Chapter 1686

Xie Ming has always been a person with a strong sense of responsibility. This kind of person may live very tiredly, but it will also get enough. Because they will feel that what they have done is meaningful.

But all people with a strong sense of responsibility have an enemy that will accompany them throughout their lives: frustration.

When I was in elementary school, I was very happy to be a class leader. I think I can help the teacher very well. So I have to do my best to help the teacher and manage the classmates well.

But in junior high school, the taste began to change.

To please the teacher, the traitor of the class, the informant… the responsibility from the class cadre is telling oneself that he needs to manage the class well. Being able to manage the class well means offending classmates.

No one likes someone to take care of him all day, let alone his classmate.

Ordinary people are still like this, not to mention the bad things in the class.

When they grow up, students will learn to be sleek, learn to close one eye appropriately, and learn to bow their heads to reality. But before that, what will happen to the students?

Will encounter rejection and bullying, will be isolated.

Obviously I did not do anything wrong, I am helping the teacher to manage the class order, why should I suffer this kind of crime?

Slowly, the class cadres became a hard-working and unthankful model. Wasting one’s energy, affecting one’s own state and mood, and not pleased.

Only those who are full and supported are the cadres on duty.

The original ideal was finally defeated by reality and frustration. Man, finally bowed his head to reality.

This is a very sad and helpless thing.

It is a very stupid, courageous, and very painful thing to stick to your original intention. Because the world is not that simple, ideals can not be realized by persistence.

But, who can deny that the original self was so pure and envied by the present self?

Some people kill and bury their past selves. And some people protected their pure self with layers of armor.

Because as long as the original intention is still there, the road will not deviate.

The little origami incident caused Xie Ming to be a big blow. But if he was knocked down because of this incident, that would be too small for him.

The frustration that can’t completely defeat him will only make him stronger.

Moreover, he is not a complete failure.

What is his purpose? It is to make Origami no longer only have hatred in her life, so that she can see more things.

Origami saw it and admitted it. It’s just that she abandoned these things by herself. But I have seen the things in my eyes, how can I say that I abandon them?

Moreover, Origami no longer has only hatred in his heart. Above hatred, she knows how to protect.

Regardless of whether this ‘protection’ is an excuse for being upright and upright, or really understanding the meaning of these two words. But after all, she was going to do such a thing.

If you do it, one day you will be affected by what you say and do. At that time, are excuses still important?

If possible, Xie Ming didn’t want to do something dangerous with Origami. But there is one thing that he cannot refute.


If the space quake is a natural disaster, then even if you join the army, the Master’s power will have no effect. But… the space shock is caused by creatures called elves.

And according to the description of Origami… the so-called elves should be humanoid creatures, they are the majority. He still doesn’t know if he can communicate. But if he can communicate, he still wants to solve it through communication.

But first, what he needs to consider is how to see the wizard safely.

Since the government is concealing this incident deliberately, it shows that they have a reason to conceal this incident. Exposing this incident at will is equivalent to being an enemy of the entire country and even the entire world.

That’s the real dead end.

Space shocks will continue to happen next. So the first thing he needs to do now is not to look for the truth in a hurry. Instead, be patient and prepare.

Be prepared to communicate with the elves to prevent similar things from happening again.


“…What have I succeeded in my life?”


Looking at Xie Ming lying on the hospital bed, Rin Ni, who already had the charm of an adult, lowered her eyes.In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed. Xie Ming left school not long after Origami left, and began to exercise himself. Through some channels, I became a member of DEM.

Then…because of its excellent physical fitness, it was selected and became an experiment.

He wanted to resist, but was ruthlessly suppressed by the name Elaine Mira Mathers.

With the help of origami and small origami, he finally escaped. But he was disabled for life and could only lie in a hospital bed.

Not to mention communicating with the elves, now it is very difficult for him to take care of himself.

“elder brother…..”

