Chapter 1690

With the ability of Kuang San, Xie Ming’s arm injury is actually nothing. Even if it is left alone, relying on the spiritual power that the elves occasionally cannot control, they can repair it by themselves in a few hours.

However, in order not to worry everyone, and to reduce some of the guilt in Origami’s heart, he still let Kuang San secretly shot himself four bullets.

As for origami, although Xie Ming let her live with her sins. But in fact, all she needs to endure is the tragedy caused by her own will.

But no one will ask or talk about this sin. Just let it sleep in the corner of origami’s heart, as an inscription to warn oneself, to warn oneself not to let similar things happen again.

As for the rest, to be honest, no one paid much attention to it.

The destroyed city can be repaired with a special display device, and everyone’s minor injuries will heal after a while.

Xie Ming didn’t intend to tell others about it during the time in the paradise of evil. Origami may be able to detect a little bit, but with her character

What really embarrassed her was how she should face everyone in the future.

After all, when he left, he was determined to be resolute, and he was unfeeling when he fought. When I found that everything was at fault, I was afraid that Xie Ming would be able to dig out a three-bedroom and one living room with his toes.

Just kidding.

Origami, which has almost lost all morals, would care about this kind of thing? At most, some don’t know how to get along.

Not to mention origami, Shixiang is also struggling now.

Although at that time, taking advantage of the situation and impulse, I said all of my thoughts at once. But on the night after Origami came back, she started rolling back and forth on the bed with her pillow.


Rubbing his butt and got up from the ground, Shixiang looked panicked: “I’m going to school tomorrow, how can I talk to Yuanyi Origami! Do you want a normal greeting? Or…”


He buried his face in the pillow fiercely, and desperately scratched the sheets: “What should I do, what should I do, what should I do~~~~”


Turning over, his body slowly slid down like ooze, leaving only his head leaning against the bed. Wu You, a girl who has been carefree, finally knows what stress is and what troubles are recently.

In the past, when she chatted with her class friends, it was not uncommon for her to talk about similar topics.

“Shixiang is so good, don’t worry about anything.”

“Worry? What is worth worrying about?”

“Hey? Something worth worrying about?”

“There are many, such as grades, homework, not enough pocket money, eating too much and gaining weight…”


Seeing Shixiang’s seemingly understandable expression, the female classmates sighed softly: “I really envy Shixiang, I don’t see any fat after eating so much every day.”

With that, he touched Shixiang’s belly, and the resentment on his face deepened.

“Hahahaha, itchy~”

“Hmm! Look at the move, look at the move, look at the move~~~~”

“No, stop it, hahahahaha~~~~~” Shixiang quickly escaped from the clutches of her clutches and complained: “Really, the clothes are messed up.”

“Do you really need to worry about what you said?”

“It will happen one day, Shixiang will worry about things.” Another female classmate said with a smile: “At that time, I am afraid that Shixiang will grow up.”

“Grow up…”

Looking at the ceiling with a long sigh, the girl murmured, “Is this just growing up?”

If Xie Ming was there, he would rub her head and said with a smile.

“This is not growing up, this is growing up.”

Yes, girls are growing, and girls are growing.

Not only Shixiang, everyone is growing.


“ten spices?””Ah oh oh, Shixiang, you are…”

“Oh…. Shiitono, Shiina, good morning.”


“Ten Xiang, you…”

“Shocked. Shixiang actually…”

“Good morning, Kuangsan, Ye Juya, and Xixian.”

“Woo~~ Good morning everyone… hey? Shixiang, what’s the matter with you?” Er Ya, who came out with a mess of hair, yawned for a moment: “You stayed up like me yesterday? ”

“How could Shixiang…hey?”

Xie Minggang, who walked out of the kitchen with the dishes, thought about the usual lesson two, but after seeing the two dark circles on Shixiang’s face, he was also taken aback.

“ten spices?”

“Good morning Erya, good morning Xie Ming.”

Shixiang yawned: “I thought about a lot of things last night, so I didn’t sleep much.”


