Chapter 1691 is a friend and an opponent

“Yuanyi Origami, come here! Tell you, this soybean flour bread is super delicious! Come and try it too!”

“Hey! What are you doing there, Yuiichi origami! This way!”

“This is for you! Why haven’t you finished eating just now? Hurry up and eat quickly, there will be a lot of delicious food next!”

“Kiteichi Origami!”

“Toiichi Origami…”

“Kiteichi origami?”


People in the shopping street are already very familiar with the vitality girl Toka. After all, in every game of Big Stomach King, there is always her presence.

Although the organizer wanted to ban her from the game, every time she saw her happy face when she was eating, she couldn’t say anything.

And in fact, many customers have become customers in the store because of the girl’s expression.

So before you know it, Toka has become the mascot of the shopping street.

But the one with Shixiang today is not the old friends, but a rather strange face.

It’s no wonder that the materials for origami cooking and some daily necessities are usually purchased in supermarkets. I have hardly been to such a market-like street.

For her, this is also a fairly new experience.

It’s just that the people in the shopping street are a little puzzled. Is the relationship between the two people good or bad?

When talking about a good relationship, they both call each other’s full name directly. Saying that the relationship is not good, Shixiang’s happy smile is not like a fake.

In the end, the uncles and aunts can only be regarded as the new fashion of young people, or the tacit understanding between the two.

This is also…. Nothing is wrong.

Origami is indeed the only person in Shixiang who uses full name, but Origami refers to elves by full name.

In other words, Origami is the only one of Shixiang, but Shixiang is not the only one.

Um? It sounds weird.

The reason for calling the elves by their full names is actually that Origami is constantly reminding yourself: Don’t forget that the other party is an elves, which can destroy the world at any time.

But now, she has also become an elf, and even if no one stops her, she is the existence that destroys the world.

Everything before, looks a little ridiculous at this time. Therefore, origami is actually a bit hesitant and annoying now.

What kind of attitude should I face the elves with myself.

Do you stick to your position all the time? But do you still have that qualification?

So, treat them as ordinary girls?

Have you always regarded elves as threats to yourself? Think of them as ordinary girls now? There is a bit of change in the mentality that is true.

But up to now, there is one thing that origami has to admit.

They are very kind girls, unless something similar happens, they will not cause harm to the world.

The girl in front of her who obviously wanted to say something to herself, but who had thrown business out of the sky because of various things, was a model of the model.


Feeling the sight of Origami, Shixiang tilted her head and swallowed the contents of her mouth: “What’s the matter with Kiteichi Origami, don’t you eat it?”

“…I have eaten a little too much.”

This is the truth, even if she eats only one-tenth of Shixiang, it is far beyond her original appetite. After thinking about it, among all the elves, it seems that Shixiang has such an exaggerated appetite.

Even the self who has become an elf does not have that great demand for daily food.

“Yedao God Shixiang, you eat so much, can you still eat dinner?”

“Oh! Don’t worry.”Shixiang smiled happily: “I have reserved the amount for dinner?”


Regarding how Shixiang controls his appetite and how to accurately grasp the amount of dinner, Origami said that he did not want to know at all. After all, that is no longer an area she can reach.

“But…you can eat very little Yuichi origami…”

“My appetite is within the range of normal people. It’s Yadao God Shixiang, you can eat too much.”

“Really? Hehe.” Shixiang scratched his head: “Actually, I was aware of it before, but Xie Ming said that I don’t need to care about this. He also said that what can be eaten is a blessing, and that as a chef, it is so good to see someone can eat. Happiness is a treat.”

“So later, I didn’t care much anymore.”

“But if you can’t eat Yuiichi Origami, let’s go to the next place.”

“Next place?”


Pulling up the wrist of the origami naturally, Shixiang happily said, “Go to the game hall!”


For Kiteichi Origami, who spent all five years in training, today is really a fresh experience. In other words, it was something that I had never thought of before.