Rin You whispered: “I persuaded you at the time. Brother, you only need to live an ordinary, simple and happy life.”

“In fact, in the past ten years, there has been no space shock.”


Xie Ming smiled bitterly, and sighed softly: “Facts have proved that I was the one who worried about nothing.”

“But I don’t regret it. Rin you, people from DEM came to me a few days ago and said they had an experiment and wanted me to participate.”

“Brother you!”

“If the experiment is successful, I will be able to move freely again.”

“That’s DEM!” Rin You said with some gaffe: “They made you like this, brother!”

“Yes, I know.”

Xie Ming nodded: “But…this is also my chance.”

“I have agreed.”


Rin didn’t reply again, but stood up abruptly and left the ward. After a while, the white-haired young man and the blond female secretary walked in.

“Mr. Uranus Temple, you have already considered it, right?”


Xie Ming looked at these two people coldly: “But you have to fulfill your promises.”

“Don’t hit Rin you.”

“…I really don’t understand, Mr. Uranus Temple.” Wescott said curiously: “We have explained everything to you.”

“Your’sister,’ Yuan Shen Rin is an elf. She has established this spiritual barrier that envelops Tiangong City for more than ten years.”

“Her identity is fake, those memories between her and you are fake, everything is fake.”

“Even so, you have to protect her?”



“It’s very simple.” Xie Ming said lightly: “Because she is my sister, she hasn’t abandoned me for ten years.”

“But she didn’t stop you?”

“She stopped, but I didn’t listen.”

Xie Ming closed her eyes slightly: “No matter what Rin you are, what she wants to do, but only one thing is certain, she is not malicious to me.”

“She treats me sincerely and treats me like a brother. Then, she is my sister, the existence I want to protect.”


Elaine and Westcott had a little sense of danger, but they didn’t know where the sense of danger came from. Until, Xie Ming took out the trigger.

“You dangerous existence, let’s go with me.”



The bombs hidden by Xie Ming all over the room exploded. The entire room was instantly filled with flames.

Rin, who hadn’t walked far, heard the explosion and turned back abruptly. Looking at the hospital on the top floor that has become a sea of ​​flames, feeling the death of Xie Ming’s life, his spiritual outfit instantly appeared.




Feeling the coldness on his face, Xie Ming slowly opened his eyes. All memories begin to recover with the awakening of consciousness.

“Knee pillow… It feels like I haven’t experienced it for a long time.”

“…Teacher, you are a fool.”

“Well, it’s kind of stupid.”

Thinking back to what he had done in the past ten years, Xie Ming himself was a little helpless: “But fortunately, he did not do anything against his heart.”

“How? Rin you. This answer I gave.”

“0 marks!”

“0 points is a bit too much.”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “I feel at least a passing grade.”

“Pass!?” Rin Ni said viciously, “Teacher is really confident!?”

“That’s not it?”

With a smile, he stretched out his hand and wiped away the tears from the corner of your eyes. Xie Ming said softly: “But now, you should understand, right?”

“Paradise and happiness are all things that need to be created with their own hands. And human beings are all existences that can create miracles again.”

“As an ordinary person, I can kill Westcott and Ellen, who are countless times stronger than me. Then there is no reason why I cannot overcome the great danger you mentioned.”

“Trust me once, okay?”


Rin You lightly leaned your forehead against Xie Ming’s and whispered softly.

“My paradise is full of falsehoods, and my love does not ask for anything in return. From the very beginning, I was prepared for this. As long as you can be happy as a teacher, I will accept it no matter who you choose.”

“Because I know that everything is false. Since it is false, it is naturally not worth cherishing.”

“But… sir, you are not like that.”

“After you know this false paradise, in the name of victory or defeat, you want to tell me: even a false paradise can give birth to real emotions.”

“Even, he did not hesitate to call himself a memory, and suffered so much humiliation and torture.”

“How could I not believe it, such a teacher?”