? ? ? ? ? ? ?

At this time, even Kuang San, who hadn’t paid much attention to him, stopped his hand movements and looked at Shixiang in surprise.

Shixiang, the god of night swordsman, actually had insomnia because of thinking about things? That night sword god Shixiang?

Erya took out his mobile phone from Kabuto: “Today’s weather forecast will not snow? Shiitono, you didn’t control your spiritual power yesterday?”

“It’s…not there.” Shishino puffed up his face with some dissatisfaction, and Shishina waved his hand in protest: “That’s right! Shishino is a good boy!”

“Sorry, sorry.”

“Really…but Shishina doesn’t understand what Erya said.”

Holding the two short hands together, Shiina nodded and said, “That Toka can’t fall asleep because of thinking about things, it’s really…”

“Huh~! Everyone is so rude!”

“Okay, it’s time to eat.”

Xie Ming smiled and put the last two dishes on the table. He almost realized that Shixiang was making troubles.

After all, Wu You usually worry-free people, there are only a few things that can be annoying. If you analyze it roughly, you can basically get the result.

“ten spices.”


Shixiang, who was already full of food, turned his head and looked at Xie Ming with some doubts.

“Come on.”

“Xie Ming…”

Shixiang’s pupils fluctuated a few times, and then smiled brightly: “Hmm!”


After a month of school, even if it was origami, when I saw the familiar school gate, I couldn’t help but hesitate.

I finally returned to my familiar routine.

“Ah… isn’t that?”

“Yiyi classmate?”

“I really can’t stand it… Yuiichi-san?”

The trio in the class rushed around the origami looking at the school like a whirlwind, with surprises all over their faces.

“Yiyi, you are back!”

“Where have you been all this time!?”

“I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it!”


Surprised by the enthusiasm of these three people, Origami couldn’t help taking a few steps back: “Yamabuki-san, Ha Sakura, Fujihaka (ku), please calm down.”


“Yiyi-student, actually remember our names?”

“Really can’t stand it?”


Origami nodded calmly: “Of course I remember the names of students in the same class.”


The three of them glanced at each other, and then two of them put up their origami arms, and one of them opened the way in front: “Everyone! Iiyi is back~~!!!”


Origami’s eyes widened, and she hadn’t imagined that the living treasures in these three classes could actually do such a thing. Having maintained a calm expression, a panic finally appeared at this time.

“Wait… Yamabuki-san, Ye Sakura-san…”

However, the three people who were completely excited cannot hear the faint protest of origami.


Although because of the return of origami, the school was lively for a while. Origami was also accompanied by Xie Ming and went to the principal’s office to explain the reason for the sudden absence of class for so long.

With Latatosk’s side covering, these are just minor issues. After all, from the school’s point of view, I don’t want to give up this good student who ranks among the top in the country for mock exams.

The only problem lies with Xie Ming, the head teacher. After all, what happened the week he went to Longdan Temple Women’s College had already been spread.

Even the principal of this school, after hearing the news, saw Xie Ming feel a little frustrated.

If he insisted that Yuyi Origami must be expelled, the principal wouldn’t dare to say anything. After all, missing for a month without a reason is a bit too disqualified as a student.

And now, Xie Ming personally came forward to explain for origami, which means that there must be no problem on his side.

There were no problems on both sides, and this matter naturally ended up with origami in one go.

Good students like origami will usually be reported to the class teacher and then revoked before graduation. As for students who have bad grades and are considered bad students, it is naturally impossible to receive this kind of treatment.

Fortunately, countries such as Japan have such occupations as ‘days’ and ‘temporary workers’. They are all temporarily employed, and there is no need to sign a contract, and they are paid on time in accordance with the basic salary of the labor law.

So even if you have been recorded in your school status, you can’t be hired by some companies, but you can survive by doing physical work alone.

Even if it has been recorded, it is still a living labor force! These cheap labors are not used, isn’t it a waste?

Although there is basically no such thing as non-payment of wages, it is basically the trick that comes and goes. Of course, cheap laborers also have a choice of jobs.

