the other party that you don’t understand.

Don’t pretend to persuade the other party to let it go after you understand one or two. Whether to let go or not to let go is a matter for the person involved to decide. No one is qualified to interfere.

So what can be done.

Listen, and then proceed from the other person’s perspective to make relevant and objective suggestions.

This is called persuasion, not ‘persuasion’.

Speaking is an art, and words that contain emotions can always attract people and let people hear them. Involuntary imperative words will only be disgusted by others.

‘Hope you do it’ and ‘you need to do it’ bring two completely different feelings.

Even if Xie Ming is now a teacher, as an elder, in Japan, a country that places great emphasis on generations, he can make orders and demands.But when he speaks, he still always carries ‘hope’ and ‘thinking’.

Mutual respect is always the prerequisite for establishing good communication.

Self-righteous goodwill and goodwill from the other side’s point of view are always diametrically opposite things. Because the former is no different from maliciousness for the parties involved.

For Origami, what Xie Ming wanted to express was passed on. However, it does not mean that it can be accepted.

I can only do this, I must do it.

No one asks her… Or, she is forcing herself, she asks for herself, and she is not allowed to obtain happiness before she completes her revenge.

For the present little origami, hatred is the pillar to support her living. Otherwise, she can’t move forward at all.

She hates, she hates her own powerlessness, hates the injustice of fate, and even the existence that caused all this to happen.

So…what can you hate to make yourself a little easier?

Naturally, hate others and hate the culprit.

This is a lucky thing, because she didn’t put this extremely negative aggression on herself.

If you put it on yourself, that’s the worst case. Because it means Origami has to endure herself every day, endure the hatred that wants to destroy herself.

It ranges from depression to self-destruction.

Therefore, hating the enemy is the last straw in her hand. To persuade her to let go of her hatred is tantamount to drowning her in a sea of ​​despair.

Can she accept it?

She couldn’t accept it.

So Xie Ming didn’t let her give up her revenge or the hatred in her heart. What Xie Ming hopes is that Origami will not stare at the straw in his hand, but ignore the surroundings.

You don’t need to relax, but you have to hold it tight. However, your sight cannot be limited to this straw.

What Xie Ming did was to show her the straws, life buoys, and boats around her. Even… Let yourself be the ship that lifted her out of despair.

Since the world of little origami, now only darkness and despair are left. Then, Xie Ming hopes that through his own efforts, he can bring a bit of light to the darkness over there.

Xie Ming didn’t expect too much, even if there was only a trace, he would be content.

Because this proves that my efforts have some results. It means that when Origami loses that straw, there is other hope of survival.

But obviously, this goal is not achieved overnight. It takes time to accumulate, and Xie Ming needs to change slowly and imperceptibly.

Looking at the silent little origami, Xie Ming smiled helplessly.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this, let’s change the topic. I probably haven’t told you before, there is a younger sister in my family…”

In the next hour, Xie Ming talked about some interesting things that he had encountered, while Origami was listening to him, and from time to time he chuckled a few times because of Xie Ming’s expression.

When I met for the second time, I could see the smiling face of Origami. This progress was pretty good. Xie Ming is very satisfied with this and has more confidence in the next plan.


Said it was a plan, but Xie Ming’s plan was actually to try his best to come and look at the little origami every day.

Sometimes I came with Origami, and sometimes I was with Rin, but most of the time Xie Ming came by himself and talked about trivial matters with Origami.

What did he eat at noon or this morning, what interesting things happened in school, and what did origami do that made him unable to help but complain…

To gain the trust of others, you first need to trust other people.

So most of the time, Origami is listening and Xie Ming is talking.

A teacher in her early twenties and a little girl in her early ten years have become friends who talk about everything. The smile on Little Origami’s face became more and more.

Slowly, Xie Ming never saw the hatred and despair in Xiao Origami’s eyes.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, he can’t say for sure.

But he hopes that this means that Origami is changing in a good direction.

He hopes so.

However, what he didn’t see was Origami’s gradually firm expression after he left.

It was a decision made, and an expression of enlightenment had already been made.

On Saturday, Xie Ming walked into the small origami ward as usual.

“Little Origami, here I am.”



Seeing that he was no longer wearing the hospital uniform, but replaced it with a small origami in a dark green uniform with a bit of military color, Xie Ming opened his mouth and barely broke a few words from his mouth.

“Little Origami, you are…”

“Through the relationship, I have entered the Self-Defense Force.” Little Origami said calmly: “So, I am afraid that for quite some time in the future, I will not be able to meet you with the teacher.”