“I know what the teacher wants to ask.” Lin You gently covered Xie Ming’s lips with your finger: “But I’m sorry, teacher, I can’t tell you.”

“Now, it’s not yet time for the teacher to know about this.”

“…I understand, I believe in you.”

“Well, thank you, teacher.”

Xie Ming slowly got up and helped Rin to stand up: “Then, the barrier can be lifted, right?”


Rin You smiled, stretched out her arms around Xie Ming’s waist, and leaned her head against Xie Ming’s chest: “The false paradise, it’s time to end.”

“It’s also time for me to say goodbye to the teacher.”

It is not so much that Rin you created the paradise of evil, it is better to say that the paradise of evil made you. Rin You are the manager, and the relationship of life and death with the paradise of evil.

She is different from Shixiang and others in that she does not have a physical body. She is now a combination of spiritual power.

The disappearance of the evil paradise also represents the death of Rin.

Rin You are not afraid of death. What she fears is that the person she cares about the most is unable to fall in a desperate predicament. But now, her only fear disappeared.

Therefore, you can greet your end with a smile.

But she forgot one thing, even if she knew everything was false, Xie Ming would bet her life to protect her. So, will Xie Ming now watch her disappear like this?The answer is naturally no.

“No, it’s not a goodbye.”

Xie Ming said softly: “You are my sister. How can there be any reason for my brother to let my sister die?”

“Rin you, you will always be with me.”

The Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue was launched, and a channel of spiritual communication was established with Rin. In an instant, huge spiritual power rushed into the catalog along this channel.

“Teacher, you…”

Feeling this power, the gradually illusory figure Rin Ni opened her eyes wide, and then smiled with relief. “It turns out… it’s like this… it’s great.”

“You have more confidence in me, right?”

“Really… Brother, wouldn’t it be enough if you told me earlier?”

“I told you, would you believe it?” Xie Ming looked innocent: “At that time, would you hand over your spiritual power to me obediently?”

“Should… No way.”

Rin You scratched her face awkwardly, she naturally knew what she was like before.

He knocked Rin on your head funny, and Xie Ming said with a smile: “After entering the catalog, I want to ask Rin you for a favor.”

“There is also a sleeper lying in bed in the catalog. That is one of my most important people. Rin you, can you help and wake her up for me?”


Rin You stared at the fisheye: “It’s a girl.”


“Is it a beautiful woman?”


“Humph~~~” pulled the nasal sound long, but after seeing Xie Ming’s somewhat awkward expression, you smiled: “I’m kidding, teacher. Don’t worry, I will wake her up for the teacher. . It’s just that it may take some time…”

“It’s a great help, Rin you.”

“Then, teacher.”

Looking at his body that was about to disappear completely, Rin You waved to Xie Ming: “Goodbye.”




Around, there are ruins burning with pitch black flames. In the sky, light and illusion intersect. One of them is Yuanyi Origami in a white wedding dress.

And the other, Xie Ming knows her name.


Give the girls spiritual crystals to create the culprit of the elves one after another.

“Are you late?”

Carefully unfolding the field of perception, he found a little origami kneeling in front of the ruins with a broken face. But the strange thing is that Xie Ming did not feel the breath of Wuhe Shidao and Wuhe Qin.

“It seems that the change is not only Rin you alone.”

The conditions for the birth of Rin require an extremely large-scale spiritual riot. This condition can be a countercurrent of spiritual power, and it can also be the full firepower of several elves.

But no matter how you look at it now, only phantoms and origami are at war. So, where did the surrounding dark flames come from?

Was it in the Wuhe Qin that gained spiritual crystals during this time period?

Not right.

Although the flame in the piano was violent, it was definitely not the black that exuded despair and cruelty all the time.

In his memory, there is no elf that can release this kind of flame.

There is only one person who uses flame as the power. This is the most fundamental thing, and it cannot be changed. Plus the negative emotions contained in the flame…


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