Chapter 1687 Salvation Demon King

Every elf possesses the power of a mass point on the tree of life in Kabbalah.

Crown, wisdom, understanding, compassion, stern power, beautiful balance, victory, glory, foundation, kingdom.

These quality points are all good, positive symbols. But when these things become excessive, they become evil and chaos. The elves who possess the power of mass are also the same as these symbols.

When encountering a blow beyond their own capacity and falling into despair, the elves will reverse.

The particles in the Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalog will become the demons in the Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalog.

Atheism, dullness, rejection, unmoved, cruel, ugly, lust, greed, instability, materialism.

In the world of Christ, the crown usually refers to God. And denying God’s atheism is naturally the greatest sin. Therefore, the representative demon of atheism is the biggest villain, Satan.

Another thing that needs to be explained is why the kingdom and materialism are opposite, which also needs an explanation from the Christ world.

The kingdom refers to the kingdom of God, the eternal world that the spirit of man enters after death. Here, it can be understood as the spiritual world of people. Then, contrary to spirit, nature is matter.

It should be noted that materialism and materialism are not equated.

The proposition of materialism is material enjoyment, judging right from wrong with material life, and denying spiritual culture and moral ethics. It is believed that the spirit of social development and moral civilization is a waste of social resources.

Consumerism today is an extension of the concept of materialism. Through consumption and shopping to show one’s own difference, in order to win the attention and respect of others, and then obtain spiritual satisfaction.

The concept of materialism is mainly divided into two schools: monism and dualism.

The monistic view is that the core of the world is matter. Dualism holds that the core of the world is not only matter, but also movement.

The opposite of idealism is also divided into two schools: objective idealism and subjective idealism.

Objective idealism holds that there is an objective spirit outside the world, and this spirit is the origin of all things. Subjective idealism starts from oneself.

What is the world as I know it, and what is this world like.

This sentence is the embodiment of subjective idealism.

To put it simply, materialism believes that spirit depends on material, while idealism is that material depends on spirit. This is the opposite point of the two theories.

Regardless of whether the two theories are right or wrong, one thing is certain. Whether it only focuses on the material or the spirit, this unilateral specialization is bound to be wrong.

As the spirit of Wuhe Qin is a symbol of severe power, the concept after its inversion is naturally its corresponding cruelty.

But what happened to make Wuhe Qinli reverse? Why didn’t Xie Ming feel a problem in Wuhe Qinli after five years?

The Master’s information was too little, and Xie Ming was unable to restore the entire situation. Inferences can only be made based on available information.

First of all, Wuhe Qin Li is a true brother-in-law, so there is only one thing that can cause her to reverse, the death of her brother Wuhe Shidao.

If you make an inference from this starting point, then it is the death of Wuhe Shidao. Witnessing this incident, Wuheqin, who had been transformed into an elf, turned and ran away, and fought with Yuichi Origami who had passed back.

As for the Phantom, it should be that he dragged the origami and asked Wuhe Qin to save Wuhe Shidao?

If we add the unexpected change in the Wuheqin to the original situation, this should be the case. But in fact, he couldn’t be sure of what the situation was.

“It’s over…”

Seeing his body gradually disappear, Xie Ming’s mouth twitched: “Have you been trapped in the evil paradise for too long?”

There was no error in his previous judgment. The power of Kuangsan’s twelve bullets was not unplayed, but was blocked by Rin’s evil paradise.

Origami was born after a lot of trouble five years ago. Therefore, the paradise of evil appeared, and the origami, which was about to end the effect of the twelve bullets, was closed, so the origami could not return.

He was imprisoned in the paradise of misfortune as soon as he came back. The power of the twelve bullets was gradually exhausted in the paradise, which caused him to be ‘repatriated’ as soon as he came out.

The origami in the sky should be in the same situation.

“So… what should I do?”

Now Xie Ming has two choices, one is to go back five years with origami. The other is to use time ability to keep oneself five years ago.