After a long silence, Xie Ming raised the plastic bag in his hand and smiled forcefully: “Eat apples?”


In the familiar scene, only the crisp sound of the teeth biting the apple and the soft chewing sound are left in the ward.

It’s just different from last time.

Little Origami’s face was full of peace, while Xie Ming’s eyelids were drooping.

“Teacher, can I trouble you to pass me a piece of paper?”


I was habitually preparing to open the drawer of the bedside table and take out the paper, but there was nothing in the drawer. There is no way, Xie Ming can only take out the handkerchief from Kabuto.

“Thank you, teacher.”

Little Origami smiled and wiped the corners of his mouth and hands.

“…You have already decided?”


Handing the handkerchief back to Xie Ming, Little Origami said softly, “I really, thank the teacher very much.”

“During this time, the teacher is like my own brother, sharing the little bit of happiness in life with me. I originally thought that after losing my parents, no one would take care of me like this.”

“But the teacher told me, yes, and it’s by your side.”

“I’m really grateful, teacher, you can take care of me so much, trust me so much, and give me so much that I have nothing.”

“Where do you have nothing.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Don’t you have a lot of things?”

“Me, Origami classmates, Rin You, and some of your relatives, aren’t this all yours?”

“um, yes.”

Little Origami smiled and said, “And it was the teacher who made me discover all this.”

“That’s why…I will be here waiting for the teacher to come. I want to tell the teacher everything and let the teacher know the truth.”

“The truth? Isn’t there a confidentiality agreement?”

“As long as the teacher doesn’t say it, who can know?”

Little Origami gave a mischievous smile, then closed his eyes. It seemed that he didn’t want Xie Ming to see the uncontrollable hatred in his eyes when he recalled that memory: “The fire was not an accident.”

“It’s the war between monsters and the disaster caused by it.”


“Yes, monster.”Little Origami looked at Xie Ming: “A monster named Elf.”

“The elves have the power to destroy mankind. Every time the elves show up, it will trigger a disaster called Space Shock.”


“Whether it is the Eurasian Air Disaster, the’Southern Kanto Air Disaster’, or the fire a month ago, these disasters are all caused by elves.”

“Every elf, human beings have a code name for it.”

“And in the fire a month ago, the code name of the elf that appeared was’Efreet’.”

“However, what the Balrog caused was only the fire. What really caused the massive destruction was the battle between the Balrog and another monster. The rest of the wave destroyed the residential area and killed my parents.”

“The elves are monsters and enemies.”

Little Origami gritted his teeth and said: “They are the ones who killed so many people. They are the ones who killed my parents! They are the ones who caused so many tragedies!”

“I will kill them! I will kill all the elves! I won’t let this happen to anyone again!”

“So, I want to become stronger!”

Raising his head suddenly, the little origami stared at Xie Ming tightly: “Teacher, the happiness you gave me will be treasured in my heart forever. But this kind of thing is what I don’t need in the future!”

“Happiness, sadness, worry, sadness, fear, panic, these will only stop me from becoming stronger! All I need is one emotion.”

“Anger, and hatred!”

“So… I want to give all the emotions that I’m extremely precious, but I don’t need in the future, to you, the teacher.”

“Teacher, your happiness is my happiness. Your sorrow is my sorrow. Your happiness is my happiness. What I want to do is to protect our common happiness.”

“Teacher, I will become stronger, and then I will protect you!”


Xie Ming looked at the stubbornness of Origami’s eyes, and said bitterly, “But, that’s not something you should do at your current age.”

“No, this is what I should do, teacher.”

Little Origami retorted: “Not everyone can get this opportunity, but I am born with this qualification. Then, this is what I should do and must do.”

“Protect mankind, protect Tiangong City, protect teacher you.”

“I don’t want to see the person I cherish the most disappear in front of my eyes again, but I can’t do anything.”


“Hiss~~~~ Huh~~~~”

After taking a deep breath, the little origami rubbed his face. When he lowered his hand, his face had become as calm as stagnant water.

“Little Origami…..”


The little origami was thrown into Xie Ming’s arms, his face was deeply buried in Xie Ming’s abdomen, and his hands tightly hugged Xie Ming’s waist. It’s as if you want to entrust all your feelings to Xie Ming through this action.


Released his hand, the little origami stepped back a few steps: “Teacher, we have a chance to see you again.”


Watching the girl’s departure, Xie Ming gently leaned against the wall. Fists clenched involuntarily.

For the first time, he felt his weakness.

He, after all, failed to pull her back from that thorny road.

Looking at the lines on his palm, the young man suddenly remembered the dream he had every night, the dream that tortured him so much.



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