Chapter 1692 Seven Sins

“Wow~~~Xie Ming~~~~~”


With a helpless look, he hugged Shixiang, who was only six or seven years old, and Xie Ming coaxed softly: “It’s okay, it’s okay.”


Seeing Xie Ming’s gentle expression, the little green-haired girl pulled her witch’s hat and said gloomily: “Okay, your baby Shixiang has already returned to you, now you can give me the strength. Right?”

“That won’t work.”


“Because if you return it to you, you must retaliate against me immediately.” Xie Ming said frankly, “I don’t want to be retaliated by you.”

“Tsk, you actually snatched things from children! Are you an adult like this?”


Looking at the little girl staring at her resentfully, Xie Ming smiled slightly: “Yes, adults are so mean?”


The little girl was dumbfounded, and she did know that adults were very despicable. But she didn’t expect that there would be a shameless adult who confessed her own despicable.


Seeing that the little girl’s eyes were already with tears, Xie Ming, who was holding Xiao Shixiang, said in a hurry, “It’s not impossible for me to give you strength.”



Xie Ming said with a smile: “I always do things upright and rarely lie.”

“Look, I just grab your strength to grab your strength, and I didn’t make any excuses, did I?”

In a sense, this is really convincing. Although this meaning makes the little girl very upset.

“Wait and take a look, when I take back my strength, I must wipe you out of this society!”

With a vicious heart secretly, the little girl put on a pitiful appearance: “Uncle, you can’t lie…”


Although Xie Ming’s actual age is more than enough to be a little girl’s grandfather. If a kid calls him uncle, he won’t mind too much.

But now this uncle, it is obvious that the little girl is deliberately choking him.

But Xie Ming doesn’t really care about her, after all, he cares about something with children.

“First, I need you to do two things.”

“Two things?”

“Yes, two things.” Xie Ming stretched out two fingers: “The first thing, can you tell me your name?”

“……seven sins.”

The little girl curled her lips: “Just call me the seven sins. Of course, you can also ask AST to give me the code name: witch.”

“So, can I call you the Seven Sins directly?”

“This is the second thing?”

“If you are bargaining with me, then I’m not welcome?”

“…….up to you.”

“very good.”

Nodding satisfied, Xie Ming continued: “Then the second thing, can you restore Shixiang back?”


The little eyeballs rolled around, and the seven sins replied in embarrassment: “Now I have too little spiritual power in my body.”


Xie Ming laughed and asked with interest: “So, how much spiritual power is probably needed?”

“All…no, half of it will be fine.”

“That’s it.”

Without hesitation, Xie Ming happily returned half of the spiritual power in his body. Feeling the power of returning to his body, Qi Sin blinked.”You just came back like this?”

“Why, not happy?”

“No no no no no.” Seven Sins shook his head hurriedly, cursing secretly in his heart: “I knew it all.”

Although she also knew that such a lie would definitely be seen through at a glance. But Xie Ming was so refreshed, which surprised her a bit.

Fifty percent spiritual power is enough for her to do a lot of things.

“Then, as agreed…”


Although somewhat reluctant, for the sake of the other half of the power in Xie Ming’s body, the seven sins can only bow their heads obediently.


Accompanied by the master’s call, a broom with mirror-like ornaments on the tail appeared in the little girl’s hands. The light scattered from the mirror enveloped the little Shixiang held by Xie Ming, his figure slowly growing in the light and shadow.

“Hey? Hey, hey? Recovered?”

Before Shixiang could react, Xie Ming gently put Shixiang on the ground: “Great.”

“Ah, uh…”

A cloud of heat rose from the top of Shixiang’s head, and two blushes appeared on the girl’s cheeks: “Thank you, Xie Ming.”

“Well, you’re welcome.” With a smile and rubbing, Xie Ming looked at the unhappy Seven Sins.

“Seven Sins, thank you also, for keeping the agreement between us.”


The seven sins turned his head: “I still want to recover the remaining power, so I won’t do such short-sighted things.”

“Let’s talk about it, how will you return all the rest of your power to me.”