The former allows him to fulfill his promise, while the latter allows him to investigate the truth.

What happened during this period.Unfortunately, it is not him who has the right to choose, but the angel in the sky, Yuichi Origami.


Lifting his head, Xie Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

The battle has ended, the Phantom has successfully escaped, and the reversed (?) Wuhe Qinli and the Wuhe Shidao, which possesses the power of the seal elves, are also missing.

So…Origami should almost be discovered.

Driven by hatred and anger, what did he do?

Rin’s paradise of evil is to select a point in time based on the real world, and an area as a node, for endless reincarnation.

All the people in it are real.

In other words, the sister origami, who was his student in the paradise of evil, is the elven origami that came back five years later.

The small origami in the hospital is the origami of the past five years ago.

And what is the truth that Origami and Xie Ming said?

“The aftermath of another monster fighting with the Balrog destroyed Nanjia Town in Tiangong City. Who is the other monster?”

“It’s you… origami.”

Sigh softly, in Xie Ming’s eyes, the body radiating light and shadow in the sky began to tremble constantly.

If you are a villain, you should be laughing wildly at this time, lamenting the miserable scene you have created.

However, origami is not a villain.

She is a future person who returns to the past in order to investigate the truth and save her parents.

Those who want to change the past will suffer the malice of the world. People who arrogantly think that they can manipulate the world at will will know in the end that they are actually manipulated by the world.

Time ability is a double-edged sword, no one knows this better than Xie Ming.

He witnessed the end of such a person with his own eyes, and he carefully completed the concealment with his own hands.

Because he himself possessed the great achievement of ‘saving the world’ and helped the world complete the redemption. Therefore, the world turned a blind eye to his behavior.

The mad scientist was the pioneer of this method, and he finally succeeded in deceiving the world and completing the redemption.

But what is the price?

It is my countless blood, tears and sweat on the two world lines. It is the result of gritting teeth and stepping on the sacrifice of friends countless times.

Even if he paid so much, he almost suffered a backlash in the end.

You have to experience it yourself before you can understand what the predecessors warned. This sentence is really the truth.

Even Xie Ming, who thought he was careful enough to step on the shoulders of so many ancestors, also paid a lot of price.

At this time, the girl named Yuanyi Origami had come to bear the price for the path she chose.


Xie Ming seemed to be able to hear the hoarse voice of the girl desperately squeezing out of her throat. Xie Ming seemed to be able to see that the girl had completely turned into hollow eyes.

The riot of spiritual power began to occur, and the reversal began. The white wedding dress was dyed with a color called despair, and the angel was falling.

But at this time, the more energy bursts out, the faster the speed of repatriation will be accelerated.

This is why Xie Ming did not act rashly.

The space fluctuated slightly, Xie Ming came to kneel in front of the ruins of his house, staring at the little origami in the sky with hatred.

“Kill you…I want to kill you…I will definitely kill you…”

The girl’s whisper was passed into the ears of the youth.

“Little Origami…..”


Feeling the warmth on his head, the little origami slowly turned his head, looking at the adult who should be seeing each other for the first time, but he felt very familiar and made him feel a touch of warmth in his heart.

Two words, almost without passing through the brain directly blurt out.



Maybe it’s because Rin you didn’t disappear, but the reason for living in your own body. Everything that happened in the evil paradise was engraved in the body of the little origami in some way.

“Well, the teacher is here.”

Gently hugged the little origami into his arms, and gently stroked the back of the little origami with his palm, Xie Ming said gently.


Big drops of tears soaked Xie Ming’s shoulders, and the hands that were covered with dirt and scars became tighter and tighter.

“Teacher…I…Dad…Mom…They all…”


“I want to kill it…I want revenge!!!”


At this time, Xie Ming understood that no matter what little origami he said, he would definitely not listen. However, there is one thing he must say no matter whether Origami can hear it or not.