Eat snacks with the elves, go to the game hall to play games, catch dolls, take photo stickers, sing in a small KTV…

Looking at the blank face in the photo and Shixiang with a sweet smile, Origami fell into silence.

I can’t fool myself, so Origami can see that in the photo…that is, I was really enjoying my time with Shixiang.

“Yedao God Shixiang.”


Shixiang turned his head, with some ice cream on his face: “What’s wrong? Yuanyi origami.”


“Huh? Oh oh oh oh…”

Wiping off the ice cream on his face, Shixiang smiled and said, “Thank you~”

“You’re welcome. And…” After a few seconds of silence, Origami finally asked, “Yatogami Shioka, you came out with me, shouldn’t it be just for fun?”

“Huh? Ah…”

After blinking, Shixiang finally remembered what she had left behind.

“Sure enough, you forgot, right.” Origami said blankly: “You forgot, right?”

“Don’t repeat it twice!”

Shixiang stomped angrily and stared at the origami: “I see, then let’s talk while walking.”



Taking a deep breath, Shixiang tried to restrain her shyness: “First of all, Yuichi origami. What I want to tell you is that I am very happy to see you come back.”


“Secondly, no matter what happened before. But in the next time, I want to get along well with you. What I said before, wanting to be friends with you, is not a lie.”


Shixiang’s expression suddenly changed, and he stared at the origami fiercely: “Although I don’t know what happened to you and Xie Ming in the past. But! Yes! Xie Ming belongs to me!”


Origami was taken aback for a moment and looked at the vinegar smell on his face.

“Xie Ming said that important things have to be said three times…”

After Shixiang mumbled, he looked at the origami fiercely again: “Have you heard!? Xie Ming is mine! Xie Ming is mine!”

Don’t think that Shixiang is usually like a foodie, as if nothing but eating is in his head. But in fact, she is a big jealous jar.

It is not a matter of a day or two to have a good impression of Xie Ming in my heart. But because of Xie Ming’s teaching, Shixiang was a little smarter in learning.

She learned to check things online and read books.

I usually have nothing to do at leisure, and I would go to Erya to borrow a few love comics and bring them back to the room, watching and rolling on the floor in shame.

Because of her kind and dull nature, she didn’t feel any threat from the family. The only thing that felt the crisis was when Kuangsan came in.

But what kind of character is Kuang San? After a little handling, she completely let go of her guard against Kuangsan.

As for Meijiu?

Shixiang was too late to hide.

But this time, she really felt a sense of threat from origami. One of the reasons is Xie Ming’s name for origami.

When Xie Ming was clearly in school, Xie Ming called himself and others by the last name. But today when Xie Ming called for origami, he always called his name directly.

Moreover, the atmosphere between the two has also changed a lot.

The origami side is okay, mainly Xie Ming’s side. The attitude towards origami is actually more intimate than them.

This made Shixiang very uncomfortable. You know, apart from Erya, she was the first to know Xie Ming!

This made her think of the appearance of those beautiful girls from heaven, which made the hero in the love comics start to waver. At this time, the heroines in the comics are generally aggrieved and pitiful.

But after she asked Erya, Erya answered like this.

“Shixiang, comics are comics, and reality is reality.”

The Erya language earnestly said: “In reality, you must clearly showdown with your opponent and declare your sovereignty. Only in this way can you have a sense of oppression against your opponent.”

Shixiang listened to this passage.

But it is a pity that normal girls will definitely retreat because of this. Origami is not such a person.

“Teacher, it’s mine.”

Origami looked at Shixiang calmly, and said very seriously: “Teacher, I won’t give it to you.”

“Kiteichi origami.”

“Yedao God Shixiang.”

The two young girls looked at each other, and they could see the will to never give up from the pupils of each other.

“In this case, we are opponents!”

“Just to my liking.”

“But… even if it’s an opponent, I want to be friends with you.” Toka generously stretched out his hand: “Toiichi Origami, are you willing to be my friend?”


What a fool.