“Yes… In short, can you please come to our house as a guest?”

Xie Ming shrugged: “After all, I am a little hungry.”


“Long waiting~”

Bringing the last two dishes to the dinner table, Xie Ming said with a smile, “You can eat.”


Shixiang’s eyes lighted up, and he urged: “Xie Ming, Xie Ming, hurry up, hurry up.”

“Yes Yes Yes.”

Sitting in his seat, after finishing the table etiquette, Xie Ming looked at the seven sins who were sitting still: “What’s the matter? The food is not to your appetite?”

“What are you thinking?”

“No, just want to eat?”

Xie Ming blinked: “Since you have been invited to our house, I must add you a pair of bowls and chopsticks, right?”

“It’s that simple?”

“How complicated can that be?” Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “It’s alright, let’s eat it quickly. Otherwise, the food will be eaten by Shixiang.”

“That’s it!”

Swallowing the rice in his mouth, Shixiang said seriously: “Xie Ming’s cooking is very delicious! Even better than those in restaurants! If you don’t eat it, I promise you will regret it.”



“No, it’s nothing.”

Looking at Shixiang in a complicated manner, the Seven Sins carefully clamped a piece of meat into his mouth. After that, he began to quietly speed up his meal.

“It’s great… I knew I would wait for Xie Ming to come back to have dinner.”

“Dissent. It is because Ye Juya shouted that he was hungry, that’s why everyone ate the takeaway.”

“Wow…wow, Xixian! After all, if my magic power is not replenished in time, there will be big problems!”

“Contrary. It’s purely because Ya Juya’s willpower is too weak.”

“Uh… Uhhhhh!!! Xixian!”



Watching Yusen and Yakiya making a scene on the sofa, Shishina said, “It’s really noisy twins.”

“But… I always feel a little envious…”

Shitono said softly, “There is someone who can…

“Oh? Isn’t Shitono also available?” Shiito said playfully, “If Shiito wants to act like a baby, Xie Ming’s brother will definitely not reject the cute Shitono?”


“Ahahahahaha…but Shiitono, you must seize the opportunity.”

Shiina lowered her voice: “Brother Xie Ming is very popular. Now because everyone else is a student, Brother Xie Ming doesn’t have that kind of thought.”

“But, if everyone graduates…”

“Um… I’m going to take a shower!”



Kuang San, who was sitting on the side, covered his mouth with a chuckle and said, “This lively scene, you can never get tired of it.”


Er Ya yawned, flipped through the comics lazily, and glanced at the restaurant: “Compared to this, I care more about whether my brother has any physique.”

“The elves hit him one by one.”

“It should not be correct to describe it in terms of physique.”

Kuangsan smiled and said, “But, yes… I can only say that everything has a cause and effect. If the teacher planted a cause, then naturally you can get the result you deserve.”


With a sigh, Er Ya stretched out, “Speaking of which, how many elves have appeared now?”

“Adding to the little girls of the Seven Sins who appeared today, there are already eight.”


“Yeah, there are already eight.”

The two of them glanced at each other, and invariably cast their gazes at Xie Ming who was eating, and then smiled at each other.

“There is nothing to worry about.”

“That’s my brother.”


“Ah~ I’m full, I’m full.”

“thanks for treatment…”


Xie Ming smiled and began to tidy up the table: “Seven Sins, wait for me first, Shixiang, you will help me tidy up the table.”

“Teacher, leave the cleaning up to us. Shixiang, you have been tired for a day too, go take a shower and finish today’s homework.”

“Don’t let others wait for a long time, brother.”

“Okay. I’ll leave it to you, Kuangsan, Erya.” Xie Ming looked at Seven Sins: “Then, go to my study or in the living room?”


The Seven Sins whispered: “I don’t like being too noisy.”


Take out two bottles of juice from the refrigerator, and handed it to Qigui a bottle: “How about dinner? Is it still appetite?”


“Really? Then I’m relieved.”

