Chapter 1688 Heart on the verge of collapse

Where did Xie Ming go?

Quite simply, he was cut off again.

“Mr. Xie Ming, you are welcome to visit the floating battleship to which Latatosk belongs, Fraxinas.”

Seeing Shen Wuyue who gracefully salutes herself in front of him, Xie Ming frowned: “This is not called a visit, this is called a mandatory invitation.”

“There is so much fun outside, I have no time to waste my tongue with you. Let me go out now, or I can go out by myself.”

“Please don’t worry, Mr. Xie Ming.”

Shen Wuyue waved his hand and said: “Because we Latatosk detected Lingbo in advance, the residents have already completed their evacuation ahead of schedule.”

“Now, Mr. Xie Ming, your students are making concerted efforts to prevent the Devil, which is Yuyi Origami. For the time being, there will be no problem.”

Hearing these words, Xie Ming raised his eyebrows.

What does it mean that there will be no problems for the time being? Shixiang and the others were injured because of the battle, can you ignore the past simply by using the three words “no problem”?

Although he was a little concerned about what this group of voyeurs suddenly found himself for, but now it is clear that there are more important things, and he doesn’t have that American time to waste here.

Just as Xie Ming was about to leave the battleship with his space ability, a slightly immature voice stopped him.

“Shen Wuyue, shut up.”

Dressed in a military uniform, Wuhe Qin walked up to Xie Ming with a lollipop in it. First stepped on Shen Wuyue’s toe, and then kicked it to the side with a flying kick.

“Um!!! Ah!!! Commander’s… Commander’s favor~~~”

“…Is there enough drama?”

Xie Ming frowned: “I don’t have time to accompany you to fool around.”

“Teacher Xie Ming, aren’t you curious?” Wuhe Qinli folded his arms and looked at Xie Ming faintly: “Why do we, who have always been on the sidelines and laissez-faire attitude towards your actions, will suddenly make a move this time.”

“Curious. But now, not the time to ask this.”

“Don’t be impatient.”

Shaking the lollipop in his hand, Wuheqin said calmly: “Although the elves of the reversed body will be stronger than the normal ones. But there are limits.”

“It is impossible to cause too much harm to Yatogami Shioka and the others by just Origami Yuichi. Now, they have initially suppressed Origami Yuichi.”

“Then only need to hit Tokazaki’s four bullets (Dalet), then the reversal problem of Toiichi Origami can be solved.”

“Your students are more reliable than you think. So, there is no reason for you to be on the stage.”

“However, that only solves the problem of reversal, and treats the symptoms rather than the root cause.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “As long as the despair that caused the origami to reverse still exists in her heart, then when she is conscious, she will reverse again.”

“Then what the teacher means is that if you go, you can solve that despair.”

“Not necessarily, but I will try my best.”

“Try your best…?”

Wuhe Qinli asked, “Why do you want to place your bet on such uncertain things? After letting Tokizaki use Dalet to restore Yuichi origami, you can adjust her psychologically, no Is it better and safer?”

“Qinli, you are secretly changing the concept.” Xie Ming shook his head: “There is no better and safer. Two kinds of problems can be solved more quickly with my presence.”

“Moreover, compared to post-conditioning, doing this now has a higher success rate in my opinion.”

“Although I don’t know why you want to do this, I must have your thoughts. But…”

Xie Ming looked at Qinli: “You have your ideas, I have my methods.”

“Wait a moment!”

Seeing Xie Ming preparing to leave, Wuhe Qin’s voice increased a few degrees: “Teacher! You should understand! Now the more you expose, the more dangerous you will be!”


“You in the piano…”

Reminiscent of the black flames that I saw five years ago, Xie Ming’s movements stopped. The current reaction in Wuhe Qin reminded him a lot of things.

but…..”Qinli, thank you very much for your concern.”

Xie Ming smiled and drew the sky flames from the shadows: “However, apart from the cowardice in my heart, there is no reason to stop a teacher from increasing the pace of his students.”