“Little origami…. Please remember, you are never alone.” Xie Ming said softly, “So, no matter what you do, please don’t forget to look at the existence around you, okay?”

“Even if you leave, I will always be by your side, teacher.”

Meijiu’s spiritual power was activated, and the corner of her eyes fell asleep with tears in her eyes. And Xie Ming’s body was completely Hollow at this moment.

I still need my own help for origami after five years.


Today is the eve of Halloween, and it is also the day after Xie Ming returned to the past. In order to cheer everyone up, Kuangsan and Erya suggested that everyone take to the streets together to make preparations.

They believe that Xie Ming will come back, so prepare for the welcome party in advance.

Flaxinas watched the elves who were still passing through the days even if Xie Ming left, and slowly relaxed their vigilance, except for one person.


Looking at the piano seated in the commander’s position, Shen Wuyue smiled and said, “Almost should be relieved? The elves are in a normal state, and only a few people are required to work in this normal night shift.”

“Shen Wuyue shut up.”


Hearing this tough order, Shen Wuyue instantly became excited and closed her mouth obediently.


Gently bit the lollipop in his mouth with his teeth, Qinli looked at the quietly silent night sky outside the window, and his eyes seemed to be quietly burning with flames.

“Should… be today…”

If she remembers correctly, a fate-determining event will happen today.


This time, it was no longer the sound of lollipops.


“All staff, first level combat alert.”


Regardless of why their own commander seemed to have anticipated this in advance, what they need to do now is to immediately activate the space shock alarm and allow citizens to take refuge.


“No, Commander, it’s too late!”

“Crack, click, click…”

It’s like a certain existence weaves a huge spider web in the sky, and the dark mist is constantly overflowing from the cracks, creeping and spreading crazily around.

For a time, there was no way to even measure how much the spider web covered.

The entire Tiangong City is shaking because of the advent of some existence.

“The psychic power test is negative! This is!!!”

“The reversal of the wizard.”

He crushed the lollipop he was holding, and Qinli stared fiercely at the existence that slowly emerged from the crack in the sky.

“The devil has come.”

With arms around his knees, long silver hair waist-length without wind. The dark attire is like mourning clothes, coupled with the hollow and desperate look on the girl’s face…

“Toiichi… origami?”

Looking at the classmates who descended from the sky blankly, Shixiang murmured, “What happened…what?”

“What the hell happened!! Toiichi origami!!!”

“ten spices!”

“Student Shixiang!”

Seeing Shixiang who lifted his huge sword into the sky, the other elves looked at each other, and they also showed their spiritual outfits rushing to the sky.

Fortunately, because of the terrifying weather, the people in Tiangong City have been able to evacuate several times faster than before. So when Shixiang was in a daze, the people around had already disappeared.


Shixiang’s shout did not cause origami to make any movements. Those who move are the ‘black feathers’ floating around her.

It was the entity that wriggled the black cloud, and it was the strongest weapon of origami today.

The savior (satan).




“Ye Juya! Uh!!!”

The light swayed from feathers like a shower, and the bustling city instantly turned into a ruin. Toka, Shishino, Yakuya, and Yuxian were also hit by the light and crashed to the ground.

“Shiitono, are you okay?”

“Um…I’m fine, Shishina.”

Responding to Shiito who turned into a giant white rabbit, Shiito looked up at the motionless origami: “Miss Origami…what happened?”


Pushing away the rubble that was pressing on him, Shixiang stood up with his father’s death: “That’s…”


Erya, who also appeared in the spirit outfit, said softly: “When the elves fall into despair, their spiritual power will reverse. The strength will be greatly increased, but it is also unstable to the extreme.”

“It’s like the current origami.”

“The problem now is…”

“Where did the teacher go~?”

Kuang San, who was sitting on the ruins, tilted his head with the barrel tapped gently on his knees: “Origami classmates are back, so the teacher should be back too.”

Xie Ming, where did you go?

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