But most of the time, they are chosen.

After all, not working means no money. If there is no money, high rents, food, water and electricity will all become big problems.

The wages you get from part-time work can save some money as long as you work harder. And after getting acquainted with the temporary workers, there is no need to worry about not having a job.

If you get acquainted, it’s not that you can’t climb up and become a small leader like a foreman. At that time, you don’t need to do physical work on your own, and you can draw your achievements from the salary of the people you find.

This is the way of life of the bottom people in capitalist countries. It is not bad, but it is definitely not good.

And what is the reason for this?

Didn’t you study well in school?

There is this reason, but this reason is not all.

The fundamental problem still lies in one word: money.

A good school will teach seriously and will speak more profound knowledge. However, the tuition fee of this kind of school is much higher than that of ordinary schools. If the family of a child who has no idea of ​​going to higher education will not allow him to go to such a school.

In general schools, teachers can only speak shallowly. Want to listen deep? Okay, go to the bookstore to buy tutorial books and spend money on the tuition classes recommended by the teacher.

Then what? After spending all this money, what will you face when you are admitted to your favorite university?

It is more expensive tuition.

Even if there is a scholarship, the remaining part is quite a sum of money for civilians. As for the full scholarship? Can you win for those few places?

If you can’t get it, you can only work part-time.So the question is, how many people can take care of both school studies and part-time jobs?

This is the root of the disease in many capitalist countries. The way up is blocked, leaving only a small opening. And there are very few civilian students who can squeeze through that small opening.

Even if you squeeze in, you have no background at home, you still have to work for others in the end. A good man can be a superfluous son-in-law, and a good woman can be a regular wife or secretary.

Well, why did you use “Ping Wife”, as long as you understand it.

For most people, there are basically only two ways out in the future: social animals or temporary workers. This situation is particularly serious in Japan.

Therefore, more people will choose a vocational school than entering a higher school.

After learning a skill, not only can I get a lot of wages, but the job is also relatively free compared to social animals. And this is just relative.

If you interview Japanese students, ask them why they are so decadent. Students who see clearly should answer that way.

“Because I can’t see the future.”

If you can’t see the future, what should you work hard for?

Pass it and pass it.

Going a little further, back to the topic.

After school, the origami who was packing his schoolbag heard footsteps and raised his head slightly. Then, he was taken aback.

“Yo… Toiichi origami.”

Shixiang, with a tight face, looked at the origami solemnly, and said hello stiffly.

“The god of night swords… Shixiang.”

Seeing such a serious Shixiang, Origami’s face also felt a little unnatural.

Before I went there, I had a fight with her. After I came back, she was also trying to stop herself when she ran away. Now, Origami really doesn’t know how to get along with her.

“Kiteichi origami.”

Taking a deep breath, Shixiang said seriously: “Next, do you have time?”

Are you coming?

Also, because of emotion and reason, I also need to get to know her.

Thinking of this, Origami stood up: “Yes.”

“Yes. Really…Yes.”

She squeezed the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands, and Shixiang’s gaze drifted away uncontrollably.

“Don’t be nervous, me! What’s the big deal! Didn’t you practice so many times last night? Why did you drop the chain at a critical time!”

“come on, come on, come on!”

“Kiteichi Origami!”


Suddenly he shouted, and almost made Origami reveal his spiritual outfit: “Yadao God Toka, if you want…”

“Next…” Shixiang’s voice became smaller and smaller: “Next, do you want to play with me?”

“Want to take me out… hey?”

“Would you like to play with me next?”


For the first time, Origami was a little messy. This is completely different from what I thought?

Seeing the origami still blank, Shixiang blushed, and luckily Dantian said, “I said! Next!!! Do you want to!!! And me…”

“Don’t shout so loudly.”

Origami covered Shixiang’s mouth with both hands, and said quickly: “I just promised, don’t shout.”


When Origami promised, Shixiang’s expression clearly became cheerful. Seeing such ten incense, Origami sighed helplessly.

Yes, what can an idiot have?

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