This time, the voice in the piano did not stop Xie Ming. There was no one in front of the transmission ladder, making Qin Li’s fist smashed against the wall of the floating battleship.

“Damn it!”



“Yuanyi origami, you can wake me up!”


“Master of Origami…..”


Shishina and Shishino help everyone to defend, and Kuangsan is responsible for defending the black light beam of origami by attacking and attacking. With the assistance of Yakushi and Yuxian, Toka continues to accelerate his attempts to approach origami.

With the blessing of Meijiu’s singing and the favorable environment created by Erya’s Announcement, even the reversal origami that keeps awake is extremely troublesome.

Not to mention, origami is now in a state of autism that is isolated from all external influences.

More than half of the pitch-black floating cannon “Savior Demon” has been shot down by the three of Tokayama, and Yushinono is frozen in the ice and temporarily restrained.

“Kuangsan! You said you have a way, is that true, right?”

“Of course~”

Kuangsan smiled and said: “Reverse this kind of trivial matter, and it can be solved with one bullet.”

Of course, the premise is that it can be hit.

“No, don’t be like this.”


A voice made everyone look back. Xie Ming smiled and waved to everyone: “Oh, everyone, your hard work.”

“Xie Ming (teacher)!”

“I understand everyone’s feelings. If you have any problems, wait until the matter is resolved. Now, please cooperate with me first.”

Lightly tapping the shoulders with Tianhuojingyan, Xie Ming raised his head and looked at the origami.

Dry lips, hollow eyes that are deeply sunken, and extremely pale complexion. That can no longer be regarded as a living person, it can only be said to be a walking dead.

But I think so, how many people can not lose control in the face of such a blow?

The hatred for several years, the enemy who hesitated to abandon everything to chase, turned out to be the self who came back from the future.

It is too sad.

But… even so…

“People have to overcome this grief and raise their heads. Step on the present, look to the future, origami.”

“Mei Nine.”

Xie Ming said softly: “I need you to wake up your origami consciousness.”

“Yes, teacher…Huh?”

Subconsciously agreed, Mei Jiu immediately responded: “Teacher, you mean?”

“Well, stimulate her spirit to wake her up.” Xie Ming said lightly, “No matter what way.”

“Let her be violent, make her angry, change the object of her hatred…whatever it is, just awaken her consciousness.”

“I will help you too.”

“…..I see.”

After a few seconds of silence, Meijiu’s expression became serious: “I don’t understand what you want to do, teacher. But I know, teacher, you must be saving this student Yiyi.”

“Then I will go all out.”

“Others, before Meijiu and I stimulated Origami, we continued to suppress origami. But after she woke up, she started to protect the city with all her strength.”

The dark blue-patterned long knife was slowly pulled out, and Xie Ming said softly: “Origami, give it to me.”

“”clear! “”


“For example, Yud·Bet.”

“Kuang San…. People who play with time and the world wantonly will eventually be played with by the world and time.” Xie Ming said calmly: “After seeing the appearance of origami, you should understand that this is what it is. .”

“Sometimes, we need to awe the power we have. The more dangerous the power, the more we must be careful. Possession does not mean Master.”

“Besides, it’s time for Origami to grow up.”

“…… Sometimes, I really don’t understand.”

Kuangsan smiled and sighed softly, “Teacher, are you gentle or cold?”

“What you are going to do now, but let Yiyi-classmate face the despair that broke her down.”


Xie Ming said lightly: “This is her sin. She should face it and endure it. No one will forgive her, and no one is qualified to forgive her instead.”

“Even, she herself is not qualified.”

“She must face up to this sin, take it on her shoulders, and then… live bravely.”

“Teacher, ready!”

“Well, then let’s start.”

[Gabriel and Solo! ! ! 】

Tianhuo Jingyan, Psychological Master.

Meijiu’s spiritual power opened the breakthrough, and in Xie Ming’s heart, the Master had penetrated into the heart of origami. There, he saw a young girl in a black dress.