Xie Ming said: “I don’t know what flavors you like. I think you should like sweeter flavors, so I deliberately made the dishes a little sweeter.”

“…Why take care of me like this?”

“What kind of care is this?” Xie Ming said with a smile: “It’s just a matter of effort.”

“Obviously… I should be your enemy.”

The voice of the seven sins couldn’t help but bring some gloom: “I deceived you first, so it is only natural to be robbed of power by you.”

“You have no reason to return your strength to me.””Why is there no reason?”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “If you don’t return the power to you, how can Shixiang recover?”

“…… That’s the case. So you are taking care of me now so that I am embarrassed to find your ballast in the future, right? Humph, it really is a despicable method that an adult would use!”

“Yes, just take it as such.”

“Tsk, your attitude is really irritating! Do you think of me as a child!?”

Reaching out, the angel’s fake witch reappeared in the hands of the seven sins. The light flashed, and the little girl who was about the same age as Shiina suddenly became a mature woman with a hot body.

What is particularly attractive is the pair of big pectoral muscles in front of her. I believe that both men and women

“How about it?”

The body pressed to Xie Ming like boneless, and the seven sins smiled charmingly: “In this way, can you still treat me as a child?”

“Yes Yes Yes.”

Nodding the forehead of Seven Sins with his finger, and gently pushing her away, Xie Ming said angrily: “It’s a mature woman who makes my heartbeat.”


But after becoming this posture, the Seven Sins became more confident. He used his ability to conjure up a luxurious sofa, sat on it and raised Erlang’s legs.

“Then let’s talk about how you can give me the remaining strength. Let me talk about it first. Although this looks very beautiful, if you have any bad ideas, I forgive me for rejecting it.”

“Yes Yes.”

Xie Ming flipped through Byakugan: “That’s the end of the joke, and what I will tell you next is serious.”

“After you came to my house, you should have discovered it too.”

“Well, of course.” Seven Sins tucked their hair down: “The children here are all elves, aren’t they?”


Regarding the wording of the seven sins, as a Mandarin teacher, Xie Ming really wanted to correct it. But now we are talking about business, so let’s put these small issues aside for the time being.


Probably explained the relationship between himself, AST, DEM, and Latatosk with the Seven Sins. Xie Ming said softly: “Therefore, I am responsible for taking care of these children and for nurturing them until they can live independently in this society. .”

“Seven sins, you are in the same situation.”

“is not needed.”

Seven Sins sneered: “The people of AST can’t threaten me at all. I can live happily in this world by myself. Why should I listen to you?”

“However, you will still cause a spatial shock, right?” Xie Ming raised an eyebrow: “Moreover, do you really think you can live independently in this world?”

“All your reliance is derived from the power of the elves. And this power is given to you by the primordial elves.”

“I believe you should understand a truth, right?”

“For no apparent good intentions, either you have met a truly kind person. Or, that person has a conspiracy against you.”

“That is to say? You are also conspiring against me?”


Xie Ming said seriously: “I have said this to everyone, I need the power in you. Therefore, I will train you until you can be independent.”


After a few seconds of silence, the Seven Sins said in a gloomy tone: “Without this power, I am nothing.”

“No one will accept me, no one will care about me.”

“Really?” Xie Ming smiled: “But, when you lost your strength today, Shixiang and I, aren’t we all talking to you?”

“If you think that I am trying to talk to you, what about Shixiang?”

“Because of Wuwang’s disaster and become a child, Shixiang, who is still locked in your dilapidated hut, has shown malicious intent to you so far? Is there any scheme against you?”

“That’s a fool.”

“No, she is not a fool.”

Xie Ming said softly: “Before Shixiang, every time she appeared, she would be besieged by AST, and she would be ill-willed by people, and even murderous intent.”

“She almost fell into despair and started to kill. For a long time, she thought that others were malicious towards her and wanted to hurt her.”

“…That idiot?”

The Seven Sins are a little hard to imagine, that innocent and straightforward girl was actually like that before.

“So Shixiang is not a fool.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “She just learned one thing.”

“Learned to look at the world with kindness.”

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