This is the evaluation of Shixiang in the heart of Origami. There are no girls who want to be friends with their rivals in romance.

Moreover, in such a large public, he said such shameless words without any scruples.

But she doesn’t hate this kind of straightforward and sincere idiot.

“You will regret this.”

Holding Shixiang’s outstretched hand, Origami calmly said, “I will use this identity to get closer to the teacher and get the teacher’s hand.”

“What? Yuichi origami, your intentions are so sinister!?”

Shixiang was taken aback, but then stared back with a more fierce gaze: “But, I won’t let you succeed!”

“Only you?”

“Just rely on me.”

The two of them stared at each other non-relentingly. Suddenly, Shixiang burst into laughter. The corners of the origami mouth are also slightly raised.This scene was seen by someone who was hiding in the dark.

“Really… Elves, they are actually students who came to Zen High School? Also, the Xie Ming in their mouths…should they be the man that night?”

“Isn’t this… interesting?”

With a dark smile on her face, the girl murmured: “If you seduce that man, I don’t know what kind of expression you will show? Ha ha ha ha ha…”

“This is the punishment you scared me~”


“Huh… it’s over, it’s over.”

Stretched a big lazy waist, glanced outside the window, and found that it was completely dark outside. I am afraid that in the whole school, he is the only room with the lights on.

No way, because of origami, he wasted a lot of time and tongue after he was busy. As a result, his work has fallen a lot.

The riot of origami has affected all aspects. School attendance, urban restoration, course progress changes, etc…

After all, AST’s repair unit is not Rin, and can restore the destroyed city to the same level as before with a wave of hands.

If it weren’t for Shixiang and the others, I’m afraid it would take more time to repair the troops.

“Speaking of which, I don’t know how they settled for dinner.”

In Xie Ming’s impression, usually Kuangsan and Shishino would come to help themselves. Yusen and Yakiya seemed to have had a battle before, but they seemed to be reluctant to mention what happened in that victory or defeat.

As for Erya and Shixiang… the former is the one who starved to death in the former, while the latter should have filled his stomach on the way home.

However, there shouldn’t be any major problems if there are mad three.

And Xie Ming himself, it doesn’t matter whether he eats or not. See if there are any dishes that arouse your interest on the way home, buy one and try it if you have one.

“Xie Ming~~”

“ten spices?”

As soon as he walked out of the school building, a familiar figure ran towards this side. The long soft hair with a little purple dress and the crystal-like beautiful pupils were nothing but Shixiang.

“Shixiang, what’s wrong?”

“Isn’t it because Xie Ming didn’t come back so late.”

Shixiang handed out the plastic bag he was carrying, and said with a smile, “Hey~ let’s eat something first.”

“Oh? Thank you.”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows unexpectedly and opened the plastic bag. Unsurprisingly, it is filled with Shixiang’s favorite soybean flour bread. But in addition, there is an extra box of original milk.

“You’re welcome.”

Zhanyan smiled, Shixiang naturally took Xie Ming’s arm: “Let’s go, let’s go home quickly.”

“Yes…but before again, I need to do one thing first.”

“whats the matter?”

“Seal your spiritual power.”


Before Shixiang could react, Xie Ming’s index finger lightly tapped her forehead. At the next moment, a completely different spiritual force poured into Xie Ming’s body along the passage.

Shixiang’s body was also shrouded in light, getting smaller and smaller. The last thing that appeared in front of Xie Ming was a little girl with long and tousled light green hair.

Because Xie Ming left her a little spiritual power, the little girl still wore the same spiritual outfit as the Halloween witch.

Bloomers, pointed shoes, and a wide witch hat.

“Huh? Huh? Huh? My power? Haniel!?”

“Although I don’t know why you approached me with Shixiang’s attitude…”

Xie Ming squatted down and looked at the little girl who had forgotten to let go of her arm: “But since you dare to go home with me like Shixiang, it means that Shixiang should have been hidden by you.”

“Can you tell me where did you hide ten incense?”

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