The girl floated in the dark, curled up as if she had returned to the womb. It seems that maintaining this posture can bring her a trace of security. Or… let her feel the love from her parents again.

Xie Ming understood that what he was going to do now was so cruel to this young girl.

It was almost equivalent to tearing open her wound, and then sprinkling a handful of salt on it. Origami, who was already on the verge of a nervous breakdown, may have completely collapsed because of his behavior.

Regarding this matter, Xie Ming is already prepared.

The ability of the Psychological Master was originally developed to be used for spiritual treatment of people. Because this is really touching the hearts of others and truly empathizing with others.

Similarly, it can maintain the last string in the human heart. In other words, the despair that hits that string is transferred to oneself.


When I walked to the side of Origami, regardless of whether Origami heard it or not, Xie Ming said on his own.

“I keep saying that I have not experienced your painful experience, so I am not qualified to persuade you to let go. In fact, you cannot let go of the sin you committed.”

“But you said that you gave me everything about yourself, leaving only anger and hatred for yourself.”

“Then now… I will give you everything you have. In exchange, give me your anger and hatred.”

With that, Xie Ming grabbed Origami’s arm. Pulled her up hard.





“Teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher…”

Like a curse, the origami in the spiritual world kept repeating these two words in a low voice, staring at Xie Ming with hollow eyes: “Teacher!”



“boom!!!!!”Outside, the floating origami suddenly stood up. A little brilliance appeared in his eyes. It was a look called despair, hatred, and anger.

Xie Ming also opened his eyes and slowly lifted into the air.


“Teacher…I…killed my parents.”

“Well, I saw it.”

“Teacher you… see it?”

“Yes, I saw it.” Xie Ming said lightly: “You should remember it too? Five years ago, I was there.”

“Teacher you… now that you see… then why don’t you protect my parents?”

Origami tilted his head: “With the teacher’s ability, I should be able to protect my parents.”

“Yes, I have that ability.”

“Then…. Why didn’t the teacher do it?” Origami asked softly: “Teacher, you… why did you watch my parents being killed?”

“Aren’t you… a teacher?”

“Because that is your sin.”

Xie Ming looked at the origami and said coldly: “It was you who killed your parents with your own hands.”

“Do not….”

“It was you who did not listen to advice and went back to the past, that’s why you ended up like this.”


“It was you who did not hesitate to abandon He Shixiang, and your friendship with everyone, and went your own way. In the end, you killed your own parents.”


The violent spiritual power spread madly around, the savior devil broke out of the ice, and madly rotated around the origami.

“By the way… it’s the teacher… it’s your fault, the teacher.”

Origami showed a crazy smile: “Yes, it’s the teacher, your fault. It’s the teacher that you can’t save you, so my parents will die. Everything is your problem, the teacher.”


“I can’t answer, right? Hahahahahahahahaha!! By the way, it’s not just the teacher! There are Kazaki Tokazaki! There are also elves!”

“Without Tosaki Kakuzo, I would not have thought of going back in time! If there is no spiritual crystallization, I would not have this disgusting power! Without the elves, my parents would not die!”

“It’s your fault, it’s all your fault!”



“Teacher you…” Origami smiled slightly: “Can you die?”


The dark light beam of spiritual power came to Xie Ming’s body in the blink of an eye. But before it hit, Tianhuo Jingyan’s blade had already cut it open in advance.

Swinging a knife to cut away the surrounding flames, the tip of the knife pointed diagonally at the ground.

“Is it just that level?”

Xie Ming said lightly: “If you want the teacher to die, this level is far from enough.”


He pressed his hands tightly on his cheeks, and his bloodshot eyes stared at Xie Ming tightly through his fingers: “Teacher you, hurry up and die!”

“Only you are dead! I…I can…I can atone for my mom and dad!!!”


More light beams rushed to Xie Ming frantically, like the hatred gushing out of origami’s heart.

And Xie Ming needs to do only one thing.

Hold on, bear this hatred.

Until the origami is exhausted.

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